Lada Ray’s Message to FuturisTrendcast Readers!

In the past 24 hours, I have received a couple of comments that I want to briefly address. One person contacted me with a trivial and not very intelligent question via my private contact form, although it clearly states that this form is reserved for IMPORTANT business communications only. This person tells me that I have all this information on my site, but GIVE NO SOURCES. So, why would she spend a lot of her valuable time (!) reading my articles, if I provide no sources. Leaving aside the fact that this person is obviously blind if she can see no sources, I can say that I spend a HUGE amount of MY EXTREMELY VALUABLE time to educate people, to tell the truth, to share my vision of the future and predict, so people are prepared for what’s to come. So they open their eyes and see. I generally write for people who want to see and who have enough intelligence to understand my message. I will only do this for as long as there is reader support for what I am doing here. If I do not see enough support, I’ll stop or change the format! Believe me, I have tons and tons of more important – and much more pleasant – things to do with my time!

Another comment, left by an “Andrew” on my Predictions Page states that I must be on Russian FSB payroll. I decided to respond directly to that one. See here (scroll down to comments under “Andrew”)

I am seeing a lot of visitors to my blog. Obviously the readership is very active. Many are subscribing. But I do not see enough comments, likes, feedback and support. I do not like the fact that just in the past day I received 2 very unpleasant comments and very few supportive and positive ones, although thousands of readers have visited my blog. This is up to you, readers!


About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on May 6, 2014, in Empire Collapse, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia, Ukraine. Bookmark the permalink. 54 Comments.

  1. Thank you for giving us news that is not the same old propaganda we get here in the us. It gives me hope that change is coming, change for the better.
    People are starting to stand up and speak out about what is really happening so that the bullies will be stopped. Our leaders are corrupt, our votes and opinions don’t matter or count. Time for that to change.
    Thank you for helping to wake people up to the truth.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Hi Lada Ray I think you are doing a excellent appraisel of what is going on and I agree with
    98 % also we , humanity is all in this together, to overcome Evil,the more of us wake up
    And known the truth,and who and how the monster ‘s game is played our surviabilty as
    A humand race improves.Do not get discorage with negative comments from the dark
    Forcess and the lack of approval,you should know who you are and like and love yourself
    If you believe in your self it does no matter what any body ells thinks, you known your are
    Special and you would not trade your self for any one else on this planet.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I truly love your work Lada Ray because it is the voice of “truth” that needs to be told and disseminated.

    I also admire the works of Peter Lavelle and those of Paul Craig Roberts and some others.

    You Lada Ray are among these great people listed who are shining the light of “truth” that needs to be directed against the lies coming out of Western mainstream media.

    I am so sickened by the hypocritical lies coming form Western media that I always carry a shouldr bag with printed material from alternative news and I try to share this information to others I meet, giving them links to look up that I have written out in my notebook.

    I truly admire your work – it has “truth”, intelligence and common sense that needs to be spread to counter the insane hypocritical lies from Western mainstream media.

    I sincerely hope this blog will continue – it is one of only a very select few I follow.

    I love your work.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Thank you Lada for being there. I have been able to understand everything that has happened in Ukraine because of the keys to the information I follow that you have given me. I would say only one exception is something I don’t understand because I was raised in the US. How does Russia have so much patience? WE are supposed to be so virtuous but we really aren’t when you look at our wars and coups:

    1949 Greece
    1952 Cuba
    1953 Iran British Guyana

    1954 Guatemala
    1955 South Vietnam
    1957 Haiti
    1958 Laos
1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador
    1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

    1964 Brazil Bolivia
    1965 Zaire
    1966 Ghana
    1967 Greece
1970 Cambodia Bolivia
    1972 El Salvador
    1973 Chile
    1975 Australia
    1979 South Korea
    1980 Liberia
    1982 Chad
    1983 Grenada 

    1987 Fiji
2002 Venezuela.
    2004 Haiti

    2009 Honduras
    2012 Libya 

    2013 Egypt

    Liked by 4 people

    • John thank you for this preliminary list, add to this several dozen covert CIA sponsored take-over coups, assassinations, economic “hitman” coercive takeovers via IMF World Bank, illegal arms dealing and int’l drug and money laundering operations. The US has literally fucked the world over! Russia refuses to bend over and take it, we need to stop this madness before it’s too late. Lada please help us contain the beast, together we can drive it back to hell. 🙂 GO TEAM LADA 😀

      Liked by 4 people

    • John, I agree with you about Russia’s patience and restraint. I can see how it can be a mystery how and why they are so patient. Part of it is that Russians really, really, really don’t want war – they want to live peacefully, which of course flies in the face of all those who call Russia an aggressor.
      Frankly, I agree with you that Russians are too patient. Masks and gloves are off. They should have no more illusions. I did say on several occasions that Russia is buying time. That’s what they are doing. But it can’t last forever. Sometime they will have to act.
      Also, do read my Predictions page where I have recently posted new predictions about Russia and USA, especially the part where I talk about Russia’s global balancing role and how Russia can lean on its yin or yang side to regroup and repair itself.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Lada dear friend, do not be discouraged. The information you provide is invaluable, esp breaking news of what’s happening on the ground as report BY THE LOCAL PEOPLE OF UKRAINE who are living through this nightmare. Without your time and effort translating Ukrainian or Russian, many in the West would simply not grasp the severity of the situation, and the manipulations behind the scene, US puppet masters pulling the strings to jumpstart WW3. The world needs this, and you play a critical role in exposing the truth, and help thwart the evil globalist agenda. Keep up the excellent work Lada, we all LOVE YOU! ♥♥♥

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Nobody Special

    Lada Ray, I, for one, very much appreciate and respect you for the work you are doing to enlighten us. Since you are an American native of Ukraine, I feel that you are uniquely qualified to give us the correct analysis and ‘sense’ of what is happening in Ukraine and why. The ‘blogosphere’ is full of disinformation/defamation trolls… You are not the first to be attacked. As your readership grows, and it will, you will see that you have a great deal of support among the many awakening Americans. I hope you will disregard the personally offensive comments (Why don’t you just not publish them?), consider the source, and continue on the mission that is of such great import to the world, namely: TRUTH!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Dear Lada, your view and insight is original and balanced based on historical facts and cultural knowledge unknown to most of the people of the West. I can understand someone has to get used to this new source of information and perspective. Thank you very much for sharing your precious gift to the world and raising our consciousness!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I LOVE your articles. I send them to many of my like-minded friends. Keep it up.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Wow! Thank you very much for all these nice comments. I really appreciate them all.


    Liked by 2 people

  10. Dear Lada,

    FSB :)? Hahaha… we’re all FSB unless proven otherwise, LOL. I’m CIA, too (Whitehat Division). I’m reading your wonderful book, Lada… The Earth Shifter. I am learning so much, also having things I thought I knew reaffirmed with authority. Your love of Mother Russia is plain to see and I think you must be the real Miss Sasha. This is fiction? I think not. I get the story loud and clear. Thank you for this gift to us and for all you do.

    Bear Hugs, Bill

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I don’t know if you have read this Lada, but I put it here for you and others. Peace to you and all those here.

    Letter to the American People on Ukraine by Alexander Dugin:


    • Thanks for the link, Wolf. A friend just showed me this. I don’t usually listen to Dugin, he is a bit intense for my taste, but I was just listening to his latest intreview and thought that perhaps I should translate it for everyone. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time for everything. So, in the interview, Dugin says that he is part Ukrainian, just like me, and that he is ashamed of this Ukrainian blood in him because of what they are doing and what Ukraine unfortunately stands for in today’s world. I feel the same way. Of course it’s an emotional reaction, but those of us to whom fairness and justice are important, won’t feel peace until it is restored fully on the territory so far called Ukraine.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Sorry, Lada, I don’t mean to take more than my share here in the comments section, but I now understand what you mean by him being a little too intense. I just read up a little bit about him elsewhere. This was the first time I came across his article. Anyway, I agree with your wise words.


  12. Thanks to Jean Haines blog site I was led to you. And I have resonated with your messages, your research, and your predictions. You are shining a great Light into this part of the world the significance of which has been lost on many of us here in the USA.
    Aloha, Kp

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Richard Fitts

    Found your site thru kauilapele’s site…you have a clear vision and excellent skill at communicating. Are you aware that David Wilcock at has written that parallel to the “Illuminati” dark energy there is a light centered energy that historically grew in Russia. Wilcock believes Putin and Obama are working together to combat the dark energies…great theory of counterbalancing forces. Love your explanation of how the yin and yang on the planet is in process of becoming balanced. Be Happy, Richard


    • Hi Richard, this is true about the Russian energy. I have my own research and knowledge about Russia and Putin that I intend to start sharing this summer via my YT channel.
      Not so sure about Obama. I beleive he had positive intentions before coming to office, but succumbed, having realized he bit much more than he could chew. I’d like to be wrong about him, but I never was before, so….
      Many thanks!


  14. Lada Ray,

    I just stumbled upon your site, having read one of your articles re-published elsewhere … and I can only say that I AM extremely grateful for you and your work!

    I will read you daily … and comment, tweet and share on FB! And to anyone else, who’ll listen.

    As sincerely as I can muster, thank you SO much for sharing from your depth of knowledge and wisdom.



    Liked by 2 people

  15. Lorraine Willis

    Lada,I recently found your site and have referred it to friends. Your work is invaluable and greatly appreciated.Lorraine

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Lada, I just came across George Eliason’s recent article and he has listed 2 more petitions for Ukraine. He is a journalist currently living in Ukraine (in Mauriopal I think) see ***petitions at the end of this EXCERPT
    (you may want to network with him…you may even know him???….I sent him your link for the United Nations petition) the more we are the better.
    Thanks for all you do! As I said before you are a light at the end of the disinformation tunnel!!
    Endless Blessings!

    Odessa– the First Pogrom– The Obama Genocide–the-First-Pogrom-by-George-Eliason-Activism-Anti-War_Civil-Disobedience_Class-War_Obama-Warmonger-140507-595.html

    In Mauriopal Pravy Sektor retook City Hall temporarily by using gas. Fortunately it had an odor. People are in the hospital but all escaped. Residents of Mauriopal retook the building.
    I went into town today. I had to go through a few citizens road blocks manned by people that could be from your own neighborhood.

    People were on edge but it was quiet. Ten minutes after we left someone on the bus got a call, Pravy Sektor arrived by carloads. Fifteen minutes later in a bus filled mainly with retirees, an attack helicopter ran parallel to us low to the ground until we turned off the road. As the bus entered our town a call came from the mayor, Pravy Sektor was in town demanding peoples passports and tearing them up. Its an easy way to make a Moskal; no identification, no problem.

    As I finish this we are waiting for them to show up.
    I am mindful of the fact that there is now bounties on the heads of journalists that write about the junta. Phone data is being mined and people are complaining conversations are cut off as soon as politics are mentioned. Two days ago I was scheduled to do an interview by Skype. Five minutes beforehand the internet connection was lost. We hobbled through over the phone. The subject was kept to the days events. After the interview was complete the internet connection returned. It does make you wonder.

    ******There is still time to stop this. Petitions like this one to the European Court on Human Rights is a way people across the world are trying to accomplish this.

    *****This is a petition to call right sektor terrorist group-

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, dear friend. No, I don’t know George Eliason, but he sounds like a great man, who can see clearly. I’d be happy to network with someone like him.
      Thank you for this excerpt. Unfortunately, the links to petitions didn’t register, but I can fix that. Actually, if you don’t mind, I’ll simply put this in a new post, with credit to you and mr. Eliason.


      • Thanks for your note Lada!

        I am so glad that Jean of 2012 What’s the Real Truth posts all your articles. This is where I first read your work. Because of your unique and in-depth knowledge of several fields of inquiry, your writing is so unusual and so very captivating. I could stay here all day and not be bored!

        As to Mr. Eliason, I really do not know him but felt his material was valuable for Ukraine’s cause.

        My interest is world literacy. Without basic literacy our world is plainly in regression creating a culture unable to function in society. Example:
        –Six per cent of Canadian grads were found to function at Level 1 or below. At this level adults should be able to read short, simple texts to find one piece of information, and understanding very basic vocabulary. Unfortunately, Canada is far from being an exception…but fall more in the category of the new normal.
        This state of affairs is one of the consequences of Dumming Down Education Systems in most parts of the world. Even UNESCO in a recent report states that we have a world wide crisis in language fluency. So, with a radio station and a website we search the globe to present stories that shed light on the devastating consequences resulting from this tragic.

        Our focus is adult literacy. There is a sort of stigma attached to illiteracy. Just like poverty, nations tend to push it under the rug and somehow appear to blame the victims.
        Without literacy, it is impossible to make informed decisions and people could easily be convinced that war could be the answer to all their problems just as it recently occurred in Egypt through the Muslim Brotherhood.

        So, this is where I come from. Our efforts and concepts are still very much embryonic but we are determined to push ahead. To have an idea of what we do you can tune in to or read about us at

        Again thanks for your note Lada. I will be anxiously looking for your next article.

        Endless Blessings to you and your Loved Ones!


        • This is so great, Johanna. Much luck to you in your important work, and much happiness! I have included your links and info in my new post, together with petitions and excerpt!


          • Thank You so Much Lada for posting RLO’s info.
            Here is what I just found One More Petition for Ukraine!! From Global Research:
            SIGN Petition: U.S. Hands Off Russia and the Ukraine

            By International Action Center

            FULL DOC.
            Thank you for telling President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, Secretary-General Ban, Senator McCain, members of Congress and the media you want U.S. HANDS OFF RUSSIA AND THE UKRAINE!!

            Please consider contributing to the International Action Center and its projects.

            Spread the Word!

            Please send email messages to President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary of State Kerry, Senator McCain, Secretary-General Ban, Congress and the media saying: U.S. HANDS OFF RUSSIA AND THE UKRAINE!

            SIGN the online petition at

            TEXT of Petition:

            TO: President Obama, Senator McCain, Secretary Kerry, Secretary-General Ban, Members of Congress, and Members of the Media:

            The overwhelming majority of the population of the U.S. is against being dragged into another disastrous war. Nothing is more dangerous than the aggressive U.S./NATO troop movements right on the borders of Russia.

            Sending U.S. destroyers into the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea; scheduling threatening U.S./NATO war games and troop movements in East Europe; and imposing sanctions on the Russian Federation is a threat to peace on a world scale. We have seen the cost of past and continuing U.S. wars, which enrich the military corporations while impoverishing the targeted countries as well as poor and working people here in the U.S.

            The years of U.S. funding of fascist forces in Ukraine and the recognition of a government in Kiev that overthrew the elected government, seized power and appointed extreme right-wing groups to head the police, army and national guard in order to pull Ukraine into NATO membership makes the U.S. complicit in the complete denial of the rights of the Ukrainian people. It is also a provocation against the entire region.

            People in East and South Ukraine, outraged by this coup government, have attempted to resist the illegal junta, have declared an independent People’s Republic of Donetsk, and have called for referendums. In response, the right-wing coup government has allowed its military forces and other fascists to terrorize the Ukrainian people. In the most recent incident, some 40 people were massacred in the city of Odessa on May 2 by fascist militants, loyal to the Kiev government, who set the Trades Union Building on fire. In addition, 23 people were killed at Slavyansk and in Kramatorsk in the Donetsk region in attacks by Ukrainian military forces from May 2-3.

            Despite mass desertions by Ukrainian police and military personnel, so-called “anti-terrorist” campaigns against activists in southeastern Ukraine were launched immediately after visits to Kiev by U.S. officials. Washington has spent $5 billion to effect “regime change” in Ukraine, helping to bring into power a junta dominated by fascist, racist, anti-Semitic organizations like Svoboda, Fatherland and Right Sector. Meanwhile, the U.S. has pledged up to $10 billion in loans to the illegal coup regime, and Washington has been instrumental in securing a $17 billion aid and austerity package from the International Monetary Fund.

            This massive U.S. intervention in the Ukraine and ever-increasing campaign to surround and isolate Russia must end. I therefore demand:

            1. That the U.S. government and all its public, secret, official and unofficial agencies immediately cease all forms of intervention in Ukraine, including ceasing all material and political aid to fascist and right-wing organizations within the country;

            2. That all sanctions and threats of sanctions against the Russian Federation be dropped — sanctions are an act of war;

            3. That U.S. military forces immediately be withdrawn from the Eastern European region and that NATO’s expansion and provocative actions against Russia be ended.

            Dear friends,

            In the past few days a further dangerous escalation has taken place in Ukraine. While President Obama met with German Chancellor Merkel in Washington to further U.S.-NATO threats against Russia, a massacre took place in Ukraine’s third largest city, Odessa.

            Neo-Nazis attacked an encampment of protesters opposed to the illegal coup regime in Kiev. Outnumbered and facing hardened goons hurling Molotov cocktails, the activists fled and were given refuge by union workers in the nearby Trade Union Building. The neo-Nazis then firebombed the building, killing some 40 people who were trapped inside. Survivors, some of whom jumped from high windows, were beaten or killed as they tried to escape.

            Meanwhile, in the southeastern region of Donetsk, where the popular anti-fascist movement has seized government buildings and declared an independent People’s Republic, Ukraine military forces loyal to Kiev attacked checkpoints on the outskirts of Slavyansk, killing at least 13 unarmed activists. Overnight May 2-3, the National Guard (which includes many fascist gang members in uniform) attacked the city of Kramatorsk, killing 10 anti-fascists.

            The U.S. government, Wall Street and the corporate media have turned events upside down. They blame Russia and the anti-fascist protesters as the source of the crisis. But it was the United States that, by the admission of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, spent more than $5 billion to bring about “regime change” in Ukraine in its campaign to encircle and suffocate Russia. U.S. officials from both the Democratic and Republican parties were deeply involved in the coup that brought to power outright fascist elements like Svoboda, Fatherland and the Right Sector. And it is the U.S. that is carrying out a provocative military buildup in Eastern Europe.

            We urge you to take the following actions:

            1. SIGN the online petition to President Obama, Senator McCain, the media and Congressional representatives. Please forward widely to your contacts.
            2. Prepare to take emergency action in your area. In the event of a further escalation of the crisis, we will call for united nationwide actions, including local protests, vigils, teach-ins and visits to representatives’ offices.
            3. Come to the May 10 Teach-In at Riverside Church in New York City to learn more and find out about future actions. If you are unable to attend or live outside the New York area, you can watch a livestream of the meeting at

            Endless Blessings!


  17. talesfromthelou

    Toughen up Lada. There are shills and idjits all over the blogs. Don’t waste your energy on them. Keep telling it as you see it! Lou


    • Thank you, Lou.
      But perhaps you and some others misunderstood my message. I wasn’t wining or begging for compliments. I said I would only do this if enough people wanted to hear it and that I needed more positive feedback to understand where I stood with my message. Up till I said that, I felt I wasn’t getting enough feedback.
      I’ve said that if I didn’t have enough feedback from people who appreciate what I do, I do not believe what I do is necessary or important. Now I see that it is. The more feedback I get, the better I can help people see and understand.
      Not everyone needs this, perhaps you don’t. And you are doing a marvelous job on your blog, exposing all the lies, Lou!

      Do you know how they say that angels will only help you if you ask, because of free will? And also, that it’s important to thank your angels?
      Do you know why they say that? Because angels need to know that they are on target, and also, it is important for humans to “appreciate.” Note: not for angels – for humans. Usury attitude is not good – it equals the low energy of greed.

      By appreciating, you elevate yourself. Appreciation in fact equals the energy of love. By thanking someone, you express love.

      Hope this helps,

      Liked by 1 person

      • talesfromthelou

        Thanks Lada. Good words once again. BTW, I do know that 90% + of readers do not leave comments or hit the “like” button.


      • > By appreciating, you elevate yourself. Appreciation in fact equals the energy of love.

        This might explain why you always reply – or seem to do (from a reader’s viewpoint) – to EVERY single message you receive ! 🙂

        At first I thought you were simply an extremely kind person, as in my country most bloggers are in the habit of snubbing everyone visiting their site save VIPs or close friends, but I seem to understand this is a real philosophy, whereby every one of your replies is an “appreciation to the appreciation”…

        I could well be wrong about this way of thinking, but it creates a thousand times more dialogue than that seen on Italian blogs (in most of which people soliloquize).

        On the other hand, there might be a fair number of people like me who feel their contribution to that dialogue couldn’t be but insignificant, as they aren’t expert on the topics you write about (and yet they are interested in them), so they prefer to follow silently…

        I decided to reply here anyway also to tell you how wonderful is to notice that certain sentences you write (like the above) teach more than a thousand words spent on the same topical cornerstone, as it’s as if they “contained” all you write in giant articles, whereas they tell the same thing in a more direct way to those who read.

        Could you please tell us, also, a bit more about the “secrets” of Feng Shui ?
        I feel statements like “this happens because a certain nation has Yin-energy” are quite puzzling to laymen…


        • Thanks for your comment, Mildir. You understood my intention correctly!
          In truth, I don’t know if I will be able to continue replying to all comments going forward, simply because of the sheer volume and due to all other things I have to juggle. So far I do, but future will show.
          But I love hearing from my readers, and please feel free to contribute every time you are inspired to do so. I always do read all comments. 🙂
          As to Fneg Shui – you can read a few of my articles here: I am sure, people can also find definitions of yin (feminine, submissive, passive energy) and yang (aggressive, male, active) online.



  18. I couldn’t tell you how much I love your work Lada Ray! Your insightful and detailed writings keeps me engaged from start to end. Ignore the obstacles and stay focused on the goals and objectives. We are all here for you 😀


  19. Lada,

    Cheer up. You only get flak when you are over the target. There are plenty of mean and annoying types working for dubious organizations, and they especially like to be nasty to those with a good heart. Unfortunately, there are even mean people who just do it and don’t get paid. Sad. Just do your best.

    But we need to do what we can, because it looks like the fascism virus is on the loose again. The image of Dostoevsky’s “The Possessed” comes to mind, the “fire in the minds of men” that wants to destroy everything.

    Very sorry to hear about Odessa.



    • Thank you, Paul. Good to hear from you. Please take a look at my response to Lou above for something that concerns you as well. Thanks and cheers,



  20. I would advice you to not get mad or even spend time on comments like that (fbi payroll). its the most likely response, since some people did not grew up with internet and only with the western television.I have the same problem with my parents. the best is to respond calm, or not at all.All they know is that russia invaded crimea. not looking beyond. I started long time ago with looking up info about the western dominance, and with this crisis in ukraine got into the russian media. Its fascinating how the propaganda on both sides work. i get a lot of info from the global research website ( however you say you from central viewpoint, i notice a lot of russian love :). anyway great site, great info. i think this situation has all to do with the brics, and the military surrounding of it. look at the chinese islands (where the usa does exactly what it did to ukraine) see link ; ofcourse usa chose the japanese side, and stationing just like eastern europe, military bases around china.

    another thing i noticed is that a lot of people somewhat start to feel/know whats truly happening.


    A new Dutch reader


    • Thank you for your input, Roel.


      • Hi Lada, Roel just made me think of an interesting article re: BRICS – ALTYN
        & how

        Wayne Madsen demonstrates how the big picture of the subversive actions of the US worldwide is an attempt to destabilize all BRICS countries

        LADA see mention of Kaliningrad…you may already know this!!!

        The following was published on the Baltic Times website on April 28: «Why not block Kaliningrad from the Baltic Sea and station troops around its entire border? This would cut off Kaliningrad from Russia giving NATO a strong card to play in demanding that the Crimea be returned to the Ukraine and to halt all Russian efforts to invade the east of the country».

        “Purpose of Obama’s trip to Asia – An Attempt To Prevent The Collapse Of The Dollar”

        The problems between Ukraine and Russia over Crimea and federalism within Ukraine are a mask designed to cover Obama’s true intentions, which are the smashing of the BRICS as a viable alternative
        There is no doubt that the CIA, and Obama, who is merely a puppet, as were his mother, stepfather, and maternal grandparents, for the intelligence agency, are carrying out a scheme to break the backs of the BRICS members by supporting separatists and irredentists within each of the BRICS states.
        There are plans for the embryonic Eurasian Economic Union, a counter to the bloated and corrupt European Union, to adopt a dollar- and euro-free monetary unit called the «altyn» by 2025. These plans have sent the Western globalists and bankers into nervous fits and, as a result, we see the buildup of U.S. and Western military forces on the Russian borders in Europe and in China’s waters in the Far East.
        The following was published on the Baltic Times website on April 28: «Why not block Kaliningrad from the Baltic Sea and station troops around its entire border? This would cut off Kaliningrad from Russia giving NATO a strong card to play in demanding that the Crimea be returned to the Ukraine and to halt all Russian efforts to invade the east of the country».

        Endless Blessings!


  21. USA is trying to brake the economy of this bric states, starting with Russia. My predictions is that whatever Russia does,sanctions will get worse. And in order to put further sanctions, Ukraine must go on with its war. After the first sanctions usa released oil from stratigic oil reserves ( besides that they threw away the sanctions they put for years on Iran, to reduce Russias oil exports. if you can control the energy you can control the economic growth of a China, and India. However Putin’s smart, and made an oil deal with all of these countrys. but who im I, i could be wrong. Sorry it was in 3 posts.
    and in fact i think this actions of the west will exepidite the integrations of eurasian union, and brics. Nato will go on surrounding with Georgia as nato state, ukraine and baltic states. Serbia’s kosovo etc. With china on Vietnam, Japan, Phillipines.
