2016 Putin’s Traditional New Year Address to the Russian People

President Putin has addressed the Russian nation, congratulating the people on a hard but fruitful year. Grateful for all those servicemen and women for defending Russia, as well as those working tirelessly on this Holiday.

About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on January 1, 2016, in Russia and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. A presidential address ! Wow !! The only thing I heard here were a threat of how we are going to be locked up (illegally) for traffic violations from some eh eh eh ministah.

    Russia is blessed with such a president, let us hope the rest of the Russian officials follows the trend and that it will catch on in the rest of the Russian people. The West stands jealous about the popularity, and decency of such a respectable representative of a country. Well done Russia and Mr Putin !

    If we all can work against the three things what corrupts people – religion, monetary and politics – then everything will change in the world. There are other ways, we do not need these, it is only the corrupt that does not want the other ways to become a reality.


  2. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    I would like to see Obama’s address… Russia is bad… blah blah blah. Happy New Year everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Happy New Year ! Everybody ! ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. Happy New Year for Everyone!! ๐Ÿ˜‰


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