Intel: Kazakhstan’s Snap Elections, Nazarbayev, Color Revolutions and Eurasian Union

Kazakh elections

A woman casts her ballot during a snap presidential election in the village of Tuzdybastau, Kazakhstan, April 26, 2015. (Reuters / Shamil Zhumatov)


This post is part of 

EARTH SHIFT REPORT 1 double feature+

IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Astana KZ – New NWO Capital?

Bonus: Lukashenko’s Bluff


From RT: “Exit polls show near 100 percent support for incumbent Kazakh leader Nursultan Nazarbayev in a snap presidential election in the central Asian country. Exit polls have confirmed Nazarbayev has won about 97.5 percent of the vote, while there was a voter turnout of over 95 percent. International and local observers at polling stations across the country have reported no significant violations. There were a total of 858 observers from 19 countries present.

Nazarbayev’s rule is contested by two other candidates, the leader of the Communist party and the leader of the state labor unions federation. However, they are widely seen as non-competitive, with Nazarbayev clinching 95 percent of the votes in the previous election in 2011. Nursultan Nazarbayev, 75, is often accused of suppressing opposition and freedom of speech. In 2014, the French Geopolitical Crime Observatory gave him the title ‘Dictator of the Year’, beating Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe as well as three toppled leaders: Tunisian Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Haitian Jean-Claude Duvalier. Opposition journalists accuse him of cultivating a personality cult, to which he owes his high election results. Nazarbayev is promising to take his country into the world’s top 30 best-developed countries.

“Should Kazakhs show me their trust again, my first act will naturally be to create a committee on implementing five constitutional reforms,” he said. Those reforms are aimed at “not letting the global crisis negatively affect [Kazakhstan’s] development, to maintain the speed of growth and prepare grounds for a new leap ahead.” Link to post.


Russian: В Казахстане прошли досрочные президентские выборы, в которых участвуют три кандидата: президент Нурсултан Назарбаев, руководящий страной с 1989 года, секретарь ЦК Коммунистической народной партии Тургун Сыздыков и председатель федерации профсоюзов Абельгази Кусаинов. “В Казахстане в дружбе и согласии проживает более 130 народностей и национальностей: 50%казахи,30%русские,около 5%немцы и остальные 15% украинцы,белорусы,узбеки,татары и т.д.”

English: Snap presidential elections ended in Kazakhstan. Three candidates participated: current president Nursultan Nazarbayev – leader of the country since 1989; leader of the Kazakh Communist Party Turgun Sizdikov; head of the country’s labor union federation Abelgazi Kusainov.

According to my Kazakh sources, and I quote: ‘in Kazakhstan, in friendship and accord live 130 different nationalities: 50% Kazakhs, 30% Russians, 5% Germans; the remaining 15% are Ukrainians, Belorussians, Uzbeks, Tatars, etc.’

Nazarbayev’s Kazakh nickname is ‘Elbasi,’ which translates as the ‘voice of the people’ or ‘head of the people.’

I hear that this time even those who usually don’t bother, went to vote, the majority – for Nazarbayev. The reason: people want stability. Nazarbayev means just that for his people. The worry for many is that he is getting on with years. However, to this date, there is no worthy substitute for him in his country. I do hear the name of Tasmaganbetov (Тасмаганбетов) as potential successor.

More from my Kazakh sources: people also talk about the fact that they don’t even know other candidates, what they want, what their plan is, in other words, they appear to the people being neither here nor there. Is it because they aren’t given equal opportunity to promote themselves, or is it because there is simply no contest?

About 100 initial candidates entered the race, with 3 qualifying for the elections. It is rumored that Nazarbayev didn’t want to run any more, but that his party Nur Otan (Нур Отан) insisted he runs again. “People want peace and order, it’s dangerous to change anything in the country now” – “Народ хочет мира и порядка. Сейчас опасно что-либо менять в курсе страны.”

As you know from my previous articles, LadaRayLive videos and interviews, Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Union together with Russia and Belarus; member of SCO with Russia, China, etc.; member of the Caspian Club, with Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan; one of the biggest allies of Russia, with its policies directed towards closer ties. Kazakhstan will also play a role in the new Eurasian Silk Road Project and in the anti-petrodollar revolution. There is much more about all that in: Global Consequences: Russia Announces Eurasian Union and New Currency Altyn. This is video report with lots more info and pics.

Eurasian union 2

Left to right: Belarus president Lukashenko, Kazakh president Nazarbayev, Vladimir Putin

The global geopolitical and mystical role of Kazakhstan and personally Nazarbayev cannot be underestimated. I said previously in this interview, PUTIN’S DISAPPEARANCE AND THE NEW SILK ROAD, that Kazakhstan together with Belarus, serves as a support for Putin and Russia in the rebalancing of the world, Belarus representing the western support and Kazakhstan the eastern one. See PREDICTIONS for more about Russia’s rebalancing role.

(I highly recommend you also take a look at Earth Shift Report 1: Is Putin Part of NWO? In it you will find a very interesting piece about Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, with pics. In it, the myth that Astana is the new NWO capital is debunked.)


The futuristic Astana

All the above makes Kazakhstan a prime candidate for color revolution. Look at Ukraine: the bloody maidan and coup of 2014 followed the announcement by Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus of the formation of the Eurasian Union. It was necessary to pry Ukraine away from Russia and prevent Ukraine from joining the union.

Many prior attempts to organize a color revolution in Russia have failed. Seeing that 2012 protests on Moscow’s Bolotnaya Square brought no result, those who are behind color revolutions all over the world, changed their tactic. They organized the assassination of Boris Nemtsov. (Read: Lada’s Investigation: Who Benefits from the Death of the Russian Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov?)

Nemtsov himself was hardly popular and largely overlooked in Russia, being just a deputy of the Yaroslavl’ city council, a small city near Moscow. His only value was in his death. That death had to be as loud and as prominent as possible. Hence shocking and dramatic assassination next to the Red Square and 200 meters from the Kremlin’s main Spasskaya Tower. They were hoping that Nemtsov’s mourning may be turned into a bloodbath next to the Kremlin, the seat of the Russian President.

During the ‘march in memory of Boris Nemtsov’ organized by opposition and authorized by Moscow authorities to take place next to the Red Square, several Ukrainian politicians and known provocateurs were detained, including a Rada Deputy who was filmed dancing on burned bodies on Odessa’s Kulikovo Polie during the May 2, 2014. With them, these people had American dollars in small denominations, which were supposed to be used for payment to violent thugs, who would turn the peaceful commemoration into a blood bath. They were planning on re-creating the Kiev maidan 2014, when 20,000 ‘peaceful’ protesters, many of whom were used, and even more of whom were simply bought, camouflaged 2,000 choice militants and trained thugs, who were there to provoke violence by attacking and burning police. As we know, it worked out very well in Kiev.

Not so in Moscow. After ringleaders wannabe were detained (and let go after the fact), there was no one to direct the thugs. Russian FSB and OMON also arrested an undisclosed number of suspected militants from Ukraine, Chechnya, Georgia, Baltics. As a result, no maidan in Russia.

While Belarus and Kazakhstan are doing pretty well on this front too, the danger of a color revolution is still high in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan – the new members of Eurasian Union (Kyrgyzstan officially to join in May 2015), and well as in Tajikistan – a prospective member.

It has to be noted that the attack on Eurasian Union states is, and will continue being, multi-prong. Let’s call it a hybrid war. It is understood that Ukraine maidan and the ukro-nazi junta were organized to prevent Ukraine from joining Eurasian Union and to create an area of permanent instability on Russia’s borders. It worked only partially, but unfortunately, my prediction that Ukraine economy would be completely destroyed in the process is coming true all too well.

More about Ukraine and the dirty mechanics of the euro-maidan in these two Earth Shift Reports:



Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are now balancing an inch from their own color revolutions. My prediction is: attempts to create color revolutions will not succeed in either of these countries. Unfortunately these attempts do succeed in creating distractions, economic hardship, and slowing down the process of building the Eurasian Union.

Another devilish goal they have is to create animosity and hatred between countries, nationalities and peoples. Recent, very strange events in Armenia, when a Russian soldier knocked on a door to ask for water and supposedly killed an Armenian family, led to an explosion of anti-Russian protests and demands that Russian military base be removed. The event practically reeked of false flag. Fortunately, the Russian government acted in a very level-headed manner, promising full trial disclosure. The majority of the population didn’t support the Russian base closure demands and they died down. However, attempts to destabilize Armenia continue.

The same story is true for Kyrgyzstan. According to my data, in small Kyrgyzstan, population 5.72 million, there are 17,000 Western and Western-financed NGOs!! As we know, Western NGOs, financed by the US Endowment for Democracy, Soros, US State Dept, and others, are the instrument of color revolutions.

Prediction: as I said, there will be no success in organizing such color revolution in Kyrgyzstan. But attempts will continue for the foreseeable future, until all these countries manage to create a strong joint political, economic and defence system. This will only be possible as a result of Eurasian Union and the New Silk Road project.

Finally, the biggest intrigue: why were these snap Kazakh elections conducted one year before term, especially considering Nazarbayev was guaranteed a win? The reason is the same as above: color revolution and potential economic crisis inflicted via currency manipulation. Last year, Kazakhstan already went through a major devaluation (25% or more) of Tenge, its currency. It’s still nothing compared to the devaluation of the Russian currency, following the attack on the Ruble in December 2014. I’ll write more about that and what will happen soon, in the upcoming Earth Shift Report: Game of Rubles.

Anticipating that attempts to destabilize the country economically and politically will continue, and that possible hardship is coming, Nazarbayev and his advisors decided to do preemptive elections now, when the country is relatively stable. Organizing snap elections also provided another advantage. Kazakhstan knows they are in line for a maidan of their own. They have their own Western-sponsored NGOs and their own opposition.

By the way, on FT when we refer to ‘opposition.’ we mean practically without exception, Western-paid and Western-trained opposition.

Nazarbayev and his people know (a little birdie must have whispered this advice into their ear) that while US State Dept, CIA and Victoria Nuland are busy with Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, they have a reprieve. Doing snap elections during this period means that Nuland won’t get to Astana on time and local opposition won’t be able to organize themselves.

It turned out they were right.

Incidentally, it is known that US and their allies are preparing a color revolution in Russia for 2018, in the attempt to sabotage Russian presidential elections. Also, preparations are underway to sabotage 2016 Russian Duma elections. Russians aren’t asleep; defences are being prepared. None of this will work.

Read complete report!

IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Astana KZ – New NWO Capital?

Bonus: Lukashenko’s Bluff






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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on April 26, 2015, in Empire Collapse, Eurasia, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. If a color revolution is to be avoided, start checking passports at the borders.


    • I like the idea, lol. But I guess few in the West realize how porous the post-Soviet space borders are. Why? I should prob do an article about that.


  2. Holding the elections early was probably a wise move. Things may get ugly going forward.

    Destabilization is as old as the hills, and we can expect a fair bit of it. However, the problem that new presidents or different parties don’t totally exist in the post-USSR countries is not so good. Stability is important, but new ideas have to be brought into government, and that will be hard to do if the same leader stays in charge for 20 years. Not trying to give Putin or Nazarbayev a hard time, as they have handled things well, but the level under them can get ossified.

    By the way, if you are looking for a topic that Westerners don’t understand, the political parties in Russia would be it. Is there any chance that the Communists could win? If Putin were to retire, what might happen?


    • Succession of power is the oldest and gravest Russian problem, including all of the Russian world, Kazakhstan included. Stability vs new ideas – is a related issue that is just as much at the forefront. This now worries everyone over there. Great Qs about communists and everything else, but too long to explain here. Perhaps I should do a separate Earth Shift Report on that…


  3. There is a new documentary out with interviews of Putin. A few people on Russian blogs have mentioned that it has the feeling that things are about to change. Maybe in terms of economics; maybe corruption; maybe the party system; or maybe something else. Any thoughts on this documentary? Any thoughts on whether it has some deeper significance?


    • It’s dedicated to Putin’s 15 years in office. A very powerful documentary.

      This is the time of sweeping change in all aspects of life, aka, EARTH SHIFT. I think we did talk about that in our recent interview 😉 – Putin’s Disappearance and the New Silk Road:

      Putin is here to facilitate this change. The documentary focuses on Putin in this role: peaceful and gradual evolutionary change and guiding the world towards it.
      If there are some changes in personnel, it’s a good idea. Putin will be doing any changes or making new moves as, and when, he sees them as necessary. But as everything that Putin does, these will be surgically precise, but delicate interventions so not to disturb the fabric of reality. It’s already disturbed enough by the outside forces.

      One news on the personnel front is the new Minister of Agriculture – former governor of Krasnodar Kray (region), where Sochi is located. He was instrumental in orgainizing Sochi Games and he also was behind bumper harvests in Krasnodar, almost twice what they produced before him. He is VERY good and this nomination is past due. Agriculture needs to be reformed in Russia badly to substitute for imports. Russia is capable of feeding herself fully, and feeding 1/4 of the world too.


    • Rose-Marie Mukarutabana

      Thanks for these thoughts, Lada, both on Kazakhstan and the new Putin documentary.
      The Kazakhstan President is said to be a wise old statesman. And he always look fit enough to me, and while a new term at 75 is on the old side, if he has no specific health problem, he’ll do okay for another few years. It is often said that a good age for high-level politics is the early 70s… Still, I hope there is a good crop of experienced politicians tp select from after his mandate. None of these countries can afford instability: the US will just jump on the occasion and tear them apart – or, first, tear them away from Russia, then destabilise them so their troubles spread to Russia.
      The photo of Astana is stunning. Thanks.


  4. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Looks like the people have spoken.

    All I know is in the US we have an illusion of choice.


  5. Lada, i think you might get a kick out of this article, LOL!
    Hollywood Studio Caught Producing ISIS Videos:

    This article kept disappearing as MSM tried to cover it up. It has recently resurfaced as blog posters got ahold of the original story and it’s going viral again, haha.


  6. Could you look into the relationship between the Gallipoli campaign and the Armenian massacres this year marks the centennial of both events. I read a article on the new illuminati website this past Saturday 04/26/15. It said Turkey was deliberately push into the arms of the axles powers by London and Paris RT had a two part documentary on the Armenian massacres but neither the article or the documentary connected the two
