Lada Ray on Earth Shift, Cooperation, Quantum Calibrations (+ Best places to live in Russia: Sochi)


In this post I’ve combined some info about Russia’s City of Sochi with my thoughts on the real value of the events such as the World Youth Festival – all in light of the ongoing Earth Shift, my Quantum Calibrations and Multidimensional Theory.

During the Trump Webinar Q&A we had a question regarding the best Russian cities to live in. One person asked about Crimea and Stavropol. Another one asked about my recommendation for the top places to live. My reply in full is included in the webinar. The list includes Kazan’, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yaroslavl. There are more…

Eventually, I plan a webinar in which we’ll talk more about everything to do with relocating to Russia, as well as other places around the globe. 

Today, I thought I’d feature one of the top Russian cities to live in: Sochi, the capital of the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Sochi is located on the north-eastern shore of the Black Sea. On the other side of Sochi are the Caucasus mountains. This combination of mountains and sea has produced a unique climate: snow capped peaks and lots of winter sports throughout the year, coupled with beaches and a warm sea during three seasons.

Here’s a video in Russian. Sochi tourism boom:

Ever since the 2014 Winter Olympics, Sochi has been growing as world class resort and a venue for different world events.

Coming in 2017: XIXth World Youth Festival in Sochi!

The first World Youth Festival was organized in 1947 in Prague, as mankind emerged from its most devastating war. The biggest ever World Youth Festival took place in Moscow in 1957, with 34 thousand delegates attending. This was at the height of the Cold War.

This is the third time Russia is hosting this international event (1957, 1985 and 2017). The World Youth Festival is organized under the UN umbrella; it provides a rare venue for the students and youth from all over the world to exchange ideas and create friendships.

The first video is about the upcoming October 2017 World Youth & Student Festival to be held in Sochi, including a brief history of the festival. The second video is the Sochi Festival promo.


Lada’s multidimensional view: Earth Shift, cooperation, communication…

Unfortunately, I wouldn’t expect from this festival too many important and revolutionary breakthroughs regarding what the world faces today. The real solutions are being shaped up and the real work is being done in quiet by those who don’t attend festivals. These few are now shaping up the future world through the power of their will, thought, ideas and action.

That said, I think that it is always better to communicate and at least attempt to work together, rather than fight. The rare venues, such as this World Sochi event, stimulate the necessary international dialogue. Children are the future. The youth event such as this helps guide humanity’s future in a better direction.

Basically, events like this one are targeted towards the mainstream masses, or the public opinion leaders of such masses, who are intrinsically positive in their world view. These people and such events vibrate at the level of neutrality, friendliness, willingness and cooperation. So much better than the promotion of a destructive and nihilistic view of the world we so often see promoted today!

Quantum Calibration (QC) of the Sochi World Youth Festival: 300 – neutrality / friendliness

Chi: 310 – willingness / cooperation

Heart Chakra of the festival: 280 – neutrality / friendliness 

As you see, all three values are right on the money. With all the wars and animosity on our planet, with the majority of the population calibrating below the critical level of 200, we catastrophically need more of those who vibrate on this level. I’ll take any infusion of friendliness and cooperation we can get!

Presently the City of Sochi as a whole calibrates at: 410 – reason

Chi: 480 – humanity / compassion. Both very high!


It is also good that such event takes place in Russia. This is where Russia shines. Astrologically ruled by Aquarius – the global village, innovation and cooperation sign – Russia is a natural place for it.

Russia is the only country that can change the paradigm, unite people around the world and lead them towards more friendliness and cooperation!


Today, on the very cusp of the Great Earth Shift, the world is more confused and divided than ever. Events such as this help balance this confusion through openness, reason and cooperation. This means redirecting the energy of distrust, animosity and violence – chronic illnesses of the human society – into creative and positive channels.





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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on February 7, 2017, in EARTH SHIFT, Energy & Consciousness, Geopolitical Trends, Geopolitics of Sport & Olympics, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Quantum & Geo Calibrations, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Hi Lada Ray! thanks for share about World Youth festival in Sochi! You know I have participated in the year 1973 (July-August) in Youth Festival hosted by East Berlin – DDR. In those times, for me as a Portuguese it was fantastic. Till 1974 in Portugal we lived in a fascist dictatorship, so it was forbiden to go to Socialist countries, me and all the portuguese we have to go to Paris in very little groups, being very discrete and we enter East Berlin and DDR “protected” by the French Communist Youth, no stamp in passport as if we had never been there. Quite a adventure. And the time – just a week – it was really marvelous and bright. I will never forget.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s a great story. Thank you, Natercia.
      Familiar to me thing- when a stamp isn’t put in a passport to protect a person. 😉
      We often forget that still on most people’s living memory there were fascist regimes in Europe and S. America.
      Times have changed since then, yet new ways of building walls have been found.
      The good news: new ways of building bridges also are being discovered. 🙂


      • Indeed, thank you for that interesting testimonial, Natercia! And very well-put Lada: ” new ways of building bridges also are being discovered”!

        I hear a few stories from the 1957 Festival from my grand-mother, and then some re-told by my mother, who was just a little girl back then.

        And the 1985 Festival is in my own memory. Incidentally, I keep a memento from it. I collected jubilee roubles, and I have one coin commemorating the event. It’s the left one on the photo below. The inscription reads “For anti-imperialistic solidarity, peace and friendship”

        Incidentally, the right coin on the photo is from 1989, commemorating commemorating Malorossian (Ukrainian) writer Taras Shevchenko. Took a photo of it as well – there’s been too much in the Ukrainian propaganda of the recent years falsely claiming that everything Ukrainian was oppressed in USSR, when the opposite was actually the case.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. On the topic of building bridges… I have finished translation of two publications. One is Rostislav Ishchenko’s introspective article “The Future of the Russian World”, which, in my opinion, very well sums up what the Russian World – often subconsciously – is about.

    The other article is to Christa and all your Dutch readers. It revisits and remembers the now almost-forgotten trail of the Russian Don Cossacks in liberation of the Netherlands in 1813.

    I may be as bold as saying that some distant descendants of those Don Cossacks are now standing their ground in defence of Donbass, where the situation is dire.

    And now, I am off to the promising to be enlightening listening of your webinar, which I, alas, could not attend.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Beautiful event and city! I plan to visit Sochi next summer!
