Upcoming Dutch Referendum on Ukraine: EU Pressure – Can the Vote Be Rigged?

Dutch referendum on Ukraine is looming. In the run up to it, EU and US pressure voters to approve Kiev-EU association. Various tactics, from brainwashing, threatening with Russia and the ‘new Hitler,’ to direct bribes are applied. Billionaire Soros promises 200,000 euros for YES votes.

So far, Dutch citizens don’t buy it. The preliminary poll’s results are: 44.5% YES, 55.5% NO.

Dutch journalists have leaked government plans on dealing with an upcoming referendum on a controversial treaty between the EU and Ukraine. The Association Agreement envisions closer economic, political and cultural ties between Kiev and the bloc. A ‘NO’ vote in the referendum would force Dutch politicians to reconsider the pact, which they have already approved without consulting the public.


Update 2/23/16. Dutch vote Q&A – can it be rigged?

kostya What… are there no DIEBOLD voting machines in Holland? Those things vote correctly every time in the US! Otherwise they could end up like Ireland – having to vote year after year after until they finally are cracked to the EU whip.

Lada Ray They’ll try to rig the vote, I’m sure. Will they succeed? They might. 50/50. It all depends on whether EU feels they must rebel against the US now, or not yet. In the end it won’t go far anyway.

Christa We don’t use voting machines in NL, we vote with the famous “red pencil” if that is any help!

Christa The Dutch government will do ánything to get yes votes from the public, they will use OUR money to fund campaigns and even have a Dutch/Ukrainian actress in their pocket to explain how “good” this treaty is for us and the eu. But they won’t succeed, not anymore! The country is down to 3rd world level and the people are not buying it anymore! There was an interesting article in our biggest “newspaper’ the other day, written by a famous Dutch writer. He studied this “association” in depth, comparing it with other treaties we have signed, and in the article he explains that this so-called “association” is in fact an agreement to cooperate on a military and technological level!!!!! He calls this agreement “pure cheating” and calls on the public to vote NO, just like he will do and states that he is not sponsored in any way by the Kremlin or any other political/lobbyist group to be against this treaty. He will vote NO at the referendum because he says: “we are hoodwinked by our “elites”!

The full article is in Dutch but her is the link:


I’m not sure if everybody can read this, because normally you would have to be a subscriber, but I’ll try anyway! Thanks for all the articles Lada.

INTERVIEW: Soros funds Dutch Yes campaign in vote


About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on February 22, 2016, in Ask Lada, Ukraine, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 18 Comments.

  1. They want Ukraine for the rich soil for the world Satanist/Zionist so Monsanto can poisen the rest of the world.They are terrified their so called NWO plan just isn’t manifesting the way they wanted.people are wakeing up to the very intentional genocide and the nazies are in our government let’s not forget the Israel government who want us all as slaves.


  2. I heard there are places in Europe from WW1 where poison gas was used that look like Chernobyl lifeless and that about a hundred years ago.


  3. What… are there no DIEBOLD voting machines in Holland? Those things vote correctly every time in the US! Otherwise they could end up like Ireland – having to vote year after year after until they finally are cracked to the EU whip.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Lada, what about the UK referendum? Is there any real chance for a Brexit yet, or do we have to wait? What country will be first to leave the EU?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great question! I’ll reply in a new post – hopefully tomorrow.
      Sent you your ESR2 on Ukraine, hope you got it.


    • Hi Emil. Haven’t forgotten about your Brexit and EU question. Will have to postpone an article on that as I have too much on my plate right now. Do stay tuned. I’ll address it some time later in one of the future articles.
      Remember to like, share and comment on my posts! Thanks!


  5. The Dutch government will do ánything to get yes votes from the public, they will use OUR money to fund campaigns and even have a Dutch/Ukrainian actress in their pocket to explain how “good” this treaty is for us and the eu. But they won’t succeed, not anymore! The country is down to 3rd world level and the people are not buying it anymore! There was an interesting article in our biggest “newspaper’ the other day, written by a famous Dutch writer. He studied this “association” in depth, comparing it with other treaties we have signed, and in the article he explaines that this so called “association” is in fact an agreement to cooperate on a millitary and technological level!!!!! He calls this agreement “pure cheating” and calls on the public to vote NO, just like he will do and states that he is not sponsored in any way by the Kremlin or any other political/lobbyist group to be against this treatyI He will vote NO at the referendum because he says: “we are hoodwinked by our “elites”!
    The full article is in Dutch but her is the link:


    I’m not sure if everybody can read this, because normally you would have to be a subcriber to be able to read this, but I will try anyway!

    Thanks for all the articles Lada, I’m reading and not so much commenting, so much to do, so little time! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The New Roman Empire won’t be so easy to leave. They will throw everything at it to make sure they get the “right” result, even if it means faking it.


  7. I read elsewhere something, which can amount to wishful thinking: A while back Italy was shown an Italian documentary about the events in Ukraine. Then a few weeks ago, France was shown “The Masks of Revolution”. So maybe now, on the verge of the referendum, Holland will be shown a documentary on the shoot-down of MH-17?


    • Ah, wouldn’t that be great! Unfortunately, you’ve heard Crista: NL govt is not interested in the truth or the good of their people.
      They shift will be slow.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Apropos MH-17. Some “old” news, which I am sure were not publicised in the Western MSM. When Holland release the “final report”, Russian aviation authorities, RosAviation, named 6 facts pointing to falsehood in the Dutch final report regarding MH-17 shoot-down

      Russia’s official position is expressed in a letter to the head of the Dutch Security Commission

      In the letter these facts are set out in the following way:

      – discrepancy between the characteristics of the warhead elements of 9Н314М with the ones described in the report
      – discrepancy between the holes in the fuselage with the holes that would have been made by an explosion of the warhead elements of 9Н314М
      – discrepancy of at least one of the rocket fragments (3rd stage) found at the scene with the fragments that result in the explosion of the warhead part of series 9M38
      – discrepancy between the remote radio-detonation algorithm of 9M38 “Buk” with the conditions of the airlines dtrike
      – discrepancy between the situation of the rocket in the 3D space as presented in the report, with the actual strike field observed on the fuselage fragments.
      – discrepancy between the conclusion of the zone of the launch of the guided rocket that struck the airliner with the technical characteristics and the working principals of 9M38.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You may know already, but I just wanted to share.
        KVN 2016 started. Here is the link to first game in Sochi, which I just saw. Glad they are showing this first game now, they used not to, as far as I know.

        Was watching the opening: a team from London, UK – that’s a huge progress. That’s why I like KVN: they manage to unite people from all corners of the world, when so many do everything to divide. Well, besides the jokes and fun, of course. 😉

        Couldn’t help thinking: sadly teams from Ukraine can’t even show up there. The new Odessa team did pretty well in 2014, until the coup and all that craze happened. They forfeited their final that year. I’m sure they all received death threats, warning them not to dare.

        I remember how our Odessa University “Odesskie Djentelmeni’ team was champion for years. Even I played a tiny bit when they first started rising, but I left the country soon after.
        Now this seems like another planet and another reality. One of those old team’s members Filimonov was recently lauding Saakashvili and prophecing loyalty to junta. Imagine that!

        Liked by 1 person