Prediction: Is Kiev-Style Maidan Possible in St. Petersburg?

Scott Hogan2h writes on Lada Ray Blog: “Hi Lada, love your blog and this most recent interview. Just wondering if you’ve seen this youtube video about plans for St. Petersburg this September. And, if you have, what are your thoughts on it from your perspective on things on the horizon. Thanks, Scott.” Link to the video by Russian Duma deputy, Evgeny Fedorov: There will be Maidan in St Petersburg.

I find this to be a very good question. Yes, I’ve seen the original video a few months ago, when it first appeared.

Background: Evgeny Fedorov is the leader of the NOD – People’s Liberation Movement of Russia. He had lived through the wholesale looting of the country in the 1990s. What’s important, he was a Russian Duma Deputy even back than. Here is the way he describes what was happening at the time in Russia. There was an AMERICAN supervisor (commissar, using Russian terminology) who was assigned to every politician, head of every organization, every company, etc. ALL decisions on all levels had to be CLEARED with the American commissar assigned to them. In short, in the ’90s Russia was a fully occupied country, with no voice and no ability to move a muscle without clearing it with a Western supervisor. Russia in the ’90s was what Ukraine is today.

I’ll be honest with you, dear readers. Having written the above phrase, I had sudden chills going through my body, as if putting it in writing made it especially real and scary.

From this background I suppose it is understandable why Fedorov tends to take a very tough position and maintains tough rhetoric. Many thinkers in Russia lived through the ’90s, and watched their country being taken over by forces that wanted Russia’s destruction, or those who wanted to suck her dry (much like what is happening in today’s Ukraine). This created a whole line of Russian geopolitical analysts with very tough rhetoric. Fedorov’s position is that since the ’90s Russia regained a large part of its sovereignty, thanks to Putin’s policies and will, but it’s still far from fully independent, hence his People’s Liberation Movement (NOD).

Fedorov never minces words, and he believes that he needs to scare people into acting = rising against the ‘aggressors and oppressors.’ He believes in shock therapy by word in order to prevent adverse actions by known perpetrators from materializing. He is right in many things, but I do not believe in his approach. He not only scares, but also depresses people, and that is the recipe for paralysis. He also creates undue animosity. Finally, his information is often based on good data, but he sometimes tends to exaggerate.

As my readers know, I don’t believe in fear. I believe that people need to rise above fear to the level of reason in combination with love, in order to see the world clearly and act correctly.

I think Fedorov is generally right to warn about the possibility of a maidan in St Petersburg. Better safe than sorry; this is the time to warn people so they can organize against the destructive forces.

Fedorov takes the view I generally take – Ukraine was just the prelude and training grounds for creating the mayhem of the century in Russia. The big prize is Russia and her destruction. I have warned many times that this is the big goal and the mega-prize for the US, the West, or, if you will, NWO.

Moreover, Putin and Russia have been routinely derailing all possible and impossible plans of the West, especially throughout 2013-2014. Even the takeover of Ukraine didn’t go as planned. Therefore in the West’s view, Russia must be punished.

For the full list of Putin/Russia’s actions that derailed the NWO plans read Is Putin Part of NWO? For additional information see Predictions.

In this interview, Fedorov motivates his prediction of a maidan in St. Petersburg this way. There will be governor elections in St. Petersburg in September, and St. Petersburg was always an ‘opposition’ city within Russia. The change of the guard would be an excellent time to create big mayhem. Both 1917 Russian revolutions started there. The goal isn’t to elect a governor they like. It’s much bigger: igniting a revolution in the entire Russia and unseating Putin, just like it happened in 1917.

The goal is also to tear the country apart, creating a number of small, powerless, subservient to the West, pieces. One of them, per some Russian ‘democrats’ proposal should be the independent Republic of St. Petersburg.

Fedorov describes how it will happen: all candidates, except the one supported by the majority, will be showered with Western money to overwhlem the front-runner. Terrorists from Kiev/Ukraine maidan will appear, posing as locals – since they speak Russian and look Russian, you won’t be able to tell them apart; they will rent apartments ahead of time and blend in, until there is a signal for them to act. There will be attempts to create military-style provocations, including shooting people from the passing vans and cars, as they have done in Ukraine. This, he says, will be the hard-core terrorist component, like in Kiev. He also believes that up to 50-100k will be the ‘peaceful’ paid component armed not with firearms, but with sticks – again as it was on Kiev maidan.

As an aside, both Putin and Medvedev are originally from St. Petersburg, so creating mayhem in St Pete is especially devious.

My view and predictions: 

I think Fedorov is right – there will be an attempt to create a maidan in St Pete. I am also absolutely sure it won’t succeed. Who will make an attempt to create a St Pete maidan: Western paid/ Soros funded NGOs, the ‘democrats,’ and the so-called revolutionaries, such as Navalny. There are still a lot of Western-funded and trained neo-liberal presstitutes in Russia, just like in any other country. They call themselves ‘democrats,’ and this is the title that has discredited itself. Many of the Western-style democrats are concentrated in Moscow, and even more so in St Pete. In the rest of the country their influence is negligible at best.

Unfortunately, most representatives of the western-style democrats are the so-called Russian intelligentsia, who in fact are just the stuck-up, pseudo-intelligent intellectual elites from the two capital cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg. I used to be proud of the fact that I belonged to the Russian intelligentsia – the real one, to which Chekhov and Tolstoy belonged. Not any more; that intelligentsia doesn’t exist. I have long resigned from the ranks having seen how much what passes for ‘Russian intelligentsia’ today has done, and continues doing, for the destruction of Russia. Russian intelligentsia is unfortunately a misnomer – a very sad one at that.

The parties of the ‘democrats,’ such as Yabloko, can’t even gather enough votes to get into Duma. They will try to organize demonstrations, but won’t gather too many supporters. They may get a few thousand, perhaps under 5-10k, for a demonstration. Most, if not all, will be paid stooges. 5-10k is not much for a 5 million city. In addition, if they are trying to recreate a 1917 scenario, Novalny or Kasparov are certainly no Lenin. They are nowhere near Lenin’s class and intelligence. And of course, they won’t succeed because Russia is now governed by the right people. Although attempts to cause havoc will continue in the future.

Will there be an infiltration of Kiev terrorists? An attempt will most likely be made, but it simply cannot succeed. I am a little confused as to Fedorov’s position (to the issue of his creating fear and confusion with his statements). Of all people he should know the capability of the Russian FSB and OMON. Russia isn’t Ukraine;  Putin isn’t Yanukovich – Fedorov should also know this.

As an example: there were at least hundreds of attempts to infiltrate Crimea (Krim) in order to disrupt referendum, including armed provocations. Only one succeeded, when a sniper killed 2 people, one on the Ukraine army side, another – a Cossack volunteer. These were the only two casualties of the entire Crimea’s transition to Russia.

I believe that the demonstrations countering the attempted maidan will be substantially larger. They won’t succeed in creating violence either, at least on a large scale, as police will be on top of it.

Forewarned is forearmed: the more noise we make now, the less of a chance they surprise anyone. Most likely this will be a non-event.

Will there be howling by Western presstitutes that Russia is oppressing someone’s rights? You bet. But what else is new?

My prediction:

Whatever the ‘Western-style revolutionaries’ and NGOs attempt in St Pete will only make them more unpopular, thus accelerating Russia’s turning away from the West.

I think it is an excellent time for those European countries that have some sense, to distance themselves from the insane policies of the US and Brussels.

For a detailed analysis of the geopolitics of Russia, West, NWO and US see Is Putin Part of NWO?

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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on August 19, 2014, in Empire Collapse, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. It might be possible to get a lot more than 5,000 people. There are perhaps a million or so refugees from the Donbass, and they need money. There may be buses that transport people and offer them food, money, and a place to stay. Also, it is widely discussed that the events in Kiev may have involved drugging people. Give them food laced with drugs that make them violent or even hallucinate.

    Not being pessimistic, as the Russian government is far more capable of functioning than the Ukrainian one. However, the world is full of countries that thought “The Empire” couldn’t do that much. Just the other day, I read something from someone high up in Syria. They thought the West would do something like the big riots back in the 1980’s. Huge mistake, and now their country is half destroyed. Never underestimate a determined enemy. And Nasrallah of Hezbollah gave a good speech recently that talked about this, too. Arabs never thought they would find themselves in the mess they are in, and now they need to prepare for an unexpected blitzkrieg from an ISIS army and attacks on fronts they hadn’t considered possible.

    By the way, Sergei Glazyev, the advisor to Putin, gave a good talk on YouTube that has English subtitles:

    It shows the level of those around the Russian government – much higher than anyone in the West.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agree with a lot of what you say, primarily about how we all underestimate to what lows some people can fall. I’ve caught myself thinking about that just today.

      Don’t think refugees from Donbass could be seduced to participate for a variety of reasons, including that they are scattered around the country, most got jobs already + they are being watched.
      My prediction is not a speculation. It is a firm prediction based on future prevailing energy signature, just like my other predictions that keep coming true, btw.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Excellent summary and analysis by Glazyev! Just listened to this video – thanks for posting, Paul.


  2. Lada,

    I seem to recall that you posted a video of a guy from Kharkov talking about the Ukraine some months ago. Anyway, he has another one:

    This one seems to be more like a guy now ready to fight. He is disappointed with common folks in the West.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you Paul, for posting this video, it is very enlightening!


    • I mean the one with the interview with Glazyev! I haven’t seen the other one yet!


      • I just saw the video with the man on top of the hill near Kharkov and I am speachless…..we don’t see any of this here in the media in the west…..and he is right you know, about the football hooligans and the rest….we better wake up soon…..


  4. I hope you are right, Lada. For all of us. Russia won’t survive another 1917, but neither will Europe.


  5. Thank you for this entry! I am worried about the coming elections in St. Petersburg as I am also worried about Yekaternburg because of the activities of the American consul there. I am not worried that a full scale revolution will take place, but various provocations and probably terrorist attacks. I am confident that Russian people can rely on Putin and his secret and security services as they do know who to watch and what to do if there’s any danger to the Motherland (I remember a story of a ukrainean man who posted lots of anti-Russian propaganda on the internet and then as usual wanted to go to Russia to earn money, but FSB didn’t let him in). I am also confident that ordinary Russian people won’t let it happen – have you seen what happened in St. Petersburg when it was Ukraine’s independence day?
    Love the reaction of Russian people. And I have this feeling and belief that as long as Putin is in power and is alive, nothing bad can happen to Russia. Since he first became president, I’ve had this feeling about him – that he was given this gift by God to protect the land and the people of Russia.


  1. Pingback: Is a Kiev-Style Maidan Possible in St. Petersburg, Russia? | necltr