Category Archives: Geoengineering/Orgone/Environmental Clearing


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You think you know who and what Greta Thunberg is? You think you know how FREE energy works? Think again!

“I very much recommend the Greta Thunberg report! It is very enlightening, and I have read it multiple times! By the way, her name is pronounced [ˈɡrêːta ˈtʉ̂ːnbærj].” ~ Emil Resmann


The Big Secrets: Energy in 3D, 4D, 5D and 6D Reality; is climate change real; is Greta used by Soros and other globalist groups; the ONLY WAY humans can solve the problem

Greta Thunberg Multidimensional Profile: Face & Energy Reading by Lada; Name & Soul Destiny Reading by Lada; Greta’s Aspergers – illness or superpower; Empath vs one-track mind and the real role of Greta’s parents

Quantum Calibrations: general, root, sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat chakras – showing great disparity, manifesting in Greta’s life and behaviors

Greta Thunberg soul missions, soul origin and dimension

Included: Lada Ray’s FUTURIST ENERGY PREDICTION with Dates!

And: The newest Feb 2022 update with new calibrations and predictions!

Report length: 26 pages

The report unveils a rare and unique multidimensional profile of the young girl who became a major controversial presence in today’s world, who stirred up a lot of fights and animosities, who has been extremely vocal and who was used by certain forces to advance their own agenda, yet who for some served as an inspiration or an awakener! 

YES, all that, all at once, the good and the bad, the light and the dark! This report will really tell you the whole hidden story of this unusual and controversial soul! If you want to know the REAL higher-dimensional truth, go no further! Greta Thunberg really incarnated here for an important mission: you’ll read all about what that mission is and how it all went wrong!

A must read, the report goes well beyond Greta Thunberg and touches on Lada Ray’s profound Multidimensional wisdom, as well as Lada’s own solutions for humanity! The report is a primer into how Lada Ray performs her trademark Quantum Calibrations, how she calibrates your Soul Level/Dimension and Soul Missions in this incarnation! You’ll see on practice how Lada does her proprietary calibrations of QC, CHI, heart chakra QC and CHI, etc. Throughout the report you follow Lada psychically accessing Greta’s Akashic Records and identifying her energy signature, as well as her unveiling of Greta’s character, soul, karma, destiny, predictions on her future, and more. 

A great sampling for those who are interested in ordering Lada Ray’s CONSULTATIONS and/or MULTIDIMENSIONAL QUANTUM CALIBRATION REPORT! Moreover, this report opens a window into the MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY (MDU) world, which Lada Ray will unveil very soon!

In Lada’s words:

MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY is my new baby, my new endeavor, which I’m sure you and I will enjoy for years to come! The new live workshops, recorded courses, and other programs are planned. I am designing my own proprietary written and guided meditations for starseeds, lightworkers and more, designed through the higher-dimensional understanding and my lifetime CONSULTATIONS experience, to serve for the highest benefit of humanity! The previously exclusive MHAP, Multidimensional Healing & Activation Program, will now be publicly available via a new MDU program! 

I am very excited and hope you are, too! The Greta Thunberg Quantum Report opens a window into the new Multidimensional Experience; it goes well beyond the binary world of 3D and it affords you a wonderful taste of some of the things and ideas we’ll be covering in our MDU workshops, courses and meditations!

See full info and other QRs here:





You’ll find it on TUESDAY, FEB 15



A must read, as it goes well beyond Greta and touches on Multidimensional wisdom and my solutions for humanity! It also gives you a very good idea on how I do my quantum calibrations, how I calibrate soul level and dimension, as well as soul mission; how I calibrate QC, CHI, heart chakra QC and CHI, how I psychically access Akashic Records and energy signature, look into one’s character, soul, karma, destiny, future and more, as part of my CONSULTATIONS and MULTIDIMENSIONAL QUANTUM CALIBRATION REPORT

This report opens a window into the MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY (MDU) world, which I’ll be unveiling very soon! 

The MDU is my new baby, my new endeavour, which I’m sure you and I will enjoy for years to come! I plan, workshops, courses, and other programs. I am designing my own proprietary mediations like you’ve never seen before, and my MHAP – Multidimensional Healing & Activation program is getting a new license on life! I am very excited and hope you are too! 

The report provides a wonderful taste of some of the things and ideas we’ll be covering in our MDU workshops, courses, meditations and Healing and Activation program! 


What We Discussed During Live Q&A, Best Question Kudos and What I Wish I Was Asked!

During Saturday WEBINAR 5: LADA RAY LIVE VIDEO Q&A Lada answered 22 questions (with additional sub-questions).


1. Lada’s BIG plans and exciting future events!
2. Are crypto-currencies money or investment? Can people pay with BTC if there is a collapse and bank holiday?

3.​ Will Trump start a hot war with N Korea, and is he now fully part of the deep state?    
4. Hi Lada, What is your view on the supervolcano in the Yellowstone park?
5. Lada, what are calibrations of Stavropol, Russia? Do you see the future of that area, including Mikhailovsk, as a safe place?
6. What to do if I want clarity on economics to pursue for my family in US who are aging and have different sorts of difficulties.
7. Is there an alternative for banks that carry our mortgages. Most people do carry mortgages that cannot be paid off for years.
8. While China seems to be rising, do you see any disruptions to China’s economic growth and political system? Any impact on the world?
9. Tell us more about the 180 year cycle and possible geological issues in 2040 to 2045 during Period 9.
10. How will the shift / slow collapse EXACTLY manifest in the West: as a spike in interest rates, sovereign dept defaults in some countries, big drop in currencies vs. Rubles/Yen, lower real incomes, unemployment, bank holidays, unemployment, OR will it be a soft landing/ replay of the 70’ties with high inflation?
11. What part is Russia playing in the geoengineering drive that now appears to affect every country? And what is the attitude of Russia on climate change?
12. You mentioned gold and silver should be sold within 2 -3 years but also that it may go up before it falls. When is the ideal time to sell? Also Real estate in Vancouver still rising – when will this slow decline that you mentioned begin? I want to buy next year.
13. Lada’s sub-Q&A on best places in the world to relocate to and live in!
14. What is your prediction on cold fusion and the future of energy?
15. Marc’s comment: I am now setting up a Trust in Switzerland… it is for projects beneficial to The PEOPLE of the planet…   Lada IS included!   

​16. Part 2 opened with a joke about Lada’s multidimensional haircut 😉
Lada’s recommendations on protection against negative and adverse energy
Lada’s show-and-tell: how to use Selenite wands and Shungite stones from Karelia, Russia
17. This is the question re. Oct 1, 2017 Catalonia’s Independence Referendum and the reason secession / unionist movements all over the world are on the rise. As I explained in the THREE WEBINAR SERIES, these are connected to the GREAT EARTH SHIFT and Period 8!  ‘Lada, I am Portuguese, and now here in the Iberian Peninsula we have “Catalunia” (Catalonia). Will Catalunia be independent? (I hope they will) and how it will affect all the Iberian Peninsula and also European Union?’

​18. Will Russia break in several independent states in near future? Will Putin still be a president next term?
19. Please Comment on HAARP and chemtrails, which are EVERYWHERE! I am saddened and depressed by the condition of the skies. Thanks Lada!
20. Can Lada elaborate on the revolutions she sees in Southeast Asia? Isn’t Period 9 be positive for Global South and Global East?
21. Dear Lada, How can we, people with ordinary jobs, children, dog, etc., rise our consciousness? As part of this answer Lada demonstrates how her Personal Calibrations work during consultations: QC, CHI and Soul Dimension calibrated! 
22. What is a Russian Dacha and why do Russians love them so much? Why prophetess Anastasia (The Ringing Cedars Books) foretold Russian Dachas saving the people from collapse 


Since we had chat room and commenting open throughout the entire 4 hours of the webinar, Az and I have decided to select the best comments, worthy of our KUDOS! These are:

  1. Comment by Mark, who previously received KUDOS more than once for his great questions during THREE WEBINAR SERIES!  MARK: I am now setting up a Trust in Switzerland… it is for projects beneficial to The PEOPLE of the planet…  Lada IS included!
       LADA: Thank you, Mark! Very much honored and appreciate it!
  2. On a lighter note, ‘a purely 3-D comment from Ann (UK) re. Lada’s haircut,’ which prompted a cute multi-dimensional joke! LADA: Thank you, Ann, we did need to lighten up the atmosphere!

Best question KUDOS, in Lada’s expert 😉 opinion, go to…

  1. From Natercia (Portugal): Question re. Oct 1, 2017 Catalonia’s Independence Referendum and the reason secession / unionist movements all over the world are on the rise. As I explained in the THREE WEBINAR SERIES, these are connected to the GREAT EARTH SHIFT and Period 8! ‘Lada, I am Portuguese, and here in the Iberian Peninsula we have “Catalunia” (Catalonia). Will Catalunia be independent? (I hope they will) and how it will affect all the Iberian Peninsula and also European Union?’
  2.  From Polli (Hawaii, USA): Please Comment on HAARP and chemtrails, which are EVERYWHERE! I am saddened and depressed by the condition of the skies.
  3.  From Torben (Denmark): Dear Lada, How can we, people with ordinary jobs, children, dog, etc., rise our consciousness? As part of this answer Lada demonstrates how her Personal Calibrations work during consultations: QC, CHI and Soul Dimension calibrated!
  4.  From Az (NYC, USA): What is a Russian Dacha and why do Russians love them so much? Why prophetess Anastasia (The Ringing Cedars Books) foretold Russian Dachas saving the people from collapse
  5. From Eugene (Singapore): While China seems to be rising, do you see any disruptions to China’s economic growth and political system? Any impact on the world?


This part is something I hoped I wouldn’t have to include, because I did hope people would rise to the challenge (LOL) and ask me these.

I got these two comments:

  1.  OC 

    The webinar was pretty good and this was my first time listening to you live. I wish I was able to get an update on the German elections and what your thoughts are on it. Once again it was a pleasure listening to you.

    I’d welcome your question on German elections. Wish you’d asked it.

    2. Dear Lada, An illustration of the other side of the coin regarding China in Asia – not to diminish the great goals of in particular the Eurasian project, but to put a bit of nuance back into the reputedly win-win strategies… No Sweet Deal: community resists Chinese sugarcane land grab All the best, Rosanne

    Lada’s reply:  Thanks, Rosanne. It’s an interesting angle, and perhaps one day we’ll discuss the ‘land grab’ and other actions by China too. Would have welcomed this kind of question during Q&A — wish you’d brought it up. I have lots to say. Cheers and all the best, my friend 🙂

And the moral of the story?

Let me tell you a well-known in both Odessa and NYC old Jewish joke:

Moshe is praying to god: ‘Dear god, I always followed your tenets, always lived a righteous life. I have been for a long time praying for you to help me win a lottery to improve my financial situation and as a reward for my good behavior. How come you never sent me a win, despite my repeated pleas?’

And god replies: ‘Moshe, try buying a lottery ticket…’

So, the moral of the story: CARPE DIEM, dear friends! Ask and you shall receive! To win you must play!

Both of you were at the LIVE Q&A. Should have asked your questions when you had THE perfect chance! Some of you, who have ordered my consultations, know that I am very generous with my time, and always give you extras. You also all know how much I enjoy answering your questions!

The two questions about Merkel and German elections, and about the flipside of Chinese Eurasia expansion are the kinds of questions I was hoping to receive, and I’d gladly go overtime to answer these! You’d all benefit greatly to know the multi-dimensional perspective and my predictions for both. Now… it may forever remain a mystery, unless you order a PRIVATE CONSULTATION (New consultation Tea & Q&A with Lada Ray is recommended for global and cosmic questions, as well as your own stories you want to share. I also have a lot more leeway to share with you during such private consultation things that I can’t discuss publicly).

Next time, just go for it! However, you should have done it when you had the chance — as there may be no next time in this specific format! It appears, this kind of webinar may end up remaining a one-of-a-kind, unique experiment (one day I’ll reveal, due to what extenuating factors).

Don’t miss it! Order this one-of-a-kind, unique webinar, as there may be no other chance!


​Your $18 donation goes towards support of FuturisTrendcast & Lada Ray’s free educational work!



This is MP4 VIDEO Webinar!

​2 hours 6 minutes
Subdivided into 2 Segments
with time stamps for each question, provided for your convenience

​Recommended pre-requisite for this webinar:

​WELCOME TO Earth Shift Webinar 5! ​​HAPPY WATCHING!​









Hello, everyone!

Lada here. Thanks and big thumbs up to all those brave pioneers who boldly entered the unchartered territory of the first Live Lada Ray Webinar experience on Sunday, February 4, 2017! 😉 We appreciate your support!

Almost 90 people signed up for the live event. I thought it was a terrific first live webinar, with lots of interesting intel, predictions and more, revealed! In Part 2 we had a very extensive Q&A that went well beyond the topic of the webinar (below you can read the highlights and a list of live questions Lada answered in Part 2).

To improve our future webinar experience and to get rid of those pesky little glitches that a few of you may have experienced (yes, we’ve already emailed you, and we’ll continue looking into that), we will be sending out the feedback questionnaire in a couple of days. Please consider filling it out for us: it’ll help tremendously with future events.

We are also getting a lot of people who were unable to attend the live event, but who have been purchasing the webinar after. A heartfelt WELCOME to all of you! The webinar is now live on It is available for purchase on the WEBINARS page.



Lada Ray Exclusive Trendcast & Predictions for the next 3-4 years. USA, Russia, EU, Ukraine, Syria, Middle East, more. The secret Kissinger plan, how it confirms the ongoing Earth Shift, and how Lada sees the outcome. Extensive live Q&A, with Lada’s answers going well beyond these topics!

Impartial, non-partisan truth and spot-on predictions.
Donald Trump is very important for the Earth Shift and next several years of geopolitical development! 

All live participants and all those who purchased the webinar on Sunday (after the event) have been emailed the direct link (URL) to the NEW webinar page around 1 pm EST on Monday! If you don’t see our email, please make sure you check your SPAM folder! 

Everyone else: once you’ve paid, you’ll be directed straight to the NEW webinar page!

The Webinar is now live in all formats: MP4 video, MP3, plus written outline!

Excellent News: the recording quality is superb and much louder! You’ll be very pleased with how MP4 came out, complete with lots of great images! We’ve also edited it for additional clarity. Live Webinar lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes. After editing, the total recorded webinar time is just under 3 hours.

You get: MP4 video + MP3 audio, plus bonus: Lada Ray’s written 4 thousand word webinar outline!

Total webinar time:  PART 1: 1 hr 26 min & PART 2: 1 hr 32 min



The format is much like that of Earth Shift Reports! As always, please be sure to BOOKMARK THE WEBINAR ACCESS PAGE or SAVE URL, in order to have continued access later! Instructions & customer service email included on webinar page! Also (as you always did with Earth Shift Reports), please disable your pop-up blocker!



Here are a few outline highlights, including the Part 2 Q&A!

(The outline helps those who like to read, or who want to quickly reference various points. This is not a substitute for the webinar – we have discussed much more than covered in the outline!)


First 10 days in office. Why did Trump make so many decisive moves and pronouncements so early in the term? The risk of assassination or impeachment. Trump’s support base.

Examples of how Trump is put in a ‘straight jacket.’ What Trump can and cannot do.

New State Dept Secretary Rex Tillerson as an example.

Trump’s importance for the Earth Shift and his example for the upcoming EU shift.

Prediction on whether Germany’s Angela Merkel will be re-elected for the fourth term. Also, French elections prediction.  NOTE, THESE ARE PRELIMINARY PREDICTIONS – I’LL HAVE UPDATES LATER IN THE YEAR!

Ukraine and Eurasia – can US and Russia work together, and what to expect from Trump. Big changes re. Ukraine coming – when?

Syria, war on terror, ISIS and Middle East – new cooperation between Russia and US possible?

Russia-China-US triangle and the Kissinger plan. The New Silk Road and China’s conundrum. How will Russia behave? Historic parallels: Kissinger’s role during Nixon administration.

Lada Ray predictions: Will anti-Russian sanctions be taken off? Do Russians want sanctions off? What can Trump offer Russia? Russian strategy and responses?

Much more in PART 1!


Many great questions arrived before, during and after live webinar from our LIVE participants. We answered as many as possible during the webinar. We have decided that we’ll answer additional questions we were unable to cover, in the future videos. We’ll post these videos FREE on Lada Ray YouTube, for everyone’s benefit; best and most interesting questions will be chosen. Expect first videos appearing towards the end of this week! Links to be posted on FT, and on your private Trump Webinar page – check back in a week or so!

Here are some of the Q&A highlights:

1. Real reason Melania Trump doesn’t want to move to the White House

2. Will Trump survive his first term? Lada Ray predictions, Trump timeline and how it may have changed due to some early actions by Trump.

3. Quantum Calibrations for: Donald Trump, Rex Tillerson, VP Mike Pence, USA as a whole, Russia as a whole, US-Russia relations.

Other questions Lada answered include:

1. Underpopulated Russia and overpopulated China: the risks. Chinese nukes near Russian borders. Russia-China cooperation and joint development of the Far East and Siberia.

2. The shift in Russia-Japan relations and Japan-US relations. Will Trump remove the US military base from Okinawa?

3. Was the Japanese earthquake and tsunami that led to Fukushima a natural disaster, or was it deliberately orchestrated by the globalists? How was it done? What Lada sees.

4. Where it’s best to live in Russia. Emigration from the US to Crimea and Stavropol. Best cities to live in Russia.

5. Israel-Palestine conflict – who’s to blame? How will Trump approach relations with Israel? Shift in US-Israel and Russia-Israel relations.

6. US, Russia, Iran, Israel, Syria, the Middle East – what to expect? How the US is losing its grip on the Middle East.

7. Will Trump authorize the disclosure about aliens? Will Trump authorize the 9/11 truth disclosure? (Here we go into the 3D reality, plus what are Trump’s real role and real goals.)

8. What can Lightworkers do to assist this time of the Great Earth Shift?

9. Will there be a relief for the Mother Earth soon? Will Trump presidency be good or bad for the environment; what can we expect going forward? (In this answer we go into the human consciousness, fossil fuel and alternative energy, as well as ‘free energy.’ We discuss how the levels of human consciousness and how our way of life correspond with the level on which our consciousness vibrates.)

10. Were there alien bases in Antarctica? Was a secret base built there by the German Nazis during WWII? What really happened in Antarctica and WHEN? Forbidden history of Russia.

11. Is Melania like Jackie Kennedy? Melania Trump quantum calibrations, compared to Jackie Kennedy’s quantum calibrations. Lada’s opinion of both.

P.S. Almost forgot: in Q&A we also discussed Reinventing Collapse by D. Orlov and how I see the future of the US unfolding; where Orlov was right and where the US collapse will be entirely different from how he describes is. My terms explained: What is “The Mirror Collapse” and what do I mean when I say that “the US approaches collapse from the opposite direction than the USSR did.”

There were other interesting questions answered.

Much more info and predictions will be revealed in the upcoming webinars and in my book The Putin Enigma.




ORGONITE 101: Chemtrails, Orgonite and Environmental Clearing

For some time now, my readers have been asking me about chemtrails. One of the things that helps with chemtrail busting is orgonite, if used correctly. Orgonite is pretty amazing. In our home we use orgonite pyramids and other products for everything from environmental clearing and electromagnetic frequency harmonization, to chembusting and Chi (Prana) stimulation, protection and amplification.

Chemtrails are a huge problem in the US, Canada and EU, as well as any Western-influenced countries. Unfortunately, the societal awareness of chemtrails is very low. This is a separate big topic intrinsically connected with orgonite, and I will write about it soon. At home, we use orgone pyramids in conjunction with our outdoor chembusters and, very importantly, with our chembusting sound MP3. By doing so, we create a powerful anti-chemtrail umbrella not just over ourselves, but over our entire neighborhood, reaching into nearby towns. I asked Akaida1 to write this article for Futurist Trendcast, explaining the basics and benefits of orgonite and orgone pyramids.

~Lada Ray




Wilhelm Reich – Originator of the Orgone Theory


The term ‘Orgonite’ is derived from Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst, who developed the ‘ORGONE’ Theory in the 1930s. After many experiments, he proposed that an etheric bio-energetic life force existed that animated our environment. His idea wasn’t unique – most traditional cultures held a common belief in an invisible life energy animated the material world – called Chi in Chinese, Prana in the Indian system, Mana by the Polynesians, and by many other names across the Planet.

In Reich’s view the key to physical and mental health was the balance of this orgone energy which he divided into two categories – ‘Positive Orgone Energy’ (POR) and anti-biological ‘Deadly Orgone Energy’ (DOE). He saw positive orgone as organized, structured and coherent, while anti-biological deadly orgone energy was ‘stagnant’ and lead to decay and entropy – very similar to the idea of ‘blockages’ in Chinese medicine.

Reich built various orgone devices such as the Orgone Accumulator Box (composed of alternating layers of wool and metal) which accumulated and infused a patient with a high concentration of orgone energy. Faster healing, increased plant growth, and positive effects on cancer were noted.


Wilhelm Reich with his Cloud Buster Device

Reich expanded his theory and proposed that bio-energy could affect planetary ecosystems including weather patterns, thus the Wilhelm Reich ‘Cloud Buster’ was born. It consisted of an array of metal pipes and tubing connected to water, the energetics of which he claimed could draw orgone energy to the ground producing rain.

While Wilhelm Reich’s work was groundbreaking, his talk of ‘orgasmic’ life energy (the orgasm being the spark and root of life) and non-traditional experiments drew harsh persecution from authorities. Both the Nazis and Communists in Europe and the American Food and Drug Administration went as far as to mark anything written by Reich or containing the word ‘orgone’ fit for incineration. Wilhelm Reich died broke and destitute in 1957 while in prison for violating FDA regulations – a fate similar to many other visionaries like Nikola Tesla and Royal Raymond Rife.




While Wilhelm Reich did not live to see the internet age, his Orgone theory is very relevant to our electrified environment today. The wireless revolution which has increased the flow of information a thousand fold has also put massive amounts of ‘electrosmog’ into our environment which didn’t exist only 20 years ago.


Cell phones and wifi have become part of modern life and the amount of digital frequencies broadcast into the air – and our bodies – increases daily. The trend is only accelerating with new conveniences such as the Apple Watch are putting transmitters directly on our bodies! And with the information explosion, the level of artificial frequencies in our environment show no signs of slowing down. Some documented health effects of EMF pollution:

  • Stress & Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty in thinking clearly (head fog)
  • Lowered Immune System
  • DNA alterations
  • Cancer


Smart Meters, more electronic pollution

Parking on Rodeo Drive

Parking on Rodeo Drive

Even parking meters have transmitters now

Following international plans for ‘Smart Grids’, local Power companies have introduced electronic smart meters in many neighborhoods, which emit intense RF radiation equal to 160 cell phones. Its common to see clusters of smart meters on apartment complexes with no regard to human health. Moreover Smart Meters exceed FCC regulations for Radio Frequency strength, and are not UL certified like all other electronic devices!

Add to this cell phone towers that seem to pop up like mushrooms, wifi, personal cell phones that transmit frequencies 24/7 and its clearly a public health issue that is not being addressed by the mainstream. If you feel chronic fatigue, have difficulty thinking after a long day at work, or suffer from insomnia you may be a victim of electronic pollution.



Luckily, we have a solution for the electronic stress that we face everyday – ORGONITE. Its a simple combination of resin, metal and quartz crystal balances the electrical signals around the body and restores harmony in our environment. Modern orgonite as we know it today was the development of two Americans, Karl Hanz Welz and Don Croft.

In 1991 Karl Hanz Welz, developed an orgone generator with a combination of plastic resin and metal shavings – which, taking inspiration from Reich, Welz called ‘Orgonite.’ Shortly after, Don Croft, another American took Welz’ idea and added the key component of quartz crystal (which greatly adds to the stability and energetics of the material) – thus the current form of orgonite was born. While Wilhelm Reich himself did not use or invent the modern orgonite material – his Orgone theory was key in the development of the modern Orgonite movement.


An orgonite pyramid mold before pouring resin

It seems almost too simple, that a combination of resin, metal, and quartz crystal could be the answer to restoring our health and environment – but over two decades the reports have been consistently positive. Some commonly reported effects of Orgonite:

  • Better Sleep
  • Increased Mood
  • Increased stamina
  • Vivid Dreams
  • No longer affected by EMF
  • Increased Plant Growth

I personally test the orgonite pyramids I make with applied Kinesiology, (also called muscle testing), and it still impresses me to this day the number of clients who report the same positive effects without me mentioning it beforehand.


Plant growth studies have been conducted that showed the samples with orgonite grew more than samples without orgonite


The positive benefits of Orgonite are overwhelming, the big question is how does it work? I have identified several aspects that contribute to the orgone energy effect:

The Casimir Effect – A Zero Point energy effect, it was discovered that two metal surfaces close together, but not touching could produce photons from the gap while energized by electromagnetic waves. The experiments were conducted in a vacuum, so the energy was being produced ‘from nothing’ or what has been termed the Zero Point or Scalar field. Scalar fields are healing for the human body as they structure electromagnetic hertzian waves to be more coherent and less scattered. In Orgonite, the metal particles in the resin matrix act as the metal surfaces in the Casimir experiment – and the activation of scalar waves comes from the EMF pollution in our environment!  Using sound as a similar example, you can listen to good sound system all night, but if the audio signals are distorted, you’ll quickly develop ear fatigue. The same is true with your bio-energetic field, incoherent electrical signals lead to ‘computer fatigue’, headaches and lack of good sleep.

Quartz Crystals – A key component of Orgonite, Quartz Crystals have been known for thousands of years for their healing properties. A basic property of Quartz Crystal is its ability to focus, direct, and amplify energy and also its reliability as an oscillator. Quartz not only amplifies orgone energy, but itself adds to the coherence and balancing energy of orgonite matrix. Another aspect of quartz crystal, is the piezo-electric effect which is activated as the orgonite resin shrinks during casting (Quartz Crystals under pressure produce an electrical charge). This constant activation is thought to add to the energetics of orgonite.

Pyramid Geometry – While orgonite can be formed into any shape, a common and popular form is the pyramid. Russian scientists have done extensive research into pyramid geometry and ‘torsion fields’ (called scalar or zero point in the West). They found that, similar to the Casmir effect, energy is produced in a vacuum from the tips of pyramids (energy from nothing, the ether). According to torsion field studies, certain geometric shapes naturally produce a scalar or torsion field, very similar to what the proponents of ‘pyramid power’ have been saying for millennia. Pyramids are also noted for amplifying and transmitting energy, like an antenna or speaker cone. Thus all Orgonite cast into pyramid geometry not only benefit from orgonite energetics but pyramid energy as well.

While more scientific studies need to be conducted into the orgonite phenomena, in my opinion the orgonite can be considered a scalar or torsion field generator.

akaida orgonite pyramid


Orgonite is not only physically and energetically liberating, it is mentally liberating as well. It is very liberating for me to make orgonite and to see positive changes that I put into action with my own hands. Not only have I been liberating my energetic space – but many of my friends and clients who have received my orgonite pyramids report the same – better sleep, increased mood, and more vitality.

Those who are very active in the orgonite movement often find that once they cover their home and work place with orgonite, they want to expand their energetically liberated space further. Looking for offending frequency transmitters in their neighborhoods, they ‘gift’ local cell phone towers, power lines and other stagnant energy spots with orgonite – in short time whole neighborhoods can be liberated by rebalancing the energetics of the area. One of the most prolific gifters worldwide is Georg Ritschl from Orgonise Africa who has gifted over 30,000 pieces across Southern Africa. Georg recounts how rivers that were dry for decades began flowing with water again when the energy of the land was brought into balance with orgonite.


Thousands of people have seen their lives change and health improved with orgonite and the movement grows everyday. In being more aware of environment and our health, we can not only restore our health and improve our quality of life, but also one by one, start creating a better world. I can say without a doubt that orgonite has improved the quality of life for myself, my family and friends. I hope you are inspired to become part of the orgonite movement and see what effects you have from this amazing material.



How to chembust with sound:

Check out our anti-chemtrail

Az bright

We now offer private Skype consultations where you can ask any questions and we’ll help you find solutions regarding chemtrails, chembusting, nutrition, fluoridation, immunizations, and much, much more! Order here:

live private Q&A consultations with Az (via Skype)
Complimentary MP3 consultation recording included! 
