I have a lot of important things to share!

Three first webinars of the new 

(FH&FO ESW7-10) 

have been released and are now live!

Click on link above to purchase them any time, or to purchase the whole series (series subscribers are directed to their private SERIES ACCESS PAGE upon purchase). 

As you also know, Patreon Patrons+ get additional discount: follow LINK to to your EXCLUSIVE PATREON DISCOUNT!


I have great news!

The final in the Forbidden History Series, 

ESW10: GALACTIC NIGHT, EARTH SHIFT & OUR FUTURE (contains Lada Ray Prophecy)

will be released ahead of schedule! 

RELEASE DATES: June 1-2, 2018!

NOTE! The Forbidden History & Forgotten Origins is the one and only Earth Shift Webinar Series this year! 



The Q&A will become a part of the final webinar ESW10. All Full Series subscribers are now welcome to start posting their questions!

If you are my Patreon subscriber, ask your questions on Patreon. If not, ask your questions on FuturisTrendcast  – under this post!

I’ll answer your questions live and release them as part of ESW10.

Please ask only questions relevant to this series!

Later in June Patreon Patrons+ will get the chance to ask me other questions. We’ll be starting our regular video Q&As in June – see my next Thursday post on Timeline Shift & Trump Predictions for more on future events!


I am sure after listening to three webinars, you have plenty of those. I can’t wait to see which topics have touched you most and which need further clarification!

Don’t hold back, go for it! I’ll try to answer as many questions as possible!



A lot more work has gone into the FH&FO series than originally anticipated. When this series was planned in January – February of 2018, it was anticipated that each webinar would be about 2-2.5 hours in length. The webinars are coming out much longer, since I have so much to share with you and I don’t want to leave out any of the valuable nuggets!

I am also adding a lot of bonuses and bells and whistles, such as maps, cool slide shows and additional written and video info. These really enrich the overall experience and add to the value.

And more of these bells and whistles are planned for the upcoming ESW10, the final of the series, and last webinar this year!

Due to all extra work, we have decided to increase the price, once all 4 Webinars are released. At this time you can still purchase the series and individual webinars at the low pre-release prices!

Prices (series and individual webinars) will go up on MAY 30, 2018!

I’ll soon have a separate announcement on how much the prices will go up! If you haven’t yet, now is your best opportunity to subscribe/purchase at these low insider prices!


Last but by no means least!

I am very pleased to announce 2 Partial Scholarships for the FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS

The scholarships are available exclusively to my Patreon subscribers, Monthly FuturisTrendcast donors and best FuturisTrendcast supporters. 

Please email Az if you’d like to receive FH&FO Series scholarship based on your financial need. If you are one of our supporters, per above, you know where to send it (this scholarship is anonymous, your name won’t be revealed)!


We always welcome your reviews and testimonials about the Forbidden History Series (FH&FO)!

We will be grateful if you post yours! Please do so any time on PATREON and FUTURIST TRENDCAST! (preferably under latest relevant FH&FO post, such as this one).

Best testimonials will make it into TESTIMONIALS PAGE!

About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on May 22, 2018, in 1) Earth Shift Live, Books, EARTH SHIFT, Energy & Consciousness, Forbidden History, Forbidden Linguistics, Lada Ray, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia, Videos, WEBINARS and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. As always, than you for your work, which seems more vitally important to me every day. I hope I get to live to see some positive Earth-Shifting going on. My question concerns Antarctica. Do you expect any important evidence (archaeological, technological, etc.) of previous civilizations on Antarctica to become publicly known in the next 25 years? If so, what would you expect to come to light and who would be in a position to reveal it?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear, Lada!

    I’ve been travelling recently and did not have time to follow and comment on your latest posts, but now I am back up to speed. 🙂
    What’s more, I found some time to listen to the second part of the webinar – the 1000 years of lost history. There were a lot of new and unknown things to me, while some things that I suspected, got confirmed. As with the first part, I have a few musings and ramblings (as well as a couple posts, which definitely will see the light of day this time). Hope I am not adding too many spoilers 🙂

    When listening to the story of Radomir, I though for some reason about Toliken’s Radagast, and generally of the wizards in Tolkien’s work – the ancient ones, gradually forgetting who they really are or where they come from.

    Destruction of knowledge… There Jedi temples came to mind, and how the Empire was bent on destroying of hiding the knowledge kept in them. I have a feeling George Lucas possibly subconsciously echoed the developments of our lost history.

    And to that effect I also remembered how the Rjurik-time depictions of faces of the saints and kings in Russian churches were chiselled away; how tombstones and whole graveyards were destroyed; how during the time of Lomonosov, German-led “archaeological expeditions” dug up kurgans in Russia with artefacts disappearing from archives.

    There is also so much unknown and buried in plain site, like for example this Great Trans-Volga Wall in Russia, running across southern Urals for about 2500km!

    Or the ruins on an anciet Kremlin in the Ural mountains, located at the entrance to the only passage over the mountains from East to West in that part:
    (The author of the article at Kont is not me.)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Heads-up, Lada. Graham Phillips published an exclusive recording with Vovan and Lexus pranking Bojo!

    Getting “the poodles” one at a time 🙂


  4. About to start reading and watching “The Lost Continents” webinar 9. I am like Tolkien’s Bilbo – find maps exceedingly fascinating, so this webinar is something that I feel I am going to enjoy as well. 🙂

    But before that, Lada… There may be a revelation that I made on par with your revelations of the origins of the names of London and Sweden: the names of Norway and its capital Oslo.

    Norway is read in Norwegian as Norge or (in “NewNorwegian”, which is, in fact, a reconstruction amalgam of the old dialects) Noreg. And then there is a name Norvegia (which only survives in Norwegian as the name of the traditional cheese, and… in Russian as the official name of the country), Could ‘g’ and ‘d’ be linguistically interchangeable? If so, this name could be No-Ra-Ved-I-A. “Ved” would be the same vedic root, while “No-Ra” would signify “no light” or “northern”. Incidentally, “nora” is also a contemporary Russian word, meaning a “burrow underground” – in other word, where there is no light.

    There is a lot of debate as to the origins of the name Oslo (pronounced: Uslu).
    The most common interpretation:
    is that the name is composed of “ass” for “god” and “lo”, which is interpreted as “field”. However, Oslo is located on the estuary of a river Alna, the the latest interpretation is that “lo” stems from the old Norwegian “lon”, which meant “shallow wide water”, while Alna became “alns”, then “ålns” (pron: olns) then “os”.
    If we take one step further to the Slavic/Russian roots, we come to the word “lono”, which you already explained in the webinar, and “os”, which I am inclined to think stems from “ustje” – “river mouth”.

    Incidentally, one can glean it in another old Norwegian town name: Nidaros (pron: “nidarus”, modern: Trondheim) – a town on the estuary (ustje) of a river Nid. Funny, but Wikipedia defines the name’s origin as follows: “It was named for its position at the mouth (Old Norse: óss) of the River Nid (the present-day Nidelva).” By the way, would “nid” be of the same origin as Russian “nizh-nij”, meaning “lower” (this word is also a part of Niederlande)?

    At times it feels like pulling at every little detail is leading to more revelations…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. There is a very good historical article/gallery at Russia Insider, that would go well along with the image gallery in webinar 9:

    The Tsar’s Photographer and His Amazing Preservation of Russian History
    “100 photos, 100 years old or older, 100 years after Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky completed his historic quest to capture the beauty, diversity, and spiritual power of Tsarist Russia”

    These are colour photographs from the turn of the century, taken using a triple exposure technique – one long exposure for each primary colour. This gives a special appearance to moving object. On the other hand, people have to keep perfectly still or thee will be colour ghosts. As a photographer, I emulated Prokudin-Gorsky’s technique for artistic purposes digitally by taking 3 consecutive shots and re-combining them.


  6. Dear Lada, I have a question for the Q&A part of the Forbidden History webinar series. In webinar 8 you say that there were no witch hunts in Russia, which is correct. However, there was the church schism during the Peter’s times, resulting in persecution and, oft-times, murder of the so-called oldfaithers (starovery). I know a family in Lithuania who descend from the oldfaithers and moved there during 1700s (incidentally, there family name is a Lithuanisation of Rodionov, which in itself is speaking volumes).
    To me that schism seems like an echo of the persecution of the knowledge of old that permeated into Russia together with Peter’s “Western reforms”. Could you elaborate on this topic a bit in the Q&A?

    Liked by 1 person

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