Guest Post: Ukraine Gangster State Calls for Nuclear Strikes, and My Letter to Obama

Dear readers, because I am going on vacation, I am posting a total of three new pieces today. They are all different and give a voice to my readers. I just love engaging my readers, so please continue leaving good, helpful to the discussion, and responsible comments! The most interesting ones I may turn into an article or a cool debate. Please make sure you read, like and share all three of these new posts that will be appearing throughout the day! Don’t overlook any! I will be back next week. 

This is guest post by a friend of FuturisTrendcast and spiritual blogger extraordinaire, Kp at I am reposting Kp’s open letter to US president Obama with Kp’s kind permission: Original article link.

Truthseeker VIDEO report:


Letter to Obama by Kauilapele:

Dear Mr. President:

I would like you to view this video.

The Truthseeker: Ukraine Gangster State Calls for ‘Nuclear Strikes’ (E42)

I am absolutely appalled that this U.S. administration is supporting and backing a person such as Poroshenko, as well as his predecessor, a Nazi (Svoboda) sympathizer.

I am absolutely ashamed to have to say that I live in a country whose government is supporting an essentially Nazi-style regime that bombs its own people. You call yourself the President of a so called “of/by/for the People” government? It appears to be nothing of the sort. And certainly the Ukraine government appears to be nothing of the sort.

Everyone is quite aware that the US and NATO are behind the overthrow of the previous Ukrainian President, as well as the current inhumane bombing and shelling of East Ukrainian cities and their people.

You are supporting this???? These are war crimes.

And you are blaming Russia for the shooting and the problems over there? And for the annexation of Crimea, which was nothing of the sort? They voted to return to Russia.

This is not what I signed up for with you, Mr. President, and I offer my strong NO to any continued U.S. involvement in Ukrainian affairs.

BLD [aka KP]


A word from Lada:

3 Russian, one Italian and one (I believe) Belorussian journalist have been already killed in Eastern Ukraine by the Western backed Kiev junta, while attempting to perform their duties of filming and telling the truth. At least 5 or 6 Russian journalists had been kidnaped and tortured by the junta and Ukraine nazis. All these returned home with severe injuries. Since only Russian journalists are trying to film the actual events there, if they are intimidated and banned from Ukraine, the world will never know the truth of the Kiev crimes! The European values and Western democracy look like this in Ukraine:

1. Streamer (volunteer cameraman who films footage of real events) Vlad, 16, kidnapped and tortured by Kiev nazis.

Vlad, who is originally from Mariupol, Eastern Ukraine, started filming how Kiev tanks occupied his native city, shooting civilians, running them over, destroying the city. This footage went viral. After that, Vlad was kidnapped and tortured by the ukro-nazis. His family was threatened and he was made to sign a document announcing that everything he filmed was a lie. When Vlad was kidnapped, a global social media storm entitled “Free streamer Vlad” started, as a result of which Vlad was released.

Don’t ever underestimate the grass-roots movement!

Added at 5:33. Unbelievable! I just posted this video from AnnaNews containing the interview with 16year old Streamer Vlad after his release (plus another one below), and it already says that their account has been terminated. I know for a fact they have no copyright infringement as all videos are their own authentic reports. These are bogus copyright claims so their channel is terminated and all the evidence they have collected is wiped out. This is not the first time this has happened. Someone is really bent on destroying the evidence of crimes committed in Ukraine. Sorry, had to delete the video interview with Vlad.

2. Russian journalist killed in Eastern Ukraine, Western media doesn’t care

This is the video of the latest killing of a Russian cameraman for Channel 1 Russia, Anatoly Klyan. I found out more about this man from other sources in Russian. He was well over 60 and retired. He spent 40 years behind the camera in the hottest spots on the globe. He filmed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and just about everywhere else. He decided to come out of retirement to help out in eastern Ukraine. Kiev put a ban on the entry onto the territory of Ukraine of ALL RUSSIAN MALES aged 16 to 60. Western democracy in action, people!

So, Anatoly Klyan said: “I am  over 60. I can go, I can be useful.” Russian correspondent and Klyan were riding in the bus together with soldiers’ mothers, who were going to a Ukrainian military base to protest their conscripted sons being dragged into war with their own people. The bus was ambushed. Klyan was wounded and died before reaching the hospital. The driver was wounded in the head and drove the bus to safety with the bleeding head wound, at the expense of his life. He died too.

Another report in Russian about Klyan’s death – Tragedy in Donetsk:

3. Also, a news summary for Novorossia from AnnaNews. (the video below had to be deleted because YT terminated the AnnaNews channel a few minutes ago). They have the English stream at the bottom of screen. They also talk about the death of the Russian cameraman and bus driver. In another news: Novorossia announced that all properties by oligarch Akhmetov will be nationalized (he is the biggest oligarch in Donbass). Also nationalized will be all properties of those oligarchs who are refusing to pay taxes to the Donetsk Republic. Also, in Slavyansk, which is constantly being bombed, people are being hospitalized with symptoms of Chlorine (or Chlor?) poisoning. It appears Kiev is using Chlor based chemical weapons on population.

Text in Russian: В Донецке на территории воинской части 1428 фашисты открыли огонь по автобусу, в котором находились матери солдат-срочников и журнилисты. В результате обстрела был убит оператор ОРТ Анатолий Клян и водитель автобуса, который ценой своей жизни вывез автобус с людьми из-под обстрела. СКР России возбудило по данному факту уголовное дело. Под обстрел у воинской части попала так же съемочная группа Lifenews.

С горы Карачун продолжался обстрел района Артем города Славянска. В результате обстрела есть убитые и раненые среди мирного населения, поврежден трансформатор — единственный на весь район. Украинские каратели обстреливают Металлист. Люди с симптомами отравления хлором поступают в больницы Славянка.
Пушилин заявил, что ДНР планирует национализировать предприятия Р.Ахметова и все предприятия, которые не платят налоги.

4. More eye-opening eyewitness videos:

Huge line of Ukrainian refugees cars waiting to cross into Russia – Izvarino, Lugansk:

Footage of refugees from Ukraine running into the Russian territory to hide from shelling. Starts at 1:55.

Ukrainian military base: soldiers refuse to fight and leave base. Conscripts’ mothers are waiting for them at the gate to take them home:


About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on July 1, 2014, in Empire Collapse, Forbidden History, Geopolitical Trends, Russia, Ukraine and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.