where hoaxes are dispelled and forbidden truths revealed


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What is this report about?


‘Chabad – Road to Hell.’ Hodos on Chabad, Khazaria & Jewish Fascism (video with my translation)
Chilling! Real video of Kabbalistic Pulsa de Nura curse done on Ariel Sharon in 2005!
More videos: Hasidic tensions in Williamsburg

Ukraine’s mess: snap elections and the overview of political spectrum
The story of one betrayal that changed Ukraine
How the interests of ukro-nazis, Jewish oligarchs, Hasidic Jews and USA merged in Ukraine

Who is the author of the New Khazaria idea?
Who are Lyubavitch or Hasidic Jews and what do they want?
What’s the world’s largest and richest Jewish organization?
Where are its Global and Eurasian headquarters?
Zionist and NWO pointman
Whose project really is Ukraine as New Khazaria?
What do USA and Israel want?

Meet the Chabad and New Khazarian Khaganate Watcher and Whistleblower!
British Khaganate: Rothschild will come and restore order
Examples of Prominent Jews in Ukraine
Stats: How Israelis feel about Russia
Time for the real truth: Did Holocaust happen?

Khazaria as the embodiment of today’s Western aggression?
Historic bombs
Linguistical proof
THE RUSSIAN TRUTH CODE: About the miracle of the Rus language
The mystery of Khazaria revealed

Who really are the Cossacks? ​Millennial Mystery Revealed! (with pics and maps)
How and why the Great Khazaria really fell apart
​Echoes of Khazaria in well-known names

The 3M of the Jews
Who are the modern Jews?
Did Khazarians move to Palestine/Judea in 7th-10th centuries?
What is TORAh? Let’s challenge some very deep-seated beliefs

Spanish folly and England’s quest for global domination
Jews in Medieval Western Europe: Spain’s Edict of Expulsion and Jewish Revenge
Why Jewish Bankers financed European Kings

​USA’s Goals in Ukraine
Ukraine as an in to Russian defense secrets
The Yuzhmash fail

Conclusions and Predictions, plus additional translated videos and references

Disclaimer: As stated in our Rules, Lada Ray, FuturisTrendcast, Earth Shift Report and Lada Ray YT Channel do not condone anti-Semitism, racism, Russophobia and any hatred or discrimination based on religious or cultural differences. Our mission is to shine the light on the truth that has been deliberately buried or distorted, as well as to provide knowledge and clarity.


This Earth Shift Report has been a year in the making. It is a very deep and all-encompassing revelation of everything surrounding the hot topic of Khazarian Khaganate. It connects many dots that have traditionally remained unconnected, either because of ignorance or manipulation.

As events in Ukraine began spiraling out of control last year, I’d been receiving this question: what if the New Khazarian Khaganate conspiracy theories were true? Wasn’t the 7th-10th century Khazarian Khaganate an entity that once assumed Judaism as their religion, as opposed to the surrounding lands; wasn’t it built exclusively on greed, usurious attitude and aggression towards neighbors? Wasn’t it the entity to whom the vast surrounding lands paid tribute? Didn’t they already once enslave the prosperous Kievan Rus, turning it into a cash cow?

What if there were people who were plotting to turn back the clock, re-constituting Khazarian Khaganate in what is today’s Ukraine?

Ukraine is a large landmass located in the geographic center of the European continent. Surely, allowing that to happen would be dangerous to the entire Eurasia, and consequently, the whole world?

Can they do it? How strong are they? How strong is their influence? What are the financial and PR capabilities of the entities involved, whether they operate in Ukraine, USA, EU or Israel? Who are they really? What do they really want?


Why does the establishment of a new Khazarian Khaganate in Ukraine worry so many people around the globe? Because it is likely to have global repercussions. The idea that it is connected with NWO and Rothschilds, or worse, originated from them, makes it a concern for everyone.

You all know how direct, honest and meticulous I usually am with my answers. My goal is always to bring the truth and clarity to any issue. Well, this is one of those instances when there is no clear answer.

Much depends on what meaning one assigns to the ‘Khazarian Khaganate.’ The perspective one keeps is just as important as the words one speaks. And this is why I wrote this report. It will clarify all the confusion and reconcile the facts. It will also reveal the true meaning of events that have been intentionally misinterpreted in history, and connections you’ve never known existed.

The short answer is: yes, there are certain entities and people that are attempting to re-create a Khazarian Khaganate. Some of them have infiltrated Ukraine, and plenty of them are located in other countries. But they are not necessarily those you thought were behind it. 

Their PR outreach is far and wide; financing is stellar – the best in the world; ability to wheel and deal – also some of the best on the planet. 

In this report we will dispel the deeply ingrained hoaxes and half-truths; here we will reveal the real truth.

Who these entities really are and where exactly are they located? What is the real history of Khazaria? You may be surprised!

Find all that out from ESR 6: Ukraine – New Khazarian Khaganate?

Or go to main  EARTH SHIFT REPORT page



If you recall, I recently announced the Holiday Giveaway, where I said that I would send a free report to a person whose comment(s) I enjoyed most.

Announcing the first winner of the Holiday Giveaway!


whose comments and support I always enjoy.

Paleohippy, please email me via contact form and I’ll send you ESR 6: Ukraine – New Khazarian Khaganate free!

I’ll announce the next winner when the next report comes out!

To be eligible, all you have to do is comment, like and share my FT articles!

Thank you, dear readers, for all of your support!

About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on November 1, 2015, in Ask Lada, EARTH SHIFT, Earth Shift Report, Eurasia, Forbidden History, Geopolitical Trends, Russia, Ukraine, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Can’t wait to dig into this one Lada!

    “Why does the establishment of a new Khazarian Khaganate in Ukraine worry so many people around the globe? Because it is likely to have global repercussions. The idea that it is connected with NWO and Rothschilds, or worse, originated from them, makes it a concern for everyone.

    You all know how direct, honest and meticulous I usually am with my answers. My goal is always to bring the truth and clarity to any issue. Well, this is one of those instances when there is no clear answer.

    Much depends on what meaning one assigns to the ‘Khazarian Khaganate.’ The perspective one keeps is just as important as the words one speaks. And this is why I wrote this report. It will clarify all the confusion and reconcile the facts. It will also reveal the true meaning of events that were intentionally misinterpreted in history and connections you never knew existed.

    The short answer: yes, there are certain entities and people that are attempting to re-create a Khazarian Khaganate. Some of them have infiltrated Ukraine, and plenty of them are located in other countries. But they are not necessarily those you thought were behind it.

    Their PR outreach is far and wide; financing is stellar – the best in the world; ability to wheel and deal – also some of the best on the planet.

    In this report we will dispel the deeply ingrained hoaxes and half-truths; here we will reveal the real truth.

    Who these entities really are and where exactly are they located? What is the real history of Khazaria? You may be surprised!”

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lada, an urgent alert about a possible coming false flag in Syria:

    The article above published several intercepted conversations of Saakashvili, the governor of Odessa and the internationally wanted by Georgia former president. The conversations were intercepted at an airport in Turkey. In one of them he discusses how to stage a “maidan” in Georgia, involving a sacrificial victim, like a woman with a child, a lot of blood an press.

    In the other he details a staging of a false flag in Syria, where his man are to shoot down an American jet, an the pilot should later be captured and place the blame for the shoot-down on a Russian plane, at the same time, a Russian fighter should be shot down as if by Kurds. With the final objective of pitting USA against Russia. Saakashvili said that McCain has great expectations for this operation and that “without something like this, Obama would not move his butt”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ESR6 is spectacular! I couldn’t get this kind of an education if I had the money to pay for it. Now, when I read an article that talks about the Khazarian Mafia I know exactly what they’re talking about… and if they’re in error, I’ll know that, too. Keep ’em coming, Lada. You rock!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Still reading the report, there are so many penetrating insights to consider! I appreciate the connection regarding etymology of Rus language, and how it is applied to decipher the hidden meaning of “Hazaria”. Fascinating deconstruction of historical linguistics and how it became twisted, manipulated, corrupted.

    “The reason Khazaria is often equated with Judaism, and by extension, with the world bankster elites and usurious attitudes, is because it is believed that the turn towards plunder and conquest instead of hard work and cooperation began when Judaism was introduced into Khazaria.”

    Thank you Lada for illuminating these dark secrets. Keep up the excellent work!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. This report is compulsory viewing for anyone wanting to know about the lost history of Russia and now Eastern Europe (formerly the USSR). I found the Khazarian map that Lada includes in this article spookily similar to ISIL ambitions and the map they recently published. Not that I believe for one moment they will achieve their goals. I had never heard of the Khazarian Khaganate and enjoyed the language lesson Lada! I think all language is connected as you so clearly describe. The roots of English for example(as well as French, Spanish, Italian) are Latin and Greek and we now know the roots of those languages go back possibly to Sumer but definitely have kabalistic genesis. As equally obscure is the Celtic history which at one time spread as far as Asia. Hard to get a reliable history on that too. I also agree that what has been waged for the last 13 millenia has been a battle between Light and Dark forces both terrestrially and galactically through many civilisations and empires but it has hotted up over the last 400 years when the Rothschild family through their theft of great wealth from various monarchies and their wars and their treachery, secrecy and guile created the foundations of the current fiat money system and corrupt governance that has disenfranchised us all ever since. Their infiltration of secret societies and mainly the Masonic structure that further infiltrated every institution worldwide is now evident. One has only to do a tour of ancient roman sites in London to see how the roman satanic rituals are still practiced in London’s black heart, The City square mile of banking institutions today. The former Isis Temple in London is in Sissi Street…don’t you love it? And Lord MacApline is currently building over another Mithras Temple site nearby. I bet he is protecting some satanic site below. Of course not many people understand that Blackfriars that area in London known as The City is owned by the Rothschilds and alludes to satanic practices. Even the Queen has to get permission to officially enter The City as we saw during a recent jubilee celebration when she was invited to Mansion House. So much to know but the truth is outing everywhere. I do believe Light is prevailing and like you Lada focus on our positive future.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Lada, thank you! I am still in the middle of the report, and there is so much to take in! At times it feels overwhelming, on the level of “what can we, the people, do about it, considering the sheer scale of this”.

    The digression about the Russian word “knjaz'” and the lack of a proper equivalent to this word in English (it being translated as “prince”) was interesting. I have a feeling that English does have a word of the same root, which acquired a slightly different meaning: “knight” (in Norwegian, a word with this root survived as a gaming card name “knekt” – “jacks” in English)

    Back to reading…

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re right. Khight is connected, but it’s not the same. But it’s a long discussion. I was thinking of a comprehensive post about all this sometime.


  7. Lada, the deleted video from Hodos, which you translate in your report, can be found here (for now):

    You should be using to extract and archive any video from YouTube that may deserve attention in the future, as YouTube is outrageously hard-handed in their deletion of “inconvenient” materials.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lada, I came now as far as the topic of Cossacks and their (our) colourful way of life; life celebrating living. In a comment to another of your posts I mentioned the competition for young talents, “Blue Bird”, and now it struck me that the dance, performed by the two kids below is in essence a Cossack dance, with all the attributes and attire.


  9. Thank you very much for this report, Lada! It is definitely a must-read and one of those pivotal, monumental works that puts everything into calm, balanced perspective.

    There is one linguistic peculiarity that has been staring me in the face for some time, but which I do not know, whether it is a mere coincidence, and you do not touch upon it in your report.

    The Russian name for “Jew” is “Jevrej” (Еврей), while “Europe” is “Jevropa” (Европа). Is there any connection, maybe in the context of the migration from Hazaria that you discuss in the report?


    • Very good, Nemo! 🙂
      There is a direct connection, but it’s a long story, so I couldn’t include it here. I want to create a separate report about linguistical proofs and mysteries some time. It’ll be in it.
