Lada Ray on Earth’s Light and Dark Energy Portals, Knots and Vortexes


Another Ask Lada episode in response to article: Trump and US Syria Attack: Hate to Say I Told You So! Keeping with FuturisTrendcast’s predominant theme of the Great Earth Shift, today let’s talk about important cosmic and earthly energy matters.

Nancy asks | April 7, 2017  Re. Spirit Science August, 2016 post: “Liberating Syria’s Ancient Pentagram Vortex & its Geopolitical Effects”. This essay asserts that in addition to trying to secure a pipeline through Syria to disrupt Russian gas flowing to Europe, removing Syria’s elected government & other power goals, part of Washington DC/Isis goal is to gain control of the 5 cities comprising the “Syrian Pentagram Goddess Vortex”.

**The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the last few years. All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past. The five cities include Homs, Aleppo, Raqqa, Palmyra and Manbij.** Palmyra is the birthplace of Zenobia, the queen who lead the revolt against the oppressive Roman empire.

I would like to Ask Lada for your Earth Shift assessment of this view. There does seem to be a lot of back and forth on Palmyra and ongoing efforts to cut off water supply to Aleppo.

1 LADA BEST square




Dear Nancy, an excellent question. In our haste to keep up with major geopolitical developments, the pace of which is greatly expedited during the Great Earth Shift, we often forget about looking at the problem from the multi-dimensional perspective. But only by rising above the ‘battlefield’ Earth, only by elevating ourselves above what is perceived as important when we brew in the karmic soup of human emotions, can we glean the broad cosmic picture and gain a perspective of truth that can help us define our future.

One of the truths impossible to deny, regardless of what creed you subscribe to, is that everything in our world is energy. The constant energy exchange is how our world – and the multi-dimensional universe we live in – breathes and evolves.

This energy exchange can be positively or negatively charged. Who determines what constitutes a positive or negative charge? Criteria are very different, depending on what dimension you are in and what ‘realm’ you are from.

In human 3D – lower 4D society, currently in existence here on Earth, we very briefly may define ‘positive charge’ as that which supports and creates life and allows for growth and expansion of consciousness. 

A ‘negative charge’ is the opposite: that which threatens or destroys life, as well as any possibility of positive growth of consciousness.

For short, people often refer to these charges as ‘light’ vs. ‘dark.’ This is an expedient shortcut and usually serves its purpose. However, I have to mention (this is well outside of today’s topic) that this is not always exactly accurate.

We actually need a balance of both light and dark in our lives in order for our world to possess harmony.

Light and dark, in their pure form, can also be identified as yang and yin. By themselves, these are neutral categories of energy. It is how we use them that makes all the difference.

In reality, it is the harmony between light and dark, yin and yang that creates the necessary balance, and therefore supports life, expands consciousness and facilitates a better future. 

The truth is that it is a severe imbalance of yin/yang and light/dark that is creating catastrophic situations on our planet. The problem of the Earthly human society is that we have a severe imbalance of the yin and yang energies, which is what creates the preponderance of negatively charged dark energyThis is where the true problem lies, and this is why Russia – the Great Balancer has such a hard time trying to keep this world spinning.

This problem, which many feel on an intuitive level but cannot put their finger on, becomes tangible and visible to a naked eye if you learn to quantify energy through Lada Ray QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS. The new Geo Calibrations theory further expands this ability.

Our universe is relative and based on contrast. Therefore, when you translate any problem into a comparative numeric scale, and if you systematize and define your criteria, you’ll learn a great deal about your subject and the world around you. On a very down-to-earth, rudimentary level, this is what Quantum and Geo Calibrations allow us to accomplish (of course, there is so much more to it).


Now we are getting into the issue of energy portals and energy vortexes. Since these are new notions for this human civilization, there is no agreement on terms so far. Of course, the main premise is always the same: energy exchange and how said energy exchange is used by us. In that, I am in a complete agreement with the aforementioned article.

Here is how I define the energy portals and energy vortexes (and you’ll see below why my definitions are important):

ENERGY PORTAL is a geo location which serves as a gateway and focal point for Mother Earth’s energy exchange.

This energy exchange is threefold: 1. for the benefit of all entities populating Planet Earth in 3D and other realms, 2. for inner Mother Earth’s needs, 3. between the Cosmos (or universe, or source) and Mother Earth.

Depending on the condition of human society, levels of energy and pollution, how actively and by what forces such portal is being used, it may be well-functioning or not; it may posses the preponderance of the energy of light or dark, or be neutral. Due to the adverse human factor and in order to protect the Mother Earth, many formerly active portals have been sealed. For the same purpose, many portals are also well-hidden from the human eye.

Energy portals have the ability to move around the planet. Some fresh energy portals have opened up and now are predominant (by fresh I mean less than 2000 years; the youngest may be a mere couple of hundred years old). At the same time, other, formerly very important ancient portals lost their potency due to human abuse.

ENERGY VORTEX is the powerful energy created and transmitted by a presently active, well-functioning energy portal (or series of portals). Energy vortex represents an alive and actively breathing, pulsating portal, through which a substantial energy exchange is taking place. On human level, energy vortex possesses a substantial, or spectacular, power to influence and moderate energy on Earth.

As I understand, the article quoted above does not provide a definition of a vortex, however, it implies a different meaning (a vortex is a combination of focal energy points or knots?) than the definition I am offering you.

ENERGY KNOT is an energy entanglement as a result of many contrasting energies converging in one geo location. Energy knot may on occasion be generated by a variety of energies, including cosmic, alien, multi-dimensional, and/or the imbalanced energies of the Earth. But most often such knots occur as a result of imbalanced and self-serving human activity and/or as a result of a long-term human abuse of a portal.


It is important to understand that our beloved Planet Earth is a living, breathing, evolving being, which hosts us, humans, like she hosts all other types of life. In this regard, it is painful to watch what humans, in their fear, greed and hatred, do to our beautiful planet. This is a very big and difficult topic indeed, and I will leave it for another day.

Today, I want to focus on energy portals and energy vortexes. As you know, I always look at things multi-dimensionally and globally. In this regard, it is hard to separate what is happening in Syria from the rest of the world.

As I pointed out, our Earth is a living, breathing being. Therefore, the entire body of Earth is covered with energy portals, as well as energy lines connecting important portals and energy points. These are called either Dragon Lines or Ley Lines.

Energy portals may be perceived as chakras of our planet – they allow for energy exchange. As such, they exist all over Earth.

Therefore, technically, energy portals/vortexes are located in many places on Earth. Now, this begs the question: why don’t humans perceive them? Why, based on articles such as the one quoted by Nancy, it appears that they are a rare and exceptional occurrence?

The answer to this is multi-fold:

First: Due to the karmic issues resulting from excessive materialism and rejection of a true connection with the spirit (or source) most humans lost the ability to see and perceive energy.

Second: In fact we all know of large energy portals and powerful vortexes. It’s just that the majority of humans don’t perceive them as such due to the fact that these very important and powerful geo locations have been claimed by certain power structures, allowing them to exert their power over large groups and territories, sometimes for better, and sometimes for worse. As a few examples of such ‘claimed’ vortexes: Pentagon and CIA headquarters in the USA; the Vatican; the Moscow Kremlin in Russia.

Third: Energy portals on our planet are of different sizes. Due to many factors, some are a lot bigger and much more important than others. A large and powerful portal/vortex is easier to perceive than a smaller one.

Fourth, and perhaps most important!

Humans had screwed up a huge number of great energy portals in the past, and they continue damaging and polluting them in the present. Therefore, many portals have been sealed by Mother Earth to protect them from human invasion. This certainly limits the ability of humanity to evolve, but it is a must to protect Mother Earth.

Other very important portals have been hidden in such areas on our planet where humans cannot reach. I will give you a hint: many important ancient portals are located in northern Urals, Siberian Taiga, Lake Baikal, and Russia’s Far North, where few humans ever venture. There are some others, located in Antarctica and at the bottom of oceans. Again, these hidden vortexes allow Mother Earth to breathe.

There used to be vortexes hidden in the South American rain forest as well as in Australia, and some are still there. But every year they get more and more polluted as human greed and predatory Western capitalism reaches deeper and deeper into previously pristine geo locations. I am not even going to bring up the painful issue of the oceans and its catastrophic pollution levels. All this clogs and drains the energy of vortexes.

There is so much more to the story, but even from this perspective alone you can see why Russia – the Great Balancer has to possess such large territory and why no aggressor was ever able to take over Russia. For a long time, Russia’s dominance over such large territory has kept pristine and breathing the hidden energy vortexes of Siberia and the Far North.


In Syria and Middle East’s case we are dealing with Energy Portals, rather than Energy Vortexes. According to my definition of the difference between the two, energy vortexes are presently active and well-functioning energy portals. Clearly, except a few locations, Syria/Middle East hardly possess any such vortexes. The portal may be there, but it’s either sealed or diminished.

Due to centuries of strife, neglect and misuse, most, if not all, energy portals of the Middle East are either severely damaged, sealed or dead. The Mother Earth has since relocated elsewhere much of the power associated with the majority of those ancient portals.

The greed-and-aggression-based energy abuse of the past centuries resulted in a very heavy karma for the region. In turn, this resulted in a severe loss of Life Force. The obvious result of such Life Force loss is mass migration out of the region (for more read Mass Migration: What Happens if a Country Gains or Loses its Life Force? (US, EU, Russia, China, Ukraine, Syria).

However, due to human genetic memory often expressed as a built-in longing for the ‘good old days,’ there is still a lot of value attached to ancient portals of the Middle East. Due to their important geo location and historic significance, Syria portals are a big prize among them.

Yes, on a geopolitical/economic level there is a fight for the gas routes to Europe. However, this is only part of the story. It goes much deeper. On the energy level, the region’s past prosperity and glory remains a deep-seated human memory. Palmyra was once magnificent and the region was once a prosperous and bustling geo location. But it’s all in the past. Basically, there is a fight based on the memory of what was and wistful longing for what could have been.

Note, there is a great deal of difference to how the human energy vs. the Mother Earth energy would feel to us. In the case of Syria and Palmyra portals, it is human energy that is predominant (NOT Mother Earth energy). In most cases there is a confrontation between various human energies, oftentimes also either assisted by or conflicting with the Earth energy. It is these screaming for help, ailing and swollen energy knots that may be perceived by some as ‘vortexes.’

However, as I pointed out above, there is quite a bit of the phantom memory of the past glory. Much of the positive energy has been long depleted. Instead, what’s left has turned into negatively-charged energy knots, fortified and expanded due to negative charge of various human forces converging in the region, such as ISIS and Al-Nusra, US/West, Turkey, Israel, Saudis and Qatar.

That’s not to say that, for instance, Palmyra portal may not become healthy again at some point in the future. However, this won’t happen under current circumstances. The energy is presently highly polluted and damaged; it is negative and dark. Basically, the ongoing fight is about the dominance of either light or dark over these ancient portals turned energy knots. Energy knots usually exert much regional influence by spreading the energy around through Ley Lines and inducing more negativity. It is true that if such energy knots fall into the wrong hands, the whole region will be plunged into even more darkness. The back and forth fights over Palmyra and other Syria locations are a sign of very significant swollen energy knots formed in the region.

The complex Syria situation is akin to the global Earth Shift and geopolitical processes in miniature: the same ping-pong goes on between US/West and Russia, and USA and China, albeit with less blood and with much higher stakes. In this regard, the importance of Syria as a litmus test for mankind cannot be underestimated.

Generally, one has to be careful about overusing one of the sacred geometry symbols, in this case a pentagram, to prove a point. There are other energy portals in Syria, most notably the Khmeimim Air Base, which are presently more important and in better condition. The fact that the base is currently under Russian control is indicative of the beginnings of a positive shift in Syria, Middle East and Mediterranean. By extension, it also indicates a shift of the balance of power in the world.

Ancient Palmyra is the biggest energy portal in the area and it’s in horrific condition. This is why the situation around it has been in so much flux. Sensing this, to fortify the portal and infuse it with a surge of positive energy, Russians not only helped liberate Palmyra, but also tried to raise the energy by Gergiev Orchestra performing in the ancient Palmyra ruins. They succeeded, albeit temporarily – the neglect and abuse of the portal is too severe;; it’ll take a while to reverse the damage. Russians also made a lot of effort to restore Palmyra’s ancient sites – for the same purpose. As we see, the Palmyra chakra is still severely ailing, but the energy knot is being slowly unraveled. (Raising Chi and Healing Syria: Gergiev Orchestra’s Classic Russian Music In Palmyra Ruins).

It has to be said that its terrible state is in big part due to the general state of the Middle East. There is too much infighting, mutual hatred and rivalry between peoples who should be close relatives. Instead of working together and living in peace, they try to undercut or eliminate each other. This severely weakens energy centers, such as Palmyra, which have to constantly absorb this kind of deadly energy.

Many of us are angry (as we should be) at the dark and negative role the US/EU/NATO/West play in Syria and generally, the Middle East. As it has been for centuries, the West makes the bad situation worse.

(Find Geo Calibrations for various Middle East countries, as well as the rest of the world, in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17: Quality of Life Worldwide). 


The Earthly energy portals have paramount importance not only for our planet, but also for all of us. They are, in fact, energy wells into which humans, animals and plants can tap to replenish their energy and borrow more energy, if needed. But energy portals have to be maintained, protected and respected.

When they are severely weakened or damaged due to excessive and mindless abuse by humans, as is happening almost everywhere in the Middle East, as well as Ukraine, it leads to wars and cataclysms.

It also wide opens the door for the negative dark forces to come in and tear apart those poor tribes, nations or countries that disrespected their heritage and/or their own people. In our day and age, the forces of radical Islamism, fascism (such as Ukro-Nazism) and the aggressive West usually play the part of such dark forces.

Palmyra’s portal is presently too weak, too drained and polluted to replenish the people who are supposed to defend it. This is the reason Palmyra is so hard to defend: it actually drains her defenders, rather than empowering them.

Palmyra’s undecided fate is a strong indicator that the world is constantly shaking and swaying and can’t find its balance during the Earth Shift.

More so, it is an indication that the Great Earth Shift is sorely needed. Unless humans raise their consciousness and heal their karma, there is no future for mankind. The Great Earth Shift is a consequence of human abuse of themselves and their environment. But it is also our greatest hope for a better tomorrow.

In conclusion, I also want to mention that during the Earth Shift there are geo locations in the world that tend to provide stability in the quickly changing world. However, there are also geo locations experiencing stronger turbulence: they are the crossroads of the world. Syria, Turkey and Ukraine are some of the contemporary crossroads. EU may be becoming one, as well. Such crossroads tend to become the knots of violence during Earth Shift.

Just like energy portals that shift around the planet, the knots can suddenly form, but they may also suddenly dissipate. Today’s crossroads and knots may unravel tomorrow, while the new ones may form elsewhere on the planet, where it’s least expected. Of course, it only seems sudden to those who do not pay attention. Those who do, see it coming well before it happens.

The good news, much of our future depends on us, humans.

You’ve read an excerpt from Lada Ray’s future book, which will reveal the mysteries of Cosmic & Earthly Energies and discuss Quantum & Geo Calibrations. Stay tuned for more! 





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EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17 Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations







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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on April 17, 2017, in Animals & Mother Earth, Ask Lada, Books, EARTH SHIFT, Energy & Consciousness, Forbidden History, Lada Ray, Middle East, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Quantum & Geo Calibrations, Russia, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Lada Ray Blog and commented:

    NEW! Lada Ray on Earth’s Light and Dark Energy Portals, Knots and Vortexes


  2. Excellent… can hardly wait to read your new book!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I always enjoy to read your posts. Thanks Lada Ray.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lada, do you have any sense of when the Earth Shift might occur? Would it be a long, process taking years or would it be quick, less than years?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I believe Lada is saying the Earth Shift is occurring right now, and it involves all of us raising our consciousness and taking positive, corrective action to heal the planet and ourselves. Life is an ongoing process, and history will unfold accordingly, by how we deal with our own personal inner shift, ie shadow work, meditation, spiritual cleansing etc.

      Once we elevate our own vibration, only then can we help others to do the same and collectively we can shift the planet on path of light. There’s mutual energy exchange between the Earth and life all around her. The timeline is what we make it.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Fascinating! Poor Mother Earth indeed 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I liked the conclusion Lada. We humans have the answers for the future. Made me wonder about the energy portals and vortexes within the new human body.. Thank you friend for the article and your work. May all beings be @ peace.


  7. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:



  8. Great! More nuggets..😂 Thanks.


  9. Nancy C/Seattle

    Thanks so much for answering my question on the Syrian energy portals. I have another quick question. Lada wrote: “There are other energy portals in Syria, most notably the Khmeimim Air Base, which are presently more important and in better condition. The fact that the base is currently under Russian control is indicative of the beginnings of a positive shift in Syria, Middle East and Mediterranean. By extension, it also indicates a shift of the balance of power in the world.*

    In February 2017 The Duran site reported that Russia has established or strengthened 3 military bases in Syria – Tartus Naval Base, Khmeimim Air Base & Latakia Listening Station. Article notes: “…this is the first air and naval base complex on this scale to exist in the Mediterranean since the Second World War which is not controlled by the US or by one of its allies but which is controlled instead by one of the US’s rival…”

    Certainly sounds like the Great Balancer in operation. My question is are the other 2 bases – Tartus & Latakia also occupying special energy portals or high geo calibrations?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lada, you have answered so many burning questions for me in this post, thank you so much! I am very interested in your personal geo-calibration, do you also do personal energy readings as well, and how do I contact you?

    Thanks again and look forward to connecting.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Fuzzy energy concepts made clear, thank you, Lada. You also offered reasons and mechanics of how things work and what drives events at a deep level. Of course Creator helps those who help themselves. We do the heavy lifting, it’s how it works. Ask for help, do the work.

    Liked by 1 person

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