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What a treat! Renovated Kremlin reopens for tourists May 10


In case you were planning a trip to Moscow, I thought you all might enjoy this fun piece about the Kremlin. We have talked lately about UNESCO World Heritage sites, such as Palmyra (Syria) and Odessa. The Moscow Kremlin is another one.

Kremlin, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is presently closed for tourists due to Victory Day – May 9, 2016 parade preparations. Since last year, a part of the Kremlin has been under massive renovations after the decision to demolish the so-called Building No. 14, which used to house presidential administration and which, according to specialists, didn’t represent any historic of architectural value. It was built in 1930’s, replacing the Small Nikolayevsky Palace, damaged during the revolution and demolished in 1929. The palace once served as Moscow residence for Emperor Nikolay II and his family.

The demolition of Building No. 14 opened up a boon for excited archeologists. The well-preserved foundation of the Nikolayevsky Palace was found underneath the structure. Historians and researchers were allowed access to its mysteries for the first time ever. Underneath that, archeologists discovered foundations of another dozen or so ancient buildings, as well as artefacts and relics dating back to 12th century Moscow.


Gold-domed medieval Kremlin cathedral

The new gardens now bloom in place of the huge building; previously blocked, a gorgeous view on the unique Kremlin cathedrals has opened up. Moreover, the new Kremlin tourist route has been opened, previously inaccessible due to presidential security. Tourists can now exit the Kremlin through its most famous and grandest Spasskaya Tower.


Spasskaya Tower

The Kremlin reopens after Victory Day celebrations, on May 10.

Watch the video below, with the new look of the grandest Moscow landmark. At the end of video, you’ll see the new tourist route, which, as usual, starts by Alexander Gardens, through Kutafia Tower. But you can now exit through Spasskaya Tower, allowing direct entrance onto Red Square, right by St. Basil’s Cathedral. Spasskaya Tower exit was previously open only for state visits and officials. I’ll tell you, considering the enormous distances you need to cover around the Kremlin, your feet will thank you dearly for this shortcut; and your eyes, for the luxurious view of Red Square! 🙂

Moscow, Red Square

St. Basil’s, Red Square

Towards the end of video, notice the glass enclosures. These are entrances to Kremlin’s underground archeological digs. What new mysteries does this place hold? Many more, for sure…

Cherry on the cake: thought I’d include a video showcasing the legendary Kremlin Presidential Regiment. The Presidential Regiment is celebrating its 80th birthday. The role of this elite regiment is to guard President and Kremlin, as well as to perform Kremlin ceremonial duties. Chosen for their looks, its members are much more than just pretty faces. During the 1941 battle for Moscow, the entire Kremlin Regiment went into battle straight after the parade.

The Kremlin Presidential Regiment today. Some are chosen for looks, others, for their way with horses. Do check out the only woman serving in the Presidential Regiment.


#Moscow #Russia #Victoryday #immortalregiment

Happy Victory Day (May 9)!

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Moscow’s 868th: Historic Reenactment, Red Square Concert and Spasskaya Tower Festival

Today we celebrate the Day of Moscow.

Watch live as of this posting: massive historic reenactment and concert on Red Square, marking Moscow’s official 868th birthday. This early concert kickstarts the celebrations. Moscow today hosts over 50 free concerts happening simultaneously all over the city.

I have to mention that this date is counted from the so-called first official mention of Moscow in the Russian chronicles. However, the date isn’t accurate, as recognized by many historians. Moscow is much older and the reason no prior direct mentions are found is because history was diligently re-written and true records burned on more than one occasion. For this reason it’s so hard to prove the real age of Moscow, which may likely be thousands of years.

But even the known 868 years of history aren’t so bad. From the ancient times to Ivan and the Time of Troubles, to Peter the Great, Napoleon war and on to WWII and modern days – check out Moscow and Russia’s rich, turbulent and colorful history with the amazing backdrop of St. Basil’s, performed by some of the best Russian singers and actors. Moscow (Moskva in Russian) is one of the most sung cities on the planet. Some nice songs about Moscow in this show.

A great song My golden Moscow, which is the official anthem of Moscow, starts at 44:25.


A very cool video! International festival of military music and art Spasskaya Bashnya (Spasskaya Tower) also began tonight. Video of the opening of the festival with spectacular music, dance and acrobatic performances from many countries.

Открытие Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»