Happy Birthday, Mr. President! T-shirts, Marches and Pedestals for Putin’s Birthday

Have You Ever Seen This Done for A US prez?

Happy Birthday, Mr. President! T-shirts, Marches and Pedestals for Putin’s Birthday

Putin 3

This is one of the images from President’s T-shirt collection

Do you remember I said Putin was THE man when very few in the West dared say it yet. I said that in my geopolitical analysis videos on LadaRayLive and in my Earth Shift Report 1: Is Putin Part of NWO?, as well as in various articles, such as My Latest Intel: Did US Lose in Ukraine? Is Putin the Best Russian Leader? Do People Prefer Conspiracies to Real Truth?

The world is catching on. This is very interesting as prophecies about Putin are starting to materialize, sometimes in a funny way, perhaps. Why not? T-shirts, after all, are the quintessential street attire of the modern age.

In Moscow GUM (posh giant department store facing the Red Square) a sale of the designer Putin-themed T-shirts and pullovers is underway . This is the third show and sale. The first two created a buying frenzy and were sold out within a day or two. All proceeds go to charity.

In June, during the first GUM sale of ‘President’s tees’ American actor Mickey Rourke, who was in Moscow, purchased a T-shirt and said in an interview that he admired Putin because he was a good man. When he returned home, Rourke received a call from the US State Department in which he was told to keep his feelings about Putin to himself.

Russian text: В центре Москвы начался третий этап продаж коллекций проекта «Все путем», посвященного недавним победам России на мировой арене. Проект стартовал с продажи «президентских футболок» 12 июня и вызвал небывалый ажиотаж. Акция в ГУМе продлится три дня и завершится 8 октября. Все вырученные от продажи средства будут направлены на благотворительность.

Lines in GUM on Red Square to purchase Putin T-shirts:

In Berlin, one of the German fashion houses is also designing T-shirts and other clothes with Putin’s image. No video of this one – just heard on the grapevine. 😉

A new boutique opened today in Manhattan, called ‘Peacemaker.’ Guess what they are selling? That’s right – Putin T-shirts!

This video is from Grozny, the capital of the Chechen Autonomous Republic, where 100,000 people showed up for the march dedicated to Putin’s birthday, including Chechen head Ramzan Kadyrov (seen on video). People chanted: “Putin” and “Chechnya,” and carried portraits of Putin and Kadyrov, as well as giant flags of Russia and Chechnya. Ignited and financed by the West and radical Islam, just a short decade ago a brutal war raged here. At the time, many predicted (not me, obviously) that this war would never end. Chechens are very freedom-loving and untamed people, like wild horses. But just like horses, they are loyal for life to those who they love and respect.

The turnaround is incredible. Chechens are becoming some of the most loyal defenders of Russia at home and abroad, thanks to Putin’s reputation, diplomacy and people skills. Putin trusted the right man – Ramzan Kadyrov. Kadyrov is a little like Putin in that he is into wrestling and other sports, into arts, is very hands-on in his governing style, and knows how to use effectively his cool head together with his heart. This is why Putin and Kadyrov clicked. This is also why Kadyrov, like Putin, is also vilified and his character is often attacked in the West.

It also helps that Grozny has been rebuilt and is looking better than many cities I’ve seen, due to Russian investment. This was part of the deal Kadyrov made with Putin. Just a short 10-15 years ago, Grozny resembled a scene from WWII.

In Russian: Многотысячное шествие в честь дня рождения президента Владимира Путина прошло сегодня в центре Грозного. В руках участники акции несли флаги России и Чечни длиной до 600 метров и скандировали «Россия!», «Чечня!». Шествие стартовало от площади Минутка в сторону проспекта Ахмата Кадырова. По данным МВД, в мероприятии участвует до 100 тыс. человек.

Geneva, Switzerland. For Putin’s brithday, European artists created a 3-meter tall statue of Putin propping up the “broken chair statue.” Hmm… what might a broken chair in the middle of Europe symbolize, I wonder?

The broken chair statue symbolizes protest against war, but I can also think of a few other things, such as keeping together the European continent, despite insistent attempts by some to break it apart.

In Russian: В день рождения президента РФ Владимира Путина европейские художники установили его трехметровую фигуру на место недостающей ножки гигантского стула-памятника в Женеве, который символизирует протест против военных конфликтов.


Many more revelations about Putin coming. Stay tuned!

Putin Enigma HD

Added 10/8/14: For those who asked where to buy Putin tees, I’ve done some research and didn’t find any info via Google. However, Google readily displays info on where to buy anti-Putin T-shirts!

Same goes for articles. For example, a post in the Atlantic about the Manhattan boutique Peacemaker of which I spoke above, is from a rabid Rusophobe, originally from western Ukraine (no surprises there), who visited the boutique and drew his predictable conclusions. The comment section is flooded with brainwashed and Rusophobic lies, of course. Anyone interested, this is the link to the above Rusophobic article.

I did find out that the PEACEMAKER store is located on East 20th Street in the Gramercy neighborhood of New York City, near a Thai restaurant and some tile shops. This is all I have for now; perhaps those who know Manhattan may be able to find it. Tees sell for $24.95 and are designed by the designer and owner Julius Kacinskis (a Lithuanian name), an American-born New Jersey resident, whose family is from Russia and Lithuania.

Meanwhile, the Moscow GUM collection is expected to sell out quickly, so unless them make more, I don’t know if these may be found online.

If anyone has any online buy links for Putin tees from the President’s GUM collection, or from the Peacemaker shop, please post them in the comment section. If I have additional info, I’ll post it here or in a future article.

Also, here is the link to the related Russian ITAR-TASS agency’s report.

Read/watch Part 2: Giant ‘Spasibo’ Murals for Putin’s Birthday

About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on October 7, 2014, in Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Happy B-Day Mr. P! If only we had a leader with integrity like President Putin, the world would be much better off. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I absolutely ADORE President Putin! I wish he was president of the U.S. I would rather I was a Russian citizen than an American one! I do SO want a t-shirt with President Putin’s picture on it.

    If someone was giving away Obama t-shirts, I wouldn’t even take one!

    Happy, Happy Birthday President Putin and many, many, many, many more!!

    From America, with love!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Celeste Brunetti

    I fell in love with Russia five years ago after reading “The Ringing Cedar Series.” I continued
    reading books about Russia, then became obsessed with Putin. The looks and comments I’d get when I would tell people how much I admired him spoke volumes!! The past year I’ve
    reduced my comments about how much I wish he was ours (USA), to only my closest friends
    and family members.- And now look at him!!!! I can’t wait to get my t-shirt!

    Thank you Lada Ray, your work is brilliant! I don’t have a clue how I found you, but so glad
    I did, I look forward to your e-mails.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. With the permission of Lada Ray, I’d like to leave a little message here on her site for President Vladimir Putin:

    Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I know it was yesterday but also from The Netherlands: Happy Birthday Mr. P. and we hope many, many more in good Health!

    In several of our newspapers there were articles about Putins birthday….never seen that before, with pictures, also of the t-shirts and of the exhibition of paintings with Putin on it! ;-)) Interesting to read the comments section…..most are in favour of…..Putin and Russia!

    What great videos! I would love to have a Mr.P. t-shirt too! And I also get strange looks when I tell my family about my admiration for Russia and Putin, especially from the older people. But the younger generation seems more openminded, not being influenced by the remembrance of the war….

    Looking forward to your Earth shift report!
    Have a great day!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. President Putin is the only adult in the room on the entire world stage. The rest of the world’s leaders are mere stooges and puppets for America. Their behavior is shameful especially knowing that they are being spied on by the U.S. government.

    If the Russians would have me, I would renounce my American citizenship in a New York nanosecond and barring that, would attempt to defect to Russia and plead asylum because I am persecuted daily by having to listen to all the lies and propaganda from Washington’s puppets about Russia. Russia is beautiful and filled with beautiful people and President Putin is just SO gorgeous!!!

    …and Lada Ray, I am following you now because I do not want to miss out on anything about Russia and President Putin!

    President Putin, I hope that your birthday was simply lovely and wonderful. My birthday was on the 3rd of this month and to know that we are both Librans, well, that makes your birthday even more special because we Librans are THE best, but especially YOU!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Interesting comments above.
    I had a similar experience recently as Christa in The Netherlands (comment above) had when she was talking about Russia with her family. (And I’ve seen a lot of people report similar problems with their families.) I was chatting (or rather, “trying to chat”) with my father one day recently about the undeniably outstanding and impressive “statesmanship” of President Putin. My father immediately launched into a diatribe about how awful Stalin was, the evils of USSR, etc.. No matter how many times I tried to remind him (my father) that I was talking about President Putin and contemporary Russia he could not permit the conversation to return to these present day developments (… and Stalin did this… and Stalin did that, and … and… etc.). From my father’s perspective, the Russia of today is simply USSR now pretending it’s a bit democratic. Equally from my father’s perspective Vladimir Putin is a sneaky KGB agent “acting” as “a president”. Mind-blowing stuff to encounter for real!
    (Didn’t various USA presidents have “secret service” backgrounds too, apart from Bush senior?)
    When I mentioned to my father that Russian authorities are still demanding that the official investigation of the downing of the Malaysian flight in Ukraine be completed correctly, my poor old dad almost fell off his chair. He went “dead silent” and stared deadpan at me – but the stare was really on “something else” that I’m not sure how to describe… you could well describe the moment as “a most pregnant pause”… 😉
    “Does not compute… does not compute…!”
    My father, like so many folk out there, actually believed the ridiculous propaganda that was spewed out by puppet Western Main Stream Media within seconds of that flight being downed!
    I can understand people having been conned by the Western MSM in days before the Net… but with so much Alternative Media reporting so easily available to us nowadays it really is time for folk to expand vision somewhat, and to stop living “under a rock”.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I found more about the t-shirts:


    In this link the guy who designed them (an American with Russian or Ukranian background) talks about why he did! I think this part was taking out of the RT.com video you posted, Lada!

    And in the comment to this article there is an emailaddress, maybe you can sent this guy an email:



    …it’s from Austria, but one can always ask for info!

    That’s all I could find for now!



  9. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/10/peacemaker-putin/381213/

    Found one more link, but no website to order them….yet!



  10. The writer of the article, in my comment above this one, interviewing the “Putin t-shirt guy” has a different opinion about Mr. P…….colored of course by the influence of the media in the US……just to warn you for what is in there……



  11. I’ve been looking at the comment of ShelbyCourtland above and I just wanted to say 2 things:

    01. Looking at the world of politics and politicians on this planet today, I so agree with Shelby’s line: “President Putin is the only adult in the room on the entire world stage.”
    It is so true that for some rather mysterious reason most politicians on this planet seem to have arrived at the point of maturity of a dysfunctional 13-year old, or maybe maximum a dysfunctional 16-year old, and they never matured beyond that point. Most politicians, quite frankly, are simply unbelievably immature individuals. Why?? There are some exceptions… so, am speaking about the majority of politicians here (not all)… in fairness; there are a few other lesser known politicians around who demonstrate a similar maturity as THE President! And I’ve seen some South American politicians being interviewed who seem to have this maturity.
    I suspect this is one of the reasons that Mr. Putin is receiving so much positive attention today… I mean, you look around the world and you witness imbecile after imbecile pretending that they are the leaders of countries, pretending to be politicians, etc. … but they repeatedly prove themselves to be wimps, and one just gets nauseated… and then you see and listen to this Russian fellow and suddenly you realise “My God, this guy is intelligent & mature! … and, he’s a politician and the President of a country today!”
    It is not hard at all for people to be impressed with a person like Mr. V. Putin in today’s world.
    May President Vladimir Putin be more than well-protected to live a very long and influential life! Naturally, his principal concerns are for the welfare of Russia and Russians… I was never so content to be extremely jealous of Russians 
    (I used to have a Russian girlfriend – more of a female friend / lover, if you know what I mean… but she didn’t have one good word for Russia, and eventually, as a Russian Jewess, was accepted into Germany – where she now lives.)

    02. I also have been thinking lately: Maybe I’ll go live in Russia. Pity Lada Ray doesn’t live next door… she could teach me the Russian language in a jiffy! 😉
    But I have a home-study course… better get started!
    Is it difficult to get a visa or permit to live in Russia?

    Happy Birthday for a week back, ShelbyCourtland 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank you Nick! And bless your beautiful heart for the birthday wish! I sincerely appreciate it!!!


  13. Thank you Lada Ray! We are as witnessed by President Vladimir Putin! President Putin is the leader of the century. And history will remember him well for his leadership abilities, for his level head, for his integrity and for his steadfastness in the face of so many that seek to diminish his stature as a leader. But they fail to do so because he does not stoop to their level.

    I am going to try and learn the language. I so hope to visit Russia someday. There are many of us in America that do not believe the propaganda and the lies. We think for ourselves and do not blindly follow the mainstream media. Many of us love Russia and her people!


  14. Don’t forget, if you cannot get your hands on a Pres. Putin T-shirt, you can have one made for you. All you have to do is find an image on the Net that you like – the more pixels in the pic the better – either Photoshop it to suit you, or get someone to do that for you, go buy the T-shirt you like, take T-shirt and digi-image to a shop that prints T-shirts… et voila!
    There should be several of these T-shirt printing shops in every city, and at least one in every large town. You might have to hunt around a wee bit.
    Those printing shops normally have a selection of T-shirts to choose from also (in case you don’t fancy shopping around for one).
    Your Pres. Putin T-shirt might not be quite the “designer quality” from New York’s high street… but, you’ll be the very proud “wearer” sporting your very own Pres. Putin T-shirt! 😉
    You can even claim you designed it yourself! 
    (You’ll certainly provoke lots of Q.s from family & pals when you arrive for dinner, or arrive down the pub, in said T-shirt. A perfect opportunity to help expand vision on our troubled planet. In fact, I should have a Pres. Putin T-shirt made for my father.)

    Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: Giant ‘Spasibo’ Murals for Putin’s Birthday | Futurist Trendcast