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Faith in humanity restored: Russian driver rescues kitten dangerously stuck on highway

I think it’s very inspirational and uplifting to watch such videos as they tend to restore our tarnished faith in humanity and give us hope.

As a cat and animal lover, I almost had a heart attack watching the beginning. Security cams in the western Russian enclave of Kaliningrad recorded a video of a little kitten that somehow fell out of a passing vehicle. Then we see cars and trucks passing at high speed, trying to give kitten a wide enough berth so not to hurt him. It was indeed a miracle he has survived. Finally, one driver stops and takes the kitten into his car.

(Камеры видеонаблюдения запечатлели спасение котенка, оказавшегося на оживленной проезжей части в Калининграде. Выпавшего из автомобиля малыша чудом не зацепили проносящиеся мимо машины и грузовики. Один из водителей в итоге остановился и отнес котенка к себе в салон.)

Here are other videos showing people escorting lost duck families to safety:

Russia: Group of women escort mother duck and her babies across busy road

I have to say things like stopping on the road to help animals in need, or people in need, are very common in Russia.

Russian policemen stop traffic to help ducks cross the road in Kazan’

Friendly russian drivers help a family of ducks clear the road in Ufa


I once posted this famous video compilation on Lada Ray Blog. CLICK HERE: Beautiful Russian Compilation of Random Acts of Kindness that Won’t Leave Anyone Untouched

Here is another version of this viral video compilation of random acts of kindness to humans and animals on Russian roads:


There are tons of random moments of kindness caught on camera on Russian roads. I show several such Russian dashcam pics in my video: Quantum Scale of Consciousness: Life-Creating Calibrations (ProjectEarthShift 2). Time stamp: 14:10 – look under Calibration 480-499: HUMANITY & COMPASSION:


My new interview with  The Cosmic Switchboard Show host James Bartley will be out tomorrow, Friday, September 16. In the interview we will touch upon a number of important topics never previously discussed or fully explained! Expect lots of new revelations!

All links will be posted here, on FT!