How PUTIN views gay people and gay issue? ~COMPLETE MULTIDIMENSIONAL TRUTH!

This is one of the questions submitted for WORKSHOP 2: INVERTED COLLAPSE

which is part of the



Lada, I wanted to ask you a question.  I was wanting to ask you about your thoughts on Putin’s views on gay people.  – Thanks, J.

SERIES 1 checker


Dear J,

Frankly, I never intended to talk about this, as this is NOT one of my CORE subjects. However, I get such questions more often than I’d like. Therefore, even though you wanted it answered privately, after a consideration, I have decided to set the record straight once and for all publicly, and I trust this answer will put this issue to REST FOREVER. I do not intend to get back to it in the future! 

Me personally — I feel strongly that the gay issue should be a complete non-issue, an entirely private matter. We, as humans, should always respect each other regardless of faith and orientation, for as long as the healthy boundaries, law and a greater good of society are observed by all sides. This is how I would treat it, and this is how any wise and healthy society should.

However, years ago, the cabal discovered that the gay people could be used very productively in the globalist plan for a full spectrum dominance of our planet.

From this perspective, I feel equally sorry for the REAL gays. Unfortunately, there are too many of those who are simply fakes and exhibitionists, or those who decided to jump on the bandwagon of the latest fashion. And of course, there is a lot of money nowadays in being gay.

The REAL gays, some of whom may be nursing intensely private real life traumas, have become hostages of the situation; these poor people are used as convenient dupes and globalist props; they have been dragged into this and put on display for all to see, whether they want it or not. 

The gay issue is an artificial brainwashing construct for the sheeple, designed to keep tension in Western society, especially in USA and British Isles. It is also a handy tool for the destabilization of any traditional, conservative society around the globe. This is an incredibly brilliant and subversive ploy to divide and conquer by increasing tension in any society.

As we discussed in EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 2: INVERTED COLLAPSE, this is part of a war-like, confrontational, immature, ill-adjusted and greedy lower 3rd DIMENSION, in which the lopsidedly yang West has been brewing for millennia, and which they try to impose on the rest of the world. 

As such, this issue should be ignored by wise people, and that’s what I normally do. I simply don’t understand why I get all these questions — what is it that’s making people ask them?

You have to understand that the gay issue is merely used as a proxy to subdue and enslave others, both domestically and globally. So when you give it energy and ask me these kinds of questions, you validate what the cabal is doing and lend it some of your energy.

However, out of consideration for the fact that you are one of our valued subscribers to the EARTH SHIFT & INVERTED COLLAPSE (thank you!), I want to answer it for you as an exception — as honestly and fully as possible.

As a wise person, Putin’s view on gay people is neutral, as far as the social life goes. Many Russians feel more or less the same, as long as there are no public displays — ‘don’t ask don’t tell.’

However, the Russian Orthodox believers, patriots/nationalists and the Russian government rightly feel that the gay agenda is being used as an aggressive proxy and one of the biggest info war tools by the West, a tool to vilify and provoke Russia, and to destroy Russian unity and faith. Due to the pro-western grant-eaters, who constantly yell and scream about it, the problem gets resurrected all the time artificially. 

It’s still vivid in many Russians’ memory how their society was almost destroyed and terribly corrupted by the West in the ’90s. They won’t let that happen again. From this perspective Russia has to act tough and defend herself by adopting certain child protection/anti-gay-propaganda laws. 

Putin tries to balance various views to keep it level and stay away from conflict in the society. He has achieved it and the ‘howling’ in the West subsided, having failed in much of its goals, but not before the gay discrimination vilification label was firmly attached to Russia in the psyche of the Western sheeple. 

THAT SAID, on a personal level, Putin is a conservative, and a devout Russian Orthodox Church believer. As such, the church dictates a certain view of the subject, so he won’t condone it. But as I said, as a wise leader and person, Putin’s view of gay people is neutral, as is that of many Russians — as long as their children aren’t bothered by aggressive western attacks, masterminded in order to destabilize Russian society. 

Therefore, what we see here is a shameful exploitation by the West of an extremely delicate issue, and, typically of the yang/aggressive West, they don’t care how many people they offend and how many lives they break as a result.

But people aren’t blind, and neither are they stupid. An interesting paradox occurred once the West began in 2013 its vicious howling regarding the ‘gay issue’ in Russia, and Russia, as a result had to defend herself. The conservative people in Russia and the West, as well as many conservative societies around the world, became even more convinced that the West cannot be trusted, and only Russia and Putin can. Instead of a vilification they hoped for, all the West achieved was yet another spike in the Russian and international popularity of Putin.

Recall what I’ve been predicting since 2014, when I first began FuturisTrendcast! Whatever the West does going forward against Russia, will always backfire and expose them as the ‘naked king.’ It is yet another proof that the Western way of rampant globalism and predatory colonialism has painted itself into a corner, discrediting its outdated model irreversibly. It’s on its way out — it will continue crumbling and withering, and nothing can stop that.

Dear friends,

If you value your well-being and your future, you should be now seriously considering relocation out of harms way and to greener pastures; you should be working on securing your assets; you should heed my advise and prepare by learning my timeline and predictions for the future crucial events! You can only find the real collapse timelines, predictions and unique multidimensional wisdom, which will help you navigate the turbulent waters of today and tomorrow, in LADA RAY’S




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Hope this answer helps. Please share this article with others… if you want them to know the truth!


I just got the chance to read the comments and I am very glad that some see through the manipulation. It is the disgustingness and the darkness of this manipulation / exploitation that makes it one of the least favorite and least productive topics for me to talk about. It is even worse, in my view, that so many gladly fall for it on both sides.

The only thing that will work long-term is being awake, educating oneself, and being respectful and considerate of each other in all circumstances. Once the 5th Dimension consciousness level is achieved by enough humans, such issues automatically evaporate. But every time we have the hope of our consciousness rising sufficiently, I immediately see relevant dark forces taking over and exploiting the subject (any subject), thus keeping it in the confrontational lower 3D.

Same had happened with many other social issues in the US/West, including feminism and women’s rights — so much crazy manipulation and mind games, so much silly confrontational lower 3D… and due to all that, yet another least favorite topic of mine to talk about.

But I also bit the bullet once and did a piece to clear up the confusion:

READ THIS OLDIE BUT GOODIE OF MINE: Feminism vs. Sacred Feminine – Male Chauvinism vs. Sacred Masculine


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on June 26, 2017, in Ask Lada, Books, Empire Collapse, Energy & Consciousness, Forbidden History, Geopolitical Trends, Russia, USA/EU/West, WEBINARS and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. Agree, a private issue unless it affects all. The Bible says what it does of same sex encounters and people have free will to choose their path and deal with the consequences for their choices.


  2. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:

    Great post, addresses the underlying issue created by the cabal to keep the sheeple divide and fighting amongst themselves. Free our minds, live in peace. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I couldn’t have addressed this any better myself, and I couldn’t anyway, so I’m glad Lada took the time and energy to do it. She delivers this in such a great cogent package that it can be used for talking points if you are ever unfortunate enough to have to talk about it. At least here is the correct ammunition. Some people have tried to get this information across, but poorly, compared to this summation. This will be my gold standard for understanding this subject and dealing with it, if I ever have to.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, please do, if you ever have to explain to anyone this issue. I don’t mind if this post is emailed, reposted or reblogged anywhere — with proper credit and links to source, of course. Or direct people back to my blog for reading.

      This is the reason I bit the bullet and finally posted it. I got many questions over the years as to how to explain to others this (apparently baffling for many) topic.

      Me — I feel like it couldn’t be clearer. But this indeed is one of my least favorite topics to talk about. I only hope my effort will not be in vain and some real clarity emerges in society as a result.

      Best to all

      Liked by 3 people

    • Well said paleo, i couldn’t agree more. 🙂


  4. Beautifully articulated as usual. Unfortunately the Cabal has been very successful in the USA of putting gays and lesbians in very public and powerful positions and then blackmailing them,forcing them to lead “double” lives. Many if not most seem charming and articulate and effective at swaying the masses of hardworking, dumbed down, and very religious Americans. I applaud you for putting in words what I hear astute observers in the States saying. Once the highest truth is on the top of the table (and it is starting to be there) this tactic will no longer suffice as cover for the war machine. Once this shift comes, it is voices like yours the world will turn to. Very few trust what the MSM here have to say and have simply stopped listening.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Lada.

    You touch here an interesting topic. I have a question, which is not connected with this topic on a first look.

    Global problem is a genocide on girls and it seems now are 200 million girls missing and the number is still growing. How big will be consequences of this gendercide and how much time the World will need to bring both genders in balance again? This acute problems will for sure bring big tensions for next few generations and it seems like some places want to calm tensions with sending young male population to Europe as migrants.

    Best regards.


  6. Thank you for this piece, Lada. Although you did not want to answer the question, I’m very happy that you did. As an awake gay man, I see how they have co-opted the “movement” many years ago. I do not march or protest, as I have no desire to feed into the constant fear and division. I do not change my social media avatars when an “incident” happens because I will not further their agenda for them. I live my life by listening to my intuition as best as I can, and treating others how I want to be treated. My intuition told me a long time ago that much of what we’re told by the West, including my home country, are lies. The truth is, as you said, most people are neutral and don’t really care. And that’s fine by me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for this, Jimmy, many blessings and best wishes to you. You are a wise person to stay away from the politics.

      I am glad that some see through the manipulation. It is the disgustingness and the darkness of this manipulation / exploitation that makes it one of the least favorite and least productive topics for me to talk about. It is even worse, in my view, that so many gladly fall for it on both sides.

      The only thing that will work long-term is being awake, educating oneself, and being respectful and considerate of each other in all circumstances. Once the 5th Dimension consciousness level is achieved by enough humans, such issues automatically evaporate. But every time we have the hope of our consciousness rising sufficiently, I immediately see relevant dark forces taking over and exploiting the subject (any subject), thus keeping it in the confrontational lower 3D.

      Same had happened with many other social issues in the US/West, including feminism and women’s rights — so much crazy manipulation and mind games… and due to that yet another least favorite topic of mine to talk about.

      But I also bit the bullet once and did a piece to clear up the confusion on that: Feminism vs. Sacred Feminine – Male Chauvinism vs. Sacred Masculine

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Lada,

    In addition to the gay agenda, there is now a very alarming and ever increasingly more open “de-genderization” agenda in the USA especially in liberal/progressive circles.

    Some university academics have said a penis is a social construct, gender doesn’t exist and is made up, and “he” or “she” are offensive pronouns…..and disagreement with this is called “hate speech”.

    So the whole LBGT agenda is not simply about trying to protect a certain type of people but about the aggressive promotion of certain values and massive social engineering.

    Even Putin has alluded to this western (American) campaign of removing the concept of gender.


  8. Thank you for your article. Unfortunately this LGBT issue is just a piece in bigger picture, which NWO elite is enforcing on people. To better understand this, we must look at a whole triangle. In the last generation, around 25 to 30 years, there is a gendercid on unborn girls, specially in Asia and now around 200 million girls are missing or too many boys, because of NWO familly planning policy and mix of culture. All those young males don’t have a chance to marry at home as there are not enough women for them, so millions of them are now going to Europe in mass migrations. But where ever they come, they will break the balance between genders. Problem is, that the number of imbalance between genders is still growing and many males of comming generations will have to choose between living alone or with another male as there will not be enough women for them. This is why NWO elite promote LGBT indoctrination and gender teories on white European and US children. They want that girls will be for elites and for migrants.

    Problem is, that the damage is already done and millions of unborn girls are dead. Question is, how long it will take to bring both genders in balance again and to repair the damage, which is already done.


    • Ok, just to put this issue ALSO to rest once and for all:

      Volk, while well-intentioned, your comment calibrates at 150 – anger, Chi – 85 – grief.
      THE LEVEL OF TRUTH IN YOUR FACTS: 85 – GRIEF. (Min positive to be credible enough is 200 – courage. It’s nowhere near that).

      As I many times demonstrated through my Quantum Calibrations, such low levels do not provide any accurate picture of the world around us.
      Sure, the Dark State, NWO, whatever, is doing various things, some are truly despicable.
      Sorry, but what you say is NOT ‘a bigger picture,’ it’s just one of the anger- fear- and grief-based conspiracy theories floating around. It DOES NOT reflect the real state of events. I could explain to you what REALLY does happen with some girls, and with some boys too, in various countries — but I won’t. DO NOT ASK.
      Not only it’s completely obvious, but also, as I said, this is NOT one of my core subjects.

      I’ll just say that your story is just as much a distraction from the CORE, REAL issues, as what we’ve discussed in my article.

      Meanwhile in my article, I give you a solid logic, clear facts, and undeniable in any dimension or reality line of reasoning for everything I say.
      Just for your frame of reference my article calibrates at 410 – reason, Chi 480 – humanity/compassion.

      This reply was an exception, out of kindness. Just thought I’d give you the gift of truth and clarity. Hope you can do something positive with this gift.
      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Beautifully said, Lada. We have to rise above the “issues” that are created to distract us. View them from a higher point and see them for what they really are. In my personal opinion, it’s all about developing personal intuition and discernment.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. “Me personally — I feel strongly that the gay issue should be a complete non-issue, an entirely private matter.”
    This, Lada, sums it up pretty well, and this is exactly how it’s viewed in Russia in general. This was the attitude also at the time when Britain persecuted gay people.

    Unfortunately, as you point out, the West, pushing this agenda at Russia, forcing Russia to adopt the same parading attitude, invokes the fundamental law that any action creates a reaction, so this actually works towards the Western goal of attempting to polarise the society.

    And, as you point out, the West is not about to give it up, which shows up in the latest ECHR ruling:
    “The Russian Justice Ministry has announced plans to appeal a ruling that found Russia’s ban on the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations to minors discriminatory and awarded damages to several activists previously convicted under the act.”

    As if ECHR has no better thing to attend to, like, for example, prosecute the human rights violations and the war crimes committed by the Kiev regime.

    As for Russian politics on this topic, they continue to be balanced and well-thought-out. From the article above:

    “According to the senator’s press service, he believes that following the ECHR orders could violate the constitution, which states that the exercising of one’s rights must not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others, as well as banning public promotion of social, racial, ethnic, or religious hatred.”


  10. Thanks Lada for these valuable thoughts. Yes, I can understand that you are reluctant to speak about illnesses because it helps to keep them alive or even make them stronger, by giving them more energy. That’s why I hate to be asked about my health and having to name and explain about a problem affecting me now, and I usually tell people that it’s better not to talk about these things. On the other hand it’s good to have a clear idea about it and its causes, for the best measures to chose for the healing process. This is, in my opinion, also true with regard to societal problems like the one discussed above in your post. So thank you very much for your clear thoughts on it. It helps to better understand the vile mechanisms at work and confront them with more calm.

    Liked by 1 person