SPRING 2016 UKRAINE REPORT! Nuclear Disaster, Elenovka Tragedy, War Against Memory, What Russia Wants

May Holidays and the dangerous spring 2016

This is a cold and dangerous spring of 2016. At least in Ukraine it is. So much is going on that I’ve decided to publish this new UKRAINE report in two parts.

Part 1 addresses a number of crucial new events and important threats facing Ukraine. These are:

1 The shocking Elenovka tragedy – a clear proof of Kiev breaking Minsk-2 peace agreement.

2 Polish and Ukrainian war against Russian monuments and their own history.

3. Chernobyl-2 in the making: persistent dire warnings of possible new nuclear disaster in Ukraine!

Also in this report:

4. The whole truth about Hitler and Nazi Germany.

5. What does Russia really want in Ukraine?

6. How Putin and Lavrov, through peaceful means and reason, outplayed Merkel and Hollande and why Poroshenko won’t be able to attack DNR and LNR.

7. A concise Lada Ray guide to Ukraine’s parts (See additional maps and complete explanation in ESR6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE.)

In addition:

8. Why the pristine Kherson Oblast I once knew is being turned into a disaster zone, being invaded by ISIS militants and the ‘right sector.’ More in the future Earth Shift Report: CRIMEAN AGENDA.

9. Worrying news from Odessa! City’s bracing for possible civil war on May 2 and May 9. The world’s eyes are on Odessa! Part 2 of this report, SPRING 2016 ODESSA REPORT, will put in perspective the dangerous events expected there.

10. Plus, a pre-announcement: upcoming surprise Earth Shift Report re. big changes in EU!


We are approaching May Holidays (RUS: Maiskie prazdniki) 

What is that? Maiskie prazdniki is the cumulative name for two holidays: May Day on May 1, which is celebrated as both the day of spring and nature and as the international day of worker solidarity, and May 9, or Victory Day, marking the end of WWII and the Russian victory. Both are very widely celebrated in the entire Russian World / post-Soviet space.

During this period the provocations and clashes in Ukraine are widely expected. Also expected are provocations in other post-Soviet and Eastern Europe countries.

Poland’s war against monuments to Soviet soldiers, those who died liberating Poland from fascism

Polish government is descending more and more into fascism. It has announced the dismantling of something like 500 monuments to Russian soldiers, who liberated Poland during WWII. Hundreds of thousands of Russian and other Soviet soldiers who gave their lives for Poland, had been buried on Polish land. In the past several years vandals desecrated many Russian burial sites and Polish authorities dismantled many Russian monuments. In fact, those local mayors who resist dismantling monuments experience threats from the government and Polish nationalists.

It has to be noted that some simple Poles have been writing to the Russian Foreign Ministry with apologies for the actions of the Polish vandals destroying the Russian soldiers’ graves all over the country and the Polish government destroying monuments. Some try to restore and protect them. I’ll refrain from posting the graphic images here, but you can find them online, or search for videos on YT.

In this post I wasn’t planning on invoking the obvious word: karma. But there will be consequences for such actions. I’m not talking about any ‘Russian vengeance’ here. Not at all. I am talking about divine justice.

Incidentally, I warned about Poland’s descent into madness, isolation and hatred since 2014. Back then, a Polish woman indignantly wrote to me that I had no idea what I was talking about, that Poland would never, blah, blah… And, oh, look: just a couple of years later – as predicted!

Their biggest fear is the United Eurasia: the plan to keep Europe and Russia separate 

The campaign of dismantling Russian monuments and other anti-Russian hysteria in Poland is accompanied with the usual BS about ‘Russian occupation.’

This convenient mantra was slapped together by the Transatlantic handlers for their current Eastern Europe vassals back in the 1960s-1980s. At that time it was used to tear as many countries as possible away from the USSR. Today it serves the purpose of artificially keeping the people of Eastern Europe and Russia apart. By stoking a fire wall of animosity between Russia and EU’s Eastern Europe members, the puppet masters are able to keep the Iron Curtain between Western Europe and Russia alive and well.

This is all a part of the same global game of weakening and isolating Russia from the rest of Europe. The creators of this lie are the same as the creators of anti-Russian sanctions and the ‘subversion’ of Ukraine. They will do anything to keep Russia and Europe apart. The thing they fear most is the re-unification of Eurasia into one continuous cooperative and mutually beneficial space – as it historically was and as it’s supposed to be.

In ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT I talk at length about Stratfor Baltic-Black Sea Plan and how Poland is being used to erect a new Iron Curtain between EU and Russia.

Please read ESR8 for a full picture, tying together the worrying events in Poland, Odessa, Pridnestrovie, Moldova, the Balkans and Caucasus. Nothing that happens in those convoluted for the Westerners parts, happens by accident!

The whole truth about Hitler and Nazi Germany

The destruction of Ukraine on all levels continues. A big part of it is the destruction of human memory, re-writing of the genetic code and own history. As Ukraine descends into fascist madness, it is simultaneously ‘decommunizing.’

Hmm… we’ve seen this before in one nice European country, called Germany. The outcome of the German Nazis’ all-consuming thirst for denial and destruction of others is well-known: it caused the near destruction of Germany itself.

It’s amazing to me how short and selective human memory is! I hear everywhere – even heard it a couple of times from my own readers – that Hitler was a good guy and that it was UK and US that made him take the slippery road to destruction. Frankly, I have very little patience with people like that, so I’ll just say it this once.

One: these are the kind of people who think they are independent thinkers because they read this in some obscure book and because they think it’s unconventional to think this way. In reality, they simply regurgitate someone’s hidden agenda.

Two: Yes, it is true that Hitler and Germany were manipulated into starting World War II. Simultaneously, they were pumped up with credits and technology by UK and US. The ultimate goal of this scheme was to unleash Hitler on Russia/USSR in order to destroy the only country that always stood, and continues standing, in the way of Anglo-American globalist expansion and the complete takeover of the world. Along the way, they wanted to destroy another rival – Germany itself.

However, the whole point of being a national leader is to be smart enough to see the pitfalls and traps prepared for you and your country. I am leaving aside Hitler’s hideous national-fascist Nazi ideology, which is partially explainable by Germany’s defeat in WWI. But only just. Again, who was forcing Germany to BEGIN WWI? Yes, they were manipulated by the same forces. But where was the wisdom and common sense?

There, obviously, was none. Incidentally, a German philosopher said: ‘Every country deserves its government.’ Germans ELECTED Hitler and watched indifferently as he prosecuted those who had a different opinion inside the country. The people of Germany also watched and participated(!) as Hitler invaded and looted country after country. Incidentally, the same was true for Japan, which invaded and brutally killed millions of Chinese, Mongols and other Asians.

IF national leadership and the people of Germany allowed themselves to succumb to outside manipulation, if they knowingly benefited from the tragedy and suffering of millions of others, if they CHOSE to purposefully and willingly participate in inflicting terrible destruction on the peaceful people all over the globe – they are responsible and there is nothing that can change that! Hitler and all those who were a part of the German/Japanese/Romanian aggression against other countries are war criminals and their crimes can never be forgotten, unless humans want a repeat of 1914, 1939 and 1941.

Some may say there was no choice. There always is a choice! Some Germans went to concentration camps or were killed because they spoke up. Others became anti-fascists and resistance partisans, or surrendered to Russian troops because they refused to participate in the massacre of Russians, Soviets and Europeans.

Three: I just have one simple number for you – 27 million lives. This is what Hitler’s and Romanian aggression (in Odessa and Moldavia) cost Russia and the entire USSR. Primary losses were in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Two members of my family died and more were wounded during the Great War of 1941-1945.

36 million Chinese were massacred by the Japanese aggressors during WWII period.

Incidentally, I have absolutely no problem with German people. Two of my best friends in school were Germans; I love Germany and German culture. Same goes for American, Polish, Japanese, or any other people anywhere on the globe.

It’s not about anyone’s culture or nationality – it’s about world view and civilizational choice. It’s also about one’s conscience.

That said, on this site we have zero tolerance for anyone who promotes Hitler or Nazis/fascists of any sort. Permanent ban will be implemented against anyone who posts such comments. See BLOG RULES on top bar.

What Russia really wants in Ukraine

Ukraine won’t be able to repeat the German fate, no matter how much Kiev ukro-nazis try, because Russia won’t let that happen. If Russia weren’t doing everything to keep Ukraine from descending into ultimate madness and complete self-destruction, if Russia played by the same devious rules as the West, by now we would see the entire territory of Ukraine in the midst of civil war. The loss of life, coupled with the destruction of most infrastructure, would be much more widespread.

As it stands, Ukraine is doing an excellent job of imploding all by itself, even when others try hard to cushion the fall.

I wrote in ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT that the West has no idea how many means of secret influence, intel gathering and sabotage Russia does possess in Odessa. The same exact thing is true for all of Ukraine. The reason Russia isn’t using these means is one and only: Russia is trying to preserve the lives, infrastructure and psyche of Ukrainians.

Russia is doing everything humanly possible to gently neutralize the US plan: turning one part of the Russian people against another part of the Russian people.

The West is using Ukraine as a puppet and a disposable tool to manipulate and weaken Russia.

Meanwhile, Russia’s goal is to keep Ukraine as intact as possible in the midst of self-inflicted destructive psychosis, activated and supported by foreign entities. Feel the crucial difference!

As I predicted back in 2014: Russia continues carefully and patiently remolding the situation in Ukraine, which eventually will lead to Ukraine’s turnaround. To do that, Russia is absolutely correctly treating Ukraine with kid gloves, even when it doesn’t deserve them.

Russia is Ukraine’s only hope for survival. Russia treats Ukraine and Ukrainians with kindness and forgiveness of a mother or father, who, despite the cruelty and bad behavior of a prodigal child, knows that one day that child will learn its lesson and return home. No one else needs or wants Ukraine, with all its problems.

Despite all difficulties, this, only correct, strategy is starting to bear fruit. Look at how different some European countries’ position is today, compared to 2014! Remember my 2014 predictions? More and more people in Ukraine and West will be awakening to the understanding of what’s going on; slowly, gradually, Ukraine will be turning back towards Russia and away from the West.

But the task ahead is truly monumental. After 25+ years of Soros/US/ukro-nazi brainwashing, coupled with oligarchic infestation and socio-economic disaster, some younger Ukrainians had forgotten who they were, succumbing to anti-Russian propaganda. It will be very hard, but possible, to rehabilitate this lost generation.

As it is, Ukraine had lost its way 25 years ago and it must go through this cleansing process. When health has been neglected for so long, the cleansing never looks pretty. There is no way of going forward without getting rid of old problems first.

But on the surface, it seems the opposite to my hopeful forecast is taking place. Today’s situation in Ukraine resembles the expression ‘it’s darkest before the dawn.’

Chernobyl 2: New nuclear disaster in the making!

On the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy, the loud expert warnings sound that the remaining functioning Ukrainian nuclear stations are a disaster waiting to happen. They have begun replacing the compatible Russian nuclear fuel with American Westinghouse fuel, which proved to be incompatible. This fuel was previously rejected by other Russian-built nuclear stations, for example, in Slovakia and in Ukraine itself.

Kiev’s severing ties with Russia means that stations are not being properly maintained and Russian-made parts are not replaced on time. All four stations are getting old, approaching a point of no return. Using the incompatible Westinghouse parts may lead to a catastrophe.

The biggest worry is the reckless exploitation schedule. Due to power shortages after Ukraine refused to maintain the unified power grid with Russia, operators are forced to constantly speed up reactors to maximum capacity during peak hours. Such experiments led to Chernobyl catastrophe 30 years ago.

The Elenovka tragedy

Two days ago Kiev executed a targeted bombing against peaceful civilians. Six people were killed, including a pregnant woman, and scores wounded, in Elenovka village. These people were sitting in their cars near border control post between DNR and Ukraine, waiting in line to cross to the other side. Some of them were retirees forced to drive to Ukrainian side to get their pensions, others – on their way to visit families or tend to their fields stuck on the other side.

Because Kiev continues shutting down border crossings, more and more have to use the same crossing, resulting in long lines. People sometimes have to spend the night in their cars, waiting for their turn to cross. Just before the shelling, locals reported hearing a Ukrainian drone, and shortly after, the Minsk-agreement banned heavy Ukrainian artillery began shelling cars with sleeping people inside.

Link to video with the aftermath of the Elenovka tragedy. Warning! It’s very graphic!

In my recent post Poroshenko Prepares New War in Donbass? Why US, EU and OSCE are Blind and Deaf? I said:

“If Kiev can’t attack directly, what can Ukraine do? Instead, they are attempting to provoke DNR and LNR. To accomplish that they continuously shell peaceful citizens and villages near frontline. The idea is to anger the republics so much that they lose their cool and begin retaliating, thus breaking Minsk 2 agreement. After that Kiev, US and EU get to blame DNR/LNR and, of course, Russia in violating cease-fire. If that should happen, Kiev and US will immediately demand new sanctions against Russia and attempt to vilify Russia and Putin yet again.

This is why DNR/LNR can’t respond to obvious provocations. The especial cruelty of the situation is in the fact that innocent people and animals suffer under shellings, with no recourse.”

This new provocation falls in line with Kiev tactics of trying to provoke DNR/LNR into retaliating. Poroshenko is desperate. He is being pressured by EU, and now even by US due the election year, to start fulfilling Minsk agreement’s demands. He can’t do that because his own Rada will tear him apart. His only choice is to re-start armed conflict in Donbass to delay Minsk-2 fulfillment. This is why provocations, targeting peaceful civilians, will continue.

My prediction is that the Elenovka tragedy won’t go as planned by Kiev. The plan to provoke DNR into retaliating is needed to distract Ukraine’s public from internal problems, to re-ignite animosity against Russia, to delay the implementation of Minsk 2, to blame the republics for breaking the truce, and to instigate renewed sanctions against Russia in the wake of EU gearing up for their removal. However, all this will backfire.

Instead, the brutal killing of innocents will serve as yet another clear international proof of Kiev breaking the Minsk agreements. This event will put yet another nail in the coffin of the Kiev junta and its support by the West (many more nails still required, but it’s a start). If not, then EU, US, Canada, IMF and NATO will publicly demonstrate to all that they condone the slaughter of innocent civilians. Before some crucial referendums and elections, and in view of recent EU and US criticisms, this won’t look good.

The revolt in the EU has already begun: French parliament votes to lift anti-Russian sanctions imposed by EU. Recently, the people of the Netherlands have voted ‘NO’ in a referendum on Ukraine’s EU association. These are the first harbingers of spring, more to come soon!

Ukraine’s war on monuments – war on its history and genetic memory

Scores and scores of Lenin monuments have been destroyed all over Ukraine. Let’s recall that ‘Ukraine’ as a state-like entity was first created by Lenin as part of the USSR. Before that, there was no country called Ukraine, not even an autonomy.

The destruction of Lenin and other monuments all over Ukraine is accompanied with the wholesale looting and re-sale of parts of these monuments. The video below shows how many such monuments were destroyed and how the enterprising ukro-nazis posted ads all over the internet to sell parts of ‘Illich.’ A whole bust of Lenin, painted in blue-yellow Ukrainian colors, slightly dented: $35,000. Another internet ad about a sale of parts of what used to be a Lenin monument: ‘own a piece of history: made out of rare material, the same used to build the Red Square Mausoleum, price depends on body part.’ Disgusted yet? I am.

If Ukraine’s president, parliament, oligarchs and army can sell the entire country, why can’t these small ‘wheelers-and-dealers’ sell pieces of their history and heritage?

Video (The map of destroyed monuments reads: ’25 monuments to Lenin were destroyed, 5 – attempted to be destroyed.’ By now, I’d say there are many more):


This is the newest one, which happened yesterday: in Kiev, Ukraine, Ukrainian fascists from ‘the right sector and ‘azov’ tried to destroy Soviet monument to Chekisti – RUS: чекисты. The monument is to the first Extraordinary Commission’s servicemen circa Russian Civil War and first years of the USSR (1918-1925). The abbreviation ‘чк’ (pronounced as ‘chekah’) was used to designate the counter-intelligence investigative unit, establish by Lenin in 1918. Later it would be called NKVD and after that, KGB.

Again, let’s remember that without Lenin the entity we today call Ukraine would NOT exist. The territory was slapped together of a number of different areas of South Russia (Yuzhnaya Rossia, aka, Novorossia) and Malorossia (below see my guide to the parts of Ukraine).

VIDEO: ukro-nazis attempting to destroy the granite monument, with hardly a dent.

While not everyone agrees with the methods used by the Chekisti, it is still a part of Russian, Soviet, and therefore Ukrainian, history. Its role was often viewed as controversial, but also necessary, for as long as the country was in the deathly fight for its very survival.

The right thing to do is to accept what happened as part of the country’s history. Only by making peace with the past can one move forward. If you deny your past, your history, you deny yourself. In this regard, Russians are wisely accepting all facets of their past, good and bad. This is why Russia today is where it is, and Ukraine is where it is. 

The Chekisti monument was built to last. As you see from this short clip, despite many days of efforts to destroy it, the monument was hardly dented. As one person commented: ‘The Chekisti are just looking down with disdain on these morons.’

The destruction of monuments in Poland and Ukraine are manifestations of the same darkness-induced craze that we are observing in Syria, where ISIS destroys priceless, UNESCO World Heritage sites, such as ancient Palmyra.

Normal people build. The urge to destroy what others have built is a manifestation of an overwhelming darkness experienced by the confused, undereducated and zombified minds, with violent tendencies.

Ukraine is a large country. A small minority of these thugs keeps in fear the majority. But I have to emphasize yet again that none of this would have been possible if these dregs of society were not supported and encouraged by the West! The West, especially and specifically the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Brussels, as well as their stooges in Poland and Lithuania, actively supported and nudged these crazies.

During Kiev maidan, Victoria Nuland and US ambassador Payet personally blackmailed Ukraine president Yanukovich and PM Azarov, threatening them with forced removal from power and personal harm, if the government tried to resist maidan violence and restore order. Similar pressure was put by the EU governments and politicians.

Under any normal circumstances and in any normal society such people would have been in jail, which would deter others. Instead, they were touted as heroes. The all-permissiveness always breads more violence.

The biggest criminals are those from the West who came to Ukraine with the expressed goal to generate violence, hatred and death.

Due to severe imbalance, which the world has experienced in the past 25 years since the collapse of the USSR, the weakened Russia was unable to fulfill her global balancing and stabilizing role. Large numbers of the world’s young people have succumbed to propaganda. This propaganda could be Western, emphasizing Russophobia. But it could be extremist Islamist just as well. It could also be fascist propaganda, stressing the resurgence of the popularity of Hitler and Nazi ideology of hatred and destruction. All these may have a different wrapper and flavor, but their essence is always the same: aggression, hatred, destruction and harm to others, while enriching yourself.

Putin for president and Azarov for PM of Ukraine

Since 2014, most Ukrainians lived in shock and fear. Some were zombified and confused. But the change is coming, the awakening is happening, slowly but surely.

In BLACK SEA GAMBIT I said that if a referendum to join Russia took place in Odessa today, 90% would have voted ‘YES.’ Very similar numbers would be true for the entire South and East. Even Kiev and sane parts of western Ukraine may surprise us.

Kiev just swapped the inept PM Yatsenyuk, who presided over the 2014-2015 destruction of Ukraine’s economy, for the equally inept PM Groysman, who is Poroshenko’s puppet. A poll conducted in Kiev showed that only 29% approved of Groysman as PM, while 58% wanted back Nikolay Azarov, who was PM under Yanukovich. Some now say that ‘Azarov was the best thing that happened to Ukraine in 25 years.’

An earlier poll conducted in Ukraine showed that 82% of Ukrainians wanted Putin as their president.

Renaming of streets, factories and cities – another maniacal epidemics sweeping Ukraine

As part of ‘decommunization,’ streets, factories and major enterprises are being renamed. The citizens are resisting it as much as they can. There are instances when the new name sounds suspiciously similar to the old one. Example: under pressure, a factory in Donetsk oblast (the part located on Ukraine side), was renamed from the ‘Illich Kombinat’ to… the ‘Illich Kombinat.’ Illich is Lenin’s patronymic and he was often called by this alternative name. ‘We renamed it after a worker of this factory, whose patronymic was also Illich,’ explained the locals.

They made an attempt to rename Odessa and call it ‘Kotsyubiyivsk’ (try not to break your tongue). Of course, if they succeeded, that alone would have caused Odessa to secede.

Wholesale destruction of Russian monuments

Under the guise of decommunization, ukro-nazis are destroying monuments to Russian scientists, writers, artists and also generals, who liberated Ukraine during WWII. In 2014, under the cover of the night, they removed the Odessa monument to General Chernyakhovsky, who commanded the army liberating Odessa. I bet Chernyakhovsky’s bust has already been sold to the highest bidder. Just like the ancient monuments of Syria, Ukrainian monuments, or their pieces, end up on the black market, often being sold to Western ‘collectors.’


Odessa, monument to Pushkin on Primorsky Boulevard

This greedy and senseless destruction of everything in sight is happening all over Ukraine. Recently, the famous monument to the 19th century writer Pushkin was under threat in Odessa. Ukro-nazis are continuously threatening to destroy the gorgeous monument to Katherine the Great, founder of Odessa. Obviously, aristocrat Pushkin and the Empress of Russia were ‘damn communists’ and had to be purged. Both monuments are a part of the UNESCO World Heritage site and were saved due to the widespread international indignation.


Old map of Odessa

End of 19th century English map of South Russia and Malorossia (Little Russia)

Ukraine was slapped together out of several parts, of which the majority was, and continues being, completely Russian-speaking, despite all the brainwashing. This was done by Lenin in 1922 for several reasons: geopolitical, internal political, psychological and ideological. I explain in detail what those reasons were in ESR2: UKRAINE and ESR3: OLIGARCH WARS.

While we all were a part of one big Soviet Union, no one was bothered by it that much. People were prepared to tolerate being a part of Ukraine even after the breakup, as long as they were able to easily commute to Russia for better jobs, sell their stuff to Russia, and be a part of the Russian culture through TV, books and concerts. But now they are unable to do any of that: Russian TV, journalists, artists, writers, cultural icons and political figures have been banned in Ukraine.

I believe I’ve mentioned this in Black Sea Gambit: Kiev is so afraid of the truth that they have banned me and my blog, FuturisTrendcast! Ukrainians can’t read my blog directly, but of course, there are many methods to bypass the ban in a roundabout way.

As soon as these bans began happening, this is when everyone suddenly began remembering that in fact they were never supposed to be a part of Ukraine, that Kiev usurped power and that they really wanted to go back to their roots.

Parts of Russia that became parts of Ukraine in 1922 and later:

Donbass (spelled out as the Donets Basin –  RUS: Donetskiy Bassein) – presently Donetsk/DNR and Lugansk/LNR.

South Russia, basically consisting of the historic Tavria and Bessarabia. The Black Sea coast, including Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson. Pridnestrovie (breakaway Transnistria) and pars of Moldova are included. The famous Tavrian steppes stretch along Black Sea from Odessa to Kherson and into Crimea.

Crimea (aka, Tavrida) – now a part of Russia again.

True Russian territories, including the ancient Chernigov, Kharkov/ Slobozhanshina (the area which was part of the lands gifted by Empress to the South Russian Cossacks), Dnepropetrovsk and more – what is often referred to as  ‘Eastern Ukraine.’ Dnepropetrovsk, located next to Zaporozhie, is also a part of the traditionally Cossack territory.

Original Zaporozhie Cossacks territories – presently the industrial city of Zaporozhie and Zaporozhie Oblast. I talk at length and explain everything about the amazing, colorful culture of the South Russian Cossacks in ESR6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE. 

Everything I listed above is historically referred to as Novorossia (New Russia), although of course Russians (Russo-Arian Slavs) lived on these lands for millennia.

Present capital Kiev and poor, agricultural center and north of today’s Ukraine 1000+ years ago were called Kievan Rus, and 300-100 years ago – Malorossia.

Today’s Western Ukraine is correctly called Galitskaya Rus and Podkarpatskaya Rus. These are the lands of the Galician and Carpathian Rusins (RUS: Rusini; incorrect English: Ruthenians). During medieval times there was a pretty large Galitskaya Rus state there, which was invaded at different times by Poland, Lithuania and Austria-Hungary, who eventually destroyed it.

How Putin/Lavrov Outplayed Merkel, Hollande, Obama

& Why Poroshenko Cannot Restart Donbass War

In the midst of today’s gruesome Ukrainian landscape, there is something that has, perhaps, a more positive tone.

Donetsk warns of imminent Kiev attack on DNR and LNR

Donbass braces itself for the new offensive by Kiev. Eduard Basurin from DNR ministry of defence and the head of DNR, Alexander Zakharchenko, continue to warn that Kiev is amassing troops and hardware in order to attack both republics.

However, as I said previously, I simply do not see how they may be able to pull it off (read my analysis in Poroshenko Prepares New War in Donbass? Why US, EU and OSCE are Blind and Deaf?

Additional analysis and predictions

The thing is that Poroshenko has to make certain noises to appease the radicals and ukro-nazis. But as far as real actions go, he really is tied up pretty tight. Besides, as we have determined previously, Ukraine is being slowly but surely ‘flushed down’ by the US and EU (as I predicted since 2014).

The Dutch referendum on Ukraine’s EU association sent a clear message. So did Biden’s advice to Kiev Rada to begin federalization process ASAP. So did yesterday’s French parliament’s vote to lift anti-Russian sanctions (French parliament votes to lift anti-Russian sanctions imposed by EU). And this is just the beginning!

But there is more:

The more information comes out about the atrocities and lies of the Kiev junta, the more EU citizens question the position of their governments. Europeans question more and more the propaganda that told them that Russia was bad, Kiev maidan was good and that EU did the right thing backing Kiev together with USA. The longer anti-Russian sanctions last, the more EU farmers, shippers and industrialists get impatient. Meanwhile some notice that while EU trade with Russia shrunk dangerously, US trade with Russia INCREASED! And that’s in the midst of sanctions! Slowly, US companies are taking over EU business with Russia.

More and more Europeans are realizing they were simply duped and the revolt is brewing.

Merkel, Hollande and other former advocates of anti-Russian sanctions now have no choice but to support Minsk-2 peace agreement at all cost, since the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions has been tied to its fulfillment. In a way, EU as a whole has cornered itself by imposing sanctions on Russia and tying them to Minsk-2 fulfillment.

Neither DNR/LNR nor Kiev are really planning to fulfill Minsk 2 in full. It is actually impossible to do so while this Kiev junta is in power. Poroshenko and his government can PRETEND to implement only certain points. The entire Minsk-2 in principle cannot be implemented until after the ukro-nazi Kiev junta is gone.

This signifies that:

1. What I said from the beginning of 2014: EU elites are inept and don’t understand at all what they are doing, which European citizens are finally beginning to grasp.

2. Merkel, Hollande and others will have to support Donbass truce at all cost. They are being watched by opposition and electorate. The alternative means they and/or their parties will lose the next election for sure. Recall my 2012 prediction about Hollande betraying the hopes of his electorate! As to Merkel, the recent 11% drop in her ratings will continue accelerating. All in all, her political career is finished. It’ll take time, but she’s on her way down.

3. EU supporting Poroshenko’s new offensive on DNR/LNR will give additional ammunition to eurosceptics and accelerate the breakup of the EU.

4. As I predicted in 2014, Putin and Lavrov were absolutely right not to antagonize Europe, continuing to patiently work with them throughout Ukraine crisis and despite their openly provocative, anti-Russian attitudes. This patience and lack of antagonism looks a little toothless to some. I had said that it was the only correct approach.

We’ve already been through this in 2008 with Georgia and several times during 2000s, when Ukraine shut off Russian gas to EU. They yell and scream, and stomp their feet. Then they calm down and recognize that Russia isn’t a monster and that, may be, just may be, they jumped the gun.

I know, I know. Putin, Lavrov, and Russia in general, are the only adults in the room and their patience is truly angelic. While Obama and US destabilize everything they get their hands on, Russian foreign policy is the only thing that keeps the world from plunging into a new global war.



Odessa’s cold spring 2016: city and oblast are bracing for blood and violence on May 2 and May 9!

This spring is especially hard for Odessa. After Crimea and DNR/LNR, Odessa is the biggest symbol of resistance against the Kiev junta. May 2, 2016 is the 2nd anniversary of the terrible tragedy, when 48, or likely more, people were burned alive on Kulikovo Polie. Kiev and ukro-nazis, together with Saakashvili, are determined to make a bloodbath out of the May 2 and May 9 in Odessa. Thousands and thousands of trained ukro-nazis from ‘azov’ battalion and western Ukraine have descended on Odessa. Provocations are expected everywhere. Tensions are the highest since 2014. Basically, people are gearing up for civil war and fear the repeat of May 2 massacre.

What is happening can be big and is also a harbinger of important changes in Ukraine and around the Russian World.

On Monday, May 2,

I’ll publish part 2 of the UKRAINE report: The ODESSA Report!

Read it in conjunction with my timely ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT,

dedicated primarily to Odessa & Black Sea events and conspiracies!


Kherson Oblast is dying — and Crimean Agenda ESR

As I remember it growing up, Kherson once was a quiet sleepy hollow, complete with untouched, contemplative nature, robust agriculture and down to earth people.

Kherson is dying: it is experiencing a disastrous invasion of ukro-nazis and Islamists from ISIS, Turkey and Crimean Tatar Mejlis, which is recognized as a terrorist organization in Russia. The damage to the environment is terrible and the damage to the population is catastrophic.

Their ultimate goal is to squeeze out the native, Slavic population and replace it with Muslim transplants. It may sound crazy and bizarre, but it’s not so incredible if you look at the map and notice that Kherson Oblast borders Crimea to the south – the only land connection to the Crimean Peninsula.

Having lost Crimea, US, Turkey and Kiev have concocted a plan to destabilize it through Kherson. All this is a part of the bigger agenda to destabilize Russia by creating zones of instability all around Black and Caspian Seas. To those who plan all this, people’s lives don’t matter.

All this is the topic of the upcoming new Earth Shift Report

The Battle for Eurasia! CRIMEAN AGENDA

NEW Crimean agenda ESR10 6

It’s an explosive and eye-opening Earth Shift Report, crucial for understanding the Russian and global geopolitical situation. However, due to urgent May events surrounding Odessa, Russia and EU, I’ll be postponing it till further notice. Since Crimean – Kherson situation is still in development, CRIMEAN AGENDA will come a little later. Please stay tuned!


The present focus is on hot EU developments!

New, surprise Earth Shift Report coming your way!

I received a lot of questions from readers regarding TTIP, Brexit, the possibility of the breakup of the EU, the Dutch, German and French revolts, etc. Therefore, I am preparing a surprise Earth Shift Report in which I’ll address all that, and more!

Formal announcement coming! Stay tuned!


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on April 29, 2016, in Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia, Ukraine, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. Sometimes it hurts to know what’s going on but I know it’s better than being dumb. We have the same destruction of history going on here in America, too. All of a sudden the Confederate battle flag has the same meaning as the Nazi swastika and it’s been/being taken down all over the south. It’s also cool now for the retards to get monuments removed for Confederate generals and other heroes of the Confederate States. Somehow this faux political correctness has a real power over the uneducated masses. They just roll over for it and watch their history disappear before their eyes. Soros and his demented organizations are behind this, I think. BTW, Lada, can you tell us who Soros reports to? I know he reports to the devil but I mean a more tangible entity. Thanks for a great report and for all the hard work you do for us.


    • Americans, just like anyone else, need to make peace with their history. Unfortunately, the polarization of the society will be increasing in the next several years everywhere on the globe. This is due to many accumulated unresolved issues and the heavy karma humans delayed resolving, and now it needs to be resolved pronto, or else.

      Soros is a very interesting entity. You are right that he represents certain ‘dark forces,’ shall we say put on Earth, to balance the ‘run-away forces of light’ – yes, there is such a thing!
      He doesn’t exactly report to any human authority. He has two agendas: 1. Russophobic, 2. Globalist – both tied together. He is a globalist pointman, who uses USA and the dollar system as tools for his purposes. He works closely with CIA and other globalist forces in US.

      If time allows, I want to do a full article on him. Please remind me later.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Johannes Jacobs

    Thank you LADA for you interesting work. I have a question: Should this phrase: > > *What Russia really wants in Ukraine* > > Ukraine won’t be unable to repeat the German fate, no matter how much > Kiev ukro-nazis try, because Russia won’t let that happen.

    be : Ukraine won,t be able // instead- unable?

    I read all with intered and I hope to catch the bigger picture. There is a big neccesary shift going on. kind regarda, Johannes from the Netherlands

    Op 30-04-16 om 00:44 schreef Futurist Trendcast: > WordPress.com > Lada Ray posted: “May Holidays and the dangerous spring 2016 This is a > cold and dangerous spring of 2016. At least in Ukraine it is. So much > is going on that I’ve decided to publish this new UKRAINE report in > two parts. This part 1 addresses a number of crucial events ” >


  3. Dear Lada, thank you again for this comprehensive report and your reply to me the other day. I just ran across this gentleman who issues regular “Globalist Agenda Watch” reports, and I would like to know what you think of his world view. http://redefininggod.com

    As a warning, his outlook is not exactly optimistic (though he states he does have some hope for humanity). It is in fact rather alarming, and it suggests that virtually everything and everyone “out there” that has any significant public exposure (including the lion’s share of alternative media) is really in the pocket of the globalists / Illuminati.

    He would even claim that even BRICS / Putin are part of a global theatre intended to fulfill some “end times” scenario (and subsequent complete NWO takeover), and he speaks of things coming to a catastrophic head in September this year (the “gog/magog war”). He also predicts a “summer of terror” this year, and points out how the Brazil summer olympics could end up in a false flag tragedy.

    All this makes a pretty unsettling read, and I do hope that he is not right in his assessment / predictions. Since you seem to have a good track record of predictions / geopolitical assessment, your opinion about this source would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you so much for your continued work. I am eager to read the upcoming ESR special on Europe.

    Love from Germany

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dom,
      Please read my ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? http://ladarayinfo.weebly.com/earth-shift-report.html
      All is spelled out there. Thanks.

      As to Brazil, you may recall I said in my Brazil report it will be very difficult olympics to keep together. Very hard!
      But no, I don’t see any successful false flags. In the end nothing serious will happen, despite threats, unless US decides to play hard ball, which will only happen IF BRAZIL PARLIAMENT DOES NOT IMPEACH DILMA. IN OTHER WORDS, DILMA’S HEAD IS THE PRICE FOR NOT HAVING PROBLEMS DURING OLYMPICS.

      Alas, this round is a loss for Russia and the BRICS.

      I think Brazil will have to include Russian and US, maybe also Chinese, security services to guard the olympics. They will be forced to do so because Russians won’t allow their team to be jeopardized there, while US would not allow Brazil to use only Russian security.

      This is why they tried to frame and ban Russian team from olympics, but it didn’t work out. Without Russian team there, Russian security didn’t have to get involved and the false flag could be executed.

      But now that the doping scheme didn’t work out very well, at least not as well, Russians will be there, and as a large participant, they have to demand the best security. In the end, they will all be watching each other. And this is how false flag can be avoided.

      Do you see what I mean?

      Liked by 1 person

      • i really enjoyed this blog lada

        i would say america can be saved if they doge Clinton from becoming president

        i tell there supporters sure i would like a female president but i would also like a good one 🙂


      • Lada, many thanks for your comment. I did read the article you linked there, and while it probably does not completely refute Ken’s (of redefininggod.com) assertions, I see what you mean.

        Would you agree, meanwhile, that the recently released by the UN “Agenda 2030” is really an euphemism for what has often been called “New World Order”? http://humansarefree.com/2016/04/agenda-2030-aka-new-world-order.html


        • Who is Ken? If you read my stuff, I usually don’t ‘refute’ anyone or anything. I just provide a logical full picture and my world view.


        • Well, for one thing you do often, deliberately or not, “refute” the official MSM story.

          Meanwhile, Ken is the man behind redefininggod.com, an alternative media source that would claim everybody (including BRICS) is really following the same globalist agenda (read: we are all toast).


  4. Thank you for yet another essential in-depth analysis. It is so sad to read of yet more loss of life in DNR/Ukraine, yet something like this was to be expected. The regime in charge is doing everything possible to blame the failure of Misnk-2 on DNR/Russia, and go to more and more extreme means to achieve that.

    Regarding the gradual turn-around of Europe. I read an interview with Ishenko, regarding a coming BBC documentary about MH-17 downing, where the possibility that the Boeing was downed by a Ukrainian jet would be mentioned for the first time in the Western media.

    When it comes to erasing of historical memory and dismantling of monuments, some peoples seem to be more resilient than others. I’ve newly visited Helsinki for the first time, and there, on the Senate square, you can see a monument to Alexander II, while the market square has a stella crowned by the Russian double-headed eagle, erected in 1835, commemorating Empress Alexandra Fjodorovna visit to Helsinki. Despite the rough Russian-Finnish relations in the 20th century, no one removed those monuments. Incidentally, the visit to Helsinki was en-rout on my first trip to Minsk, of which I can write some observations.

    I am also almost done translating 7 articles on linguistics and history of the Slavic people, which falls well into the context of preserving one’s history.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Do you have any thoughts on Trump’s foreign policy speech? It was pretty radical, and called for a detente of sorts with Russia. This might mean a sphere of influence approach, though, which would take the pressure off Russia in the Baltics or the Ukraine, but it would not allow a Eurasia – or at least that is one way of reading it. And then there is the question of the EU and whether it can hold together. Many argue that Moscow has been pretty pro-EU over the years, but maybe that has changed.

    Keep up the good work – interesting reading. It is a bit of a depressing thought that people deserve their governments. I’d like to think Russians didn’t deserve Gorbachev and that the French don’t really deserve Hollande. They are imposed upon us, but we do go along.


  6. Thank you for this report. Just wondered what your thoughts are regarding the 200 year (or more?) goal of the Anglo American globalist/world domination gang; will it ever be stopped or do you think it will need a change of planetary consciousness for these forces to melt into infinity. Could this be already happening?


  7. Lada, a heads-up to the following post by Ishenko: https://cont.ws/post/259514
    The leaflets, which were posted across Odessa before the 2nd of May would be worth translating and showing to the readers of your blog.


    • Thanks, Nemo. I’ll use the fliers in my post. They are quite telling.

      Have a great trip and do share with us your impressions. I’ll publish your pics and travel article, if you write one.


  8. Rather than backtracking to the Panama postings, will drop this here in ‘current time’ for simplicity. I see the data-dump trend will increase as time rolls on and The Great Purification (Hopi term) gathers momentum… They can hide, but there’s nowhere to run! (Except off-planet perhaps. But that’s a discussion for another day.)

    British “Spies” Among Thousands Of Names Exposed Following Massive Leak At Largest Mid-East Bank

    The Panama Papers leak was for appetizers. The real leak, one which took place quietly and under the radar a few days ago, and may have exposed far more wealthy and important individuals, was that of the Qatar National Bank – the Middle East’s largest lender by assets – where a massive 1.5 GB data dump posted online last week exposed the personal data of thousands of clients.


  9. Late to class. I just stumbled upon this infographic which delineates the gradual accretion of territory to Ukraine over a period of three centuries, but most importantly the 20th century additions. Most educational and telling.

    (posted by a commenter here:
    http://www.fort-russ.com/2016/04/putin-were-not-going-to-keep.html )


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