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Aliens in Southern Russia? Latest Crop Circles in Adygea

On a lighter note… Well, some may disagree, but for FuturisTrendcast this does qualify as a MUCH lighter note!

Aliens in Southern Russia? Who made these newest crop circles that appeared overnight? I have to say I am genuinely curious. 😉

A farmer in Russia’s southern Republic of Adygea in Caucasus woke up to find his very own crop circles. No one understands how the six perfect formations, measuring 7-13 meters in diameter, got there, while security has reported no disturbances of any kind throughout the night. READ MORE: RT LIVE

Added 6/11/15: New drone footage of the crop circles.


Update to Trust vs. Usurious Attitude:

Exclusive Video Report ESR4: Alien Technology & New Russian Weapons is back up on private Vimeo server! Please donate as usual HERE and you will be directed to the report page with password and instructions. Those who already donated in the past and want to access the report again, just go to your previously bookmarked ESR4 Report Page, where you will find the new password.

I see some people have already figured it out. Thanks to all those who have donated despite the video being offline for a few days! You rock!



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