Ukraine Scandals! USA Raids Ukrainian Gold and EU Sends Nuclear Waste

I have said in my previous articles that the US and EU strategies in Ukraine are multi-prong. The idea is that even if some of the strategies don’t pan out, others will. The US and EU each have their own interests, which are in some cases coincide and others are quite different. The main interest of the US is to destabilize Ukraine. By creating an area of permanent instability on the Russian border, US hopes to further destabilize Russia and Eurasia as a whole, as well as to draw a wedge between Europe and Russia. One of the goals was also taking over the Crimea and building US/NATO military bases there, therefore squeezing Russia out of the Black Sea almost entirely. But as we know, that part of their multi-prong stratagem has already backfired. I am sitting back and waiting for the other parts to do the same… As discussed in my previous article, this is just a matter of time: Global Consequences: Russia Announces Eurasian Union and New Currency Altyn.

In addition to the above, the US interests are licking their lips at the prospect of #fracking up the entire country to get to Ukraine’s #shale gas. I discussed this issue before, explaining how foolish Ukraine would be to allow that. The prized Ukrainian black soils, #chernozem, would then become unusable, further destroying the already mismanaged Ukrainian agriculture and economy. Read Why Is Canada’s PM Harper in a Rush to Visit Ukraine? The illegitimate Kiev junta, as it is called in Ukraine, is ready to sell out Ukraine wholesale. It’s never talked about, however, one of the reasons for the protests in Eastern Ukraine is that the citizens don’t want fracking done on their land.

In addition to the above, given the state of the US economy and the fact that US gold reserves have been undoubtedly depleted, United States won’t say “no” to Ukrainian gold.
Meanwhile, the EU is looking for a new market to dump their goods and for the cheap Ukrainian labor. It doesn’t matter that the fledgling Ukrainian industry and agriculture, unable to compete with the West, would be destroyed in the process. This means the EU needs Ukraine as a whole. This is why EU will fight Ukraine’s federalization, as proposed by Russia and the Russian-speaking Eastern Ukraine, tooth and nail. However, it turns out there is something else both the US and EU need: a place to dump their highly toxic and harmful to all life nuclear waste. It appears Ukraine is viewed by them as just the place.
The Famous Scythian Gold (gold of the ancient Skiffs. Rus: zoloto skifov)
Shortly after the Kiev coup, the US stooge Yatsenyuk looted the Ukraine treasury. The Ukraine gold reserve, as reported by various sources, was sent to the USA in 40 sealed boxes for “safekeeping.” Through my sources in Ukraine, I learned about this report almost immediately. However, with so many urgent events taking place which needed to be brought to light, I had to postpone this post. I have to admit that I was not surprised in the least at the raiding of Ukraine gold. That to me was the foregone conclusion, which only proves the extent of Kiev’s corruption.
People generally misunderstand the nature of the Ukraine’s gold reserve. When they talk about it, they visualize gold bars or other conventional bullion. This however, is a completely different story. Ukraine generally doesn’t have much of a traditional gold reserve. The little they had was looted and spent by Orange revolutionaries and prior kleptomaniacs in power.
The gold reserve Ukraine still possesses is the gold of the ancient Scythians, or in Russian: Skiffs. From the 10th to 3rd century b.c., and possibly much longer before that, the Great Scythia occupied most of Eurasia. Scythians were the original Arians, and as has been proven by various researchers (knowledge that has been actively suppressed), ancestors of the Russian civilization. I have been researching this issue in-depth. I will be doing a documentary about the forbidden history of the Russian civilization and the suppressed knowledge that has the power to completely change our history as we know it.
Ancient Scythians were distinguished by their incredible mastery of various arts, agriculture and architecture. They were extremely skilled gold smiths. They created the exquisite and very intricate gold jewelry and decorations that were normally buried together with the departing to serve them in the next life. These treasures were hidden in the Kurgans – the round pyramids (also called the Russian pyramids, found throughout the entire Eurasia and possessing mystical powers) that served as mausoleums for the noble Skiffs. The Black Sea coast, what is now southern Ukraine, as well as the Crimea and the vast expanse of the Russian territory, all the way into Siberia and China, was full of these Kurgans. I grew up with various fascinating stories connected to these amazing structures and the mysterious Skiffs.
In the newer history, over the past centuries, some of the Kurgans’ treasures were looted. Since the 19th century, and later in the 20th, Russian and Soviet state archeologists took over. Many of the Scythian gold treasures were found and sent to museums. The contents of the Kurgans, which the Russian scientists found on the territory of what is now Ukraine, ended up in Kiev museums or as part of the Ukrainian gold reserve. The Crimean museums kept their part.
I always loved history and felt deep connection to the mythical past of my country. I remember as a child going to museums, marvelling at the intricate gold work and imagining the mysterious civilization of the ancient Scythians stretching from the Black Sea to the Scythian Ocean (Arctic Ocean) as the ancient Greeks called it, through Siberia and parts of China.
The Gold of the Skiffs in Ukraine’s possession doesn’t have a gold bullion value. In other words, it cannot be melted into gold bullion. The special alloy that Scythians used renders it ineffective as a bullion. This was the reason these treasures survived millennia in the ground. This was also the main reason this part of Ukraine’s gold reserve survived the earlier looting of the Kiev kleptomaniacs.
But it has incalculable artistic and historic value, which is estimated at 2-3 billion dollars. I suspect it is a grossly undervalued estimate. But beyond that, to the Russian and Ukrainian people, this is a precious part of their heritage and no one can put a price tag on that!
Scythian Gold bracelet (from the Crimean Gold of the Skiffs collection)
This priceless Scythian Gold was under the cover of the night secretly shipped by #Yatsenyuk and his cronies to the US via the Kiev Borispol Airport. The explanation given for the gold’s disappearance was that it was sent to the US for “safekeeping.” I assume it’s the same safekeeping as the ancient Mesopotamia museums of Bagdad that had been looted when the US army occupied Iraq. It also reminds me of how the German Nazi army looted Russian museums, including the famous Amber Room that was never recovered; or how the Brits looted the treasures of Egypt and India.
It appears that the US is trying to recoup the $5bln its Assistant Secretary of State Victoria #Nuland spent on “subverting Ukraine.” I would be unsurprised if these exquisite works of art end up at a Sotheby’s auction with subsequent appearance in private collections of the world’s rich and famous.
Crimean Scythian Gold Held Hostage in Holland
At the same time as the Scythian gold from Kiev was shipped to the US, the Scythian gold from the museums of the Crimea was being held hostage in the Netherlands. This gold was on loan from the Crimean to the Amsterdam museums. The exhibit was supposed to be returned in March. Suddenly the Dutch announced that since they had signed the loan agreement when the Crimea as part of the Ukraine and now it’s a part of Russia, they wouldn’t know how to legally return it. This announcement almost gave a heart attack to the Crimean leadership and all the historians, archeologists and museum workers whose pride and joy was this priceless collection.
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Scythian gold diadem, Crimean collection. This is the original Golden Fleece! Imagine the intricacy of the detail. And this was done thousands of years ago!
#Holland announced that they would extend the Scythian Gold exhibit till August, 2014 until the legal situation is resolved. Until then, why not squeeze as much money as possible out of the exhibit. It is a mega-popular exhibit in Holland to be sure. The Crimeans are puzzled. The Dutch signed all the necessary agreements in regards to the loan with the Crimean authorities as an autonomous republic within the Ukraine, not with Kiev. Crimea continues being the same autonomous republic, with its own government, flag, anthem and laws, except now within Russia. Crimeans feel there should be no problem for Holland to legally return the gold back to Crimea. The Crimeans hope that Holland will have the common decency not to ship their prized collection to the USA or to the illegitimate authorities in Kiev. They are praying for the speedy return of their collection intact.
skiffs gold 3
More amazingly intricate Scythian gold. The artistry and technique are truly incredible! Notice how expressive the faces and poses are. How advanced their clothes and activities are. These people are wearing trousers, and that’s 3 thousand years ago! In Western Europe they only learned to make trousers around Renaissance.
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skiffs gold 2
Scythian art of brotherhood Kul Oba kurhan
I sincerely hope Holland has more sense than some other countries. This incident is sending such an awful message to the world’s art and museum community. It breeds distrust that may sever the important cooperation and art sharing between countries. The only victims will be the people who won’t be able to enjoy the treasures of other cultures, which they would never be able to access otherwise.
US and EU are trying to turn Ukraine into their nuclear waste graveyard
This info comes from the well-known Russian historian and analyst, professor Fursov. It appears the bought-and-paid-for Ukraine authorities don’t mind destroying their country in exchange for personal gain. It appears, Yulia Tymoshenko, who recently was named Ukraine’s minister of defence, authorized dumping in Ukraine of the nuclear waste from the US and EU.
Ukraine has no technology or expertise to professionally dispose of nuclear waste. Therefore, we are talking simply burying it in the ground, which would invariably result in the poisoning of the ground water table, with potentially catastrophic consequences for all.
Since Ukraine already has Chernobyl, it was decided that this would the ideal place to bury foreign nuclear waste. But let me remind everyone that back in 1986, the USSR managed to prevent the contamination of the ground water table as a result of Chernobyl – a major feat. It appears present Kiev authorities don’t care what happens to Ukraine’s land and people.
The prevailing Russian theory is: Tymoshenko ordered the leader of the Western Ukraine #nazis, aka the #RightSector, #Yarosh to organize the transportation and burial of nuclear waste in Chernobyl. He delegated this gruesome task to his associate, Sashko Biliy, aka the infamous #Muzichko. Remember the armed thug who was running around Ukraine threatening prosecutors and beating up authorities? That’s Muzichko. I posted a video with his bullying caught on camera in the end of this post.
It appears that Muzichko realized that this assignment would end in his demise, either from radiation or because he would be eliminated as someone who knew too much. Muzichko, aka Sashko Biliy, did not act according to script, which resulted in him being killed by the #Kiev junta several day ago.
Per Russian intelligence, since the plan to bury nuclear waste in Chernobyl has backfired and no one wants to take responsibility for it, as of now there is a train full of nuclear waste stuck on a train station on the border between Poland and Ukraine.


For more read new page Predictions

Books that take place in RussiaThe Earth Shifter and Gold Train

About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on April 19, 2014, in Economy & Investment, Geopolitical Trends, Russia, Ukraine and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

  1. Really moving images of ancient art! Why don’t you write more on the history of this region? I also have a request. I grew up as a child reading Russian and Ukrainian folktales translated in my mother tongue (in India in 1960’s) and I still have fond memories of those. These were not available in bookshops: special exhibitions of Soviet books would be held in many towns. I would like your help to find out who the publishers were and whether they have any copies in archives. If so I would like to organize their re-prints in India for the sake of grandchildren of people of my generation. I did tell many stories to my children out of memory when they were young but memory does tend to fade with age! By the time my grand-children are of that age, I may not remember those stories.


    • Thank you for your sweet comment. 🙂
      I grew up with the Russian & Ukrainian folktales, too. There are many and very, very beautiful. They come from the ancient memories that were unfortunately supressed later for various reasons and are being re-discovered now. The big proponent of the Russian tales was Pushkin, who re-wrote them as poetry, thus creating amazing works of art. Gogol was the Russian/Ukrainian author who re-wrote Ukrainian tales.

      I think what you are asking is a very worthy thing. I will see what I can find out for you. I don’t know if I can find those old publishers, but I’m sure there are new ones I can uncover. I’ll publish the info/ links I find on this blog as soon as they become available.

      I also have an idea. There are some Soviet/Russian children’s movies/cartoons on Youtube that are based on famous Russian fairytales. They are very good for the children to watch and Russian children still watch them regularly, adults do, too. I’ll post the links for you and others as well. It will take some time, so stay tuned. They are in Russian of course.

      Are you looking for all that in Russian or English? English would be harder to find.
      I wish I could find time for everything. Perhaps one day I’ll write about the Russian tales.

      All the best,

      P.S. You may want to visit Lada Ray Blog, where you’ll find many articles about Russian art and history, as well as videos with famous Russian and Soviet songs. I will be adding movies soon.


      • I recall that there were not so many publishers specializing in foreign language editions of books in those days: perhaps there was just one. If one could get hold of an old person who was involved with foreign language services, a clue might be found about the publisher. I may be able to find the email address of one such person but then I need to convey it you in a non-public manner. How do I do that? I think your suggestion about youtube cartoons is very good. Children can make their own stories in their own words by watching cartoons. I particularly recall a cartoon about a magic brush: anything painted with that would instantly become real!! It was screened in our movie theatres. It had no spoken language: only background sounds. I shall look at you blog too but will find a particularly good and relaxed holiday to that! Thanks.


  2. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Thank you Lada, Russian history is so rich and culturally diverse, it’s great to rediscover “lost” gold. Perhaps US wants to “erase” this part of Russian history as well, lol!
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the gold ships directly to China, US’s largest creditor “partner” for paying off outstanding debts… oh well, only a couple of trillion left to go in foreign debt. Talk about running up the credit card tab, sheesh!
    For accountability, gold is king, cash will collapse. Hence the US’s push for war to defend the dying empire. Really beautiful artwork nevertheless. Great investigative journalism as aways Lada.♥


  3. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you for sharing so much information and especially your knowledge about that information! The big reason the oligarchy hates intellectuals is exactly this ability to dissect and explain their nefarious schemes so their crimes are evident to all.



    There are rumours of a very ancient pyramid complex recently found in Crimea. It must belong to a chain of pre diluvian monuments as there are the very recent discovered pyramids in Venezuela, Gunung Padang Indonesia, the Siberian monoliths of Gornaya Shoria, the now underwater megaliths in southern Japan and ,of course, the pyramid field of Visoko Bosnia. If you have more information about those amazing structures in Siberia or the Crimea, please go ahead Lady Ray.


  5. Very interesting post, I read recently that the Scythian wore so much gold that to them it had little value, my question is where did they get it from? I’ve doing a bit of research on this and the answer is quite surprising.


  6. After the British Museum returned Egyptian artefacts to Egypt, it set a positive signal to the museums. No the Dutch move sends a very negative signal. I too was very distressed when I learnt that Holland still did not return the items to the museums of origin.

    Liked by 1 person

    • PS: The reason I bring this up now is because Holland refused to return the gold a couple of days ago, saying their lawyers studied the contract and they will be keeping the gold until either Ukraine and Russia agree or an international court order is made. What happened to simply returning the items to the museums of origin?

      Liked by 1 person

      • They refused to return gold??! Very bad news indeed, Nemo. Very bad. Holland is completely under the US thumb. This is yet another element of pressure on Russia by US and EU.

        They try to broadside Russia on all fronts. We are unfortunately in the middle of a real war, even if military is only involved in Ukraine. What Holland did is in fact a declaration of war.
        They are extremely reckless, or perhaps US/NWO are deliberately trying to orchestrate a no-way-out situation leading to war.

        Only Russia’s balanced position stands between the war and these attempts. It’s a very dangerous situation and people should be more actively protesting, but they are too zombified, until something hits them directly in the face, and even then they prefer to run, rather than fight. This is understandable, but therein also lies a problem.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Here are the newsitems in English on this matter from the last couple of days. The titles alone speak volumes!

        Disputed Scythian gold collection to remain in Netherlands

        Crimean Scythian gold issues must be settled by museums

        Kiev insists on return of Scythian gold to Ukraine

        Judge representing non-interested side might decide fate of Skiff gold collection

        Crimea wants to see Scythian gold back because Kiev is unable to protect these exhibits


  1. Pingback: Ukraine Scandals! USA Raids Ukrainian Gold and EU Sends Nuclear Waste, by Lada Ray | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

  2. Pingback: Ukraine Scandals! USA Raids Ukrainian Gold and EU Sends Nuclear Waste « Galactic ConnectionGalactic Connection

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