DESPITE PROHIBITIONS! 👍💐Immortal Regiments Around the World / VICTORY DAY, MAY 9 2024💐👍

💐Immortal Regiments Around the World💐


💐Most in Russian, but I added my commentary and impressions, so you can easily follow!

💐The videos are self-explanatory:


💐Vienna, Austria May 9 2024, a pretty large Immortal Regiment March, with all the symbolism:

Lots of people, police IS actually doing their job, unlike in some other countries, tons of Russian and Victory flags, plus, spotted a Kazakh, Bulgarian and French flags, and an Austrian, of course. Unusual: the Russian music and loud drum beat, hard to miss. Other countries, like Berlin, Germany wouldn’t allow anything. I’m not even talking about the usual suspects / problem countries.

💐Paris, France, smallish, but at least they didn’t ban the songs and symbolism – that’s already something. Notice many different flags, including Soviet and Victory flags. A car upfront carries the Russian and Ukrainian flags together. THAT I can sign my name under:

Tashkent, Uzbekistan, May 9, 2024. 💐Ceremony starts around 26 min:

Germany: Cologne (German: Köln) – no problems, unlike Berlin. 💐Even the symbolism allowed, which is surprising actually. See from around 3 min.

Germany: Frankfurt, small, but seems fine too. Notice the flags from different republics:

Madrid, Spain – a surprisingly well organized and large Immortal Regiment March, with all the flags, symbolism… and the police, actually doing its job, guarding the march. And look at the flags together: Soviet, Russian, Moldavian, Ukrainian, Donetsk (DNR) and Lugansk (LNR) republics! I also see a flag of the Russian/Soviet Navy:




There is a concentrated effort to erase memory and history!

In the 3 Baltic Vimirati: Est, Lat, Lit – since they removed the monuments, where people would usually go to lay the remembrance flowers on this day, people en masse brought flowers to empty an forlorn places where the monument and 💐GRAVES of the liberators from the fascism, removed by authorities, used to be.

It was especially striking in Latvia, where mountains of flowers were laid in the middle of a glaring empty space where the monument used to stand.

In Estonia, the monument and actual GRAVES were removed and moved somewhere out of sight, where people still came and literally drowned the place in flowers.

In some places in the 3 Baltic Vimirati people were arrested for carrying flowers! And the police confirmed they would continue the arrests. Latvia seems the most brutal.

In prior years, the authorities bulldozed over and threw away the thousands of flowers people brought to said monuments. The next day people brought even more, and those were again bulldozed and thrown out at night.

Tallinn Estonia – The relocated 💐Bronze Soldier (Red Army soldier WWII monument) drowning in flowers, despite prohibitions on May 9 2024. This is unusual, the other 2, Lat and Lit, didn’t allow anything at all. People still try, no matter what. The woman says the authorities make everyone celebrate the newly invented ‘Day of Europe’ on May 9, but people still want to celebrate Victory Day. See the actual monument at around 4 min:

Narva, Estonia – on the border with Russia, the most Russian city of Estonia. From the other side, across the river, Russian music and Victory Day Parade are on huge screens. Locals say that people crowded the embankment, watching and singing along. **Note that the US/Western media lie about it, saying no one came. Locals report that it’s a ‘lie and it was just the opposite.’

Berlin, Germany:

People came to bring wreaths and flowers to the Soviet memorial park where the monuments and graves to the 💐Soviet warrior liberators from fascism are, with many fallen buried there (not Treptower Park, that’s a separate place). They formed the Immortal Regiment march, but were told by authorities that it was canceled and they cannot walk. ALL symbolism was banned, I saw people taping over the St. George ribbons, words ‘the Great Patriotic War’ and the Russian Victory star/ Soviet or Russian colors on the portraits of their ancestors they came to honor. People still made the best out of it.

Video from a Russian German lady Erica, titled ‘May 9 Berlin: Ukrainian flags allowed, Soviet – no’. Lots of people. She says many are afraid to show their faces and don’t want to talk on camera. She asked the police: ‘Why are Ukrainian flags allowed and Soviet aren’t? It was the entire USSR that won the war and liberated Germany, including Ukraine, didn’t it?’ The policemen, she says were fine, they actually felt uncomfortable, but they said: ‘Ask those above, they told us to allow only Ukrainian flags and ban all others.’

Poland: saw on a video as a bunch of Ukrainians (or Poles, not sure) wailing like banshees, yelling and screaming their heads of, as people tried to lay wreaths to the monument/graves of the 💐Soviet soldiers who died liberating Poland from fascism. Police stood just next to the yellers and paid no attention whatsoever. — 💐OVER 600,000 DIED LIBERATING THAT PLACE! — For that crap?!

US: New York – the immortal regiment was coopted and corrupted by ‘navalnists’. Nothing good to show.

Nothing to show from Ukraine. On May 9 they ‘celebrated’ the ‘day of Europe’ amid empty streets.



💐💐💐Kishinev, Moldova – that was something else, over 30,000 people came out on May 9, despite prohibitions and threats, and that’s just one Kishinev. Gagauzia was another place where people en masse defied bans! In this darkness, the people of Moldova remain a small, but bright light.

BETWEEN TWO WORLDS – there’ll be a separate post about my beloved Moldova!



Basically, they tried very hard and they almost succeeded into turning the holiday that was beautiful – yes, ‘with tears in our eyes’ – but still uplifting… into a sad and controversial day, with many people confused and AFRAID.

This is not the first time the dark forces seem to win, but it never lasts!


About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on May 10, 2024, in Books and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. 🖤🧡 Surprising, really, Vienna, Paris, Frankfurt, Cologne and Madrid! 😍❤️

    👏💙 for 🇺🇦🇷🇺 together!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A very good coverage of the 9th of May celebrations. I must say that Germany really disappointed to the point that we should start worrying (they started with this in 2020). The behavior of the other suspect was in a a way, expected.

    Liked by 1 person