Lada Ray Analytics: Revolution in FYRO Macedonia after Albanian installed as parliament speaker

It wasn’t my first choice to bring up such subject before the weekend. But Macedonia is boiling over. I believe important and volatile events are taking place in the countries that used to be parts of the former Yugoslavia, and people should know about them. My forecast is that the situation in the Balkans will continue heating up.

There are objective reasons for that: 1. A large number of people in the former Yugoslavia feel duped and they want to right the historic wrongs that were forced on them by the West; 2. The Balkans have historically been a very volatile and controversial region; it’ll continue being so during this Earth Shift.

The Balkans and former Yugoslavia are usually overlooked, silenced or completely misrepresented in the West; therefore I feel the need to explain what is happening.


A did a video about attempted color revolution in Macedonia – see more at the bottom. It took place (oh, surprise!) when then president of Macedonia Gruevski was visiting Russia and talking cooperation with Putin. The driving force of the color revolution was the Muslim Albanian minority. Notably, some of the color revolution participants resided in Macedonia, but, per reports, thousands of trained foreign agents were infiltrated through the Kosovo and Albania border. As a consequence, then president of Macedonia resigned – apparently after blackmail and life threats. New government was elected, which gave more seats to Albanians and fewer to the core ethnicities of Macedonians and Serbs, who are Orthodox Christians. The new government has been very subdued and ‘suddenly’ all talk of any cooperation with Russia stopped.

It has to be noted that Russia is a natural trade and cultural partner for Macedonia, as well as neighboring Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and other countries of the region. There is profound and well-cherished cultural, linguistic and religious closeness. (As a side note: remember, I did a couple of articles on FT about Bulgaria and Slovenia and how they feel about Russia). There is a strong mutual affinity between Russia and all of these countries. Same goes for Greece and Cyprus. The only problem, Russia does not share a border with the Balkans region.

Because there is such mutual affinity and strong desire to be closer to Russia, the West (US/EU) has made it its mission to sabotage any such attempts and has done absolutely everything in their power to prevent meaningful and productive relations between Russia and the Balkans. But the pull remains strong. Therefore, US/EU continue sabotaging it every step of the way.


***Some corrections to the map of the Balkans above – the map was found on the internet. Slovenia was also a part of Yugoslavia, it is technically a part of the Balkans, and although Catholic, certainly an integral part of the South-Slavic world. Slovenia’s break-up with Serbia in the ’90s was the only peaceful and orderly, except Macedonia. Also, Greece and the European part of Turkey are part of the Balkans. 

Macedonia borders both Albania and the illegally torn from Serbia Kosovo. Kosovo is a historic, ancestral Serbian land. However, in the past 50-100 years or so, slowly, more and more Albanians seeped across the border and settled in Kosovo, until they constituted a large minority, and after having unseated most native Serbs, a majority. This allowed Albanians to overtake Kosovo and claim it as their land.

Kosovo Albanians have been used in this conflict as patsies and as a thorn in Serbia’s side (much like today’s ukro-nazi Ukraine has been designed to be a thorn in Russia’s side). By extension, the Kosovo terrorism threat and instability also hurts Macedonia and Montenegro. Every time either of the three former Yogoslav remnants tries to ‘misbehave’ such as get closer to Russia, the strings are pulled and a violent coup, color revolution, civil war, economic/political blackmail and threats against leaders take place.

The driving force behind Kosovo being torn from Serbia and recognized as independent state were Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton. Along with them – the usual suspects, such as senator McCain and the majority of both democrats and republicans in the USA. EU wasn’t far behind. In fact, everything was done by the collective West to create permanent hostility and embed a profoundly unresolved conflict in the region. All this was necessary to weaken Serbia, and by extension, Russia.

During the Yugoslav wars of the ’90s, taking advantage of the fact that Russia was at her weakest and Serbia committed a lot of errors, EU and US broke up Yugoslavia, but didn’t stop at that. They wanted to break up what was left of core Serbia as well. They largely succeeded: first the war crimes committed against Serbs were silenced and Serbian government and population were vilified. Then Kosovo was declared an independent state, immediately recognized by EU and US, but still unrecognized by many countries, including Russia and Serbia. Later in 2006, Chernogoria (Montenegro) was also torn away from the weakened Serbia.

Macedonia, one of the fall-out tiny republics formed in 1993 as a result of the breakup of Yugoslavia and the dismemberment of Serbia, is ethnically, linguistically and culturally an Orthodox, Slavic country, very close to both Serbs and Bulgarians.

We are now observing what happens to a small place such as Macedonia, which isn’t designed to function as a separate state. Every small piece torn from the whole weakens the whole along with all of the breakaway parts. Macedonians, who were lured away from Serbia by the promise of a wonderful life as part of the EU (which, incidentally, never happened) are now reaping the consequences of a bad decision.

In the past 20-30 years the Albanian minority in the country grew from single digits to 25-30 percent. When this minority became large enough, it began demanding more and more political power. Lately, the Albanian minority demanded the post of the head of the government. The current president, whose last name is Ivanov (can’t get any more Russian/Slavic) refused to cave in to Albanians’ pressure.

You may ask, what pressure if they are a minority? The problem is, as I explained above, Albanians enjoy a wholesale support of Brussels, Merkel and US. This emboldens them to demand more than they should. They know that the entire force of the EU/USA/NATO is behind them. This, sadly, yet again reminds me of the behavior of the Kiev junta, who go around EU and US demanding more sanctions, tough rhetoric against and public spanking of Russia – and they get indulged by both EU and US! Why? Because you’ve got to throw the bones to your chosen agents so they continue performing the dirty work.

Much like the Kiev junta against Russia, Crimea and Donbass, Kosovo and Albanians are used by the EU and US as a ram in the Balkans. Kosovo is a bonified terrorist state, specializing in drug, weapons and organ trafficking. Kosovo houses Camp Bondsteel, the USA’s largest military base abroad. It also specializes in training radical Islamists for terrorist acts in Europe.

Albanians, some of whom have fallen under the influence of radical Islamists and ISIS, are dangled in front of Macedonian and other governments in the region as a constant threat, should they make one wrong move. The sad fact is, Macedonians have become hostages in their own country.

The present crisis arose when ethnic Albanian was elected as speaker of the parliament, bypassing all legal procedures. It appears the votes were rigged and/or not counted.  It was so obvious that the revolution began and people stormed the parliament. As of now, Macedonian parliament is occupied by protesters.

April 28, 2017, Macedonian parliament stormed by protesters:

The illegality of his election notwithstanding, EU rushed to recognize the Albanian speaker of Macedonian parliament; EU’s FM Federica Mogherini came out immediately in his support. The EU also expressed an ‘outrage’ over the protesters actions. Where was EU’s outrage when the 2014 bloody color revolution and parliament storming took place in Ukraine?

Macedonia has been boiling over for months. Similar mass protests have been happening in Montenegro. Serbia is also balancing on the brink. All of these small countries are being dragged into the EU and NATO, against the will of their populations. In fact, these countries present no value to either the EU or NATO. There is no big economy or strategic assets to be had there. The only asset is the natural affinity with Russia. In the minds of the dark forces ruling the West, this ancient affinity and this ancestral memory must be destroyed at all cost. What is happening in the Balkans is the mirror image of the Russia-Ukraine situation, albeit on a smaller scale.

The breakup of Yugoslavia was a terrible mistake. It’s much easier to destroy several small countries than one large. The people are discovering this the hard way. So far meek and subtle, I detect an underlying desire of some of the former Yugoslavia countries to re-unite. There is also a desire to be closer to Russia; after all, some in the Balkans consider Russia their Mother.

Watch my videos explaining more about the Balkans, Kosovo, Camp Bondsteel and FYRO Macedonia:

Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo: How US Controls Gas & Oil Flow to Europe (LadaRayLive 14)

Macedonia Coup Attempt – War Against Russia & China LadaRayLive 12)

Also listen to RT report: Ukraine vs. Macedonia: The West’s double standards



EARTH SHIFT REPORT 18 (written report)

Lada Ray French Election Predictions: Le Pen – Macron Face-off & What it Means for the EU

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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on April 28, 2017, in Books, EARTH SHIFT, Empire Collapse, Forbidden History, Geopolitical Trends, Russia, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Fuck you EU US nato Albanian bums! Good always triumphs over evil!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. In my extended family we have one survivor of this madness who got out of the hot war with his life and only part of his family, virtually on the last bus out of his hometown. His memories and stories coincide perfectly with what Lada is telling us. I am not saying much here for security reasons but do want to say Lada is right!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3.… sorry I don’t know how to hyperlink this… basically, it explains how the West is hampering the powering-up of Crimea. Article also uses “annexation” wording. Some people just will never get it.


  4. Nancy C/Seattle

    The thought occurred to me that the Macedonians resisting the installation of an ethnic Albanian as speaker of the parliament is a similar expression of “nationalism/populism” vs “Globalist/cabal’ control similar to Brexit, Le Pen, Trump. People globally are learning you gotta move fast before the emperor is installed just as the Crimean’s quickly voted to rejoin Russia. In the case of Brexit & other EU countries, people are seeking their own political & nationalist choices by leaving the EU.

    In this case the impulse is the same but people might be seeking to return to their former country, Serbia/Yugoslavia. With that in mind I would like to ask Lada if you can do comparative calibrations of the populations involved in the current Macedonian conflict & the other 2 countries like you did for the French elections?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can do that, Nancy. And I’m sure it’ll be telling.
      I have to warn that some Balkans people – readers of my blog, may not always like it.
      Don’t shoot the messenger.


  5. Nancy C/Seattle

    On 04/30/17, 2 days after your report on Macedonia, The Duran published an essay documenting the top 10 countries that currently are the greatest threats to world peace. Albania was # 10 on the list for reasons very similar to your analysis.

    The United States of course was # 1. Ukraine was # 2 because, “Since 2014, the Ukrainian regime has engaged in a genocidal war against ethnic and cultural Russians in Donbass.” Germany was listed at # 9 because, “As the de-facto leader of the EU, Germany was essential in helping to foment the illegal fascist coup in Ukraine.”.

    I really appreciate your Earth Shift template for assessing current events. To me the countries on the list & reasons for selection validate the shift to a multi-polar better balanced world is in process.

    Liked by 1 person

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