Lada Ray on The Plane Truth: Geopolitical Feng Shui and BRICS/EU Predictions

My new interview with The Plane Truth is here!

We delve into the fascinating Earth Feng Shui, and specifically, my proprietary school of Geopolitical Feng Shui. I explain how the 2015 Chinese Year of the Wood Sheep works worldwide, and how it compares to the previous 2014 Year of the Wood Horse that just ended. We also talk about the important Water Feng Shui and how the presence of big bodies of water (oceans, rivers) and their pollution by humans influence any city or country’s fortune.

I further reveal what is Chinese Zodiac and how it really works, what is the classic Compass School of feng shui, and how feng shui helps me make my global predictions.

Last, but not least, this show is in big part about predictions. We discuss my predictions concerning the BRICS, EU, Latin America, Eurasia and US, as well as the general Earth Shift timeline.

This interview was recorded in the beginning of February 2015, but published only yesterday due to certain scheduling issues. That’s why you will see me referring to the Year of the Sheep as yet to start. The Chinese Year of the Sheep has started on January 19, 2015 and the auspicious celebrations period is ending today, March 4.

Take a listen!

Lada Ray on The Plane Truth:

Geopolitical Feng Shui and BRICS/EU Predictions

I recommend that you also listen to my prior interview with Cat’s Eye on the Future: Lada Ray ~ 2015 Chinese New Year and Feng Shui Predictions SpecialThis interview is shorter and it will add to the full picture regarding the Year of the Wood Sheep, and feng shui in general (interview description).

See other Lada Ray Interviews.

You can subscribe to The Time Monk Radio YT channel here, to listen to our favorite The Plane Truth and Cat’s Eye on the Future shows. Please support them – they are doing a very important and awesome job!



FENG SHUI Consultations

by Internationally Certified Feng Shui Master Lada Ray


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on March 4, 2015, in Feng Shui & Astrology, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Videos and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Thank you Lada for this posting, I will listen to this tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing your predictions for the “Year of the Sheep”!
    I’m of to bed! Have a nice evening!


  2. Great interview, thx for sharing!


  3. Interesting discussion, Lada.
    Poor Ireland, though! If it didn’t have PIIGS it would be so lonely!
    It was so lonely for so long… “the Latins of the North”… but then came The EEC!
    Then EU.
    Then, The Celtic Tiger! The Gravy Train!
    Then… empty vacuum… and lots of it…
    Love your predictions, as always.

    A fun video here:
    A German view of the new Greek Minister of Finance…
    If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s worth a gander for a bit of a tickle 🙂
    V for Varoufakis.
    He puts the “Hell” in Hellenic.
    The lost son of Zeus.
    The Minister of Awesome
    Greek Minister of OMFG.
    Every time he smiles, an angel dies.
    Half God, half Souvlaki.
    And he even plays the Bouzouki.
    The Walking Debt.
    His facial expression, bulletproof!

    It’s rather monumental!
    Got to hand it to these Germans for their humour.
    No doubt Yanis himself got quite a laugh from it.


  4. Hi Lada, I’ve listened to your interview last night, and something came to my mind when you talked about Argentina. I remembered one of Milkhail Khazins geopolitical analysis, in which he talks about invisible powers behind the recent geopolitical events. He wrote about neocons and Windsors taking active part in splitting Ukraine apart, and else, he mentioned Vatican and China, as players that will actively enter the arena, when neocons and Winsdros loose the momentum, which he predict will happen with the collapse of financial markets.
    I believe that we are slowly approaching the moment when China and Vatican are raising their voices. Speaking of which I’d like to hear your opinion on Pope Francis.
    I got the impression, that Russia or maybe even Putin himself, may as well count on very powerful, but not entirely obvious ally. I think that Pope Francis, particularly with his Jesuit Order background will play tremendously important role in further events.
    Moscow the Third Rome, idea, defense minister congratulated with Order of Malta seems good enough clues not to dismiss Vatican – Russia connection.
    What is your opinion?


    • Dear Duff,
      China is on standby with Ukraine, but they won’t interfere overtly. Their role is more important elsewhere. There is an unspoken agreement between Russia and China as to spheres of influence.

      Vatican’s role is greatly deminished in the past 20 years or so, and will continue diminishing.

      Pope Francis: It’s improtant to understand that lately, Popes promote not only the church policy, but also an agenda consistent with their country of origin. When the Pope was from Poland he pushed – really hard – the Polish agenda on global stage. Now, the Argentinian is likely to root more for Argentinian interests, and bring Latin flavor. This is generally very good. In this regard, he may be an ally, but the church is dominated by different forces. Not clear to what degree he has the freedom to execute his policy.

      As I also said, Vatican lost some of its pull. I expect Vatican will try very hard to be basically neutral in Ukraine, and that’s the best we can hope for. In reality, it is getting huge amount of pressure from Poland and Lithuania – both Catholic – who are trying to subvert Ukraine and convert it into Catholicism. I’m sure Vatican has to balance now between a good relationship with Russia and demands by Poland.

      Order of Malta for Shoigu: that is an olive branch, indicating that Vatican isn’t with Poland/Lithuania/Western Ukraine in their push to convert the population and expel Orthodox priests. I don’t know if you are aware, but there is a very active takeover of Russian churches in Ukraine by ukro-nazis and some churches were destroyed in Donbass.

      Conclusion: Vatican is smart. They already see where the wind blows – away from US and towards Russia and China. Just like Israel, they are also repositioning themselves accordingly. Argentinian loyalties of the Pope help.


  5. Thank You….for everything


  6. Lada,

    Thanks for coming on. Now you have got me thinking about Feng Shui, and how that might affect different cities. How Washington, Kiev, or even Dnepropetrovsk might be structured, and whether the water near by is getting better or worse. And, maybe, one day Odessa will return to being a nice city on the water. Hope you get to visit that some day.
