US Weapons and Troops – Out Of Ukraine! Rally in Front of the US Embassy in Kiev

Over one thousand Ukraine citizens gathered in front of the US embassy in Kiev and attempted to pass on to the embassy workers their petition to Barack Obama and the American people, demanding that US stop igniting civil war and interfering in Ukrainian affairs; they also demanded the removal of US troops and weapons from Ukraine. No embassy worker came out to them and guards refused to take their petition. They resorted to gluing the petition to the embassy wall.

Posters in the video below and speeches are in Ukrainian. Posters say: “USA = War,” “USA – out of Ukraine,” “USA invaded Ukraine,” “Donbass.” They chant: “Yankee go home” and “Out of Ukraine!”

Notice how many people are hiding their faces from cameras!

I also want to point out how INCREDIBLY meek and polite all the people are. The ring leader, young woman in pink asking the guard to accept her petition, is especially polite and nice. She keeps saying “Bud’ laska,” which means in Ukrainian ‘please,’ or more precisely, ‘be so kind.’ No one says a word out of the norm, no one does anything even remotely unseemly. After neatly gluing the petition to the embassy wall, they even wipe the wall from any excess glue and polish it to perfection!!! See the woman talking to the guard at 5:15; see them wiping down the wall at 8:10.

I want everyone to note all that, because in the next video of the June 11, 2015 attack on the Russian consulate in Kharkov you will see the opposite picture!

Added: by reader request, here is a summary of the lady in pink speech and exchange with the guard: 

In the beginning of the video she says, addressing the tall, blank US embassy wall: “It won’t be as you want. It will be the way it has to be. Ukraine! Yankee go home! Soldiers of USA are raping Ukraine, etc.” People also chant continuously: “Out!” and “Come out to face the people!”

The lady in pink is asking the guard how she could pass on the petition. He says she can’t. She asks why not. No clear answer – just can’t. If not, can we give it to you? He says he won’t take it. She says, you must have some channels of communication with those inside, please ask someone to come out. He says he won’t do it. She must have said ‘be so kind’ about 10-20 times during this super-polite inquiry. Then she says, fine, then we just want to leave it here, by the door. She goes on, “Does any Ukrainian here have Scotch?” Since no one replies, she gets the glue stick out of her purse and they glue the petition to the wall.

The top of the petition sheet, with a fist on it, has two words, which together represent a play on words. They sound the same in both Russian and Ukrainian: “pravda” means ‘truth’ as one word. When it’s 2 words: ‘prav’ + ‘da’ as on the sheet, it means ‘I am in the right’ + ‘yes.’ I just gave you a glimpse of how the word ‘pravda’ was formed in the fist place. 😉

Notice how many English words it takes me to transcribe the meaning of one all-encompassing short word ‘pravda.’ And they say that Russian words are too long and complex, which hinders the development of the language and the nation! This is why, as one linguistical theory still repeated till today postulates, US and UK, with their shorter English words, were able to overtake Russia and USSR. Those who read my blog, know that’s all ‘bull crap in chef’s salad.’

This obviously is yet another conspiracy to try to make Russians feel inferior – a feat that actually temporarily succeeded – but not any more.

The linguistical conspiracy that I am unraveling now, along with related historical conspiracy, has roots in processes that took place 1000-300 years ago in Europe and Russia. I am deep into investigation and reconstruction of those events. I will happily share the results of my findings with all once my study is complete.

Oh, and please remind me to tell you all the real etymology of the English word ‘truth,’ as well as words such as ‘lady,’ ‘lad,’ ‘Scotland,’ ‘London.’ You are gonna love it! I personally find it very funny. But no spoilers!

And please, be sure to always check out the comment section of this, and other, articles! We have lots more useful material and interesting comments there, which will further enrich your reading experience! The comments, and my replies to them, often get posted continuously for the first couple of weeks after each article is published. The easiest way not to miss anything is to subscribe to ‘follow comments.’ You will be given this option when commenting.

Video of the rally in front of the US embassy in Kiev:

I didn’t want to post the video below because it’s too disgusting and disturbing. But I think it’s necessary to show what is really going on in Ukraine and what dark forces have taken it over. Notice the contrast with the excessively polite and meek protest in the first video. These thugs, unlike the peaceful people in the first video, aren’t hiding their faces. They obviously don’t have anything to fear – people fear them. Also notice that there are very few people in Kharkov, but the destruction and mayhem they cause is huge; their threat is so extreme that UN emergency retrieval vehicles are sent!

Russia celebrated The Russia Day on June 12. This is a new holiday, established after 1991. I can’t say I personally care for it, but it is widely celebrated. On this day, a gang of Ukrainian extremists gathered in front of the Russian consulate in Kharkov and attacked/vandalized the building. The police made some weak attempts to protect those who tried to exit, but did nothing to prevent vandalism. Emergency UN vehicles had to pick up and whisk away any consulate workers who happened to be stranded inside. This is the second attack on the same Kharkov consulate in one year; also, last year there was an attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev.

It is well-known that Kharkov, together with Odessa, are two of the most pro-Russian cities in the left-over Ukraine territory; therefore, the Kiev junta makes a special effort to invade the city with ukro-nazi thugs in order to intimidate the population and shift the balance of power. See the very educational and telling footage below for details.

The thugs, who throw paint at the building and who try to attack cars, yell mostly IN RUSSIAN (note that in the video above everything was in UKRAINIAN), except some phrases in poor English. This is done on purpose – to stick it, so to speak. The message is: ‘See, we have successfully created anti-Russia out of Kharkov, where those who speak your language hate you.’ Therefore, we are dealing here with the most disgusting dregs of society and with the most destructive agenda.

There are very rude words on the asphalt mentioning Putin, which I won’t translate.

They yell in a mix of Russian and broken English, while throwing rocks and paint at the consulate building and cars: “Where are the UN peacekeepers? Shame! Where is the help we are looking for? We (!?) are the peacekeepers in Donbass. Shame on you, we need help (LR: they are right on that count; they really do need a lot of help – of the psychiatric variety). Where is the NATO contingent (!) we are waiting for? We are disappointed in police and SBU (LR: for not letting them destroy the Russian consulate and kill everyone there). Where are the peacekeepers in Donetsk and Lugansk? Show the whole world, show to Putin that he is mother***er (AGAIN IN RUSSIAN). Pay attention at 4:03 – one of these geniuses says, perhaps thinking it sounds profound: “If you have to make peace with terrorists, make peace with ISIS.”



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Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on June 18, 2015, in Ukraine and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. It’s a shame the US is still vying for regime change against the will of the people. Protests are sadly ineffective at the US embassy. As the occupy movement shows, US gov’t doesn’t respect their own citizens’ demands, what to say of foreign patriots who only want to take back their country from terrorist Nazis?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you Lada, this must get out “there”, would love to hear what the Lady in Pink was telling this “guard” at the Embassy! The huge wall around the complex shows they have something to fear and things to hide, that’s obvious! The second vid is very telling, this must have been orchestrated out of this “embassy” in Kiev……

    The amount of interference from the US, not only in Ukraine but also in the rest of the EU, is now undeniable! They even have the guts to interfere with the politics here, telling Greece what to do and not to do, telling Brussels how to run their affairs and more! This is getting out of hand if people don’t wake up! 😦

    Sorry for my pessimistic “rand”…..can’t help it, only Human…..but I thank you for the article Lada!


    Liked by 2 people

    • You are right on, Christa 🙂

      The lady in pink is asking the guard how she could pass on the petition. He says she can’t. She asks why not. No clear answer – just can’t. If not, can we give it to you? He says he won’t take it. She says, you must have some channels of communication with those inside, please ask someone to come out. He says he won’t do it. She must have said ‘be so kind’ about 10-20 times during this super-polite inquiry. Then she says, fine, then we just want to leave it here, by the door. She goes on, “Does any Ukrainian here have Scotch?” Since no one replies, she gets the glue stick out of her purse and glues petition to the wall.

      The top of the petition sheet, with a fist on it, has two words, which together represent a play on words. They sound the same in both Russian and Ukrainian: “pravda” means truth as one word. When it’s 2 words: ‘prav’ + ‘da’ as on the sheet, it means ‘I am in the right’ + ‘yes.’ I just gave you a glimpse of how the word ‘pravda’ was formed in the fist place. 😉

      Notice how many English words it takes me to transcribe the meaning of one all-encompassing short word ‘pravda.’ And they say that Russian words are too big and complex, which hinders the development of the language and the nation! This is why, as one linguistical theory, still repeated till today, postulates, US and UK with their shorter English words were able to overtake Russia and USSR. Those who read my blog, know that’s all ‘bull crap in chef’s salad.’

      This obviously is yet another conspiracy to try to make Russians feel inferior – a feat that actually temporarily succeeded – but not any more. The linguistical conspiracy that I am unraveling now, along with related historical conspiracy, has roots in processes that took place 1000-300 years ago in Europe and Russia. I am deep into investigation and reconstruction of those events. I will happily share the results of my findings with all once my study is complete.

      Oh, and please remind me to tell you all the real etymology of the English word ‘truth,’ as well as words such as ‘lady,’ ‘lad,’ ‘Scotland,’ ‘London.’ You are gonna love it! I personally find it very funny. But no spoilers!

      (I also added this reply to the body of the article, so more people would see it!)

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I meant “my pessimistic rant”…..with a t….


  4. It’s so nice to find a source that portrays the real picture about what’s happening in Ukraine. Unfortunately most Americans are totally misinformed and misguided about what is and has been going on in Ukraine since the $5B US orchestrated victoria newman coup. In fact we have been brain-washed to support the misguided US-NATO efforts which are driven by power and resource grabs on behalf of the globalists. We still haven’t gotten it that Kiev has been fighting a genocidal war of terror, that MH17 was NOT shot down by Russia and that it was NOT Russian troops that have consistently driven back western-armed putro puppet porkoshenko over and over but rather determined troops who are fighting for their lives and honor against mercenaries and conscripts who have no heart in the battle. So if you are a US citizen, get involved. Write your senators and congressman lest these chickens soon come home to roost and we find ourselves fighting similar battles as the Ukrainian Federalists and Syrian army against these same totalitarian forces of oppression and tyranny. We cannot separate ourselves from the plight of our brethren and must not allow our leaders to steal our resources for pure evil. We know what is going on here and we must do everything possible to stop it.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Reblogged this on Giftoftruth United and commented:
    Thanks for pointing this out; I spent some time in the Ukraine and the people are extremely polite; there was no public violence until this affair; if someone bumped you, they immediately apologized;

    A point of interest: Ukraine has/had the best dental schools, universities in the world; it is cheaper to fly there, stay for a few days, have your teeth done with the best technology and choice of fillings, crowns etc than back home if you don’t support insurance companies; a complete crown is about $30 !

    It is truly a beautiful place because of it’s people, especially the “Babushka”s; Send them a prayer of peace, people; in whichever way you relate to Creation; after all, we are one people: an injury to one is an injury to all; in peace

    Liked by 2 people

    • This is beautifully put. Before peace comes, they will have to go through a lot of hardship in order to awake, I’m afraid, since for years everyone was looking the other way as this tumor was growing unchecked.
      As to dental, it’s big news to me. I had no idea there was good dentistry. Certainly not in my day. But I’d say that probably the $30 crown is too expensive for most people over there, especially now when minimal salary is only $60, and average salary is something like $120, after the coup and civil war destroyed currency and the economy. This is unfortunately below the level of African countries such as Ghana.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Yes, yes and yes!!!! That is expected from the Russian awesomeness, TOGETHER !!!!!! as one! that is how Russians won the ww2 !! Russians are not afraid to die for a good cause!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. What a great find Lada! ‘Bull Crap in Chef’s Salad’! Wow, now thát is priceless!! 😉
    But thank you for the extra Enlightenment! 🙂


  8. Now we knew that Holland is one of the U.S. major lapdogs, but …….

    …. teaching propaganda to children! What a shame!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. There is a huge grab of Russian state assets in Europe that is happening right now. In Belgium, France and Austria, they froze Russian assets using the Yukos case as a cover (when Khodorkivskij and 3 other robbers (collectively known as “shareholders”) were awarded $50 billion by Amsterdam court for “damages” they incurred when Russia demanded that they pay the taxes that they’ve been evading for years.)

    Meanwhile Estonia is taking a stab at Russian land…

    US Senate is to supply $300 million worth of lethal weapons to Ukraine to keep the conflict going, and that just before the 22nd of June – a date significant to all Russian/Soviet people!

    Lada, what is your take on this new round of escalation anti-Russian hostilities? It feels as if someone is getting desperate to provoke Russia and is resorting to more and more foolish means.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. A great video by N.Starikov, describing the anti-Russia concept:

    Liked by 1 person

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