Slippery Road to WWIII! Moldavian Deputies Try to Block US Tanks From Entering Moldova

This is breaking news! On this TODAY’S video, made at the Romania – Moldova border, you can see Moldavian parliament deputies / members of Igor Dodon’s Party of Socialists trying to block US tanks and armed vehicles from entering Moldova. The delay was only temporary and all that stuff did roll into the country. So far a total of 58 US tanks and other military vehicles entered Moldavia from several border points.

Dear Americans!

Please take a look at who’s manning these vehicles – as you well see, these are your co-citizens! What business do they have thousands of miles away from your country, meddling in another country’s affairs, which most of you will never be able to find on the map??!

I’ll add to it that the country in question borders strategic Russian-protected territories. In Moldavia itself at least half of the population is Russian-speaking. Now, tell me: why are your tanks there?

Молдавские депутаты заблокировали колонну военной техники США на въезде в страну. Депутаты от молдавской Партии социалистов заблокировали на въезде в страну движение колонны военной техники США, которая задействована в учениях Dragon Pioneer — 2016.

I happen to agree with the opinion (at least, this part of it) of the leader of Moldavia’s “Nasha Partia’ Renato Usatii. See on this video:

To paraphrase what he says: This is akin to what happened on June 22, 1941 (attack by Nazi Germany on USSR at 4am), when people were still asleep, or preparing to take children for a walk, or getting ready for a day of relaxation… Moldavia today is on holiday mode, and many people are believers (LR: Orthodox Paskha/Easter coincided with May 1 holiday). Everyone is relaxed, not paying attention. They took advantage of the holiday mode to sneak their tanks into the country. 

US/West are attempting to ‘subvert’ Moldova, like Ukraine before that. They are trying to create a civil war in Moldova. We are being blamed for being pro-Russian, told that NATO will protect us from Russian tanks. Yet, as we see today, it’s not Russian tanks that are rolling into Moldova. Together with the sold-out Moldavian government, West is trying to turn Moldova into yet another battlefield in which to settle their score with Russia.

US is trying to ignite a conflict inside Moldova, fracture the country, leading to civil war. They also cover for the regime of the bandits in power. (LR: as discussed in my earlier comprehensive Moldavia protests report, last year $1 bln was stolen from Moldovan banks by those in power, and the money was laundered offshore.)

I concur with these conclusions by Renato Usatii. As I wrote in my Odessa Report and Ukraine Report, the May Holidays, consisting of May 1 and May 9/Victory Day, are widely celebrated in all of  post-Soviet space.

To echo what he says, I’ll add that US/West are desperately trying to create yet another unresolved conflict around Russia and post-Soviet space. This is yet another attempt to reformat people’s memory and consciousness.

During this delicate and turbulent time in nearby Ukraine and all over the world, US/EU/NATO are trying to destabilize Moldavia. They are trying to stoke yet another hybrid war near Russian borders, to impinge on Russian interests in the region. If you look at the maps below, you will see that Moldova borders the breakaway Pridnestrovie (Transnistria), with Russian peacekeepers stationed there.

Should US and Romania – who is licking its lips, attempting to swallow Pridnestrovie and Moldova – provoke yet another conflict in Pridnestrovie, the consequences could be dire for all. Pridnestrovie is populated with at least 200,000 Russian citizens, out of a total of 500,000 population. NATO destabilizing Pridnestrovie automatically means WWIII. 

You’ll also see from the map that Moldova borders Odessa Oblast, and Ukraine in general.

Maps courtesy of Earth Shift Report 8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT – see more maps inside the report!

Map 1: Odessa Oblast is marked in green. The region’s key Odessa Oblast is on a verge of revolt, with ukro-nazis in Kiev troops suppressing the population: read more in Odessa Report and ESR8. Moldavia, breakaway Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) and Gagauzia are marked in grey and located to the west of Odessa Oblast.


Map 2: Moldova (aka, Moldavia) – in white; the thin sliver of the breakaway Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) – in yellow; pro-Russian Gagauzia autonomy in the south – in light yellow. The north of Moldova with center in Beltsi (Balti) is also pro-Russian and against EU/US/Romanian occupation. To the east, hugging Black Sea coast, is Odessa Oblast.


Please read my latest two reports about Odessa and Ukraine:

May 2, 2016 Odessa Report: City Under Foreign and Nazi Occupation 

SPRING 2016 UKRAINE REPORT! Nuclear Disaster, Elenovka Tragedy, War Against Memory, What Russia Wants

The overwhelming opposition to NATO and US presence in Moldova is well-known. The puppet government is forced to make their decisions and confirm the country’s PM in secret. The country went, and continues going, through massive anti-government protests.

However, I will add to this what I said in previous Moldova pieces: the fact that opposition is dis-united and constantly fights with each other is not serving any good. The recent conflict between Dodon/Socialists, and Renato Usatii/Nasha Partia caused yet another split, further weakening the protests.

In case Igor Dodon, Renato Usatii, or any of their friends are reading this: my advice to you all is to UNITE as soon as possible! This also applies to Gagauzians. Bury all your differences, be mutually respectful of each other, stop pulling the blanket to your side, share it with your friends. Work together, not apart and against each other!

This is the only way to achieve your goals of coming to power, saving Moldavian economy and establishing Moldova as a sovereign state, friendly to all neighbors!

All the intricacies of the geopolitical games and power spreads around Moldova and neighboring Odessa, as well as the most important events, analysis and predictions in my timely and comprehensive


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on May 3, 2016, in Eurasia, Geopolitical Trends, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. NWO getting desperate. Good thing Russia has those super weapons, NATO might find all their tanks turned off LOL

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Looks like they want to flank Odessa from the west. The game is afoot.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I`ve read it last night and can only say that I hope that Russia won`t make the 1941 mistake of trusting the western demoncracy ;-).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It is good practice to revisit world class intel briefings from time to time. For me, I always get new insight that helps to better understand the current mercurial flow of events. Everything is connected in our time/space. Yesterday is today, but the sun is a little different and the tones and hues give a different color and texture. I love it when Lada does a reload, like in the new ESR1 RELOADED which I just accessed. I thought I got it the first time. Maybe, but I really got it this time. She has a way of making these bad actors come to life, warts and all. Life east of here is truly convoluted and complicated and nobody unravels it better than Lada.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Some times I think Volodya is too soft…But I have so much respect for him that something tells me this incident and all of other incidents caused by america and obama as a poppet pretty soon will be stopped. I count the days and hours for this…
    …….. Viva Russia !!!


  6. This reminds me of how the “Caribbean Crises” started: by USA placing nukes in Turkey. What will the response be this time? Russian destroyers sailing into San Francisco Bay?

    On an unrelated note (but still related to preservation of history and one’s roots), I’ve just finished translating 7 articles, tracing Russian/Slavic linguistic roots in Europe:

    A while back, one of the commentor wondered if there is a connection between Slav and slave, erroneously deriving the first from the second. The third article “Who and How Erases Russian Names from the Maps” has a passage on that connection.

    My next plan is to jot down some observations from my Minsk trip, and after that to make another dive into linguistic translations.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lady Lada, while you are focusing on Western geopolitics in eastern Europe. i think some spotlight from you on the TTIP and TTP deal would be also valuable. What’s your opinion about them ? Recently, China is moving for the RCEP deal, Russia should definitely have a seat on the table of RCEP.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The posturing and positioning continue to escalate in eastern Europe-

    What is Cooking in the Bosnian Pot? CIA Director’s Visit to the Balkans

    On April 21, 2016, under the cover of darkness, a U.S. military plane landed on Sarajevo international airport. The mysterious guest was greeted by Osman Mehmedagić, the chief of the Bosnian intelligence agency – the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA).

    The first reports in the Bosnian and other regional media were that the mysterious visitor came unannounced. It later emerged that this was only a surprise for some, but hardly for all Bosnian politicians and high-level security officials. After all, this is a standard CIA operational procedure. It’s called ‘compartmentalization’: in the know are only those who need to know. The CIA director John O. Brennan’s visit to Sarajevo was actually carefully planned and scheduled at least two months in advance at the time of Mehmedagić’s first visit to the U.S. Brennan flew into Sarajevo directly from Riyadh where he accompanied the U.S. President Barack Obama and attended a meeting of the regional Arab security heads.


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