Briefly-Important: Foiled Color Revolution in Kazakhstan; Putin-Abe Meet; Russia-ASEAN Sochi Summit

Due to so many events happening at once, I’m trying something a little different: Briefly-Important. In this format, I have grouped several developments based on their geography. This one is about Asia-Eurasia.

The BIG EVENT the West is silent about: Foiled Color Revolution in Kazakhstan on My 21! 

Some might say: big deal, after all, what’s Kazakhstan? Much like Ukraine, Kazakhstan isn’t important by itself, but it is extremely important in connection with Russia and as part of the Russian support system. As we have discussed before (more on that in future Earth Shift Reports), Russia is The Great Global Balancer & Stabilizer. Therefore, we must analyze everything that happens around Russia from this perspective. This means that attack on Kazakhstan is an attack on Russia.

What happened:

While we all relaxed for the weekend, a full-scale color revolution against Nazarbayev was planned in Kazakhstan for May 21. Mass protests were pre-announced for May 20-21, weapons, subversive literature, money and alcohol were hidden in capital Astana and several major cities, where the explosion was supposed to happen simultaneously. A media and PR attack was prepared. Foreign fingerprints are very vivid. Soros, Endowment for Democracy and other US NGOs are implicated. Ukraine right sector’s hand was also in it.

The investigation is ongoing and arrests have been made.

I warned about this possibility in ESR1 reloaded: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? IS ASTANA, KZ, A NEW NWO CAPITAL? In it I explained the reasons Nazarbayev had premature presidential elections, as well as why Belarus’ Lukashenko is acting so strangely.

A similarly volatile situation is developing along the entire perimeter of the Russian borders, especially all over Central Asia and Caucasus (of which I also warned since 2014). Russia and those Central Asian/Caucasus ex-Soviet republics that have joined, or are planning to join Eurasian Union, are bracing for the rolling color revolution avalanche. Recent events in Armenia and in Nagorno-Karabakh (between Azerbaijan and Armenia) were also manifestation of the same. The fires were extinguished due to a prompt interference by Russia. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are balancing on the brink. All this will intensify as more post-Soviet counties choose to get closer to Russia and/or join Eurasian Union.

There is another important reason the US is greatly intensifying its push for color revolutions. The reason is related to the TTIP and TPP push.

We’ll discuss all these past, present and future developments in a very important Earth Shift Report addressing Eurasia and Eurasian Union. Please stay tuned!

Russia-ASEAN Sochi Forum & Trade with Eurasian Union

Russia-ASEAN forum has recently ended in Sochi. The 12 countries, members of ASEAN, all were represented. ASEAN unites the countries of South-East Asia. In part this organization is economic and in part political. It’s interesting that in some part (off the books, of course), the member-countries have resolved to ‘be friends against China.’ See the list of the ASEAN member states.

Now, the most interesting part starts here. While being wary of China, ASEAN wants to be friends with Russia for so many reasons… During Sochi Summit, each ASEAN head of state had an audience with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Even more interesting: each of the heads of state complained of absolutely unprecedented pressure they experienced from the US not to come to Sochi. Yet everyone chose to come.

During both ASEAN and Japan events (read about PM Abe visit below), Russia struck a large number of business deals. Russian relations with ASEAN countries, such as Vietnam and Thailand, were traditionally good and productive. The result of this Russia-ASEAN summit in Sochi is that now ASEAN as the South-East Asia union will begin trading with Eurasian Union, leaders of which were also present at the summit.

The most interesting thing is that ASEAN and TPP partially overlap.

I’ll talk about the meaning and prospects of TPP in an upcoming surprise Earth Shift Report. We’ll also discuss why some countries hedge their bets and join TPP, while simultaneously trying to develop preferential trade relations with Russia. Where does this leave TPP and US? 

Japanese PM Abe meets with Putin; is there hope for Russia-Japan relations?

Just before the Sochi Forum, also in May, Japanese PM Abe visited Moscow to meet with Putin. He complained of the same relentless pressure by the US not to come to Russia.

The result of the Abe-Putin negotiations also send a positive signal. Japan is trying to distance itself from the US, showing some level of independence. While it’s very, very far to some sort of normalcy in Russian-Japanese relations, the desire to put some distance from the US may push Japan closer to Russia.

I was asked whether this would happen soon.

It depends on the time perspective. I wouldn’t hold my breath for too much of a miracle for the next few years. The animosity towards Russia is too deeply ingrained in Japan. I hear that some Japanese are so far off that they even believe that Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs were dropped by Russia! While of course everyone should know they were dropped by the US, unnecessarily to boot. How would you even begin re-training these people to think differently? I am not too optimistic about Japan, to be honest, although of course I am always for dialogue. The more dialogue the better of a chance to avoid wars and misunderstandings.

That said, Japanese investors and businesses will continue being active in Russia. New trade deals were signed in Moscow between Abe and Putin; Japanese investors are very eager to invest in Russia, trying to get their foot in the door while they can, for as long as the EU self-withdrew due to sanctions. ll this is a given.

A slow and gradual improvement of political relations will definitely follow, simply because doing business when the countries are at a standoff is very inconvenient.

However, we should never underestimate the wild factor of the US. As its economy and global reputation falters, US will become more and more aggressive in trying to keep its allies away from Russia, and artificially tethered to Uncle Sam. This is a recipe for color revolutions, regime change and sabotage. Sometimes they will temporarily succeed, slowing down the natural process (look at Obama’s appeasement attempt during his visit to Japan right after Abe met with Putin in Moscow).

But much worse things than an appeasement visit can happen to a rebelling vassal.

Remember Fukushima? When I talk about the deliberate attempt to poison all of our planet’s treasured and delicate oceans, kill marine life, dolphins and whales, I am not in the mood to choose my words. Those who are ready to kill all this to get their way with a country they want to punish are monsters and deserve everything that’s coming to them!  As we discussed so many times before, we are dealing here with underdeveloped 5-year-olds with nukes and capacity to cause harm to others way beyond what they should possess.

Consequently, for now I am very lukewarm optimistic-to-neutral about Japan-Russia relations.


(See other trends: TRENDS & PREDICTIONS on

Japan, as many other countries at this time, will attempt to balance itself between not offending US too much, so not to be subjected to a new ‘natural’ catastrophe or a manufactured economic disaster, while simultaneously trying to develop better connections with Russia. The same is true for most Asian countries, as well as the EU (see my discussion of what’s going on in EU in following articles). The same trend is visible all over the globe.

This process will take time, but what is very important to understand is that every incremental step by Japan, and other US slaves, towards sovereignty, distancing from the US and re-balancing towards better relations with Russia, is slowly eroding the foundation of the waning US Empire and of the globalist grip on power.

Through these tiny, incremental steps we are observing the truly epic and historic process of re-balancing by the The Great Global Balancer of the human society on our planet (click on the link to read more).  

You’ll be able to hear my detailed analysis and predictions re. EU, Japan, Asia, TTIP/TPP, and of course, Eurasian Union, in the upcoming surprise Earth Shift Reports!


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on June 1, 2016, in China and Asia, Developing Global Trends, Empire Collapse, Eurasia, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. clear lada, let us visualise the most peaceful change. thank you. johannes

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, you warned us this was coming and I just love it when Soros gets his dragon wings clipped. BZ to Kazakhstan for being proactive in their own defence and not rolling over. Their capital city Astana is too beautiful to have these cretins soiling its streets. Onward to the Balkans, et al… keep visioning the death of the Death Star. NB: BZ is naval international code for “Well Done.”


  3. I don’t know what we’d do without you, Lada! The squashing of yet another NeoCon color revolution in Kazakhstan is huge. That country is an abundant reservoir of all kinds of minerals and oil. I expect that her gold mines will play an important role with the EurAsian-led global economic reset that is now bearing down on all of us. And then on May31, Nazarbayev met Putin for an important EEU economic meeting. Yes, Putin was not about to let that flame burn out of control. Kremlin press release May31:

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Now this is totally unrelated and irrelevant but for the animal lovers, deserves a look at the world’s biggest (live) teddy bear:

    Russian Couple Adopted An Orphaned Bear 23 Years Ago, And They Still Live Together

    Meet Stepan, a domesticated bear who lives with his humans Svetlana and Yuriy Panteleenko in Moscow, Russia. The Panteleenkos adopted Stepan when he was just a 3-month-old orphaned cub. He was found by hunters in a forest all alone and in a very bad condition, so Svetlana and Yuriy decided to give him a home.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I hope Vietnam wont fall into a trap buying weapons from the USA. They suffered enough at their hands and the suffering continues to this day in South Asia no remorse.


  6. Visgoth,

    Vietnam seems very pro-America these days, and the trends are all strongly in the direction of joining the US order. For example, chemtrails started a few months ago and now are perhaps five days a week in Central Vietnam, and plenty of fighter jet activity, which may well have US involvement. And everybody wants the TPP, and US help in restraining or kicking China out of the South China Sea. My feeling is the deals have been cut, and Vietnam is now part of the US plan. Hanoi may still buy some Russian weapons, and would certainly like Russian tourists or perhaps help in developing oil, but Moscow is now rather pro-China, so that limits things quite a bit. And the US is now anti-China, so that is a natural basis for an alliance. As they say in politics, “there are no friends, just interests”.


  7. you’re an extraordinary person with so much to say that truly resonates, and all that is inspiring i just need to say this; where all else is nothing and empty but whats deep and meaningful you deliver uponwhich verifying our souls perhaps what we know but have forgotten in essence you get my drift:p, that is you validate some thoughts with your knowledge and analysis; i wish to have your permission to post your insightful views on our domain; love and respect to you;

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lada gets honorable hat tip from the Bankster Slayers:

    High, Dry, and Left to Die in Kazakhstan

    In a news event today that may prove to be nothing more than a metaphor of the dying power of a decaying brotherhood of clownish thugs, this apparently abandoned gang of “Islamic radicals” barged into a local gun shop in Aktobe, Kazakhstan, stole weapons, and immediately proceeded to take hostages and kill and wound bystanders. Social media reports that the Kazakh forces are right now responding swiftly, so maybe you’ll get to see a fleeting summary posted on CNN tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person