On FuturisTrendcast Nice Guys Finish FIRST! 2-Webinar Scholarship to Soul Sister from California


Dear Lada, 

It’s very hard for anyone to inspire me to cry, but you did. I am very touched that you have chosen to give me a love gift from your Heart. And not one, but TWO of your webinars! (I am so excited to listen to them!!) I am always deeply touched by the kindheartedness and generosity of spirit that you possess. It is so rare in the world these days. Thank you sooo much! I will honor you by graciously accepting your gift, with heartfelt gratitude. ~ By the way, I did not initially apply for a scholarship because I thought there surely must be others who were more deserving of assistance. I didn’t want to maybe take a rare opportunity away from someone else who might need it even more than me.

LOL, you are bang-on as usual, Lada! My Angelic friends tell me that sometimes. I have to laugh at them. You don’t get through 3D without some scrapes and bruises. They know my long history and what kind of insanity I grew up with this lifetime (talk about starting in the cellar ~ LOTS of negative energy to transmute!), and then my adult life (MORE negative energy to transmute on behalf of the planet!) They have been there guiding and patching me up through all of it. Most of them have never incarnated. I tell them to get a body and try living as a human and see how well they do! Then we all laugh.

Yes, I do have difficulty accepting some things, but it is not the inherent generosity of the Universe I have any difficulty with. The Universe, and my dear animal, plant and rock friends, do not have negative ulterior motives. I love and trust the Universe implicitly. It is my home. I trust it with all I am. It IS all I am! Accepting the generosity of the Universe when it appears through certain human beings, however, can be a bit of a challenge. This has been a persistent conundrum for me here on Earth. Thank heavens for Discernment and a world-class B.S. detector! That helps a lot.

It is disheartening, isn’t it, to find that one’s motives are always being questioned. Evidently, this wariness is a common problem among humans. My well-intentioned words are far more often than not poorly received, misunderstood and/or misinterpreted in the worst possible light. I take make considerable effort to be clear. How does it get so “lost in translation”?!? (Don’t even get me started on the diabolical practice of “political correctness”!) It is a rare and joyful day when I do not get hammered for what I’ve said. Mostly, I don’t say much these days.

I keep working the puzzle though. There must be a way. Honestly though, if I were to look at myself as others might at this point in my life I think I would probably look somewhat like a mistreated creature who approaches everything with caution. I don’t want to be that way. I don’ like it. I want very much to be open, trusting and happy to receive, like I was before I got here. I did do that when I returned this time and promptly got seriously hammered. Learned that lesson the hard way! Doing that here is just stupid. Earth is a very disfunctional place. But then, if there were nothing here needing doing I wouldn’t have come. It is a heartbreaking situation for an Angelic living on Earth. I thank God for Nature. It is my refuge and sanitarium! 

Being a Sensitive, essentially a long-tailed cat in a world full of rocking chairs, tends to make me want to be a recluse. But I still can’t help Be-ing who I am. I AM that I AM. (Did you know they kill Masters here? Yikes.) I do what I can to help when it is needed and wanted, provided I am not violating Free Will. I receive the little victories in life with joy and satisfaction. That is the best I have found to do and stay in the game. I would appreciate any practical suggestions you may have as to how I may utilize your good advice.

Yes, indeed Lada, it is most exceedingly rare to find a soul sister or brother! So rare. This body is not young, and in all this life so far I can count only two others that I know for certain are “family”. There is you and the other is a Peruvian shaman who taught me my tradition. Two. Out of all the people I have met in this life and recognized from other lives. I’ve got some thoughts about it but I don’t have clear memories yet of who we were and are. All I remember for sure is that for certain reasons there aren’t many of us. Do you know?

Again, thank you so much, dear Lada. I am wishing for you and Az the very happiest and best of the holiday season!

My name is Aeyrie Silver Eagle, I have lived in Southern California, USA, all my life. (God help me! This state has gone TOTALLY insane!)

Plus, Aeyrie’s comment from my recent post


  1. Hi Lada, I’m still here and following you as much as my tiny budget allows. I was about to buy a webinar as a birthday present to myself in September but it didn’t happen. Both my boy kitties passed on the same day, two days after my birthday. Mieko was failing and ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge at the ripe old age of 17. Genji (age 12) had a surprise encounter with a raccoon in my driveway. (It was constitutionally impossible for that little booger to ever back down from protecting his home!!) It only took one swipe from the raccoon’s claws to injure Genji’s face very badly. It was very expensive to try to find help for him but there was none. With no alternatives, I had to put him down. I was terribly painful and difficult but at least my boys crossed the Rainbow Bridge together. I take comfort in that. So, no birthday present and a lot of tears instead, but such is Life sometimes, the bitter with the sweet. I miss them every day.
    I am continuing to recommend you to everyone I talk to! I wanted you to know that people are really happy to learn of a high vibration source of information about parts of the world, people and traditions they would not otherwise have access to. They thank me over and over again for turning them on to you! 🙂
    Thank you for all the kewl stuff you have planned. It sounds really exciting!

    Much love to you, Lada. I think of you as a soul sister; I hope you don’t mind. I trust you and your loved ones had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. Blessings, continued success to you and best wishes for the holiday season! ❤

Lada says: 

Ayerie was too shy to apply for the scholarship, so I reached out to her.

Dear Ayerie, 

I am happy to offer you a FULL combined scholarship for two of my webinars:



go to WEBINARS for more info!

I designed the scholarship program for people like you. I know that you want to listen to my webinars, and that you will definitely benefit from them. It is a sincere offer from my heart and a sincere and positive gift the universe is sending you. We need to be open to wonderful gifts that drop in our lap in order to create more abundance and to allow us to grow. You deserve it.





This completes the Multidimensional Geopolitics Scholarship Program! Thank you to all those who applied!

Many thanks to all those wonderful people who continue supporting my work and who have generously contributed to my work! Thank you to all those who have purchased Earth Shift Webinars!

Other scholarships awarded:



See you ALL in 2018 for more super-exciting & revealing webinars & events!



still coming your way as we wrap up the year 2017!



About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on December 8, 2017, in Animals & Mother Earth, Books, EARTH SHIFT, Energy & Consciousness, Lada Ray, WEBINARS and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Lada Ray Blog and commented:

    On FuturisTrendcast Nice Guys Finish FIRST! 2-Webinar Scholarship to Soul Sister from California!
    Thank you to all those who applied for scholarships!
    See you ALL in 2018 for more super-exciting & revealing webinars & events!



    still coming your way as we wrap up the year 2017!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:

    Heartwarming gratitude and holiday spirit, thanks for sharing Lada!


  3. standing ovation!

    To see such desire for knowledge is beyond heartwarming and then your generosity on top of that… I had to walk around my office for a few seconds cause of all the good vibes flowing through me! This, to me, is 5D in action. Bravo!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Beautiful, lovely sentiment. I’m fortunate to have purchased all your Webinars and found them incredibly helpful for planning my future, financial allocation and relocation possibilities for the upcoming period 9, especially during this great Earth Shift.

    Thanks again for your sage advice and timely consult, worth every penny and then some!
    Merry X-mas and Happy New Year to you and your ever awakening readers. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Thank you for a fantastic 2017! As tumultuous as it is around the world we are slowly turning the corner and better times are ahead. Here’s to a great 2018..Merry Christmas and a Happy Earth Shift to you and Az 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Like Jimmy, Silver Eagle’s comments made me walk around my office, which these days is in my head. What a remarkable accounting of how her journey has unfolded and to where it is now. Our trails are so similar and I can easily fill in the blanks yet she is much more brave for laying it all out there. Her words lend encouragement to a more timid soul. See what you attract, Lada :)? We are outliers but at the same time right in the middle of the soup. Your work has helped make 2017 much more meaningful for me. Thank you for crafting such a warm place for us and a place for truth and sanity.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Rafael Navarrete Rico

    Silver eagle words and your response made me feel so warm and i felt gratitud and felt humble towards the universe as is true as she said, the universe is not against us but it really is more like sort of an ally to help us evolve, through instrumental people like yourself Lada, but we humans too often complicate things tremendously through our ego and become blind and create mysery for others and ourselves.
    Thanks for your webinars. I listened to Putin enigma and was amazing, brilliant, with lots of information. So much good stuff. Thank you Lada for your tremenddous efforts doing it.

    Liked by 1 person