‘Gave Americans a Blow Job For Nothing?’ Polish FM Sikorski Leaked Tape Scandal

Poland has been firmly in bed with the USA for years. I call Poland, together with the neighboring Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the “Trojan Horses of the US in Europe.” Polish government has been known to support the Kiev maidan and the ousting of president Yanukovich. Polish officials both former and present, including former president of Poland, made ardent speeches on Kiev maidan, expressing extreme anti-Russian views and fostering hatred towards anything Russian.

The Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski was always considered anti-Russian and pro-American. In the 1980s he was fighting in Afghanistan on the American and the Taliban side against the Soviet forces and Afghanistan government. Since then, he exchanged his gun for the diplomatic suit, becoming an exemplary US Trojan Horse…

All of a sudden, it turns out Sikorski has been saying officially not exactly what he’s been thinking, and doing not exactly what he’s been wanting to do. The leaked tape published by a Polish publication shows Sikorski speaking with a former colleague. In the tape he says that Poland has been giving ‘the Americans a blow job’ for years in return for nothing. This, says Sikorski, has lulled Poles into a false sense of security. Meanwhile, Poland is sacrificing for the sake of the relationship with the USA  the most important relationships it has, those with Russia and Germany – creating enemies out of neighbors.

Indeed, Polish ultra-nationalism has been completely out of control for years, both on state, and every day, level. It is very visible in the media and in the statements of politicians. Polish ultra-nationalists sometimes turn violent. A couple of years ago during the football World Cup in Poland, the Polish mob attacked Russian fans. As a result, many received injuries.

In light of all this, the leaked tape is quite scandalous and revealing. As such, it has made the first pages of all Polish publications.

Sikorski went on Western TV to deny that he ever said anything of the sort. While denying the tape, he nevertheless stated that the “Old World” has to unite, and stop listening to America. Europe has to decide its own policy and take care of its own security; it has to stop relying on the US.

This seems like a shocking and almost revolutionary statement coming from a Polish politician. It is known that 48% of the Polish population disapprove of the pro-American government of Donald Tusk. We all remember a scandal when it turned out that Polish territory was used (still is?) by the CIA for its illegal prisons. It is known that Polish territory is widely used by the US and UK to train opposition bloggers, pro-Western media, NGO and Fifth Column specialists, who would then go to their respective countries to undermine regimes US wants changed. These specialists are primarily trained for Russia. We also see the results of their handiwork in today’s Ukraine. Of course, they also infiltrate Belarus, Baltics, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, as well as Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, etc. The main goal of the Fifth Column is to promote “American and Western values” and undermine – read bash, malign, vilify – Russia; to foster hatred towards Russia, re-write history and create animosity. They must do very good business.

Can it be that the realization of what Poland has turned itself into is slowly dawning on the natives? Could it be that some Poles are beginning to realize at least some truth? Let’s hope so. Although after 20+ years of Poland’s sleeping with the devil, I am understandably cautious about such supposition…

In any event, I do strongly suspect that Poles are secretly terrified of the monster they helped create in Ukraine, together with the US and EU. They probably are shocked (if I were them, I would be) at what became of Ukraine after they had actively trained and financed the opposition, including the ukro-nazi ‘right sector’ militants. Those same nazis that burned people alive in Odessa, and those who kill people in Donbass. Poland still maintains a claim on part of western Ukraine with the capital in Lvov. The ‘right sector’ are the descendants of the Hitler era ukro-fascists from SS Division Galichina, the so-called ‘banderovtsi,’ who killed hundreds of thousands of Poles in western Ukraine. I don’t know how any decent Polish people can possibly feel good about what ukro-nazis are doing today.

I had several Polish friends and I had been to Poland at least four times. But this was over 20 years ago. At the time, I didn’t notice any anti-Russian sentiment or animosity; quite the opposite – my Polish friends were always extremely warm and hospitable. In this regard, I didn’t feel any different than in Russia. Poles were always opinionated and high-strung, but they were still a great company to hang out with. I very much enjoyed our friendship – we had a lot in common, much more than Poles admit to themselves today. Yes, there were some historic tensions, but they were kept in check by the conscious efforts of both sides to remember similarities before differences.

All this ended in the 1990s. Differences and problems is what USA exploits best. This is the old, time-tested strategy of divide and conquer. Once American NGOs moved in, and once the willing politicians were found, who did everything the US told them to do, Poland became progressively more and more anti-Russian and pro-American. Remember the 2003 Iraq invasion and the “coalition of the willing” the US formed out of its vassals through threats and coercion? Poland was a very willing part of it.

For many Russians, what appeared to be a sudden Polish turn to Rusophobia caused a shock similar to what they had experienced when they woke up one day to discover that Ukrainians became anti-Russian practically overnight. This shock wasn’t as painful; after all, Poles are not as close to Russians as Ukrainians are. And of course this didn’t happen overnight – it took about 10-15 years to nurture this hatred. The work started still in the 1980s and culminated in the early 2000s. Not every country succumbed to propaganda. Bulgarian, Serbian and Slovakian people, no matter how much anti-Russian propaganda is dumped on them, remain pro-Russian; but unfortunately, not their governments.

Poland succumbed very easily. In Ukraine it took a bit longer, but not by much.

Hatred destroys something very important in people’s hearts and minds. Can the trust be rebuilt? Perhaps. Russians tend to forgive easily. I don’t know about Poles. In any event, looks like the wind is changing and people are starting to come to their senses. Let’s just say I am cautiously optimistic. I have to say, it will take much longer, and much more evidence, to change my present scepticism regarding Poland into something truly positive.

After years of… how do I say it without getting into the sex terminology… umm… In other words, of doing you-know-what with the US, Poland is finally acknowledging what has been obvious to others. Poland’s future is in cooperation, not confrontation, with Russia and Germany, among other neighboring countries. It’s future isn’t so much in bed with someone’s uncle from across the Atlantic.

Sometimes a leaked tape is not a bomb, but rather a political signal. The conversation in question actually happened in the beginning of 2014, but the tape was only leaked a few days ago. I believe that Poland is ready for regime and political wind change. The leaked tape by Polish FM, a known Rusophobe, serves as a signal meant for Russia and Germany, as well as France, that Poland will play ball.

Considering how actively Poland was pushing US agenda in Europe for years, oftentimes clashing and overriding its bigger neighbors France and Germany, this is an interesting signal. Will it amount to anything, or will “uncle” McCain now appear in Warsaw, as he just recently materialized in Sofia, after which Bulgaria promptly froze its participation in the Russian South Stream pipeline project? Or they could send Victoria Nuland to “subvert” Poland, like she did with Ukraine. It does appear very easy for the US to scare any “European leader” into doing the US bidding.

Let’s see for a moment what’s happening in the EU. France announced that it will deliver two Mistral carriers to Russia over the US objections; one of the major French banks formed a partnership with Russia and is ready to pay $8bln in sanctions to the US for doing business with Russia. US is putting a lot of pressure on France regarding anti-Russian sanctions. The French are very angry at the US. They are suffering massive business losses because of these sanctions.

It helps that Marine Le Pen won Europarliament elections, defeating the incumbent French president Hollande’s Socialist Party. I predicted Marine Le Pen rise back in 2012, in the same article where I predicted Sarkozy’s presidential election loss and Hollande’s win. I also said that Hollande is likely to fail the deeply cherished desires of his voters, and could eventually lose to Marine Le Pen. See my 2012 France predictions: 2012 Predictions Update: French Elections and Eurozone.

Incidentally, watch Marine Le Pen! She is only warming up. I see her as the only hope for constructive change in Europe this decade. Considering Angela Merkel has completely dropped the ball, and most others are bought-and-paid-for, she is the only big politician who can really influence the whole Europe.

Speaking of Germany. As I said before, it reminds me of a deer caught in the headlights. In one of my previous articles about Merkel I said that she is scared of something, possibly of the responsibility she can’t handle, but also possibly, of some scandals that can come out – remember, she was (still is?) the subject of a massive NSA surveillance. What secrets of hers did NSA record during their illegal wire-tapping? On this blog we deal with facts. One such fact is that at times, Merkel acts as if she is on the US payroll. Otherwise, how does one explain her latest statement that the German gold is perfectly fine at the NY FED? Merkel withdrew Germany’s request that US delivers some of German gold it holds in trust for Berlin. That’s after US failed to deliver more than 5 tons out of 1400 tons of gold it holds in trust for Germany, practically admitting to the entire world that all foreign gold has been squandered! Why would Merkel do that? Blackmail and threats come to mind.

At the same time, German business has been screaming bloody murder over the anti-Russian sanctions. A quiet revolt is brewing in Germany and some other EU countries.

Slowly, Europe is starting to muster a tiny bit of courage to express its desires. This incredible timidness demonstrates vividly how much Europe really is under the US thumb.

Even American companies are starting to seriously worry that US anti-Russian sanctions will undermine American economy. US-Russia annual trade is only $20bln. Russia-EU trade is $420bln. If US companies are protesting, imagine what EU companies feel!

Of course, it’s easy for the US to manipulate Europe for historic reasons. Having started two World Wars in the 20th century alone, western Europe is mortally terrified of a new massive conflict on the continent. They don’t trust themselves, it seems. Remember what I said – fear, greed and other lowly emotions is what US exploits best. Therefore, Europeans have to snap out of their fearful ‘deer caught in the headlights’ mode and start behaving on the level of reason! Only then the situation can be resolved.

Just yesterday, US Secretary of State John Kerry again threatened Russia. He said that Russia must disarm(!) rebels in eastern Ukraine, otherwise there will be a new round of sanctions. He probably means that Putin MUST go to Ukraine and PERSONALLY disarm anyone who US disapproves of, to please Kerry, Obama, McCain, and other imbeciles in Washington. That does not concern ukro-nazis from the ‘right sector,’ because these SOBs are “US approved” SOBs.

Can anyone even begin to imagine the level of imbecilism of the idiots like Kerry? I think he attended Harvard? Bravo, he totally lives up to the elite American ivy-league education!

Jokes aside, the Washington idiots are extremely dangerous because they are holding the financial and military levers, through which they can ruin any country they please. The US is threatening to block Russia from using the SWIFT system – the US and petro-dollar controlled international system of payments, which is the world monopoly. Just imagine the levers in the US hands! US can threaten any country to be cut off from SWIFT, resulting in a serious damage to that country’s economy. What a perfect blackmail position! As an example, Iran is cut off from SWIFT as part of US-imposed sanctions.

No single country must be allowed to hold such unfair advantage over others.

SWIFT is what a country uses to pay for imports and international trade. If Russia cannot use SWIFT, she can’t sell gas to Europe. To this day, Russia sells gas to Europe for dollars(!), despite trying to transition to rubles for years. Do you know why they can’t? Because US is putting huge pressure on the EU. If Russia is suddenly cut off from SWIFT monopoly, it can be catastrophic for both Russian and EU economies. Russia would be forced to halt the gas flow until EU agrees to pay Russia in rubles. This will take time, and massive sabotage by the US has to be expected.

The way gas pipelines work is that the pipe has to maintain a substantial pressure in oder for gas to continue flowing. This is achieved by a number of measures. If you stop gas flow cold turkey, it’s very hard and expensive to re-start it. That’s why Gazprom prefers not to do it. Turning off the switch is a very cumbersome and costly proposition.

EU countries will be threatened not to agree to the ruble-based trade. It is clear why: this is a direct threat to the dollar. If dollar collapses, this threatens the very existence of the US Empire. Of course, the collapse of the dollar is a matter of when, not if. But US will be trying to delay it for as long as possible. As I discussed many times before, US will try to drag down with it everyone it can. Russia is first on the list. EU – including Germany, France, Italy, Austria, and poor Poland, too – second.

Next, US will say: see, we told you so! Russia is a very unreliable business partner. It stopped the flow of gas to Europe, just as we warned you! Instead, we will sell you OUR OWN shale gas! We are your old allies and biggest partners. We are all a part of NATO! Work with the US! And if you don’t… And then, there will be threats, which may, or may not, convince the EU countries to fall in line.

What will happen next: EU economy will be undermined. Russian economy will be undermined. Who wins? US and Canada, as it happens every time there is a war or crisis on the European continent. I have warned about this same in my previous articles. The saga continues.

On a more optimistic side:

Austria just signed a deal with Russia to build the Austrian section of South Stream. In an interview a few days ago, a Hungarian journalist said that in truth, everyone in Eastern Europe wants to have Gazprom pipeline go through their territory. This provides lots of badly needed jobs, money flows into the country, gas gets cheaper; there are many other benefits, including possible future projects with Russia. But at that very moment, Uncle Sam comes in and starts steamrolling through these small countries, intimidating and buying up politicians and businesses. Call it US mafia, invasion, or slavery – it doesn’t get any less disgusting.

Other moderate positives: Czechia and Slovakia said they will not place US AMD missiles on their territory, directed against Russia. Hungary has been vocal against some of the policies they don’t like in the EU, including the Ukraine crisis. Although Hungarians succumbed to the pressure to stay in the EU, these first timid steps can be considered an attempt to regain sovereignty. By how a country behaves in such circumstances we can easily see how much independence and sovereignty this country has.

For example recently, Senator McCain visited Bulgaria, after which Bulgaria promptly announced that it was freezing its participation in the South Stream project with Russia (gas pipeline being built to bypass the uncertainty of Ukraine in order to deliver Russian gas directly to southern and central Europe). This pipeline would be a life-line for the fledgling Bulgarian economy. Therefore, such announcement after the McCain visit means only one thing: Bulgaria has no sovereignty whatsoever. It does what its masters in Washington tell it to do. Romania agreeing to place American AMDs on its territory, despite Russia’s objections, is another indication of the same.

In this regard, we can see clearly how little sovereignty Poland has, if in order to signal the change, they need to resort to a leaked tape. Still, better than nothing…

Therefore, I am making this cautiously optimistic prediction: Europe is waking up little by little. The US influence in Europe is slowly waning. Russia and EU must, and will, continue getting closer. US will try to sabotage this process, so brace yourselves.

Here is my advice to the EU politicians and media. If you are scared, remember this: US can only cause trouble and get to you, if you yourselves have ulterior motives, or if you are not acting in good faith. They are masters of exploiting fear, anger and greed. Don’t allow them access to these lowly emotions. Plus, work with, not against, Russia – and there is nothing they’ll be able to do.

For as long as I can look back, Russia has always carried the biggest load, and paid a disproportionately heavy price for getting the world back into balance. Russia single-handedly won WWII (allies only opened the second front in 1944, when it wasn’t necessary any more as Soviet troops had already chased Hitler almost back to Germany). Peace prevailed, but 27 million Soviet people had to die for that; the country was practically destroyed. I was just having a discussion with a Chinese friend. I reminded him that if not for Russia, Chinese might have been speaking Japanese today. It was only thanks to Russia’s massive help, know-how, troops, equipment and money that Chinese were able to liberate their country from brutal Japanese occupation during WWII.

For years, Russia had been the No.1 exporter of talent and brains. The rise of the US science, art and sport is all thanks to the emigration from Russia, as well as other countries. For example, one of Google founders is from Russia. How many Russian scientists emigrated to the US since 1990s (thanks to Soros grants)? I lived in Princeton for many years. The entire famed Princeton University’s Institute for Advanced Studies, where Einstein worked, is staffed with Russians. How many Russian classical musicians and ballet dancers have elevated the art in the West? The rise of the American and European gymnastics and figure skating is all due to Russian athletes and coaches, some of whom I have known personally. Russian oligarchs – fronts for Rothschilds, BP, Exxon and others – siphoned enormous wealth out of the country and passed it on to their Western bosses, thus enriching the West and impoverishing Russia (and Ukraine too).

Now, Russia and Putin are trying to keep peace, when US is trying to drag the world into the last war, and Europe is timidly hiding behind mommy’s skirt.

Enough already! Start taking responsibility for your own future, people!


This is in addition to my earlier predictions on this topic, which you can find on my Predictions page, as well as previous articles.

RT video about the Polish FM leaked tape: ‘Gave the Americans a blow job for nothing’: Polish FM in tape leak scandal


About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on June 27, 2014, in Empire Collapse, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 37 Comments.

  1. Wow, how wonderful to have your great summary of important events of today. The best I’ve read. Most wide ranging. Very good, indeed. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Enough already ! Start taking responsibility for your own future, people !” applies to the people here in America — minus the 10 sq. mile throne of corruption and evil in DC, known and hated around the world as the US. What is happening around the world is happening here, only played out in slow motion on a more subtle level. We need to pay heed to your words, Lada, or we will be facing the same future with a shocking suddenness that most never thought possible, or even saw coming while sleeping.

    Perhaps Poland has just now realized that they were an “exemplary” Trojan — as in a condom — used then casually disregarded after serving its usefulness. “Stop relying on the U.S.” — stop being their exploited whores for favors and a false sense of security. This is quite a wake up call, and I hope that the “leaked” tape serves as a trigger, or at least a catalyst, to encourage the people to have a good long look at what’s really going on.

    Hatred divides and conquers peoples and nations, pitting them against each other. Hatred also divides people’s hearts from their minds, pitting them against their own souls, thus making them an easy conquest. The winds of change now blowing across the planet may bring awakening with harsh blasts of the truth painfully debriding the gangrenous and putrid life-threatening hegemony of the west.

    Peace, the standard that Russia is holding up for the world to see, is the answer to confounding their agenda. However, rendering them impotent will take a monumental effort to remove their “financial and military levers” — their source, and seemingly inexhaustible supply, of power and brute force. I believe this is not only possible, but likely, and in the works now.

    Always a treasure trove of information, as well as predictions that keep our eyes open, our ears open, and our minds and hearts alert !! Thank you for your shared knowledge that helps us keep a balanced perspective.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I always knew that my father and grandfather were very smart men but were NEVER given a chance to better themselves in America in the 1930 era. I remember as early as 1960, when someone in America saw or asked my last name and that it ended in “sky”…they would say with disdain “oh your are a Russian”. I was young maybe 15 and did not understand then but now I do very well. Those people that said that we’re people whose last names were “Jones or Smith”…good ole Americans. Yeah now I see as a man not as a child. I loved my dad and grandfather. They were real honest men…. Not like those Jones and Smiths. Hooray for Russia and Mr. Putin. Ummh Putin is that a Russian name? Yes and I’m proud of it, and I’m an American.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll repeat myself: If Putin turns out NOT to be a stealthy one-of-them, then it will be Mother Russia who will save the planet.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Putin is a Russian name, Tom. I think I’ll do a post at some point because the meaning of this name is not accidental and is very significant. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Lada that would be great. My grandfather was Steve and my wonderful dad was Mike. Best wishes for a wonderful post again. Tom
        PS: I sent an email to the folks at the Doug Hagmann show about getting you on their program. Did you ever hear from him?

        Liked by 1 person

    • Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian surnames usually end with -ev/-ov (e.g: Vorobjov, though there are some Middle-Asian surnames ending with -ev/-ov as well, they are distinguishable if the root of a name is typical Asian)
      Surnames ending with -in, -vich, -man, skij/-sky have Jewish connotation (Abamovich, Berezovskij, Waltsman, Zvezdin)
      Surnames ending with -ko are typical of Ukraine and Belarus.
      During Stalin persecution of Jews in 1930-s, many ethnic Jews married Russians and adopted Russian names to avoid persecution, some are doing it now for political reasons (Poroshenko, who is Valtsman, Turchinov, who is Cogan)
      In any case, it is difficult to say if someone if Russian by surname only.
      If you speak Russian, have a feel of belonging to Russia, can find a common mood with Russians, people will see you as “ours”, even if your surname is Smith. 🙂


      • Hi Nemo. You’re correct about the fact that Russians will accept anyone who identifies with the Russian culture and respects it as their own. Hence, the names are secondary to Russians.
        You’re also correct about Poroshenko and Turchinov’s real names.

        As to the rest, you are incorrect. I want to keep your comment for the sake of all of my readers, so they could see your point of view. However, I have to correct you.

        Ending ‘ov’ is the ancient Rus ending. Serbian and Bulgarian names are of the same origin, hence smae kind of ending. You and others can read my article that talks about that under the category ‘Mysteries of Linguistics’ https://futuristrendcast.wordpress.com/category/mysteries-of-linguistics/.

        Asian and Muslim sounding names in Central Asia/Caucasus have ‘ov’ ending because these are names that have been ‘russified’ during the many centuries of these territories being a part of the Russian world. There is no mystery there, just need to have a correct historic perspective.

        As to the names ending in ‘in,’ ‘vich,’ ‘sky,’ etc., your statement is entirely false. I would appreciate everyone on this forum not repeating things that have no scientific or logical basis, and smack of anti-semitism. Anti-semitism is as bad as rusophobia. I am sure you meant nothing of the sort, but whoever said this first, did – the origin of such ‘scientific conclusion’ is ignorant and anti-semetic.

        In reality: ending ‘in’ is one of the most ancient endings, which can be seen throughout the world with variations. It is so ancient that it predates any modern language. Its origins are in our common mother tongue, and has nothing to do with Jews.

        “Vich’ is of Rus/Slavic origin and is used in Serbian/Croatian, etc, names. Means ‘son of.’ ‘Vich’ is common to Southern and Eastern Slavs. ALL Eastern Slavs use it with EVERY name. If you are from Russia, you of all people should know this. It’s just that in Russia it’s used as patronimic, not as traditional last name. Example: Viktor Ivanovich Kuleshov. Or Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. ‘Vladimirovich’ and other patronimics, always used with all FULL Eastern Slavic names, mean ‘son of.’ Or for women: ‘Vladimirovna’ means ‘daughter of.’ I am the daugther of Vladimir = “Lada Vladimirovna.” That’s the truth, actually – I am. 😉

        Incidentally, you are also wrong about Serbs using ‘ov’ – they use ‘vich.’ Same goes for ‘sky.’ This means ‘from’ or ‘of.’ This ending was used primarily by Western Slavs, and by Russians too.

        What ending Jewish names have depends of what geographic area within Slavic (and before that, ancient Rus) world they had originated from, where they lived for centuries. Oftentimes, Jews, like peasants living on the territory of a certain lord in Ukraine, would all be referred to by that lord’s last name. ‘Sky’ was popular in Ukraine as most lords – ‘pani’ in Polish and Ukr., were of Polish origin.

        This is all very involved and I can’t read the entire liguistical lecture here, but you can follow my future posts and special reports in which I will peel off more truths.

        However, I must point out that FuturisTrendcast is dedicated to spreading and uncovering the truth, dispelling lies, illusions and disinfo. I do this to educate people. As such, I usually can only allow comments that help with this mission. Since many people from all over the world read my posts and comments, to make sure your comment is posted, please always write what you know to be true and helpful to others.

        Thank you for your understanding.

        Liked by 1 person

      • @Lada….Perelka Ty…spasiba…dziekuje…thank You…


  4. …it started when ~walesa~ sold ~Mother~Poland~ for 0.50 cents..polish traitor…wonder where he is now…hmm…perhaps ~in~ or…~on~texas~ranch…Polska really never slept…and what happened few days ago was long coming….na zdrowie!…cheers!…Viva! Rosja!…Viva! Putin!…Viva! Lada!…sciskam i buzka!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good info Lada.
    Poland have been abused, oppressed and impoverished over more hundred years, when things happen in Europe. It seems so common, that it look like a Polish tradition, to act so. Geographically, they are caught every time a European war strategy is implemented. So, it is not easy to be Poland.
    May be for the first time, Poland experience Germany as a weak nation. Merkel, Deutche Bank and her/their investment in 911 disaster are the fatal cause, that invalid German politics. Even Germany have some good politicians, who hold up the connections to Russia, the Merkel 911 syndrome simply paralyzes action. Some of the same kind happen in Poland. But Poland have more pondus, since they are innocent nonaggressors.

    I am sure something comes to happend when BRICS at july 1. start a new monetatry union. If no ‘false flag’ action appear, it is a clear sign that the dollar imperium have fallen.

    There exist no doubt, that the world crise is “Made in Europe”. So, a logic conclusion must be, that a solution must be done by Europeans. Thank you Russia taking the initiative and insist things be done – now.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So how are Russian NGOs doing? How many are in Poland, and have they had any success?

    By the way, it looks to me like Russia needs to get rid of the Fifth Column inside Russia even more than in Poland. When reading someone like Sergei Glazyev, the thing that stands out is “Why hasn’t Russia done that already?” Basic things to protect herself from US blackmail haven’t even been started. It should have been obvious by Iraq II that the US was dangerous, and once the Arab Spring campaigns started, Russia should have gone full-speed ahead in getting ready for rough seas.

    Liked by 1 person

    • NGOs in Russia are much quieter after Ukraine, but still there. They are on the way out, but slowly. Glazyev and others are trying to educate Russians about their true nature as this is the only way to get rid of them. Only when people support Putin 100%, will they be able to squeeze NGOs out. More support is showing, but NGOs and Fifth Column are also getting more insidious. It will be a process.

      You don’t really think NGOs go around screaming: ‘we are foreign agents, we are your enemy and you should never trust us!’ They go around telling people that they are defending their interests, that Putin is doing somethig wrong. Before, Putin was a thief and was in the oligarchs’ pocket. This has died down after it became clear he was neither. Now it’s popular to criticize Putin for not invading Ukraine and for trying to reason with the EU. He’s too soft, he is sold out to Americans – say US financed NGOs and media.
      Anything to unseat Putin and to create turmoil in Russia.

      From certain people’s perspective it appears true. This perspective is of course myopic, dumb and backwards. But they play on people’s fear and anger.
      That’s what they are teaching them to do in these schools in Poland.

      Re-read my post. The big difference is that Poland is serving as a hub for preparing Fifth Column for all of eastern Europe and post-Soviet space. Poland has contracted with US and EU to spread subversive sabotage, which only serves US interests.

      The process of awakening will be slow.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Not to be outdone in getting you all over the place, I recommended to John Wells (Caravan to Midnight) that he do an interview with you. I wouldn’t recommend you to any old weenie; JB is a hard-hitter and he is despised by all the right people :).

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Actually, Lada, what I was referring to is the issue of how few NGOs the Russian government has funded, and their quality. If a government, say, Serbia or Bulgaria, does something that is anti-Russian and 80% of the public there is against it, it is up to Russian interests to make a big deal out of it. It is unrealistic to leave things up to you and me and an appeal to justice. The Lord helps those who help themselves, or something like that. A minor example of what could have been done is to promote all languages and cultures inside the Ukraine. If, for example, a group had been promoting how fascinating the historical mix in the Transcarpathian region was, with tours and books and events in New York City, well, radical Ukrainian nationalism would have been seen as something that wanted to destroy such an interesting culture. This would not have been seen as “evil Russian” activities, but it would have helped their interests. Imagine the impact right now if a large campaign got started about “Save Transcarpathia From the Barbarism of the 1930’s”.

    Both Russia and China are finally getting off their butts and doing something about NGOs now, but this is very late, and they also need their own. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Maidan in Taipei or Hong Kong, though the authorities would clamp down a lot sooner and more harshly than Yanukovich did.

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is out of Russian character, you know that. And out of Chinese character, too.
      I uderstand your frustration. It’s mine as well. This is why, when RT was first starting out, I told them very insistently they had to be proactive. Few remember, but they were on the defensive back then. Just justifying Russia’s actions here and there, trying to appeal to the non-existent reason of all those who were completely overpowered by US propaganda . I told them, they needed to go on attack. Thank god they listened. Now RT is the only big enough voice that counters US BS.

      Russia and China are fighting the propaganda war they had been forced to fight with the ENEMY’s WEAPON. This is not a natural weapon for them.

      I think we did discuss this before. Certainly, they have underestimated the enemy. They want to change the world, not validate the Western dominance by using their weapon.

      You are assuming they have to use the enemy’s weapon to win, which is unnatural to them.

      They will use their own weapons and own ways to fight. It’s just you don’t see what weapons they are using because your eye, like most other people’s, is trained to see the Western way only.

      History shows, Russia eventually wins all its battles, usually the ones it had been dragged into contrary to own desires.

      Of course, they are also finally starting to use Western weapons as well, but if it’s not theirs, they won’t be as good at it.

      The whole world blinked, Paul. Not just Russia. The whole world allowed US usurp power. It will take some time to reverse that. And by the way, my prediction: the grass roots movement is what WILL reverse it. You are underestimating you and me. 😉

      BTW, did you see my post ‘Judgment and the Future of Humanity’: https://futuristrendcast.wordpress.com/2014/06/24/judging-others-and-the-future-of-humanity/ In it, I quoted and responded to your comment.

      Best 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. An example of the issue of propaganda was in a comment to an article by Nikolai Starikov:
    Awakening after decades of propaganda Russophobia begins in Russia and the world outside Russia. Here a man tells the story of his transformation. And he’s not alone.

    “Russian diaspora, many countries are able to link economic, scientific and cultural ties with the Russian Mir for the benefit of Russia. This Russian diaspora could, take a high place in the political and economic elite of their countries, could direct their course for a close encounter with Russia. But this is impossible if Russian diaspora are ashamed of their origin and their heritage. and Russia over the past 23 years has done everything possible for that.
    Now Russia is vital to deploy active work with all Russian-speaking citizens in countries near and far abroad. Need to be made in all areas: preservation of the Russian language and culture, research and cultural exchanges, sports, arts, business communication, Support Russian organizations, foundations and movements. This requires the allocation of considerable resources, and above all requires a sufficient number of diplomats and experts, organizers and leaders.”
    In other words, the PR problems in the Ukraine or Poland are worldwide and probably inside Russia, too. It shouldn’t be shocking what has happened inside the Ukraine. It stems from Russian and Western policies.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. Up till recently they didn’t have a movement inside Russia that would help Putin actualize such things. Starikov is the man who is organizing such movement – on the grass-roots level, btw. He is the one to watch.

      Grass-roots movement is the name of the game, Paul.

      And yes, the whole world blinked. Again, because everyone was sold on the Western propaganda postulating that the Western way was the best way, therefore the West must know better. In fact, the Western economic miracle was simply 40 odd years of dumb luck. My Feng Shui Theory of Long Cycles explains that very well. Never got the chance to talk about it because of all these events in Ukraine. We should discuss it in the next interview. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, grass-roots movements are very important. But they need soil that can grow grass. That kind of soil comes from years of thinking about what is needed to have healthy soil, and not abusing the land. So, as an example, Russia should fund lots of scholarships and cultural exchanges. Almost all of the “name” dirtbags in the Ukraine studied abroad. Places like Columbia University. What was a huge failure was bribing the Party of Regions and oligarchs to do things. And, speaking of grass roots, the US has done a better job of that around the world than Russia. Sure, some of that is just brainwashing, but a lot of it is real. Not really talking about NGOs here, more like funders examining what is popular and deciding to support it based on calculations. A friend’s niece recently spent a year in Russia studying. It would have been easier to study elsewhere in Europe, but she was determined.

        In any case, there are cycles, and the last one came about with the collapse of Communism. It left only China with the ability to restrain the US, and China was unable and unwilling to take on such a task, which was, as you said about propaganda, not really in their character. They also didn’t really have the strength till recently, and they had few allies who were angry enough about the American behavior to join hands.

        So, for the interview …


  10. Nancy C/Seattle

    Here’s a bit of positive news posted on Sherrie’s Questoining All blog
    I also think it’s positive that the first elected chairman of the advisory council is Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister of France.

    A Summit Forum on the Construction of an Asian Credit System was held in Beijing on June 23 2014. To push forward reform of the international credit rating system, an advisory council of Universal Credit Rating Group, or UCRG, was established during the Summit Forum.


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