Desperate for Up-To-Date Truth About Ukraine and Novorossia?

Hi Lada – by good fortune I managed to find links to “President” on your site the other day and subsequently downloaded a Novorossia video called “Аэропорт_ Симфония войны [18 ]”. Problem is that the English subtitles were missing after the download and I wonder, whether there is not a way to embed the subtitles so that the file then automatically downloads the subtitles too.. I’m not a techie, so would have no idea whether embedding subtitles is possible. Forgive me clumsy way of explaining… but millions of us globally are desperate for the truth about Russia and what happened and continues happening in Ukraine…

Lada says: 

Let me first say that in the global scheme of things, the language separation is how they are able to keep us all divided and distrustful of each other. If we don’t understand each other’s language, we cannot know the truth. It’s so much easier to pull the wool over people’s eyes and get them to listen to your own propaganda. Perhaps because of that I initially became a linguist. It will be so important for humans to eventually develop a global language that would become the means of close communication among all.

In this respect, English-speakers are in by far the worst situation. Usually, people from other countries have learned some foreign languages, including English. European citizens tend to speak several languages fluently. Many Russian citizens would often know a regional language or two and a bit of a foreign language (alas, not well enough), in addition to Russian. But the US citizens tend to speak only English since it is assumed that everyone anywhere would understand you. This seeming victory of the English language, coupled with absolutely horrendous school instruction and lack of travel experience, harbors a seed of terrible defeat and future isolation. And this is in the country that prides itself on being the melting pot of immigrants!

All I can say is that the world is changing. It is my advice to my American and other English-speaking readers to begin learning foreign languages – FAST!

The translation conundrum: Presently, we have to translate manually anything that may be of value. Practically every day I come across the important news from Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, Pridnestrovie, Balkans, Eurasia, etc. Every time I do, I want to share them with my readers. However, translation of a 4-5 min video with subs and editing may take up to 10-15 hours of work. Text translation takes less time, but it’s also a voluminous undertaking. Because of that, good translations are so rare and good translators are so valued.

As to the subs: I’m not a techie either, but if any readers are, please help us all by posting instructions on how to do that in the comment section! Please share with all!

Related tips for readers: we always have a lot of interesting revelations and info posted in the comment section of each article. So not to miss anything valuable, make sure you follow FuturisTrendcast and sign up for ‘Follow Comments.’ Comments for any article are closed after 30 days. In that case, post your comments under the latest article.

My top recommendation – the best Novorossia News channel

(staffed and funded by volunteers and donations):

YouTube channel News-Front. It is the best source of up-to-date news from Donbass, Novorossia and Crimea. You have seen me sometimes translate or reference bits from this channel.

The only thing they have with embedded English subs is the 2-min daily Novorossia News Summary (with Elena Krasovskaya) – Rus: Сводка новостей Новороссии. Click on this link to access the playlist on their channel, or go to channel and scroll down till you see this title in Russian. Their subs aren’t super, but you get the idea.

They also have the following programs, but only in Russian (if anyone finds a good way of translating for YT, please do share as then everyone would be able to listen to this channel):

News. Our Crimea! – Rus: Новости. Крым наш!

Here is an example:

Great interview program called In Reality with Sergey Veselovsky – Rus: Программа “На Самом Деле”

Some interviews are with real residents of various areas of Ukraine, who dare to tell the truth of how they live, some with Novorossia soldiers and politicians, and others – with people internationally and experts.

News-Front also publishes very nitty-gritty and truthful documentaries about the Donbass war, including a lot of pretty graphic stuff. Those who want to see the magnitude of destruction and horror there, go to these playlists:

“Донбасс на линии огня” – Donbass in the Line of Fire


“Новороссия. Оружие победы” – Novorossia. A Weapon of Victory

Generally, there is precious little truth and real deal news translated into English from Novorossia and other parts. It is only the enthusiasts and volunteers such as myself and some others that make it happen.

I want to recommend to you the efforts of one such enthusiast and FuturisTrendcast friend, Nemo, who is originally from Russia and resides in Scandinavia. He just did an important translation, which I recommend everyone checks out.

Lada, some sad heads-up. Today is one year since the massacre near Dmitrovka, where journalist Andrei Stenin was killed along with tens of other civilians. I have translated from Russian an extensive article, which reconstructs the events, based on the survivors’ testimonies:

For those who speak German, I think there is more truth available, as some Germans, including certain German media, as well as some Russians living there, engage in translating. I have to say that Germans are much more awake than people in the English-speaking world; however, their dissent gets suppressed all the time by their own government, working in tandem with the US forces.

Still, certain bits of truth make it to the German MSM. Under no circumstances can I say the same about the English-speaking MSM!

A couple of pieces with German translation – incidentally, these are also from News-Front DE (translated by German volunteers):

Students of Crimea respond to students of Ukraine:

  1. Aufruf der Studenten von der Krim an die Studenten der Ukraine

  2. ~

    ADDED INFO: Ah, and here is the answer from our tech expert, Maddie at Thanks so much, Maddie! Hope this works!

    Youtube has a very good built-in universal translator for videos. Firstly, the CC (closed captioned) button on the bottom menu bar of the video must be present. If not then go into your Youtube channel and TURN ON the Closed Caption function. Then click on the the Settings Cog (Wheel) next to the CC button on the bottom of your vid. There will be a drop down menu which allows you to translate whichever language you prefer. Note that some videos do not offer CC b/c the poster did not turn it on from their upload. You can leave a comment and ask them to have CC available for you switched on. Good luck!


    ADDED VIDEOS with ENG SUBS: I also managed to find these vids on YT. They all have English subs and are about the realities of the war in Donbass (can’t attest to their quality as I am unable to watch such gruesome footage. But I know that my readers are desperate for the truth. It is for you to judge, dear readers!).

    1. [eng subs] Combat footage: fights for Donetsk airport 02/10/14  by Kazzura

      • 10 months ago  81,975 views   Combat footage: fights for Donetsk airport 02/10/14.  HD
    2. [eng subs] Combat footage. Fights for Donetsk airport 30/09/14 One day with Givi   by Kazzura

      • 10 months ago   122,975 views   Combat footage. Fights for Donetsk airport 30/09/14 One day with Givi. Cannon that can fire only in the Name of God, Givi’s …   HD
    3. [eng subs] Interview with “Texas” — NAF volunteer from US, Donetsk airport area   by Kazzura

      • 3 months ago   14,468 views    [eng subs] Interview with “Texas” — NAF volunteer from US, Donetsk airport area.   HD
      This is the documentary referred to in the original reader question (don’t see any Eng subs – sorry!):
    4. Аэропорт: Симфония войны [18+]  – Airport: the Symphony of War (18+)

      Документальный проект журналистов телеканала «Новороссия» Анны Триксель и Дмитрия Подорожника «Аэропорт:…   HD

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Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on August 6, 2015, in Ask Lada, Eurasia, Ukraine and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 22 Comments.

  1. Youtube has a very good built-in universal translator for videos. Firstly, the CC (closed captioned) button on the bottom menu bar of the video must be present. If not then go into your Youtube channel and TURN ON the Closed Caption function. Then click on the the Settings Cog (Wheel) next to the CC button on the bottom of your vid. There will be a drop down menu which allows you to translate whichever language you prefer. Note that some videos do not offer CC b/c the poster did not turn it on from their upload. You can leave a comment and ask them to have CC available for you switched on. Good luck!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ah, and here is the answer from our tech expert, Maddie at
      Thanks so much, Maddie! Hope this works!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Spasibo! — Thank you Lada and thank you Maddie! I feel far more armed now to get into the videos — I did the other day, but did not know whether I was allowed to do it as I didn’t want to get banned!! I saw the CC button and then clicked the tools (cog button) and it said: Russian auto generated >>> but just above it, “subtitles off had a tick in front of it — which I tried to switch on and managed to do, but immediately it simply switched off again, so it must have been set by the creator of the video to “off” as I could not override it. But to the side of the Russian auto generated, was an options button, which offered translate below Russian auto-generated spiel, which I clicked and selected English. However, with your help Maddie, I’ll become a subtitle “hacker” pro!

      Must say, in South Africa we also end up speaking a number of regional languages apart from English and Afrikaans as we grow up with African languages and especially iZulu is generally commonly understood by all, while we too have smatterings of other African languages and of course a bit of German, Dutch, French and Portuguese, but very little.

      Coming back to the video story… Would like to ask, a possibly very ignorant question, but here goes… Say for example Lada, you needed help with translating subs from Russian to English and you sent me a video to do this for you… my question is: If Russian subtitles are already there (auto), is it not possible to pause the video of each subtitle frame and then highlight and select and copy the Russian subtitle, pasting it on an online translator (Russian to English) and then copying the English translation and returning to the video and right clicking, going into the video and then under subtitles possibly have an option to create a new file and then pasting the English subtitle in it and when done with the whole video’s subtitles (time entered too of each subtitle’s relevant frame, saving the file as and srt. file? — I would surmise every frame’s subtitle would have to correlate with the exact time shown on the paused video, so it is synced throughout? You see, once the online translator, has translated the Russian for me, if the grammar is not correct, I can restructure it in the video?

      I asked this, because I would love to help and surely, with a little bit of guidance its not too difficult or complicated? Also working with the Russian alphabet, will familiarize me with the characters , which I am currently trying to achieve and this excites me no end, as the language is beautiful and very expressive. Is it not possible you can send me a “dummy” video with instructions on how to do it step by step, so its done correctly? If this is possible, I could perhaps lessen your burden (which as you say, the dubbing takes hours) — and you have so many to do and can’t do them fast enough for what is needed (IMO) urgently at this time, due to all the ruddy western media disinformation. I see even Russia Insider is advertising for volunteers, but then one should at least be able to speak and write Russian relatively fluently. My argument is that its surely not impossible to make a video completely editable, especially w.r.t. dubbing (adding the subs) and embedding them. I just drag my two windows (video and online translator) smaller and copy and paste and then again, create the subs in the video, embed and save. (Maddy or somebody here would have to send me instructions on how to do it) — if its possible (laughing!).
      I landed here with you, because I cannot contribute donations, but maybe I can contribute in some way. If I don’t have the skills, I can learn them as we must beat the evil trying to take over what belongs to all of us … no matter what nationality, race, creed, culture we each have as an identity — we are human and in my humble opinion, in reality, we are spiritual beings enjoying a physical experience by God’s grace. Anyway, don’t know what any of you guys think about what I suggested above, but I am willing to give it a go.

      In closing, because I have Yandex browser and Kaspersky anti-virus, what you get from me will be double security scanned. I sometimes click on to enjoy Russian news and Yandex auto translates the Russian into English for me. I have often smiled and even laughed out loud at the translations — as some are really quaint and it actually is so refreshing that I simply want to hug the whole of Russia to my heart! Russian in a way is almost like Hindi or Punjabi, which when translated to English by a native Hindu or Punjabi speaker, the sentence structure is a bit back to front, making it quite hilarious at times… Not meant as criticism, rather it shows me, there is a need for English translators, able to restructure the grammar so it reads fluently, as ease of reading subs, increases the enjoyment of the video. For instance in “President”, I often had to pause the video to read the English captions, because every bit of information was so important to me. So when subs are well-presented and read smoothly, one is able to take in the visual of the video. For instance one deeply identifies with every expression of Putin’s in “President” — one wants to absorb who he is… very important and especially because its so beautifully and sensitively and at times very movingly, presented in this documentary.
      Sorry my comment is so long Lada.. but exposing the lies and bringing the truth about Russia, means a lot to me. Edgar Cayce was right when he predicted … Yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the World.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for the nice offer. I am not sure if it can be done this way, and if there are instructions available, but maybe Maddie knows.
        All I can says, fitting frames properly to spoken text is a lot of work and does require fluent language knowledge. Unfortunately, subs that are attached to many vids are inferior translations and, being professional translator, I usually wouldn’t be able to use them on my site or recommend them to others as authentic. But it’s suitable as a CC translator, which is very approximate, but does give a general idea.

        Best wishes 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hello kznwatch!

        You have a novel solution to translating subtitles from Russian to English, I applaud your ingenuity. However it is still labor intensive, since you’ll have to match up the time codes with the newly translated (english) SRT file.

        If you are so inclined, here’s how to do it, first download (rip) the native SRT file from the Youtube video with software (free) from this site:

        Then you have to run it thru a translator program to get a reasonable (english) translation. If happy with results, then paste it onto an SRT editor (free):

        Here comes the tedious part, match and paste the translated text within the appropriate time code so the english subtitles would sync up with the video.

        It can be done, so if you have the time and desire, you would be helping many ppl understand better by sharing Lada’s work!

        Thanks for spreading love, light and hope into the world! ❤ ☼ ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    • Hello kznwatch!

      You have a novel solution to translating subtitles from Russian to English, I applaud your ingenuity. However it is still labor intensive, since you’ll have to match up the time codes with the newly translated (english) SRT file.

      If you are so inclined, here’s how to do it, first download (rip) the native SRT file from the Youtube video with software (free) from this site:

      Then you have to run it thru a translator program to get a reasonable (english) translation. If happy with results, then paste it onto an SRT editor (free):

      Here comes the tedious part, match and paste the translated text within the appropriate time code so the english subtitles would sync up with the video.

      It can be done, so if you have the time and desire, you would be helping many ppl understand better by sharing Lada’s work!

      Thanks for spreading love, light and hope into the world! ❤ ☼ ❤


  2. I added some YT documentaries about Donbass in the end of post! Look for: ADDED VIDEOS with ENG SUBS.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The handicap of knowing only one language–I feel for the Japanese, but they don’t know what they are missing. They all learn “English,” but it is taught in such a way as to both traumatize them and leave them incapable of communicating with foreigners. With such an inward focus, they are helpless against government propaganda. Information trickles in slowly, such that, for example, none of the knowledge from the last 20 years about treating type 2 diabetes with a low-carb approach has reached them, and a large portion of the population is ripe for the harvest by the medical mafia.

    Learning a new language is like getting the keys to a new, snazzy, most amazing car. And when you can talk to people in their own language, they really open up.

    Lada, I could volunteer to help translate small articles or portions of articles in Russian into English, perhaps once a week.

    I also have a question, since my crystal ball (Sears & Roebuck) gives me all kinds of future scenarios, how do you see the relationship between Japan and Russia evolving? Japan has attempted to straddle East and West (obviously difficult if they can’t even speak another language!), and they fancy themselves “western.” From my perspective, though, they are thoroughly eastern. The pro-Russian element in Japan has been presented as “right wing,” but that turns out to have been propaganda. Former prime minister Hatoyama is by no means right wing. The right wing is very unpopular with the middle class majority over its role in WWII, so calling pro-Russian sentiment “right wing” was a way of discrediting it. The right wing, that I associate with as a priestess, is unanimous in hating Russia. But again, they are an unpopular minority, becoming more and more unpopular now as Abe tries to resurrect an active military at the behest of the ever more desperate America. I’ll be surprised if the silent majority here does not oust Abe rather soon. Still, the average Japanese sees Russia as the number one enemy and Putin as a schemer, because that is what is being presented to them in their own language, which they must rely on for their news. They reject any attempt on my part to enlighten them as “Russian propaganda,” which they hear is rampant.

    This is a brief on-the-ground report from the rural sidelines, but I can send you interesting bits as they arrive here.


    • Oh dear, that’s too bad about Japanese. Had no idea.

      It would be wonderful if you could translate some stuff from Russian, Patricia. Perhaps you, me and Nemo could do a lot more together in this regard, our busy schedule allowing. Could you please email me via my CONTACT: SO grateful! 🙂

      What you write is so interesting. I would like to post an article on FT about everything you see happening in Japan – from rising militarism and nationalism to how Japan today views Hiroshima, to Fukushima situation as you see it, to overall political. But Japan is such a beautiful country! I also would love to have some beautiful images of Japan, including temples, historic cities and gardens, and your own spiritual practice perhaps? We can do 2 or 3 posts throughout several months… Remember, you promised me a piece some time ago? Now would be a good time to begin 😉

      Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, Japan is running on fumes these days, but then who isn’t?

      I did promise you a set of articles. I wrote quite a bit and then got bogged down. It seemed like there was too much to say, and I lost my focus. As a freelance translator, I occasionally receive a lot of work at once, then I have trouble returning to what I was in the middle of. I think if I focus one one narrow aspect at a time it might help.

      As far as I can tell, the rising nationalism is among a very narrow sector of society and they are empowered by America or other western influences in the background. They do not enjoy broad popular support, but the Japanese tend to be passive in the face of such things. On the other hand, the media have been reporting real anger erupting among the citizens over this. That is the limit of my knowledge on that critical topic.If I acquire more information, I could write a short article on it. I have a lot of information on Fukushima or could give a current overview of Shinto as a background to the political situation. My husband takes nice photos in Japan, and I could attach a few of those. Sheet metal took over about 50 years ago as the rural building material of choice, so we live in a tin shack, but Japan is still a lovely country. I think it has a lot of potential as a leader in a time of declining resources, if that potential can be awakened. They remain unaware of what I see as a looming crisis.

      Thank you for your new article today! I’ll run over right now and take a look.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. And the isolation will get worse with the shut down of bookstores the prices of paperbacks through the roof. Even the disappearance of good old comic books information is hard to come by and our Western elites a doing everything to keep their livestock dumb down.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I think I forgot to check notify me


  6. A small techie addition. There is a good site, which allows one to extract video from (among other) YouTube, as well as subtitles and audio:


  7. I can attest that any translation takes a lot of time and effort. It takes about 10 minutes for each minute of video just to write a raw script. And I am not even talking about the emotional component. I feel drained for several days after translating an article with the content like the one above. And just like Lada, I almost daily come across information that I feel should be translated and become widely-known, but which I cannot do anything about due to time constraints.

    The last and the beginning of this years were the most emotionally taxing ones of my entire life – I wrote regular summary translations on Bitcointalk political sub-forum from various Russian and Novorossian sources, covering developments and trying to keep people there informed and with access to first-hand information.


  8. Hello Lada, Hello everyone! May I change the subject slightly, that is, back to news of Ukraine and Novorossia? I read a story today (published 8/815) at about how the U.S. President and Congress have “Officially” Recognized Donbass under Public Law 86-90 (1959). Yes, you read that right. It’s not a typo! This public law concerning what are referred to in the law as “captive governments” has just been reaffirmed this year, as it has every year since 1959.

    Here is the link if you want to read the article in full:

    Gee, I wonder if they read it? LOL


    • I think Nemo already posted that link on new thread.
      To answer your rethorical… No, they didn’t read it. The idea was to do anything back then to spite Russia in the guise of the USSR, same as now the idea is to do anything to spite Russia as RF. Plain and simple. For that they employ certain people, many of whom have a grudge against Russia, such as pro-hitler ukro-nazis, or nazis from Latvia/Estonia, or Polish nationalists, etc. The geopolitical dominance expediency dictates trying to undermine their enemy in any way possible. These dark entities in power in the West don’t know anything about cooperation. Along the way they hold hostage and lie to their own people, otherwise people would rebel, preferring to live in peace.

      But long term it always backfires – as it will start backfiring now, when their ugly games start coming back as nightmares to haunt them.

      The thing is, if US dollar wasn’t reserve currency and all financial channels weren’t in the hands of Anglo-US elites, there would be no way this craze in Ukraine would continue this long. The direct financial and economic blackmail against Russia is the only thing that is making Russia behave this meekly, putting brakes on Ukraine people’s natural desire to get rid of nazis, juta and US occupation.

      The stuff I hear lately from Ukraine indicates that about 80% of the population all over the country is ready to get rid of the junta, but they can’t do it without Russia’s support and without real leadership. And Russia is being directly threatened by US/EU. Russia has no choice other than to put a brake on any people’s movement at the moment.

      Pretty evil design. Very, very disgusting, devious design. They know they can’t win against Russia head on, so they are trying to wear everyone out.

      But eventually, there will be hell to pay. Karma is catching on to US and others. It will take some time, but EU will be first, US last to pay.

      Liked by 1 person

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