Ukraine Poroshenko’s Secret Letters to FSB Leaked by Georgian TV

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Ukraine Poroshenko’s Secret Letters to FSB Leaked by Georgian TV

This story has been all the buzz for several days now. Georgian TV channel Rustavi-2 has published on Facebook the snapshots of two secret letters sent by current president of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko to Russian FSB. The authenticity of these letters is not being questioned by anyone, nor is it being denied by Poroshenko or his office.

The letters were written in February 2007. Being a chocolate magnate, Petr Poroshenko had quite a lucrative business in Russia, as well as Ukraine. He owned two factories in Russia: Roshen in Lipetsk oblast and Bogdan in Nizhny-Novgorod oblast.

When he was purportedly denied entry into Russia, he wrote letters addressed to FSB in which he swore that he was a friend of Russia, that he would abide by Russian laws, and that he would never do any harm to Russia. He also confessed that, being one of the founders of the Party of the Regions and then deputy of the Rada, he was against the anti-Russian policies of Viktor Yushchenko.

Viktor Yushchenko was Ukraine’s president from 2004 to 2008, after the Orange Color Revolution and first Kiev Maidan ousted Viktor Yanukovich as the frontrunner for the post. Yushchenko was ‘elected’ after the unlawful 3rd round of the election farce took place. However, Yushchenko, a generally acknowledged US agent (and married to ex-US State Department employee), was pushed to the top and became Ukraine president, contrary to constitution.

However, he quickly became unpopular, and he lost to Viktor Yanukovich yet again in 2008. Yanukovich was elected by the Russian-speaking majority of Eastern, Southern and Central Ukraine, including Kiev. He was Ukrainian president till 2014, when violent Maidan-2 and illegal coup brought to power the current Kiev junta and ukro-nazis, trained, financed an supported by US and EU.

This violent clique, first headed by Turchinov and Yatsenyuk, and later by Poroshenko, initiated the war in Donbass and declared its desire to join NATO and EU, while promoting extreme Russophobia and hatred of everything Russian. Different members of Ukraine’s junta, military and ruling class, at different times threatened Russia with attack and swore to annihilate all Russians, along with language and culture. The hatred of everything Russian has become the new dark religion of Ukraine.

In his 2007 letters to FSB Poroshenko went further to declare that he was doing everything in his power to attract more investments and business to Russia through his two factories.

Meanwhile Ukraine’s elites, with Poroshenko at the helm, have been involved heavily since 2014 in demolishing any remaining ties and any business with Russia, as well lobbying hard for more sanctions against Russia. They rejoiced and declared victory every time such sanction by the US and EU were prolonged or expanded.

Therefore, as we see, Poroshenko’s letters directly contradict the present doctrine of Ukraine’s junta and its ruling classes.

After the news of the Georgian leak appeared, some deputies of the Ukraine Rada (parliament) proposed investigation into Poroshenko’s FSB connection, in order to determine whether he is the traitor of Ukraine.

The Rustavi-2 channel is one of the main TV channels of Georgia, having very strong ties with the ousted ex-president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili, who is currently in Ukraine. Saakashvili had a violent disagreement with Poroshenko, who initially illegally gave him Ukraine citizenship and made him governor of the prized Odessa oblast.

However ofter the row, in which Saakashvili accused president Poroshenko, PM Yatsenyuk, interior minister Avakov and entire Ukraine government in corruption, Poroshenko stripped him of citizenship (easy come easy go). Saakashvili was deported from Ukraine to Poland, but with the help of his ukro-nazi supporters he broke back through the border and has been roaming Ukraine since. He has declared his ultimate goal to unseat Poroshenko and replace him as the new leader of Ukraine.

Saakashvili is considered a clown, and by constitution he doesn’t qualify for the post of Ukraine president. Moreover, Saakashvili certainly brings bad luck, as proven by his turbulent history. It was he who got his country into the 4-day 2008 war with Russia, resulting in Georgia’s ultimate humiliation and permanent loss of Abkhazia and S. Ossetia, or 1/3 of the nominal Georgian territory. Currently Saakashvili is a man without a country, a criminal wanted by Georgia and Interpol.

Yet, his ukro-nazi / radical fans from Ukraine deem him the only hope and the only worthy ‘president on Ukraine.’ This just goes to show how low the country has sunk.

The whole thing is very bizarre and it continues the theme I have had on FuturisTrendcast since 2014. You may recall I wrote more than once about ‘Ukraine’s Idiocracy+’ and ‘Ukraine’s spiders in a jar, devouring each other.’

Now, is Poroshenko really an FSB agent? It appears that the hysteria over scary ‘FSB agents,’ ‘Russian hackers’ and ‘Kremlin bots’ taking over the world and every country is rather lucrative and convenient for some. By labeling everyone and everything Kremlin agents the West and the failed regimes such as the one in Ukraine justify their failures and ineptitude.

It isn’t a surprise that such leak occurred now, when the proverbial spiders in the Ukrainian jar, namely Saakashvili, Tymoshenko, Kolomoysky and ukro-nazis are trying to unseat Poroshenko, who’s hanging by the thread. There is a rumor that Kolomoysky is in fact financing and protecting Saakashvili, who has shown very surprising longevity and uncanny ability to elude any extradition and capture attempts.

Of course Poroshenko isn’t an FSB agent. He belongs to the international class of greedy, ruthless, self-serving, heartless capitalists and politicians, who will step over any number of bodies in order to make profit and protect themselves. People like him will cynically lie at a drop of a hat and say whatever suits them at any given moment.

If it suits him to kiss up to FSB and Russia, he’ll do it. If it suits him to kiss up to the EU, US and swear Russia is his number one enemy, he’ll do it just as easily.

Therefore, I won’t be surprised that at this time Poroshenko is also in secret contact with FSB and the Kremlin. He knows that his position in the country is shaky, and he must try to ensure Plan B for himself, his family and his money.

There is a joke in Russia that ‘Rostov isn’t big enough to fit every runaway Ukraine ex-president.’ Rostov is the current residence of the exiled ex-president Viktor Yanukovich.

In 2015-16 another Ukraine oligarch Kolomoysky tried to bargain with Russia and FSB, promising to move his capital to Russia in exchange for immunity, but was denied.

You may recall me writing about another infamous incident. Two years ago he biggest 1990s Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, who later escaped from trial to London, tried to earn Putin’s pardon by promising a lot of dirt on MI6 and US/UK anti-Russian dealings. He was killed in his London mansion by his UK handlers.

Now, just imagine how many juicy secrets Poroshenko can reveal! 

Ukraine saga continues — stay tuned for more!


Incidentally, friends, I forgot to tell you that Patreon followers also have an ability to leave comments in my new Patreon forum, under every post!

Also, good news for those who do not want to deal with PAYPAL! For your Patreon payments you can opt to use either Paypal OR you can bypass Paypal and use your credit/debit card directly!


Related links:

Much more on Ukraine on FuturisTrendcast



Saakashvili the Kremlin Spy? Kiev Maidan-3? Poroshenko’s Impeachment?

Spiders in a Jar: Saakashvili, Avakov, Poroshenko and Ukraine’s Idiocracy+

EU Trouble: Why Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania Support Separatism in Ukraine (10/19/17)



About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on January 17, 2018, in 1) Earth Shift Live, Books, Russia, Ukraine and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 23 Comments.

  1. Your “Like” button isn’t showing for me, Lada! Well, I like your article anyway. Spiders in a jar indeed. Yuck. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the sentiment!
      Sorry for the LIKE button thing. I get these complaints all the time — problems of 4D technology incompatibility.

      So many glitches, but we move forward anyway!
      Just finished a new piece for Patreon about 4D and what I mean when I say, ‘We are transitioning into 4D.’ In it, I talk about glitches among other things.



  2. Thanks for the great intel on these vermin. I’m wondering to whom Porky’s letters are addressed. Is there a Russian Deep State, like the US has? I couldn’t imagine him writing to VV. Roger all the info re: Patreon. This is going to be a great deal for everyone. Moving in that direction as I break through the fog and entropy of being older than dirt. It’s good dirt, though. Just requires a little extra plowing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Letters were addressed to the Head of FSB and Russian government, as far as I know.

      Hugs & good to see you again 🙂


    • Hi Lada, this comment is for all your supporters who wish to contribute on Patreon but encountered difficulty on how to proceed:

      There’s a link under your Patreon page which i found very useful in signing up as a Patron to support your work. It’s direct access for an easy sign up. Then look for donation options on the right hand side of your Patreon page. Easy peasy!

      Hope this is helpful for all your supporters who had trouble contributing to your great Earth Shift cause, but got held up with our current 4D technology barrier.

      Great minds think alike, just read your 4D intro post on Patreon and it’s spot on! 🙂

      PS: Great way to get add’l bonuses as a Patreon supporter, or creator. Cheers my friend!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. There is a large (maybe even growing number I hope) of us in the USA who view Russia through a spiritual lens and see Russia as a great spiritual ally, a brother in the higher spiritual service that will help lead the west out of the past Deep-State malaise of violence. We see around the troubles and understand the role our neocon, fear based, maverick operators have projected in the Ukraine and elsewhere. We read, and research the alternative media. We understand the limitations of our controlled mainstream media. We work to deal with the world first on a spiritual level without judgment and project love and compassion, and mediated on and seek and project the light of forgiveness.

    So when you present us with the complex scenario you have diligently set forth above, we sit back without judgment and project back to the entire continent, our love. We’re a different sort of warrior addressing the world’s troubles.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Great to hear that.
      Best wishes.


    • Nicely said, everything fell into place for me and made so much sense when Lada explained the fundamental role of Russia as the Great Balancer of the world, since time immemorial. Not an easy role for any nation to play, as a people descendant from the ancient & noble tribe of Rus, part of the Vedic wisdom and tradition of the East/West, holder of the consciousness grid, Russia today plays a most critical role, keeping humanity from blowing us all up.

      Russian shamans and spiritual ambassadors like Anastasia of the Siberian Taiga to blind prophets like wise Baba Vanga, Russia must play this role of Spiritual, Political, Social leader of this realm. President Putin arguably has the hardest job in the world, those awakened to this fact (esp from the West) fervently thank him and owe heartfelt debt of gratitude! To the light and beyond…

      BTW, Oh Brother where art thou is one of my all time favs!!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    • Beautifully put, Rich. Your concluding link is one of the more powerful African American Christian gospel songs. Origins of the song according to a “Brief History of Down to the River to Pray:

      It is attributed to George H. Allan in the Slave Songbook of 1867, and Alison Krauss popularized it in the 2000 film, O Brother, Where Art Thou?

      Here’s a link to Alison Krauss version. I find the song calming.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. *** ADDED INFO!

    Incidentally, friends, I forgot to tell you that Patreon followers also have an ability to leave comments in my new Patreon forum, under every post!

    Also, good news for those who do not want to deal with PAYPAL! For your Patreon payments you can opt to use either Paypal OR you can bypass Paypal and use your credit/debit card directly!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Lada, here’s a link under your Patreon page which i found very useful in signing up as a Patron to support your work. It’s direct access for an easy sign up. Look for donation options on the right hand side of your Patreon page. Easy peasy!

      Hope this is helpful for all your supporters who had trouble contributing to your great Earth Shift cause, but got held up with our current 4D technology barrier.

      Great minds think alike, just read your intro 4D post on Patreon and it’s spot on! 🙂

      PS: Great way to get add’l bonuses as a Patreon supporter, or creator. Cheers my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ukraine is in interesting phase now, but also DNR and LNR. After Plotnicky resigned and LNR destroy the net of SBU agents in LNR leadeship, there is againg an idea to restart Novorussia project of federal state of DNR and LNR. Do you think Novorussia federal state will be finaly created and officially recognized by Russia? Zaharchenko could be the first federal president of Novorussia as he have enough support in both DNR and LNR. I think independent federal state of Novorussia is the one, who could solve the crisis in Ukraine.

    Best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:

    That Porky sure is a character… LOCK HIM UP!


  1. Pingback: Ukraine Poroshenko’s Secret letters to FSB (Russian Federal Security Service) leaked by Georgian TV – My Birth Right

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