SPIRITUAL GEOPOLITICS: A merger between Geopolitics & Multi-Dimensional Consciousness



A merger between Geopolitics & Multi-Dimensional Consciousness


A misnomer or the future?


This article has been originally published on LADARAY.COM (as part of Lada Ray’s Earth Shift System)

You may have noticed that I usually talk about geopolitics from a higher consciousness perspective. One of the tenets of my EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM is what I call the Spiritual GeoPolitics. In fact, I maintain that a merger between GeoPolitics and Higher Consciousness/Spirituality must take place for humanity to survive the ongoing Earth Shift and evolve to new levels.

In our divided yin-yang 3rd dimensional reality those who are spiritually oriented tend to be scared and shy away from politics and geopolitics, as well as all things that are used as geopolitical tools, such as news and info wars, confrontation and the military. Meanwhile, those who are into politics tend to misunderstand, dismiss, and/or be terrified of things that are beyond their 3D understanding, including metaphysics and consciousness.

Both of these approaches are limiting and neither is viable in the new reality, which the ongoing Earth Shift is ushering in. Both are manifestations of severe human imbalances, denoting a sorry state of our divided and compartmentalized world.

The right way is the integral approach. I know it’s very hard. But in order to create a new reality, we must embrace our world the way it is – in all its manifestations. Denial only prolongs the agony and slows us down on the way to a better future. We must take off our rosy glasses or open our shutters, in order to see the truth (pick what applies to you!). Opening our eyes, hearts and minds to the truth of how the world is and where it’s heading is the first step in the right direction. It is not by accident that the word ‘truth’ has become one of the key words of this decade. People crave the truth and want to understand our past, present and future – beyond the obvious. People want the lies and secrecy, previously dominating the collective unconscious matrix of our planet, to be brought to light.

The good news is that more and more people are awakening to the fact that they must keep open minds and explore beyond their comfort zone. Those who genuinely want to awaken and see, experience synchronicities whereas the universe ushers into their path the wayshowers and guides, such as yours truly. These guides and wayshowers help the awakened ones orient themselves in this ever-expanding world of new ideas, realms and possibilities.

It’s also not by accident that in the past 5-10 years, the word ‘geopolitics’ has suddenly become popular and widely used. It’s a call of the times: one of the areas of human experience that we must explore, shine the light on and rectify.

So, what is the catch-all word ‘geopolitics’? Let’s use a pretty run of the mill explanation from newworldencyclopedia.orgGeopolitics attempts to explain international politics in terms of geography, based on factors such as the location, size, and resources of each area. Swedish political scientist Rudolf Kjellén coined the term “geopolitics” at the beginning of the twentieth century.’

That was the beginning of the conventional Western science of geopolitics. Subsequently, British scholar Halford Mackinder came out with his “heartland theory.” According to that geopolitical theory, ‘The World Island’ included the great land mass of Europe, Asia, and Africa, aka, the Heartland, with the stress put on the resources and land mass of Ukraine, Western Russia, and Mitteleuropa (Central Europe). The ‘Periphery’ included the Americas, British Isles, and Oceania. Mackinder’s theory can be summed up in his saying “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland. Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island. Who rules the World-Island commands the world.” Influenced by Mackinder’s theory, Adolf Hitler invaded Russia in 1941, which he saw as being necessary for world domination.

Disagreeing with Mackinder, other British and American scholars coined the terms ‘sea power’ vs. ‘land power.’ Under this theory, sea powers were USA and UK, while land powers were Germany, Russia (USSR) and China. A number of others were classified as hybrids. According to the sea power vs. land power branch-out, the sea powers (aka, USA and UK) will always have an advantage at sea and will, therefore, dominate the world. Influenced by this very convenient theory, throughout 20th century USA stressed the development of its Navy to control the world’s oceans and straits. Another variation of geopolitical theory that emerged during the Vietnam War was the “domino theory,” the idea that communism would seek to take over adjacent countries one by one, like a row of falling dominoes. This argument was used for U.S. intervention in Vietnam.

These are, in a nutshell, the old geopolitical theories. As we see, since its appearance, the geopolitical sound bite was used by the West to justify aggression and promote the idea of its global dominance under different names and slogans.

Despite one theory after another being proven bogus, the word GeoPolitics refused to go away. In the end of 20th-beginning of 21 centuries, there were new off-shoots of those old geopolitical theories, which now began focusing on diplomacy, how to keep the world in balance, and on preserving peace.

The reason this major breakthrough took place was two-fold:
1. On the 3D physical level: it was pure self-preservation (in my Quantum Calibrations Scale it corresponds with the level of Pride). Cold War and nuclear arms race proved that there could be no winner if a hot war between superpowers took place.
2. On the level of energy and consciousness: humanity’s consciousness had risen to the level of vibration at which reason and even humanity began peeking through (See my Quantum Calibrations Scale for more).

But it was still all happening based on the old Western geopolitical foundation.

Recently, a prominent Russian analyst and one of the authors of the KOB theory (Eng.: The Concept of Collective Security) told me that I shouldn’t use the term ‘geopolitics’ because it was invented by the West to justify its global aggression in order to keep the rest of the world down (true). He said that I should use the term global politics instead, and that geopolitics was just for dupes (untrue).

I responded that in reality the expression ‘global politics’ means approximately the same as ‘geopolitics.’ The only difference: geopolitics rolls off the tongue easier and sounds better.

Geopolitics comes from Greek and means (γῆ ge “earth, land” and πολιτική politikē “politics”). Therefore, ‘geo’ is our globe, or our Earth. ‘Politics’ refers to relations among humans and nations. In fact, if we abstract ourselves from the outdated ‘land power’ vs. ‘sea power’, ‘heartland’ and ‘domino’ theories – used by various Western powers as justification for their aggression – we get a solidly good term GeoPolitics.

I am for remembering our past because, as we know, those who forget it, don’t have a future. Why throw out a perfectly good term? Why reinvent the wheel? It’s much better to clean it up, rebalance it and infuse it with new, forward-looking meaning.

I began with re-defining GeoPolitics from a higher consciousness perspective.

Lada Ray defines GeoPolitics as: 

The Science and Practice of Human and State Relations on Planet Earth

Spiritual Geopolitics is defined as:

A merger between geopolitics, spirituality and multi-dimensional consciousness.
This merger is of crucial importance in order to transform the existing human 3D consciousness of confrontation into the 5D consciousness of cooperation and unity, during this Earth Shift. 


Balance is key. The yin-yang duality of our planetary existence has become catastrophically imbalanced, and it has to be brought back into a state of equilibrium.

From a spiritual perspective, geopolitics is the shadow side of the collective human experience on our planet. Shadows are as important as light, if used correctly. The thing we have to fear is not the presence of the shadows, but an imbalance of too much shadow and distortion of truth.

Geopolitics is the way large groups of humanity, residing in different geographic locales, with different languages, interests, aspirations and levels of development, have learned to interact with each other. So far, we have no other such mechanism.

Geopolitics is a 3rd-4th dimensional creation. As such, it is an imperfect construct, if looked at from a higher consciousness perspective. But it is a construct produced by the collective consciousness of humans. As such, it corresponds with the present day energy and vibration of humanity as a whole.

Just like anything else, GeoPolitics is a mere tool and it’s up to humans to use it for good or evil. Like any tool, GeoPolitics has to be cleaned and kept in good order, to be functional. Yet, here’s what happened in the past 30 or so years: as the global human society became more and more imbalanced towards the yang West, so did geopolitics. Today we are experiencing Earth Shift, which manifests in GeoPolitics as follows:
1. Along with Russia The Great Balancer working hard on rebalancing the world, GeoPolitics also undergoes major cleansing and re-thinking.
2. But there are still lots of shadows and skeletons hiding in various crevices of the old geopolitics, which need to be dragged out of those shadows and exposed to light.

My mission is to:

1. Shine the rays of truth into these shadows, exposing them to light.

2. Assist the Earth Shift and co-create new planetary reality. One of my goals is to perfect and re-think GeoPolitics to correspond with new consciousness.

Copyright Lada Ray, Sept 6, 2016. All rights reserved.

Also read:


About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on October 8, 2016, in EARTH SHIFT, Geopolitical Trends, Lada Ray, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Quantum & Geo Calibrations and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Thank you Lada, re-blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What you have written here ,Lada , sits very well with me .Indeed it has for many years .You certainly have a talent in putting into words what many of us feel . We are very fortunate to have you as our mentor in these trying times , as humanity sheds the veil and wakes up .

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a vastly important subject that needs more attention. i have recently been introduced to a newer term called EXOPOLITICS in a book called OMNIVERSE by Alfred Lambremont Weber. We must not only come together as a planet but also explore our oncoming relationship with other entities on other worlds who are watching us and waiting for us to join them,
    The coming disclosure of the off-world civilizations in 3D,4D, and 5D will have a vast impact
    on all of us and it doesn’t look as though we are ready for it yet.
    As Ronald Reagan mentioned, the quickest way to unite the earth’s people would be the
    threat of other worlds invading earth from the sky. Well that assumes the other worlds are hostile and would do us harm. It once again feeds the vast war machinery we are heavily invested in already. A more spiritual approach becomes more important than ever if we are to enter the space age and see ourselves as citizens of a solar system and not just a planet in it.
    Thank you for your blog as you are definitely bringing light to the darkness or our awareness
    of truth in a world full of misconceptions, lies, and deceit.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As above, so below. Now we’re considering the ‘above’ part more closely and looking at the connections between the two and how they should work together. I saw the word synchronicity. Narrative course correction right on time.


  5. Yin-Yang is simple yet profound – As you say Lada, balance is the key! 🙂


  6. Good article Lada, which resonates totally with how I feel and observe our shared 3D home, planet Earth. I have tried to explain how I feel to friends who have very main stream media dominated opinions of world events, countries and certain characters in these themes. They are strong in their views but actually have no facts to back up why they have these opinions! I feel they are a bit lost because they do not see the whole picture and your article says what I feel and think inside me. We need an all-encompassing approach to all elements of the Universe now, and this includes the spirit domain and politics etc. This also goes for Spritual Science, the financial system etc,. It makes me smile when a scientist does not believe in the spirit or higher conscienceness domain yet happily bang on about quantum physics. The fields of research are essentially the same, but people wear blinkers and these just need lifting with some rational disucssion and making people think a little more outside of their perceived, self-created boxes of thought. We are seeing a merging of all of our 3D experiences in all walks of life and in all faculties right now on Earth. How amazing is this?! 🙂 People see disparities between their experiences and what they believe is correct. People are being affected by a whole range of experiences that are helping grow and see the light. We see too much war, it is bombarded to people on their TV’s and in the newpapers the people read about extreme levels of debt and a financial system that does not work for the people, about “dangerous” political bogeymen. We witness corruption in our politicians, yet these events and themse are also tools for waking up the people, so long as they are considered, digested and not feared. I have used a similar approach to you Lada, and have talked about balancers and how we are seeing physical manifestations of themes and battles between dark and light being expressed from higher levels. I feel people are yearning for truth and many more are seeking answers for the truth themselves on a weekly basis. It is encouraging, and I think global situations, although apparently taking us to the brink of destruction, are waking up people even faster when we realise that we have only Earth as our shared home to look after: the seriousness of events are making people question more why these things are happening, and with time, I hope the truth will come out and all life on this planet can evolve to a new level of exisitence in total mutual respect, peace and for a higher purpose. Then we can move forward and maybe then we can meet civilisations “out there” who are currently more evolved than us.
    Sorry for such a long comment, but everyone reading your website are already more evolved in terms of mature thoughts about our world and beyond. I hope my little ramble here resonates with you all! 🙂
    Peace, take care and keep lifting people to new levels 🙂
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Good article Lada, which resonates totally, with how I feel and observe our shared 3D home, planet Earth. I have tried to explain how I feel to friends who have very mainstream media dominated opinions of world events, countries and certain characters in these themes. They are strong in their views but actually have no facts to back up why they have these opinions! I feel they are a bit lost because they do not see the whole picture and your article says what I feel and think inside me. We need an all-encompassing approach to all elements of the Universe now, and this includes the spirit domain and politics etc. This also goes for Spiritual Science, the financial system etc,. It makes me smile when a scientist does not believe in the spirit or higher consciousness domain yet happily bang on about quantum physics. The fields of research are essentially the same, but people wear blinkers and these just need lifting with some rational discussion and making people think a little more outside of their perceived, self-created boxes of thought. We are seeing a merging of all of our 3D experiences in all walks of life and in all faculties right now on Earth. How amazing is this?! 🙂 People see disparities between their experiences and what they believe is correct. People are being affected by a whole range of experiences that are helping grow and see the light. We see too much war, it is bombarded to people on their TV’s and in the newspapers the people read about extreme levels of debt and a financial system that does not work for the people, about “dangerous” political bogeymen. We witness corruption in our politicians, yet these events and themes are also tools for waking up the people, so long as they are considered, digested and not feared. I have used a similar approach to you Lada, and have talked about balancers and how we are seeing physical manifestations of themes and battles between dark and light being expressed from higher levels. I feel people are yearning for truth and many more are seeking answers for the truth themselves on a weekly basis. It is encouraging, and I think global situations, although apparently taking us to the brink of destruction, are waking up people even faster when we realise that we have only Earth as our shared home to look after: the seriousness of events are making people question more why these things are happening, and with time, I hope the truth will come out and all life on this planet can evolve to a new level of existence in total mutual respect, peace and for a higher purpose. Then we can move forward and maybe then we can meet civilisations “out there” who are currently more evolved than us.
    Sorry for such a long comment, but everyone reading your website are already more evolved in terms of mature thoughts about our world and beyond. I hope my little ramble here resonates with you all! 🙂
    Peace, take care and keep lifting people to new levels 🙂
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 2 people

  8. For me the interplay of Geopolitics and spirituality is so self-explaining and self-evident that it’s very astonishing nobody before did suggest this interaction. Only our good mentor Lada discovered this new perspective. I’ve to admit at first I was into Geopolitics because of William Engdahl’s articles and books. Mackinder’s Heartland theory helped me to understand why the British ruling class is playing Germany and Russia against one another down to the present day. The Mackinder theory is their gospel, belongs to their Ten Commandments and is worshipped by them daily. Only the best of the best German politicians knew of this very special British “balance of power” like Otto von Bismarck or Walther Rathenau. This knowledge was the main reason for their elimination. The good news is that nowadays every German industrialist exporting his products is familiar with this policy. Just look at the sanctions against Russia imposed by the US oligarchs and their political thugs.

    The spiritual dimension became accessible to me only quite a while afterwards. It took time and it wasn’t easy to integrate this new way of being and experiencing. But at last I’m happy and relieved for discovering this long suppressed dimension. This is our future.

    Liked by 1 person

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