Surprised? Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton and Ends His Run

Just a few days ago Bernie Sanders’ followers announced the creation of the ‘Bernie or bust’ movement – a sort of ‘Occupy Elections.’ Meanwhile, yesterday Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton at New Hampshire Democratic rally and announced the end of his run.

This is a brief summary of Sanders – Clinton clashes and latest developments:

This is a full video of what happened in NH:

So much for the ‘feeling the Bern’ of the ‘new American revolution’ and Bernie’s promise to ‘go all the way to the convention.’ Sanders left behind a lot of disenfranchised followers, who feel betrayed and abandoned. 

Are you at all surprised at this outcome? I’m not. This was written all over the situation as it developed. Democrats’ top bras, including president Obama, spent the past couple of months wining and dining Sanders.

The US elites excel in the art of sophisticated and exquisite bribery. This art has been developed to perfection. Here’s how it works: find what makes someone you want to bribe truly tick, what’s the most important thing for him/her, and then produce it with a flourish. In exchange, you tie up the object of your bribery with obligation of gratitude and reciprocity.

Bernie’s life’s passion is to change campaign financing rules, and if he accomplishes that it would mean his life’s mission is complete – no problem, he can have that one! He wants certain liberal Supreme Court nominations – he’s got it! Maybe some better deals for students, such as free tuition and student debt forgiveness, would be thrown in as Clinton campaign promise. And mark my words, if Hillary won elections (a big ‘if’), Sanders would become a Chair of the budget committee, or something similar, or Hillary’s VP, as another possibility. He would be ensured a very high-profile position as a result of his endorsement of Clinton.

What was said behind closed doors? Simply put, Sanders was offered deals and perks he could not refuse.

Carrot and stick: I’m certain he was also threatened that if he doesn’t take the deals offered now, there would be no such deals later. They had to make it happen before the Democratic Convention to avoid having riots on their hands at the convention. Having received some relatively insignificant perks and concessions, Bernie promised to forget what his electorate truly wanted: change the corrupt system. He also promised to end his revolt within Democratic Party and to support Clinton.

There will still be lots of discontent among his betrayed constituents; although now Bernie, as the true company man, will do everything in his power to calm down his followers and steer them towards Clinton. Some of these followers won’t buy it though; they’ll leave the democrats and vote for Green Party’s Jill Stein, or for Trump, as a protest vote.

Read my past related article: Lada Ray’s First US Presidential Elections Prediction: REVOLT IN REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PARTIES. The scenarios I described there have developed further and they continue evolving. As I predicted in the above-linked article, change is in the air and this will be an unusually interesting and confusing US election. I foresee some very unusual – for the normally docile US elections – developments, with some shocking possibilities!

Donald Trump: many of those who are disappointed in the US system plan to vote for Trump. I didn’t want to say much on that while the primaries were still ongoing because I thought it would be counterproductive.

I am seeing a lot of behind-the-scenes activity with Trump. There are some important predictions to make… I plan an Earth Shift Report on US Presidential Elections 2016. I won’t give you the exact date when this ESR will be ready: it will come out when the timing is right. Please stay tuned for announcements! 



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P.S. I just couldn’t resist adding this!

George W Bush dancing during Dallas memorial service: Former president George W Bush seen dancing during interfaith memorial service for the five Dallas, Texas police officers killed during a march against police brutality.


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on July 13, 2016, in Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 21 Comments.

  1. Is B. senile??? How embarrassing and toecurling to watch this, even O. is smiling, this cannot be!!!! 😦

    About Sanders, I had high hopes for him, now we have to see if Hitlery gets indicted by the Senate and the State Department instead of thru the legal system and if Sanders would then be the candidate, just wondering….

    What a mess!!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m a Founding Bernie Supporter. Today, I’ll be taking it off the back of my Honda CRV.

    I will be voting for Trump. You know? The Candidate who has a chance to win and isn’t a MASS MURDERER?

    Liked by 1 person

    • If I was an American, I would do the same. Following the election campaign development from Australia and as an admirer of Sanders, I was greatly disappointed with his recent announcement and moreover the way he did it.
      Trump is now the only remaining, uncorrupted candidate for US presidency.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I find it mindblowing that Hillary, a criminally insane psychopath, is the favourite for the office of president! As I understand it, papa Bush is even more evil than Hillary, but at that time we had no Internet, and thus no way to know about his crimes.
    How is it possible for a serial criminal (Hillary) to get the nomination?
    When the madness has reached current proportions, the system must be very close to imploding or exploding!
    Thus the Eartshift!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good assessment, Emil. Most of the time the only way to make humans get of their a**es and change the unjust system is to bring the situation to the level of absurdity, causing a total breakdown. If humans refuse to listen to truth and warnings… they’ll have to go through change the hard way.

      Liked by 2 people

      • no no lada he is still running he had to endorse in order to speak at the convention

        FDR endorsed his rival before the convention

        he’s planning something 🙂


  4. I’d already figured Sanders the Traitor out a while back. No surprise.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. There was a clue all along to Sanders’ Killary sell-out: his initials said it all. BS.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Just wondering who will be the scumbags we will presented with in the 2024 elections circus. Assuming there will be elections in 2020.


  7. – off-topic –
    Hi Lada, amazing good news are coming from Ukraine: both Ukrainian Orthodox churches buried the hatchet and united their force for three peace marches towards Kiew since last Sunday. They call it: “Crusade for peace in Donbass.” More and more people are participating and they are marching behind the praying and singing monks at the front of the marches holding monstrances. I’ve nothing found except two German articles in the international press including Russia. Here is one of them enriched with Russian/Ukrainian YouTube videos:
    I recommend the Google Translator:

    Seems the common people won’t go hungry any longer. The Ukro-Nazis didn’t dare to provoke them so far. The establishment in Kiev seems to be in deep despair.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for the heads up.

      I’ll try to post my coverage of the All-Ukraine Orthodox Crestniy Khod for Peace in Donbass, perhaps when they are due in Kiev (around 7/27).
      Incorrectly translated as ‘crusade’, this is in fact a pilgrimage. Also, it’s not 2 different branches of the Orthodox church – it’s the same Ukrainian branch of the Russian church, which is predominant in Ukraine, but presently it is under oppression from junta and ukro-nazis.
      The other, breakaway branch is siding with ukro-nazis, who are calling to kill the peaceful pilgrims and take away their churches.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. I knew Sanders was a phony from the beginning. And I’m not saying this as he kisses the ass of Hillary and in 20/20 hindsight. You just knew this by reading his body language. Especially when he told Hillary that he’s sick of the damn email scandal and Hillary of course agreed. Don’t be fooled by Sanders on foreign policy. His only claim to fame was to vote against the Iraq War. However he supported the funding of it. He supported the aggression against Serbia in 1999 and he supported the aggression against Libya. He also hates Russia. There you go. He’s definitely no Donald Trump. So far and I hope this doesn’t change. Trump is a much different animal than Bernie. A Clinton presidency will be an unmitigated disaster for the US and we could have nuclear war with Russia. She’s a vicious war monger and a real psychopath. I’m for Trump because I don’t think he would be any worse than Clinton and he could be a much more positive force for peace with Russia. His statements, so far, are a breath of fresh air as compared to the mainstream media regarding Russia. He admires Michael Flynn, a military man, who exposed the phoniness of the US war against ISIS and proved that the US armed the Islamist terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Trump is a business man and making money is his passion (which I don’t think is the most admirable quality a person can have). Nonetheless he’s had to deal with all kinds of people in the real world and so he may have a broader perspective on life. In this era I think a person who is a businessman and deals with reality and has learned the art of give and take is preferable as a president to a sociopathic ideologue who has never really held down a real job in her life. I sincerely hope that Trump, for our country’s sake, is the real deal and continues his un-political actions. If he compromises and becomes that which he says that he’s against, then I’m through with him. Another asshole liar and opportunist. We’ll just have to wait and see.

    By the way that video with George W. dancing at a solemn memorial made me really laugh. I laughed at him not with him. In a longer video you eventually see Michele Obama start to laugh along with him and Barack tries to keep a poker face but just can’t help laughing also. It just shows that the US is really doomed because you can see what caliber of people we’re electing. Could you imagine JFK, Eisenhower, or even Nixon dancing and laughing at a memorial for anyone murdered. It’s amazing. I also couldn’t imagine any of these former presidents cackling in public like Hillary did regarding the gruesome murder of Kaddafi. Remember We saw, we came, he died.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I knew Sanders was a phony from the beginning. And I’m not saying this as he kisses the ass of Hillary and in 20/20 hindsight. You just know this by reading his body language. Especially when he told Hillary that he’s sick of the damn email scandal and Hillary of course agreed. Don’t be fooled by Sanders on foreign policy. His only claim to fame was to vote against the Iraq War. However he supported the funding of it. He supported the aggression against Serbia in 1999 and he supported the aggression against Libya. He also hates Russia. There you go. He’s definitely no Donald Trump. So far and I hope this doesn’t change. Trump is a much different animal than Bernie. A Clinton presidency will be an unmitigated disaster for the US and we could have nuclear war with Russia. She’s a vicious war monger and a real psychopath. I’m for Trump because I don’t think he would be any worse than Clinton and he could be a much more positive force for peace with Russia. His statements, so far, are a breath of fresh air as compared to the mainstream media. He admires Michael Flynn, a military man, who exposed the phoniness of the US war against ISIS and proved that the US armed the Islamist terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Trump is a business man and making money is his passion (which I don’t think is the most admirable qualities a person can have). Nonetheless he’s had to deal with all kinds of people in the real world and so he may have a broader perspective on life. In this era I think a person who is a businessman and deals with reality and has learned the art of give and take is preferable as a president to a sociopathic ideologue who has never really held down a real job in her life. I sincerely hope that Trump, for our country’s sake, is the real deal and continues his un-political actions. If he compromises and becomes that which he says that he’s against, then I’m through with him. Another asshole politician. We’ll just have to wait and see.

    By the way that video with George W. dancing at a solemn memorial made me really laugh. I laughed at him not with him. In a longer video you eventually see Michele Obama start to laugh along with him and Barack tries to keep a poker face but just can’t help laughing also. It just shows that the US is really doomed because you can see what caliber of people we’re electing. Could you imagine JFK, Eisenhower, or even Nixon dancing and laughing at a memorial for anyone murdered. It’s amazing. I also couldn’t imagine any of these former presidents cackling like Hillary did regarding the gruesome murder of Kaddafi. Remember We saw, we came, he died.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Great article, on point. Considering the “resources” available… Trump comes up as the best choice for president. Now, let’s see… what does that say for “America” in general? As for Killary, somewhere in the back of my mind, I see a plot to assassinate Trump, a back-up plan should her clique become convinced he’ll “Trump” her at the polls. It wouldn’t have to be a shoot-out, just a convenient accident, they’re so easily arranged in a totalitarian police state. And for Sanders, I’d pointed out at the outset that there was a clue to his phoniness: his initials. Now that he’s openly brown-nosed to Killary, is he going to return the money he conned out of, and stole from, his supporters throughout the “campaign” he knew all along he would end this way? From my perspective, the whole show was staged from the beginning. They promised him “something” he really wanted (VP?) and he went off to woo those undecideds who were falling off the Kill band wagon so he could keep them from turning to Trump or Greens and most would blindly follow him back into the Dem fold when he revealed the deal. Just another false flag op, business as usual.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Nancy C/Seattle

    This was posted July 14th on Hawaiian Lightworker Kauilapele’s website: “Three Articles About Why Bernie Sandrs May Still Become President”. Apparently there’s a big difference in DNC (Democratic National committee) rules between “endorsing” Hillary & “conceding” to her.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would have liked it for Bernie to have something up his sleeve at the convention. That would make it very interesting and he would be better than Hillary as candidate, as I said many times.
      Another potentiality is that Hillary somehow does get indicted, then he becomes dem prez candidate by default. But I seriously doubt either would happen.

      I know, people usually hear only what they want to hear. Meanwhile, all one has to do is listen to Bernie’s own words, in which he vows to do everything in his power to help Hillary win presidency. This is not concession?

      I predict based on ALL facts and underlying energy flow, not based on wishful thinking.
      In this case I’ll be happy to be wrong. We’ll know soon enough, but I can tell you already: don’t hold your breath.

      Liked by 3 people

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