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GLOBAL HACKER NEWS: New Tulipmania in the making OR 4D innovation? How some exploit their workplace to mine #Bitcoin



Dear readers,

Futurist Trendcast founder Lada Ray here!

I am pleased to officially introduce to you our new FuturisTrendcast (FT) Features. We are building FT into a global 5D portal of awakening, truth and cooperation in the new Age of Aquarius! The new regular features I have begun introducing last week will expand the content and global outreach of FuturisTrendcast!

Some of the new features will be authored by my co-authors, whom I’m sure you’ll love and who will write on subjects that are their specialty, while being of interest to all! Without further ado, here are the regular Features we have so far (there may be more innovative Features going forward – stay tuned for future announcements)!


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The new Features have already been active and working on FT since last week. We’ll be posting something interesting almost every day. These are the titles and authors of our new FT Features (click on links to access each Feature’s Category Archive!) :


Introducing today’s New Regular Feature!


New Tulipmania in the making OR 4D innovation? How some exploit their workplace to mine Bitcoins

BTC gold

Bitcoin fever has been spreading all over the world as prices skyrocket. As the purchase price and transactions of Bitcoins goes up, more people are needed to process these financial transactions via the block-chain. You may have heard to these terms as Bitcoin speculation becomes mainstream and covered in our local media. When you hear about bitcoin “mining,” you envisage coins being dug out of the ground. But bitcoin isn’t physical, so why do we call it mining?

Because it’s similar to gold mining in that the bitcoins exist in the protocol’s design (just as the gold exists underground), but they haven’t been brought out into the light yet (just as the gold hasn’t yet been dug up). The bitcoin protocol stipulates that 21 million bitcoins will exist at some point. What “miners” do is bring them out into the light, a few at a time. They get to do this as a reward for creating blocks of validated transactions and including them in the blockchain.

Here’s a quick summary of how Bitcoin works, it starts with Bitcoin mining:

“Bitcoin mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, known as the block chain, and also the means through which new bitcoin are released.  Anyone with access to the internet and suitable hardware can participate in mining.  The mining process involves compiling recent transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally difficult puzzle.  The participant who first solves the puzzle gets to place the next block on the block chain and claim the rewards.  The rewards, which incentivize mining, are both the transaction fees associated with the transactions compiled in the block as well as newly released bitcoin.”

“Mining is intentionally designed to be resource-intensive and difficult so that the number of blocks found each day by miners remains steady. Individual blocks must contain a proof of work to be considered valid. This proof of work is verified by other Bitcoin nodes each time they receive a block. Bitcoin uses the hashcash proof-of-work function.
The primary purpose of mining is to allow Bitcoin nodes to reach a secure, tamper-resistant consensus. Mining is also the mechanism used to introduce Bitcoins into the system: Miners are paid any transaction fees as well as a “subsidy” of newly created coins. This both serves the purpose of disseminating new coins in a decentralized manner as well as motivating people to provide security for the system.
Bitcoin mining is so called because it resembles the mining of other commodities: it requires exertion and it slowly makes new currency available at a rate that resembles the rate at which commodities like gold are mined from the ground.”

Now that it is so profitable to buy and sell Bitcoins from exchanges all over the world, people are starting to use workplace resources to profit from Bitcoin mania!

Here are a few notable improprieties which made the headlines:

A New York City Education Department Employee Got Caught Mining Bitcoin at Work  It doesn’t appear as though he got fired.

Federal Reserve staffer caught mining bitcoins at work fined $5,000     The ex-employee, Nicholas Berthaume, pleaded guilty in October to one misdemeanor count of unlawful conversion of government property – namely, for installing unauthorized software on the server.

Today’s most egregious misuse of Bitcoin mining hails from Russia:

Russian Scientists Arrested for Using Nuclear Weapon Facility to Mine Bitcoins!

How crazy has the Bitcoin phenomenon gotten? A group of Russian scientists who were supposed to be working on that country’s nuclear warheads chose instead to use the supercomputers at their disposal to mine for cryptocurrency.
As you might expect, it didn’t work out well for them. According to BBC, Russian officials have arrested an unknown number of scientists for the security infraction at the Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov, a restricted area in the western part of the country.
“There has been an unsanctioned attempt to use computer facilities for private purposes including so-called mining,” the center’s press service told the BBC.
The supercomputer the scientists allegedly used was actually not supposed to be connected to the Internet at all, as a security precaution. When the scientists went online, that tripped a warning at the center’s security department. It wasn’t long before the wannabe crypto tycoons found themselves in hot water.
Sarov is part of the heart of Russia’s nuclear operations. The first USSR nuke was built there, and anyone who wants to enter the city must first receive permission from the Russian government.


Lada’s two cents:

It’s rather funny, if you ask me. Told you, FSB does a pretty good job! I can confirm: Sarov is a science center for things secret and innovative in Russia.

On another note, apart form the usual human greed, there is another reason some Russian scientists feel the need to resort to a search for additional income. It is a remnant of the hungry ’90s mentality, even if this is not the case any more.

Back in the USSR Russian/Soviet scientists all made very good money, plus, I can attest that the mentality was largely different, and greed rarely made it into the mental frame of mind of most people, at least not ‘the all-consuming greed’ we are observing sometimes in the West.

But when the USSR collapsed, in the ’90s the scientists became one of the poorest classes. From riches to rags, so to speak. This explains the phenomenon of why so many Russian high-profile tech and science specialists moved to the West, namely US,western EU, Canada and Australia in the ’90s and early 2000s. It was easy for Soros and NGOs to seduce them with high incomes.

This situation is changing dramatically at this time, and science in Russia is yet again rapidly becoming a leading and highly respected profession. Some of these people were so patriotic that they never left, and that’s who preserved the great Soviet/Russian science and many of its still secret innovations, which, I’m sure we’ll be seeing revealed as we progress into the Age of Aquarius!

On a more serious Bitcoin note!

We have discussed the possibility of a bubble, how compromised and how lucrative Bitcoin, Ether and other crypto-currencies are in the No. 1 bestselling:


​Lada Ray practical advice, multi-dimensional revelations & bold predictions
Prepare to learn the truths no one else will tell you – from quantum futurist and global predictor Lada Ray!


Bitcoin /Ether/ crypto are discussed in this webinar together with the future of USD and fiat money, gold/silver, real estate and much more! Follow link for full description!


GLOBAL HACKER NEWS is an author feature written especially for FuturisTrendcast. It is authored by Maddie Walsh from 1EarthUnite blog, where she posts her popular regular feature, Hacker News. 

1EarthUnite is a blog portal for developing awareness and awakening!

Follow the Awakener and Bridge Maddie Walsh on her blog, and on Twitter @1_Earth_United!



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