Russia’s Moves: Outlawing GMO and Putin’s Holy Grail Gas Deal with China

Bravo! About time! And a great example for the rest of the world!

Russian President Vladimir #Putin announced that Russia will criminalize #Monsanto and any other bio-tech companies who attempt to plant, or lie/conceal that they have planted #GMO seeds on Russian territory. The public support for such measures is tremendous. In fact, people have been waiting for this to happen for years.

Lying, or concealing GMO-related activity, as well as mislabelling GMO products, will bear jail sentence and will be equated to terrorism. The people’s health is the most important thing, not profit, according to Russian authorities.

Many countries world-wide have suffered from GMO. While Europe has banned GMO on its territory, Monsanto practically cornered the market for genetically modified organisms in the USA, Latin America and many poor Asian countries. The situation with GMO is catastrophic in countries like Argentina and Mexico, to name a few. Due to corrupt politicians, poor farmers, and population simply desperate to survive, it is impossible to know for certain how many countries and what kinds of crops have succumbed to GMO infestation in Asia.

While GMO was never planted in Russia, attempts have been made to introduce it. The opposition to GMO has been strong in Russia for years. Many citizens and politicians speak up against it. A couple of years ago, Russian Duma tentatively approved GMO seeds for planting, however, this law remained in a limbo, waiting to be overturned and generating a storm of grass-roots protests. Counter-proposals to ban GMO because of their harm to health and environment were discussed. This time, Russian Duma is acting quite decisively and is set to ban GMO, as well as impose criminal charges on those who don’t adhere to the pending law.

Russia has a huge territory and many fertile soils that have been under-used for years due to the decline in agriculture after the collapse of the USSR. Now these soils are primed and ready for use. Compare this to the tired, terribly over-used and over-pesticided soils in the US. European soils are in much better shape, however, they have been used very heavily as well. Constant heavy usage exhausts soils, thus creating inferior quality and smaller crops. As to Asia and South America, both huge agricultural producers, they have been inundated with GMO and Monsanto.

Up until the beginning of the 20th century, The Russian Empire was called the Bread Basket of Europe. Presently, Russian agriculture is on the rise. Russia is again poised to become the World’s Bread Basket. Russia has a huge marketing advantage: its soils are pristine and free of GMO. While US agriculture is on the decline, Russia can literally corner the market for certain all-natural foods.

This is interesting: when Westerners in Russia ask where to buy organic produce, locals usually just look at them uncomprehendingly: here it is, all around you – and they do a sweeping gesture of the entire farmer’s market. The thing is, all food grown in Russia is natural. They don’t need to label it organic… because it simply is.

Watch report:

The geopolitical timing of this announcement: Certainly, this anti-GMO law was in the making. But whatever was happening behind the scenes in the Russian government and Duma (parliament) was expedited and made more decisive by the US/Western sanctions. In my previous articles I discussed how and why any sanctions against Russia would backfire on the US and EU – and here it is!

Smart Putin: Remember my early prediction? “Russia will use all peaceful and QUIET means at her disposal to gradually re-mold the situation in her favor.” Russia has announced that it won’t respond with any sanctions against the West. No yelling, no saber-rattling, no “my daddy is bigger than your daddy” stuff… Meanwhile, QUIETLY and expeditiously, Russia will disengage from the West before they can say “oops!” This is, of course, connected with another one of my predictions: “the only result of any sanctions against Russia will be that Russian economy’s transition and re-orientation both inwardly, and to the East, will be expedited.”

Here is a deeper meaning of this genius geopolitical chess move. In addition to doing the right thing for his population by banning GMO, with this announcement Putin is scoring MAJOR points both domestically and internationally. He is very cleverly and quietly positioning himself as someone who cares about public health and environment, while exposing USA as a bully and destroyer of public health. What can I say, BRAVO!

And this is just a start! Coming soon: Russia/China mega-gas deal and much more. I did warn that the EU would be stupid to support the US with its sanctions. The EU businesses and politicians are very alarmed that even the half-hearted sanctions they put in place are already hurting them. But while the EU will undoubtedly suffer, the US will really have to pay the price.

In Sanctions Backfire. Goodbye Visa: Russia Will Create Its Own Payment System we discussed that Russia is about to create its own payment system to rival Visa and MC. After Russia made this announcement, Visa quickly back-pedaled on its sanctions, restoring service for most Russian customers. However, it was too late. Russia’s new system will be up soon enough. Meanwhile after what happened, Russia announced that to continue operating on its territory, MC and Visa will have to put up security deposits of $3bln each. This, by Visa/MC admission, may make doing business in Russia unprofitable. MC and Visa currently account for 90% of credit card transactions in Russia. What this move will do is squeeze Visa and MC our of the Russian market quietly and naturally, pricing them out of the market and clearing the way for the Russian credit system. In other words, “Goodbye, Visa!” Yet another brilliant move!

Other US companies, such as John Deere, which has plants in Russia, are already suffering consequences of the US sanctions. But here is one more thing that could be potentially very damaging for the US: Russia announced that it will not supply rocket engines to the US any more. Apparently, US buys its rocket engines from Russia – imagine that! Well, goodbye to that as well.

Russia’s China/Asia pivot: As predicted! In a few days Russia and China are signing what is dubbed the “Holy Grail Gas Deal,” at the root of which is the massive 30-year #Gazprom gas supply contract. This deal was of course 10 years in the making, however, the timing is very precise and designed to send a message to Russia’s “Western partners,” as Putin so diplomatically calls them. As I said before, once Russia and China are fully engaged, this will mean the death of the dollar and gas shortages for Europe. As usual, you reap what you sow. For more see Predictions Page and Russia’s Geopolitics, USA’s Bluff and EU’s Big Mistake.

Gazprom stock will also start trading in Singapore. Presently, it is trading in Europe, UK and US only.

China-Russia-US high-speed railroad: China is itching to dump its trillion+ of US dollars – another sign that US dollar days are numbered. In order to disrupt the markets as little as possible, China wants to invest these dollars, even if it can’t hope to fully recoup its investment. We know that China is buying up whatever she can get her hands on in the US, including real estate, factories – whatever US is willing to sell.

During the summit, China and Russia will also be talking about building a high-speed railroad, connecting China through the entire Russian Far East, via Kamchatka Peninsula and Bering Strait (the shortest distance between Russia and North American continent), through a massive under-the-ocean tunnel. This railroad will continue through Alaska, Canada and on to the US. The average train speed will be 220 km/hr and the entire trip will take 2 days. Pretty cool, huh? Watch RT video report about some of the above.

I like this high-speed railroad mega-project because I have a soft spot for trains. As some of my readers know, both of my parents worked for Russian Railways and I grew up traveling via trains. You can read more about my intrepid childhood train adventures in my Gold Train May Day Interview. My book Gold Train, about the disappearance of the entire gold reserve of the Russian Empire and the related modern-day Russian conspiracy, was also born because of my love for trains and adventure.

But there is something more: I like this project because it will unite East and West, Eurasia and America. It will connect countries that represent sometimes opposing world views in a wonderful kind of way. This is how things need to be done in our world – not via bombings, proxy wars and pitting brotherly nations, such as Russia and Ukraine, against each other as is customary for the Western way of doing things. What needs to be done is what China and Russia are doing: building railroads, bridges and tunnels between countries, connecting and cooperating.

I still hope that people in the US and Europe one day wake up and tell their governments that enough is enough. There are signs that at least in Germany some people are awake. Watch: Backtrack Chorus: Angela Merkel booed in Berlin and German FM joins growing calls for restraint on Russia sanctions.

Angela Merkel: Incidentally, since we are on this topic, I just wanted to mention that Angela #Merkel is simply wrong for Germany at this moment in human history. In April 2013, I predicted that Merkel would get re-elected in my video update: Cyprus Debacle Getting Worse! The outcome of German elections was pretty much pre-determined and its energy imprint was clear to me. In the video I said that I was disappointed in Angela Merkel and that she was not a statesperson, but a typical politician, turning whichever way the wind blows. Compare this with #Putin, who makes precise and masterful chess moves and creates events (as opposed to simply reacting to them as Merkel does), thus molding history. A WORLD of difference!

There was a time when Angela Merkel was perhaps right as a German Chancellor. Perhaps she appealed to the electorate as a former professor, with sharp and organized mind, deliberate and systematic way of approaching problems, and… the look of a Frau next door. Perhaps she was all that; or perhaps, being a typical politician, she was just very good at putting on a mask. She completely blew it during the 2008 Georgia/South Ossetia crisis when #Sarkozy of France managed to become the intermediary between Russia and Georgia for Europe and US, while all she did was express indignation that poor little Georgia was so mistreated by the big bullying Russia (read: Striking geopolitical similarities between Sochi2014-Ukraine and #Beijing2008-Georgian war). Note, Angela Merkel is certainly okay with the US bullying everyone, including her own country. She further blew it with Cyprus. She was horribly inadequate when it came to retrieving German gold from the US. And with Ukraine… to me, her behavior is an embarrassing fiasco.

It’s not a secret that NSA was (still is?) spying on Merkel’s and many Germans’ phone calls. Merkel’s response to this open disrespect of her office and her people? Hugs, smiles and business as usual with Obama and the US!

Conclusion: I am pretty certain that NSA has some dirt on her, which explains why she acts so strangely. She cannot move a muscle in either direction for fear of something scandalous coming out. She appears to be getting a lot of pressure not to make waves about the stolen German gold, about 50,000 US troops still in Germany, and about things like nazis in Ukraine. Germans protest, yet no changes to her policies are visible. It also appears that many members of Merkel’s party are in the US pocket, and/or NSA/CIA have plenty of dirt on them. Merkel is definitely afraid of something. There is a lot of fear in her aura. She is afraid some sort of very serious scandal(s) would come out, thus unseating her and destroying not only her personal reputation, but also the reputation of her party. As a compliment to the above thoughts, also read: Ukraine Geopolitics: Why Does Merkel Disregard Opinion of Her People?

For more on my world view, future predictions and global role of the US, Europe, Russia, Ukraine and China, see Predictions.

Related article: Global Consequences: Russia Announces Eurasian Union and New Currency Altyn


About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on May 19, 2014, in Economy & Investment, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 28 Comments.

  1. Fantastic Report as always. Hooray for Dear Russia and Putin. My grandfather would be proud of his beloved country. I do not know Putin but I like his position on the people of Russia. Viva La Rusky!


  2. Ciarán Mulloy

    Bravo indeed to Putin for criminalizing GMO and for showing how our own politicians bow to US commercial interest instead of interests of their voters. Maybe they, like Merkel, have hidden pressure points! thank you for reporting this development as we won’t hear it on our own news


  3. Thomas Renshaw

    I have heard that Gazprom have a terrible environmental record and that there are very little renewable energy polices in Russia like in other parts of the world, especially in China. Is this true? Is there any information on renewable energy in Russia?


    • No, this isn’t true. Are you an American, or Brit? If so, you need to concentrate on your backyard. Fracking, resulting in water/land pollution, quakes, poisoning of environment is done systematically in the US, UK, Canada. None in Russia. There is plenty of info on Russian energy if you do your research.
      Huh? China is a leader in renewable energy, who DOESN’T pollute the environment? Maybe you are from another planet?



    I don’t think Merkel has to fear a scandal.She’s too smart and well organized for such crap.
    Merkel fears an escalation. I’m fearing that too. That internet satellite Russia launched last week was shot down. By an ufo, an unknown weapon of the US forces, I don’t know. But that satellite was brought down Certain evolutions are confusing me. Let’s wait what the may 25 elections will bring for Ukraine.


    • I know Russian satellite was brought down. I saw it. Russians are not talking about it because they don’t want escalation either. US really wants Russia to lose her cool. Russia will respond in its own time. I did say that Russia willstop supplying rocket engines to US. I didn’t mention this this part in the article, but this is in retaliation for the satellite.

      US, as I said many times before, wants war, a rift between Europe and Russia and more, in order to export and delay USA’s internal problems. And because of Merkel’s behavior, they are achieiving it! This is how Hitler came to power – everyone was looking the other way or trying to appease him. You can’t appease a super-bully. If Merkel had said she was at least neutral on this, and if she weren’t supporting the US every step of the way, if US was isolated, none of this would have been happening. EU and Germany had ulterior motive in Ukraine – they wanted cheap Ukrainian work force and Ukraine markets. And now they are reaping what they have sown.

      Moreover, I understand Merkel not wanting escalation, but her behavior doesn’t fall into this pattern. She is afraid, mortally afraid of something more.
      If she really didn’t want escalation, why did she support the Kiev coup? If she is this smart she couldn’t figure out that stepping on Russia’s and Russian-speakers’ in Ukraine toes like this would cause the explosion EU would not be able to control?

      Why did she want Ukraine to join EU at the expense of Ukraine’s trade relations with Russia (it was an insulting ultimatum to Yanukovich), why did she never take Russia’s very reasonable proposal to have a 3-party discussion about Ukraine’s status and future? And on and on…

      Piter, what you say about Merkel doesn’t hold water whatsoever.

      Btw, predictions: elections on 25th will be a farce. More than half the country won’t vote at all. Elections held during a civil war??? And supported desperately by the EU to legitimize the illegitimate govt?? Excuse me, what a crock!

      I can tell you who will be elected: oligarch Piotr Poroshenko, the darling of the EU and US. And Merkel will quickly recognize him along with the rest of them. This will lead to escalation of Ukraine’s civil war. Half of the country will secede eventually. Actually, scratch that: 3/4 will secede as Hungary is demanding its TransCarpathia now. Much of this could have been prevented if the ostrich called Merkel would have taken her head out of the sand for a second.

      Pieter, I think this is such an important comment that I will post it as a separate article. Coming up!


    • ~…..Merkel is definitely afraid of something. There is a lot of fear in her aura. She is afraid some sort of very serious scandal(s) would come out, thus unseating her and destroying not only her personal reputation, but also the reputation of her party. ~….like…..hmm….who?…. ach! who….is her daddy?…..perhaps!….cheers!


    • Pieter, I thought you comment was very interesting. So, I posted a new article, in which your comment and my reply is included. Check it out


  5. This is a very comprehensive summary of events Russia-China-Brics promoting human development vs the greedy financial TBTF bank, big corporate, CIA, MI6 war making machine. Contrast these two sample acts during John Kerry’s first visit to Africa with China’s Li’s investment expedition.

    Kerry made no significant development proposals in South Sudan or the DRC that would change the situation on the ground for the two impoverished countries.The new nation of South Sudan is a creation of the United States, but both sides in the fighting there were slapped with sanctions, soon after Kerry departed.

    Li, in his visit, included a proposal for an Africa-wide rail network, the China Railway Construction Corp signed a $13.1 billion deal with the Nigerian Ministry of Transport to build a coastal railway in Nigeria, one of the largest foreign railway projects China has ever signed, according to People’s Daily online, May 10.The report cited the head of the Railway Bureau of Nigeria, who said that the company will build a 1,385-km single-track line for trains that will run at up to 120 km an hour.


  6. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    It’s about time, someone has to stand up to these lying, deceitful money hungry corps(e) who only want to exploit the masses. Bravo President Putin, u’r our new superhero! Kisses♥


  7. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you for posting this. As always I so appreciate your broader understanding and discussion of the situation and players involved.


  8. James Hyslop


    I always understood Merkel was an East German communist. Is she still one?

    The Russian Khazarian Reptilian Sumerian Zionist Jews basterdised Russia and the Ukraine plus stole huge amounts of Russian gold and in the process created the Balfour treaty to ensure migration from and including World War-1 to Is-Ra-El state recognition in 1948 to ensure that the Bible Armageddon prophecies will take place. Apartheid lives in Is-Ra-El. Real original Jews in Israel are at the bottom of the Apartheid pecking order in Israel and Palestine. This can all be proven in DNA genetics.

    Of course it’s up to all of us to force the insane Armageddon time line off the rails. So far Putin and others like him have been successful. But we should not wait for leadership as expressed by VP (Putin) and others but become leaders ourselves to ensure that the Khazarian Reptilian Sumerian Zionist Jews who created the holocaust in Russia are railroaded right off track and preferably off planet earth since they are reptilian in origin.
    Monsanto and others of their ilk come from the same stable so they too need to be kicked off the planet. As I have said before the problem most people have is recognising a reptilian and then doing something positive to eliminate this terrible disease from our midst.

    This does not meaning killing Khazarian Reptilian Sumerian Zionist Jews but understand Agenda21 is about you (us) being destroyed down from 8 Billion to less than 500 million by Khazarian Reptilian Sumerian Zionist Jews (politely termed the cabal).

    Hence this simple fact does not exactly engender any feelings of admiration, joy and love for this race of Khazarian Reptilian Sumerian Zionist Jews who want you dead.

    I understand that the 1st July is considered to be US Dollar D for Destruction Day!!

    Best wishes from Ubuntu South Africa where real original Jews are some of my best friends who also recognise that IS-RA-EL is a fallen state run by criminals.

    James Hyslop


    • Yes, she was a young communist organization’s leader when she grew up in E. Germany. I will talk about it in the next article, which is coming up.


  1. Pingback: Russia’s Moves: Outlawing GMO and Putin’s Holy Grail Gas Deal with China | Tales from the World

  2. Pingback: Russia’s Moves: Outlawing GMO and Putin’s Holy Grail Gas Deal with China | Middle East Conflict

  3. Pingback: Russian Satellite Down, More Angela Merkel, and Ukraine Election Prediction | Futurist Trendcast

  4. Pingback: Lada Ray: Russian Satellite Down, Angela Merkel, and Ukraine Election Prediction | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

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  6. Pingback: EarthShift TV Video 3: Russia’s Moves: GMO Ban & Russia-China Holy Grail Deal | Futurist Trendcast

  7. Pingback: Lada Ray: EarthShift TV Video 3: Russia’s Moves: GMO Ban & Russia-China Holy Grail Deal, June 3, 2014 | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

  8. Pingback: Russia GMO Ban – Russia-China Holy Grail Gas Deal | Higher Density Blog

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