4 New Videos on EarthShift TV by Lada Ray

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4 new videos on the EarthShift TV YouTube channel, based on some of the latest articles.

Russia-EU Pipeline Explosion & Mercenary Cover-up in Ukraine

Gas Wars: Why Is Ukraine Refusing to Pay for Russian Gas?

Distorted Reality: Ukraine is a Disposable Lemon to Be Thrown Out

Judgment and the Future of Humanity 

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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on June 26, 2014, in Books, Empire Collapse, Forbidden History, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia, Ukraine, Videos and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you Lada!


  2. Nice job Lada, the new theme sounds awesome!


  3. Allô Lada!!

    Surprise!! Your fame is spreading far and wide!!

    Look what I found at The Washington Post:
    *********wrote blogger Lada Rey, in all-caps********

    A comprehensive guide to the web’s many MH17 conspiracy theories

    4. Ukraine shot the plane down to kill Vladimir Putin.
    This rumor actually originated with Russia’s state-run Interfax news agency before seeping into the U.S. Per Interfax, Putin’s presidential jet flew the same route as MH17 at almost the same time, and his aircraft was the same size and coloring as the downed plane — leading some to speculate that the crash was an assassination attempt gone very wrong. (“This was a deliberate attempt to shoot down the Russian presidential plane carrying Vladimir Putin one his way from the Latin American visit,” wrote blogger Lada Rey, in all-caps.) But as Russia’s RT, another state-run news outlet, debunked shortly thereafter, Putin’s plane has not flown over Ukraine since the start of conflict there, and he certainly wasn’t flying that flight path Thursday. At the time, Putin was returning to Moscow from Brazil.

    THANKS FOR ALL YOUR WORK!! I truly value each of your articles.
    Enjoy the Fame!!
    Endless Blessings!
