Predictions: The Real Reasons for West’s Anti-Russian Sanctions

The new Western sanctions, including defence and oil sectors, hit Russia despite ceasefire in Ukraine, the exchange of prisoners, the Minsk meeting between Putin and Poroshenko, and Putin’s peace plan for Ukraine that is being implemented, albeit with a limited success. Putin called the new sanctions “odd.” Odd indeed, as EU still insists Russia must change its policies in Ukraine, as if all the above never happened. At this point it is clear that nothing short of Russia becoming a slave to the West, or happily self-destructing to please the maniacal NWO Western “leaders,” will stop the sanctions.

Many are scratching their heads why these non-sensical sanctions are being implemented now. Instead of encouraging the peace process in Ukraine, they are bound to discourage it. It is also being pointed out that the Kiev regime is using the ceasefire in order to regroup, build-up defenses in strategic points, and to bring fresh troops in order to restart the offensive against Donetsk and Lugansk this fall. Meanwhile, NATO is conducting joint NATO-Kiev exercises in western (pro-ukronazi) Ukraine. These have already been dubbed a “provocation.” However, I think the reason is deeper: these exercises are done to camouflage the transfer to Kiev of the Western military technology, munitions, specialists and money. The Kiev junta has been charged to continue conducting the civil war, devastating its territory and population. It would have been possible to stop this madness if Kiev offered broad autonomy to Donbass back in the spring, but the prevailing fascist/western-dependent element in the Kiev government wouldn’t do it as they obviously don’t have their citizens’ best interests at heart.

The result is this: Ukraine’s economy is destroyed, and will be destroyed even more; grivna is losing value every day. Citizens don’t have electricity, hot water, experience severe gas shortages; come winter, they will be freezing in their apartments. Poverty and lack of resources is visible clearly in villages and smaller cities all over Ukraine. By the end of fall, these will be visible in the largest cities. By the end of winter serious poverty will strike Kiev. I previously predicted another maidan by next spring. In fact, big and small maidan after maidan will be occurring for a while. The territory once called Ukraine will be experiencing shocks and tremors until it comes into balance. This balance cannot be achieved through this corrupt to the core government and while the country is a de-facto US occupied territory.

Billions upon billions invested into the destabilization of Ukraine by the US are paying off in the most gruesome fashion. This is yet another country added to the long list of victims in the US fight for global hegemony. But all this is done on borrowed time, not to mention, on borrowed money.

The reason for anti-Russian sanctions isn’t Ukraine, or Novorossia (Donetsk – DNR, Lugansk – LNR). The West could care less about them. In fact, they would LOVE to destroy Ukraine as much as they possibly can because they know that they won’t be able to hold on to it forever. The grand plan is to leave the territory known now as Ukraine in ruins, so the future generations of Ukrainians and Russians would take a long time and lots of resources to put it back together, and to make it work again. Meanwhile, why not use Ukraine as their cannon fodder, as they had done to so many others before. The worst thing is that Ukrainians are happily assisting their Western puppet masters, walking blindly into the trap they can’t see because of their ignorance, misguided hatred and short-sightedness.

The global West is the excessively yang – in other words, aggressive, male, extroverted, loud, superficial, materialistic, expansive, initiating, go-getter, ego-driven, individualistic – culture, as opposed to the global East and South, which have been traditionally yin – introverted, deep, female, submissive, nurturing, quiet, spiritual, collective, selfless  – cultures. There are degrees of yin-ness and yang-ness, and these may change in time and space.

Russia is the Great Balancer of our planet. It is the only global yin-yang (in other words fully balanced, comprised of both yin and yang sides) culture. It is on the shoulders of Russia that the balance of  our planet rests fully. This is why Russia has such wide and spread-out territory. The territory of Russia used to be much, much larger if we look very deep into history. I am talking 1000 years and more. However, the true history of that time was suppressed and deleted, and a false history was created; this happened at the time when the yang global West started rising. Such large territory has always been necessary for Russia to keep the world in balance. I write about it in Predictions, and I’ll write more on this topic going forward.

When Russia was weakened tremendously after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the world, as it happened so many times before, tilted into a gross imbalance. In fact, 199os were the culmination of the yang imbalance that started about 1000 years ago, and kicked into high gear 300 years ago. That said, the sheer explosion of the yang imbalance occurred in the past 30-40 years. The yang West and excessively yang USA in particular, were allowed to accumulate too much power. Historically, it has been the specialty of the global West to expand, invade, destroy, steal, pillage and kill. No one in history has ever done destruction and invading on such grand scale, so systematically and so…SUCCESSFULLY.

Examples are: the looting and destruction brought by the Crusades (incidentally, this is what started the rise and riches of Western Europe; before that, Europe was a hell hole); the looting and genocide of the indigenous population of the Americas (American Indians) – by Spain/Portugal/England/France, and later, by the most democratic country in the world, USA (more ill-gotten riches); India’s brutal occupation by England (India’s and other countries’ looted riches created the “mighty Anglo-Saxon empire”); Europe’s slavery and colonialism in Africa; Western Europeans started both WWI and WWII. USA’s infamous wars and other “good deeds:” slavery and racial inequality that existed in the US legally till late 1800s and de-facto till 1960s, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Serbia and Libya bombings, attempts to invade Iran and Syria, crippling Cuba embargo, countless bloody CIA coups executed globally, bloody regime changes engineered all over the world by US/UK… And so many more examples.

Let’s not forget the presently existing system of Western neocolonialism, in other words, the sucking of the life and wealth from the rest of the world through the worthless dollar dominance. This is a more subtle and invasive aggression, which the victims often don’t see. This global slavery system is ensured and strictly guarded by the American guns, and its life span needs to be prolonged at all cost to postpone the unavoidable implosion of the US economy based on unsustainable debt, and by extension, of the UK/EU economy as we know it.

Anti-Russian sanctions aren’t about Ukraine. Oh no, the reasons are so much bigger and all-encompassing.

Here are the real reasons for these sanctions:

1. The power is slipping away from the US and NWO. It is moving to the East. Russia is the singular arch-rival they always had, the only one capable of uniting the yin, non-aggressive, East and Global South against the cabal.  The West/NWO want to stop, or at least slow down, Russia.

2. The West sees that despite the engineered 1991 demise of the USSR; despite the wholesale sabotage of the Russian economy and Soros/NGO/fifth column infiltration; despite the 300 years+ (yes, it’s been this long) of the blatant anti-Russian propaganda by the West, Russia has yet again recovered and is making new heights and new friends. This is yet another desperate attempt to sabotage Russia, making black seem white and vice versa.

3. The anti-Russian propaganda stopped working. I showed it in my previous piece: Why US/EU/NWO Can Never Defeat Russia.

4. Russia is getting stronger; Russia’s policies of peace and cooperation around the world are accumulating allies. Despite the West’s attempts to isolate Russia, more and more people see that the ‘king’ is naked:

a. Last week’s SCO Summit in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, saw several new breakthroughs. A new strategic triangle is forming: Russia – Mongolia – China due to the world’s largest pipeline from Russia to China. Read more in Predictions Coming True! Russia Pivots to Asia: Putin goes to Mongolia and Opens Power of Siberia Pipeline to China. SCO is growing – the new members to be accepted soon: India, Iran and Pakistan. Many more are knocking on SCO’s door, including Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt. Russia returns to Central Asia – Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.

b. Russian cooperation and trade with Latin America is growing by leaps and bounds, following Putin’s week-long Latin American visit. Read: New Predictions! Putin Goes to Latin America: US Creates Wars – Russia Extends a Hand of Cooperation.

c. Russia – China gas mega-deals and transitioning to trade in national currencies. Watch: Russia’s #GMO Ban & Russia-China Holy Grail Gas Deal and Predictions: Russian Gas and Russia-China Deals.

d. Russia and China pushed through the BRICS Bank formation to counter IMF.

e. Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan announced the official formation of the Eurasian Union (EAU), with new members to be accepted soon. Read/watch: Global Consequences: Russia Announces Eurasian Union and New Currency Altyn

f. Many small countries and break-away regions are knocking on Russia’s door and the doors of the EAU. More in Why US/EU/NWO Can Never Defeat Russia. Also: LRL3: Sold-out EU Politicians vs TRUTH, and LadaRayLive 2. Explosion Coming! Moldova/Transnistria – Eurasian Union vs EU.

g. Russia successfully countered West’s previous sanctions with own food/agriculture sanctions. The queue of the alternative suppliers to the Russian market is growing. Russia can pick and choose who to buy from. Read: Predictions: Russia Hits West With Return Sanctions and Russia’s Sanctions: Who Wins, Who Loses?

All this makes the West only angrier, and therefore, more dangerous. The control is slipping away and nothing is really working the way it used to. The world is changing, and the leader of this change – its litmus test – is Russia. This is why they want to damage Russia as much as possible. Trouble is, the energy used to move in favor of the West; now the energy is moving towards Russia and the East, and away from the West.

In the past 5-6 months, I have made a number of predictions about the West’s sanctions. I said that any sanctions against Russia long-term will be beneficial for Russia and will prove to be a disaster for the West. I said that sanctions will consolidate the Russian society; that Russia needs the kick in the rear in order to start reforms of the Western-infested government, legal, financial, trade, business, education and social spheres. I also said that Russia would be pivoting more and more to the East (and the Global South).

My predictions are coming true every day!

Read my various predictions in Archives and of course, in Predictions.

From FT Admin: We are systematizing various predictions by Lada Ray on the new PREDICTIONS page at site. All Lada’s predictions will be eventually presented in a convenient chronological form. Stay tuned for this, and many other new and exciting things to come! For now, read Lada’s Predictions on this blog.

Predictions LR3



About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on September 16, 2014, in Empire Collapse, Forbidden History, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. This clip from “President Obama Address On ISIS – FULL SPEECH!! – 9/10/2014” (at 11 min 22 sec) makes me sick to my stomach! Second clip is a German reaction to the clip.

    Here we can see the megalomania of the American rulers. I wonder what the puppet Obama feels spreading such lies? Is he a man or just a empty shell?

    For people who speak German i highly recommend the You Tube channel Deutschland+Russland. Some of the content is in Russian with German subs.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lada, it sounds like there’s a lot of misdirection going on, balance of power = neutralizing corruption, and Russia is the great equalizer. The west wants Ukr to be the next Afghanistan, in a state of perpetual war to destabilize and drag Russia into the conflict. The difference now is Russia has time, resources and PUTIN on their side. Washington is running out of time, worse for US, we have a dimwit puppet for prez who doesn’t mind dragging the whole world into oblivion. Nice job educating and saving the world Lada! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Here is an article that takes a step-by-step break-down of the events of recent years, culminating in the coup in Ukraine and aggression in Syria:
    A very good and well-researched read, which resonates with all of your findings and predictions.


  4. This following article at the link explains quite a different story in many ways. It explains that any West versus East (including Russia) is just a superficial game to keep us distracted from the true orchestration of events. It explains that the West, the East and Russia are all working together. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to find this is what is really going on. I’d love if Vlad Putin, Russia, BRICS, etc. all turned out to be as Lada has described. But when I see articles like the one I’ve linked below, I get worried. I’d love to know Lada’s take on this article.


  5. Many thanks, Lada.
    Very much appreciated.


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