MOLDOVA and ODESSA: Hundreds of Thousands Come Out for May 9 #Victory70 Celebrations Despite Attempts to Ban Holiday

In the run up to the Victory Day, Moldavian government in Chisinau made an attempt to ban Georgievskaya Lentochka (St. George Band), which is widely considered a symbol of the Great Victory and generally, a Russian symbol of valor. The mayor of the Moldavian capital also decreed to ban any parades, marches or rallies on May 9th.

But wait till you see what happened instead!

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History of Georgievskaya Lenta (‘Lentochka,’ if small):

It was first introduced in 1764 by Russian empress Katerina Velikaya (Catherine the Great). Georgievskiy Orden (the Order of St. George) was the highest order awarded for soldiers’ valor during the Russian Empire days and it was distinguished by its striking golden (variation: orange) and black stripes, known as Georgievskaya Lenta (band). In 1945 USSR awarded the new medal, “For the Victory over Fascism” to all Soviet soldiers who fought in the war. The medal included the Georgievskaya Band. As a result, the band became associated with Victory Day.

The colors represent the tiger stripes, hence the valor symbolism. The ancient Russian mystical knights, Vytyaz’s, wore tiger pelts to imbue themselves with the valor and bold energy of the tiger. Read more about this symbol in FREE Earth Shift Report 2: UKRAINE: TRUE HISTORY. More about Vytyaz’s and Bogatyrs in Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

What is Victory Banner? This is the red banner placed on top of Reichstag on May 2, 1945. This banner is now another symbol of Victory Day. Replicas of this banner are carried in many rallies and parades; you will see them in the videos below.

The same way as in Ukraine, the pro-West Moldavian authorities also attempted to morph the holiday into a “Europe day.” None of it worked.

It’s worth mentioning that last year Moldovan government attempted to remove and destroy the monument to the Soviet Soldier Liberator in the center of the capital city Chisinau, saying that instead of it they would erect a monument to Romanian language! Let’s recall this is happening in the ‘sovereign’ country of Moldova, not in Romania. Thousands came out to defend the monument, which was then left alone. Video.

The winner of the last year Moldovan elections was the pro-Customs Union Socialist party. Despite that, socialists were unable to form a government as the coalition of 3 pro-Western parties had the majority. Read Analysis and Predictions: Battleground Moldova – November 30, 2014 Elections.

Just like Ukraine, politically Moldova is ruled by oligarchs. There are two local oligarchs controlling the government, parliament, police and judiciary. The government of Moldova signed the EU association agreement and is close to fully ratifying it. However the resistance to the EU is high, which has come out quite clearly during #Victory70 celebrations on May 9, 2015. In the above article about elections in Moldova I said that the country is now in a state of fragile equilibrium, during which they won’t be able to move either towards the EU or Russia for a couple of years. Everything will change and the new balance will be established in 2-4 years.

In defiance of the attempts to ban Georgievskaya Lentochka, in Kishinev (Chisinau) people spread out the world’s largest Georgievskaya Band and a huge banner with words ‘Za Rodinu’ – ‘For Motherland.’ Same kind of huge banners and bands were carried out in Beltsi, the capital of northern Moldova (Balti) and other cities. This was done by the movement ‘Motherland-Eurasian Union.’ A sight to behold! Video:

Another video of the mega-Georgievskaya Band and banner. Plus, the video includes live Victory Day hello from cosmonauts at the ISS especially for Moldavians – at 2:15 (Марш Победы в Кишиневе и видеосвязь с МКС – За Родину!):

May 9, 2015, Kishinev (Chisinau), Moldova. A sea of people and lots of replicas of the red Victory Banners and Georgievsky banners. Over 100,000 people marched through Chisinau. This is especially impressive considering the entire population of Kishinev is 664,000, and that’s before we subtract a large percentage of people working abroad.

According to the rally organizers, hundreds of thousands came to the Great War Memorial in Chisinau, Moldova, on May 9, 2015. People kept arriving all day long. I am being told that when that sea of people you saw on previous video suddenly approached the memorial, they were first not let in by police. Turned out that the country ‘leadership’ was there, laying wreaths (official story), or… I don’t know, stealing valuables, perhaps. I would love to see the looks on their faces when they saw that 100,000+ strong mob with red banners and banned Georgievskaya Bands. The ‘leadership’ quickly finished their business and left the site, after which people could enter. Video of the Memorial rally:

Meanwhile in Ukraine…

Georgievskaya Bands, Victory Banner and any other Victory/Soviet/communist symbolism were banned throughout the country.

However, in Odessa people still came out with all that. Thousands came to the monument of the Unknown Sailor. According to the official police data, 42,000 people went through police controls throughout the day.

Odessa was the only city in Ukraine which had Victory Day fireworks. Actually two fireworks! People privately prepared their own fireworks, but the city administration made a last moment decision to have fireworks as well.

The monument and the surrounding memorial cemetery on the Alley of the Glory was drowning in flowers. People chanted: “Russians are our brothers,” “Odessa – Hero City,” “Victory will be ours,” and “Ukro-bandera devils, out of Odessa.” The rally turned into the anti-Kiev-junta manifestation. Odessa became the only city in Ukraine where thousands came out on May 9th. Everywhere else people were scared. Odessans are so furious at the May 2nd that any little spark could ignite an uprising; therefore, ukro-nazis didn’t dare interfere.

Kharkov and other Ukraine cities didn’t fare nearly as well as Odessa: the May 9th celebrations, symbolism, any marches or gatherings were forbidden and those vets who dared to come out were in danger of being attacked or humiliated by ukro-nazis.

Odessa, May 9, 2015, Monument to the Unknown Sailor, Alley of the Glory, the Shevchenko Park:

It’s good to see that there is a mass awakening in Moldova. The fact that Moldavian citizens are able to successfully defend their view of how holidays should be celebrated means that my prediction that the pro-EU and pro-Romanian forces in Moldova are gradually weakening and pro-Eurasian Union forces are getting stronger – is coming true.

Also see my colorful educational video: Pridnestrovie vs Moldova – Eurasian Union vs EU

This post is part of the 70 YEARS OF THE GREAT VICTORY MARATHON


See all posts: 70 Years of Great Victory

About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on May 10, 2015, in Eurasia, Ukraine, WWII & Great Victory and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Dear Lada,

    You may already know about this but considering how important your theory of Russia occupying the position of Heart on our planet, I thought it a good idea to send this article, link and the following relevant citation on to you..


    * * * *

    Geopolitics of Empire: Mackinder’s Heartland Theory and the Containment of Russia

    Mackinder and the Heartland Theory

    Before the American Empire there was the British Empire, and before Zbigniew Brzezinski there was Halford Mackinder. In 1904, Mackinder submitted an article to the Royal Geographical Society titled ‘The Geographical Pivot of History‘, in which he formulated the ‘Heartland Theory’, which he himself later boiled down to this:

    “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
    who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
    who rules the World-Island controls the world.”

    “East Europe” is obvious enough: the Balkans, the Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, ‘European’ Russia and the Baltic states. The “Heartland” stretched from the Volga to the Yangtze rivers and from the Himalayas to the Arctic Ocean. The “World-Island”… wait for it… is the entire contiguous landmass of Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Have a look at his world map:

    (Mackinder map –

    In labelling the Americas as “outlying islands”, and the British Isles “outer islands”, Mackinder
    was highlighting that they were peripheral to the “center”, the “pivot area”, which just happens to be Russia.


    • Thanks so much – very interesting. Never heard of it, but, instinctively, Mackinder was right. 🙂
      Instinctively they all knew – and know. This is really the secret why all of them were trying to take over Russia, while at the same time trying to diminish it.


    • Thanks, Lada, for all this info. Moldova is a very interesting case indeed, and revelatory or the total absence of any democracy in Europe, with the leadership so totally opposed to the people’s views and desires. Good luck to the brave people of Moldova, Odessa, etc.
      Cherie, thanks for the link. Engadhl’s discussion of Mackinder’s and Britain’s (and now US’s) cynical self-interest policy sharply contrasts with Russia’s readiness to forego some of hers in order to helping others or promote world peace and stability. As regards never holding “sentimental or moral relations with other nations,” the Czech President would beg to disagree. His country’s interests lie in maintaining good relations with Russia, in part because her current leader is a trustworthy: I do not know if you remember our first meeting 15 years ago – I was visiting you in your capacity of Prime Minister. I was already performing all the political functions, though I had never even been a mayor. I said “We have a minor point” and you said there were no minor points. We also spoke of a gas pipeline somewhere in Kamchatka then. It had to do with an unpaid loan. You resolved it in 14 days.
      Presidents Xi and Putin are convinced that moral uprightness is the heart of their diplomacy. Commenting on their May 8 talks, Putin stressed that “Our talks took place in the spirit of trust and mutual understanding that characterises our relations.”
      Putin frequently stresses the need for sincerity, and good faith and trust in diplomatic relations – something poles apart from current Western practice.
      Neither is selfish interest Xi Jinping’s motivation: “We will give each other greater support on matters concerning each other’s vital national interests.” And he explains that this is a new kind of diplomatic relations: “China and Russia have gathered successful experience [in] establishing a new type of international relations.”
      Also clear is the place of sentiments in China – Russia relations: “The Chinese and Russian peoples fought shoulder-to-shoulder in the war against the Nazi and militarist invaders. They supported and helped each other and cemented with their blood and their lives a true brotherhood forged in war. The years have pass, but the Chinese people will never forget…”
      And Xi does not shy away from colouring diplomacy with personal sentiments: being invited to the parade gives him “immense pleasure” because he has always dreamed about such an opportunity: “I am very happy that today, I am finally able to fulfill a long-held dream.”
      In this lovely little video ( – even preschool kids know “Uncle Putin”, and invite him to come and share some steamed buns!!) about how ordinary Chinese people see Russia, a man (at 3.45) stresses that China’s dealing with friends and allies are always well intentioned, and wants the Russians to believe this. All those who were interviewed share this idea of sincere friendship, and some ask for even more openness.
      What an amazing contrast with Western attitudes to Russia!


  2. I predict that the St. Georges Ribbon will become a global symbol of resistance against the Zionist new world order.


  3. It seems like most ex-Soviet states have divergent populations/civilizations within them. Pretty hard to work things out when you have places that don’t get along very well. But, as you say, given a few years, many will start to look more favorably on the Eurasian Union. The European Dream may be dying.

    As a different topic, and one that might interest you, a rather well-known blogger, Oleg Matveychev, wrote an article on how the West has only done well in war against Russia in the information sphere. And then he lists a number of interesting facts and situations in history where it looks like that which those of us from America learnt in school was wrong. Most interesting. Ivan the Terrible may have been very good.


    • Thanks, Paul.
      What is called “Ivan the Terrible” in conventional history, incl. – sadly – in Russia, was actually a hoax spread by those historians who re-wrote history in 17th and 18th centuries by orders of powers that be. There were 4 tsars, who were lumped together as one Ivan. This has already been proven by Russian scientists. Ivan in his later years became a monk. A very interesting and convoluted story. Perhaps one day I’ll get to telling it. Incidentally, did you know that St. Basil’s Cathedral (Sobor Vasiliya Blazhennogo) on Red Square was actually named after him, in his later guise as a monk. Basil – Vasily is a man’s name, but also an equivalent of “Tsar” in then terminology.
