Urgent! Belarus Presidential Election Results and Sly Fox Lukashenko

Heads-up to those who have already donated and read 



“An urgent update from October 13, 2015!

(located at the top of the Lukashenko/Belarus section of the report)

Those who have donated and already read ESR 1 RELOADED, please go back to your bookmarked report page to read the full update re. latest Belarus events. Any difficulty accessing the report, please email us per instructions in above link!

For all other readers, you can donate any amount and read the full report by clicking on link above.

Below, I am offering some telling excerpts from this important update, in order to answer some questions I’ve received.


Excerpts from the newly added piece to Earth Shift Report 1:



Belarus just had presidential elections, which were probably the quietest elections the world has seen for the longest time, bypassed for attention by world MSM, as if they didn’t exist. Surprisingly – or not – no one in the West seemed to have noticed how easily and with what stellar result Lukashenko was re-elected. It wasn’t the case in the past.

Belorussian opposition, so trumpeted by the West in the past as being suppressed, this time was practically non-existent. And not because someone was suppressing them – just the opposite. They were allowed to congregate freely. Yet, hardly anyone came and hardly anyone voted for them.

What happened? Wasn’t Lukashenko for years labeled in the West as the last dictator of Europe?
Why such sudden silence?

Lukashenko, that sly fox. He just won his re-election for another five years without a hitch. Moreover, the pro-Western opposition in the country is the weakest it has been for the past 25+ years. Why, you ask?

Very simple. The sly fox Lukashenko has skillfully capitalized on the differences between EU, Ukraine, US and Russia to prop up his regime and his country. First of, I don’t blame him; this is what any smart leader would do. Second, do you hear Russia complaining?

Well, to be precise, Russia doesn’t complain, apart from the ‘little misunderstanding’ last year when Belarus suddenly became the Smuggling Central of the banned European foods and sanctioned products to Russia. They would slap Belorussian labels on these items and re-export them as if they were produced in Belarus. More about that below.

This is free market for you – that’s how it works: they saw an opening and they went for it.

Usually in the past, term-after-term re-election of Lukashenko, who is holding on to power for dear life, had been accompanied with Western-sponsored opposition riots and anti-Belarus sanctions. A few years ago the ‘protesters’ tried to start a Ukraine-like maidan in Minsk; they broke the glass doors and tried to storm the parliament building. Scores were arrested, including heads of the openly financed by the West Belarus opposition and some violent thugs from Ukraine and Baltics. After that a vicious anti-Lukashenko campaign started in Western MSM. This time – silence.

Here are the main reasons for such stellar and smooth re-election.

This is the time for Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and others to lay low and pretend. Everyone does it the way they can. Last year, Russia advised all these former republics that Ukraine-like scenario was coming and color revolution attempts would occur. Armenia went through an attempted maidan based on electricity rate hikes, and it was successfully stopped.

Maidan attempts continue in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, where a virtual war rages on the border (More in ESR 5: Syria Game Changer).

Kazakhstan addressed the problem in its own way. As we’ve seen above, they had early presidential elections, which the West didn’t have the time to prepare for. Nuland didn’t have the opportunity to organize a violent maidan there. I am sure one was being prepared for next year, but Nazarbayev preempted it by the unexpected snap elections.

This leaves Belarus, the western-most of all and most exposed by virtue of porous borders with Ukraine and Poland.

I was asked: if Lukashenko is such an ally of Russia, why did he refuse to host a proposed Russian military base?


Lukashenko is now capitalizing on the fact that everywhere US/EU are engaged in a conflict, the situation is deteriorating and they have their hands full. The West is stretched to the core in conflicts involving Syria, Ukraine, China and Russia. Lukashenko understands that compared to all these hotspots Belarus is a pussy cat presently to the West, especially if they sit quietly.

Let’s again underscore this very important point:

IT IS THE WEST THAT ALWAYS STARTS CONFLICTS, OR SUPPORTS THEM, ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Other countries are relegated to the role of either being quiet slaves – like much of the world; or defending themselves – like Syria, Belarus, China; or fighting back and fixing them – like Russia, the Great Balancer of the World has to do regularly.


Before these elections, 200 heavily armed with bats, Molotov cocktails and heavy chains ukro-nazis tried to get in from Ukraine. They were detained on the border and sent back, weapons taken away from them. Various groups tried to stage rallies, which gathered just a few dozen people, most of them Western press, who immediately would zero in on some ‘protester’ throwing a tantrum. The militsia (police) was given order not to come near them, unless they were causing real trouble. By ignoring such public tantrums, police avoided being photographed next to ‘protesters.’ Such photos would undoubtedly be spun later in the West as Lukashenko suppressing the voice of opposition.

The thing is that Belarus opposition is starving.


Meanwhile, compared to what is happening in surrounding countries, Lukashenko to his people looks like a veritable Prince of Peace, a messiah incarnate, so to speak.


In reality, my article below provides the complete picture of how the BELORUSSIAN MIRACLE WAS REALLY MADE – and it’s not just Belarus leader’s wisdom, although his ability to maneuver and survive in turbulent times cannot be underestimated!


Oh, and about the Russian base. First of all, this could have been a targeted info dump by Russia – a message to the EU, if you will. Lukashenko saying no before elections also feels like an orchestrated info dump (do read my comprehensive article on how to tell a hoax from targeted info dump on FuturisTrendcast). In reality, neither Russia, nor Belarus share with the West their real intentions any more. This was shown well by the Kazakhstan snap elections and by Russia’s actions in Crimea and Syria. The element of surprise is the most important element in the current global spread.

I know – we, the peaceful and good people of the world don’t want to hear this. But the truth is this: the West has declared a war against Russia and the Russian world, as well as against China. You don’t openly share your REAL plans in a war.

That’s where Putin’s genius for surprise and brilliant moves comes in.


Read much more in ESR1 RELOADED:


Read related:

Happy Harvest Season! The New EARTH SHIFT REPORT Season Begins!

How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on October 13, 2015, in Earth Shift Report, Eurasia, Geopolitical Trends, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Lukashenko would have to be a idiot not realize there isn’t a sharpen stake awaiting him. If he mess up like they did in Yugoslavia, Ukraine his nation as well as his family safety on the line.

    Liked by 1 person

    • By the way Lada there is a article on Counter Punch website today on what the West has done to Indonesia it chilling what these fiends have in mind for the rest of us.


      • Maybe something to do with ’61-62 JFK meetings with Pres. Sukarno, the Green Hilton Agreement, and all that “missing” Yamashita’s Gold mayhap? Mayhem and carnage soon followed in once lovely Indo, and we all know the dirty deeds done in Dallas….

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Very informative report, thank you Lada!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you, Lada. This explains a lot. Actually, the panicy reports about Belorussian/Lukashenko’s U-turn, which I’ve been reading in the Russian press, may have themselves been targeted for the West info dumps…
