Save #Dolphins and #Whales – Join #opKillingBay #opSeaWorld TweetStorm 12/19/14

Reblogged from Lada Ray Blog:

Save #Dolphins and #Whales!  #opKillingBay #taiji #anonymous #opfunkill #humangreed #profit


Last year, I did an expose on the brutal and inhumane annual slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan:

Save Our Dolphins! Help Stop Mass Dolphin Slaughter in Japan!

(See more material on Animals and Environment page!)

This year they are doing it again! One of the biggest buyers of captive dolphins and whales is #Seaworld.

For every dolphin captured and sold into slavery in Japan’s Taiji #killingbay SEVEN ARE SLAUGHTERED, often with horrible cruelty! Read my above post for more!

Are YOU aware of the torture that calls “entertainment”? VIDEO: on 19th DEC

The horrible cruelty and greed of these humans add to the already very heavy KARMA of our planet!

I’ll be talking about karma, how it works and how it can be lightened and reversed in the upcoming interview with the Cat’s Eye On the Future show on the Time Monk Radio. Links will be posted on my blog in a couple of days.

Say NO – make them accountable, make them listen! Join TweetStorm! You can also sign petitions and write to Seaworld, Japan PM, your congressman, as well as various international organizations.

For more read full post of Lada Ray Blog. It includes all the details of the TweetStorm on December 19, as well as links, videos and other material!

Make it count!

Reblogs, Tweets, FB, G+, etc., are appreciated!


Related: This must stop! U.S. Navy wargames to kill hundreds of whales, dolphins

A note from Lada: 

Examples of mass slaughter of dolphins and whales are found in Norway, Denmark and S. America (Peru primarily), but not on the same scale. My original ‘Save our dolphins’ article, the link to which you can find above, contains lots of links to petitions to sign, EU and world officials’ info, etc.

However, the above examples are peanuts compared to the biggest offenders – the infamous #Taiji #Japan and #Seaworld. What they do amounts to mass genocide and mass torture, uncomparable to others in scale – that’s why we do tweet storms and petitions, etc. They kill thousands every year! If Taiji is stopped and if Sea World is stopped too, they may have to close down the shop and hopefully we can save the majority of dolphins and whales, or at least many.

Japan’s Taiji dolphin-killing-machine is also known for its especial cruelty. The story someone told me is terrible. One of their practices is (I can hardly write it)… to catch a baby dolphin, cut off one of its fins and throw it back into water. So, when the rest of the family swims to the crying baby, refusing to leave it and trying to protect it, the killers take their sweet time slaughtering them one by one. And as I said, every dolphin sold into slavery to one of these wonderful European aquaria means 7 killed dolphins and countless babies left without mothers, or mutilated, with their fins cut off.

Please help us stop this!

Original article: Save Our Dolphins! Help Stop Mass Dolphin Slaughter in Japan!

Also, please make sure to read my newest article:

Earth Karma, Human Consciousness and Dolphins

About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on December 7, 2014, in Lada Ray and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. You are SO VERY TRUE……I love the cetaceans…….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Living in Japan, I am of course confronted with this. It does not do any good to confront the Japanese directly over this. They just retreat behind the “nobody understands Japan” wall. The only thing you can do here is quietly continue stating that, no it is not okay to kill dolphins in such a way.
    The aquariums, however, may have to be a sort of stop along the way. If the Japanese see these creatures and come to like them, they will be more amenable to stopping the slaughter. Whale watching tours have also been good for slowly changing public opinion.
    There is a market for the dolphins’ meat, and as long as that continues, the slaughter will too. One can attack this from a health perspective. Because dolphins and whales are at the top of the food chain, they bioaccumulate various toxic substances, such as PCBs, pesticides and mercury, and now we have radioactivity to consider as well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Patricia. It’s a valuable testimonial.
      Radioactivity from Fukushima should be a consideration seemingly. But even this doesn’t stop them.
      If sea shows and aquaria didn’t buy dolphins from them, it wouldn’t have been as economically viable to hunt them, so perhaps it would diminish the problem. That’s why Seaworld needs to be confronted and closed down. Unfortunately, too many humans are just completely unconscious and keep patronizing Seaworld and circuses around the world, where so many animals are mistreated.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s awful, I once looked at some videofootage but I don’t want to see it anymore……the same is happening in Norway, isn’t it? 😦


  4. But I will help sign petitions etc.!
    Lada, I last week I read somewhere that Russia is back using and training Dolphins for their military, can you tell us something about this? Is this true? And aren’t the US doing the same thing still?
    Thank you Dear!


    • I heard about it as a project. There are protests in Russia, I also asked not to do that. This is and awful practice, which was abandoned but now that Russia feels under threat…Hope they don’t do it in Russia at least.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Christa, you may want to see this related post: Also, read my original ‘Save our dolphins’ article. It has lots of examples, including I believe about Norway, where it’s a problem with whales more than dolphins. And it’s also horrible mass slaughter!
      There are petitions to sign, EU officials’ info, etc. There are similar abuses in South Ameica, Peru, I believe, but not on the same scale.

      So, while any usage by the military is terrible and must stop, if it ever started… I sent my protest to Putin’s admin when I heard Russians were considering re-starting it, as did other people, and I believe this program was frozen.
      I suspect they do it in the US though.

      However, as I said, this is peanuts compared to the biggest offenders – Japan and Sea world. What they do amounts to mass genocide and mass torture, uncomparable to others – that’s why we do tweet storms and petitions, etc. They kill thousands every year! If #Taiji is stopped and if #seaworld is stopped too, they may have to close down the shop and hopefully we can save the majority of dolphins and whales, or at least many.

      Japan Taiji is also known for its especial cruelty. The story someone told me is terrible. One of their practices is to (I can hardly write it)… to catch a baby dolphin, cut off one of its fins and throw it back into water. So, when the rest of the family swims to the crying baby, refusing to leave it and trying to protect it, the killers take their sweet time slaughtering them one by one. And as I said, every dolphin sold into slavery to one of these wonderful European aquaria means 7 killed dolphins and countless babies left without mothers, or mutilated, with their fins cut off.

      This is what we are talking about!

      Liked by 1 person