Faith in humanity restored: Russian driver rescues kitten dangerously stuck on highway

I think it’s very inspirational and uplifting to watch such videos as they tend to restore our tarnished faith in humanity and give us hope.

As a cat and animal lover, I almost had a heart attack watching the beginning. Security cams in the western Russian enclave of Kaliningrad recorded a video of a little kitten that somehow fell out of a passing vehicle. Then we see cars and trucks passing at high speed, trying to give kitten a wide enough berth so not to hurt him. It was indeed a miracle he has survived. Finally, one driver stops and takes the kitten into his car.

(Камеры видеонаблюдения запечатлели спасение котенка, оказавшегося на оживленной проезжей части в Калининграде. Выпавшего из автомобиля малыша чудом не зацепили проносящиеся мимо машины и грузовики. Один из водителей в итоге остановился и отнес котенка к себе в салон.)

Here are other videos showing people escorting lost duck families to safety:

Russia: Group of women escort mother duck and her babies across busy road

I have to say things like stopping on the road to help animals in need, or people in need, are very common in Russia.

Russian policemen stop traffic to help ducks cross the road in Kazan’

Friendly russian drivers help a family of ducks clear the road in Ufa


I once posted this famous video compilation on Lada Ray Blog. CLICK HERE: Beautiful Russian Compilation of Random Acts of Kindness that Won’t Leave Anyone Untouched

Here is another version of this viral video compilation of random acts of kindness to humans and animals on Russian roads:


There are tons of random moments of kindness caught on camera on Russian roads. I show several such Russian dashcam pics in my video: Quantum Scale of Consciousness: Life-Creating Calibrations (ProjectEarthShift 2). Time stamp: 14:10 – look under Calibration 480-499: HUMANITY & COMPASSION:


My new interview with  The Cosmic Switchboard Show host James Bartley will be out tomorrow, Friday, September 16. In the interview we will touch upon a number of important topics never previously discussed or fully explained! Expect lots of new revelations!

All links will be posted here, on FT!

About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on September 15, 2016, in Animals & Mother Earth, Lada Ray Recommends, Quantum & Geo Calibrations, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. BZ on the cat :)!! Brave guy with a heart. Looking forward to the Cosmic Switchboard. Pretty good Full Moon… so far.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for the positive videos on Russian road manners. Last one I saw had guys beating the stuffing out of each other. Vodka, maybe?! 🙂


    • no, just simple, ordinary info war and anti-Russian propaganda: hoaxes, info dumps, the works. How do you actually know the video was made in Russia and not in Ukraine – just parading it as Russia? And when it was made: could be the tough 90s?

      I’ve never personally seen people beating each other up on Russian roads, or doing anything appalling. Actually, lately drivers have become very nice and courteous in Russia.

      Have you ever driven on NYC, CT or MA roads and seen how terribly drivers behave there?

      Liked by 1 person

    • P.S. An incidentally, have you seen how many dead animals there are everywhere on US roads? Didn’t want to mention this in this positive post, but since you decided to bring it up: US drivers squash the poor deer, beavers and other animals all the time and never stop to help. We often drive to various cities and we see corpses of poor animals everywhere along country roads. I witnessed more than once how they run over some animal and keep speeding on at night, WAVERING. Now that’s HEAVY DRINKING FOR YOU. And, oh, surprise! These drinkers are NOT Russians but AMERICANS in their trucks!

      Double standards much?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That was a very brave and smart kitten, in order to survive it knew to stay still and wait…. probably knowing that a nice person would stop and rescue her. Very heartwarming video, thanks for sharing Lada. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I know this heart touching compilation by Arkadiy featuring the marvelous movie soundtrack of the Cinematic orchestra. It’s been a while but every time I’m watching it I get tears in my eyes… This is the future: animals and helpless people are respected and unconditionally loved. Russia again is here a waymarker for the world. I was and I am still deeply impressed by the impact of this very special video.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The video of the kitten in traffic was absolutely hair-raising!! I was never so glad to see that man stop and put it in his car, bless his heart. May God bless him ten times over! Thank you for the videos, Lada. I am so gratified to see examples of the compassionate actions of the Russian people. Those are my kind of people! There are people like that here in the U.S. also; I would say the majority of folks here are good-hearted. But it is true that there are callous people as well, just as there are in many other places. I can vouch for what you said about what is euphemistically called “roadkill” here in the U.S. (awful word!) I live on the edge of a nature preserve so I see it all the time. Nearly blind ‘possums, jack rabbits and feral cats try to cross city streets at night to return to the preserve after foraging in nearby neighborhoods. They don’t have a chance, poor things.

    Here’s a little story you may enjoy: I recently accepted into my care a beautiful silvery-grey Tabby kitten, a little stray with amber eyes who apparently climbed up into my friend’s car to find a safe and warm place to sleep on a cold night. In the morning my friend, upon returning from errands that took her all around Southern California on our freeways for several hours, heard faint cries when she turned off the engine and got out of her car. Thinking she was hearing a bird she walked around trying to locate the creature. The plaintive cries led her back to her own car. She opened the engine compartment, and to her horror, found that this tiny six week-old kitten had somehow managed to hold on for dear life during the entire trip by hunkering down on the mud skirt that surrounds the engine. Letty brought her inside, cleaned her up, fed her and called me. She couldn’t keep her where she lives, could I keep her until she found a home for her? It would depend on how my two adult boy kitties felt about it, but, I told her, let’s try. After a few tense days they did accept her. We decided we would call “our” little girl Tsuitero, a word that signifies the quality of being lucky in Japanese. We think it fits.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. moved me to tears here reading that; there is a stray cat a really beautiful calico who i tried to take in but it was opposed by other members of the family; what didn’t help was her wild personality, she is very aggressive which never aided the prospect of adopting her; it really saddened me; what can be done with her when obviously noone will take her?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Valkyria. A belated reply about the calico cat you wanted to adopt. I don’t know the whole story, so I don’t why she is aggressive, but apparently, because she never had kindness in her life and she doesn’t trust anyone as a result. I have met many cats, including calicos and they are extremely sweet and loving.

      My advice: perhaps you could feed her by bringing food to her to a specific location and call her the same way (name, some sort of key word such as ‘sweetie, food’ every time you give her food, also helps to pet her and speak to her while she eats. Kitties love that. She will eventually come to trust you. After a while, she may calm down to trust other humans and animals.
      The key is petting and emanating love, also talk to her in a very soothing voice.

      WARNING! After she begins to truly open up and trust you, don’t abandon her – you’ll have to adopt her, or at least find a very good home. Otherwise, she’ll be heartbroken and become even more hardened. You can also post ads for adoption to a good home, if your family won’t have her.

      Best of luck!

