You can ban Russia but you can’t ban Russians! PyeongChang 2018 Olympics: My Predictions Coming 200% True


You can ban Russia but you can’t ban Russians! 

PyeongChang 2018 Olympics: My Predictions Coming 200% True!

No Russia No Games

Let’s begin with the fact that my predictions as to how these Olympics will be developing for the Russian team are coming true. I said that they’ll find ways to make every Russian’s life at the Olympics hell, and they’ll find ways to announce someone was doping, to compromise and destroy any chances for redemption.

The only apt comparison I can come up for this is that of a starving and wounded gladiator, with one arm tied behind his back, trying to fight a healthy, well equipped and cunning adversary, who has the usage of both arms and a full choice of weapons.

Read previous big report, where everything is explained: Dirty Geopolitics of Olympics and Globalism – Will Russia Say NO and Start Alternative Games?

The developments – so far:

  1. Russian curler Krushelnitsky, winner of the bronze medal together with his wife and partner, was set up for doping in order to make the rest of Russian team look bad and keep the scandal alive. As if it’s not entirely clear that of all sports in existence, curling is the one benefiting least of any doping. Not to mention the minute dose discovered in his system, which speaks of a one time sabotage. Not to mention the fact that the old Soviet heart restorative Meldonat (Meldonium) isn’t even a drug but an innocent supplement. It has to be added that curling is NOT a sport known in Russia, and so winning bronze in such a new for Russians sport was a feat in itself, making the good-looking Krushelnitsky and his wife, dubbed ‘Mr and Mrs Smith,’ instant icons. It appears the sabotage was well targeted.
  2. The team is completely beheaded, as ALL CLEAN TOP CHAMPIONS, especially in medal rich sports such as skiing and speed skating, as well as figure stating, bobsled and all others, have been kicked out without any explanation. Here’s your explanation for all those medals won by Norway! The second and third tier ‘asthma sufferer’ skiers from Norway are suddenly favorites. Per some reports, the Norway skiing team brought with them to the Olympics 6000 (!!!) doses of asthma medicine (also known as doping), fully authorized as a ‘medical’ exception by IOC and WADA.
  3. Russian coaches and support/tech staff aren’t allowed at the Games, which means that in most cases young and inexperienced junior Russian athletes have to do everything themselves. In the highly involved technical sports (bobsled, skeleton, skiing), where specific expertise is needed, these 18 and 20 year olds cannot rely on anyone’s support, and are deprived of sleep as a result of working for 3 or 4 people just to get ready for competition. Other teams, of course, brought with them all the technical support staff they needed. Very fair competition, all within the spirit of the Olympics, isn’t it?
  4.  Russian team has been slashed to the bone, only 160 or so allowed to compete, most young and inexperienced. And despite that, they still managed to win QUITE A FEW medals!
  5. Russian athletes are constantly provoked and baited by MSM and various provocateurs to say publicly what country they are from — and if you can believe it, they are not allowed to say they are from Team Russia, nor are they allowed Russian anthem or colors in any shape of form. A punishment would await them personally, and entire team, should they slip up.

It’s developing just as I’d warned!

This is the beginning. More of this saga with predetermined outcome to come! Just wait till you see the mockery they are trying to make out the closing ceremony: first they say they’ll let Russians take part in the closing ceremony under the Russian flag, then they say they won’t because Russians broke the rules. I am personally boycotting it all the way. And I sincerely hope NO Russian attends that spectacle! Seriously, if I were Russians, I’d leave immediately after the last competition is over!

Meanwhile, despite all this incredible pressure and sabotage, despite all the odds, Russians continue winning medals, 13 as of yesterday, but we are expecting more today and tomorrow, including some gold.

One headline from the US, 2/21/18: Putin’s Russia Just Can’t Seem To Win Olympic Hockey Gold. Just look at the political subtext! This publication appears to be connected to ESPN network. 

There are many, many, many such headlines and articles all over!

Meanwhile, Russian men’s hockey team is also forced to compete without flag or county name on their uniforms, and they have been even forced to take down their name, ‘Red Machine.’ Despite that, Russians won 4:0 against US. Having lost to Russia, the US men’s hockey team is out – perhaps that’s the explanation for so much venom in that title. We know that the US coach was so mad he ordered his players to physically attack and harm Russian players (caught on camera giving these instructions).

And just recently today Russian team beat Norway 6:1, thus advancing to semi-finals, where they’ll play against Czechs.

Russia vs. Norway, men’s hockey, Feb 22, 2018. Score: 6:1 – all winning goals:


You all know my view: Russia should have boycotted these 2018 Winter Olympics outright. Instead, Russia should be focusing very actively on building a new world sports order — the one reflecting the Great Earth Shift. But as I’ve been predicting since 2015-16, there are too many other important fires to put out and things to accomplish first. Pity, sport is always such a lagging indicator of change.

In addition to that, there are many intertwined interests within the sports hierarchy in Russia, as in many other countries. These interests won’t let it go that easily. And again, all I can say to that, it’s a pity.

I have said that in my opinion Russia should leave this incredibly politically engaged and rotten system. It should be boycotted by Russia outright. However, the rationale given by the Russian athletes and their coaches is that if Russia boycotts 2018 Olympics altogether, this will be an excuse to throw Russia out of international sports and pretend Russian sport doesn’t exist once and for all. This is the development eagerly awaited by the West and Dark State, in order to prove that Russia indeed is isolated. ‘Russia is isolated and its economy is torn to shreds’ has been the narrative of the Dark State and their pointpersons, Obama, Clinton and almost everyone else in the US establishment since 2014. To their dismay, it proved impossible to isolate Russia either politically or economically. On the contrary, Russia’s and Putin’s outreach and reputation have grown by leaps and bounds since.

The Big sport and Olympics turned out to be the only fronts on which such isolation may have succeeded due to the WADA/IOC position. It also appears, some countries in many sports may be eagerly hoping for such development — and these are the countries who can’t win if Russia is still present. Sounds pretty disgusting and not very sporting, doesn’t it?

I can see how what Russian athletes and coaches suggest can be true. In the past 25 years, since the collapse of the USSR, there were many such malicious sabotage attempts. I’ve seen them with my own eyes, and it previously caused me to boycott the Olympics from 2002 till 2008.

To be precise, everyone at #PyeongChang2018 Olympics and generally in Western-dominated sport pretends there is no Team Russia. There is the so-called ‘OAR,’ which is the abbreviation for the ‘Olympic Athlete from Russia.’ But YOU ALL KNOW WHAT THE OAR FLAG IS, DON’T YOU?

The Olympic movement is slowly but surely going down the drain, together with the rest of the old world order (aka, Western-dominated NWO). Perhaps it’s good riddance?


You all know the OAR flag, don’t you?

Read my articles:









About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on February 22, 2018, in 2) Great Balancer Weekly, Geopolitics of Sport & Olympics, Russia, USA/EU/West, WWII & Great Victory and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. It’s all so ridiculous, it makes me very sad! Haven’t watch a single minute, have not even seen my fellow Dutchmen competing, I’m completely boycotting these Olympics! 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I havent watched one minute of these Olympics. I even skip the channel so I dont land on it. Doping curlers…now Ive heard everything…sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Does a curler need to be jacked to push a 5 kg curling stone across ice? I’m thinking eye-hand coordination and a good strategy would be more relevant than drugs. If anything, the sweeper should be the one taking drugs… more sweeps/ sec to steer the stone better! LMAO what a farce. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:

    It seems all this negative publicity and attacks against Russian Olympians seem to fuel the athletes to greater heights! Lance Armstrong would be proud. 😉


  4. Hollywood Oscar TV viewership steadily declining year after year. On a hunch I googled “Olympic TV viewership down” (without the quotes) & found that is indeed the case.

    Humorously, the always reliable CIA aka CNN network headlined it’s February 21st report:
    NBC’s Winter Olympics ratings down but not exactly on thin ice

    The author explains the ratings drop isn’t on “thin ice” because “digital consumption has made it difficult to measure true viewership success”. Read and analyze the whole story, however, and you find the ratings aren’t on “thin ice” because they’ve fallen through the ice. This story also shows the appalling state of American journalism. Here are some excerpts from the story itself:

    **NBC’s viewership alone fell 16% compared to Sochi. For the 18 to 49 years, the demographic most coveted by advertisers, the drop is a startling 24%. NBC and NBCSN together has seen the demo drop 17% compared to four years ago, according to the network.

    The downward trend is in line with the Rio Summer Olympics, which also brought NBC sluggish ratings in 2016. The network owns the US media rights to the games until 2032.

    The lack of Team USA medals could be another factor for the ratings hit.**

    I believe this is called “whistling past the graveyard”, “karma”, the “Earth Shift”. .

    Liked by 1 person

    • NBC and the money.
      There was a very important article on Rt about the IOC money flow:

      ” As the 23rd Winter Olympics get underway in PyeongChang, South Korea, let’s take a look at what the Romans (big fans of the ancient Olympics themselves) addressed as “Cui bono?” or “who stands to benefit?”

      To make it more specific – whose money makes the Olympics roll?

      There’s arguably no sleeker money-making machine in the world than the IOC currently is – selling its name & symbols for a major buck. But let’s address common misconceptions first.”

      Lada, this article is well worth a special post on FuturistTrendcast.


  5. I boycotting the Olympics because of this mischief… NBC’s Ratings for Olympics are incredible poor… Apparently, I’m not the only one…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Boycotting them too. Only hear of some results from RT push notifications. Also had it as a background noise, when someone at work (Norway) put it on the big screen at the office. Funny, some coworkers tried to bait me with Olympics talk, but when I tried to explain the political aspect of the charade, I was told that I am venturing into politics (politics and religion being implicit taboo topics at any workplace in Norway). It’s almost like you simply didn’t discuss the Communist Party policy in public back in the USSR…


  7. Apropos ‘Russia is isolated and its economy is torn to shreds’ narrative.
    Back in 2014, when Russia reasserted itself, I bought into some equity funds investing in various sectors of the Russian economy. That was when the funds’ indexes were plummeting amidst the “Crimea annexation” and “sanctions” screaming in MSM.
    Now, less than 4 years later the valuation of those funds is over 55% up, compared to the point where I bought into them. And with a lot of growth to come.
    So much for “economy is torn to shreds” 🙂


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