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POLL: Do You Agree With Italy Closing Border to Migrants? #FuturisTrendcast Wants Your Opinion!

#FuturisTrendcast WANTS YOUR OPINION! This is your chance to participate and get your voice heard!


Do you believe Italy has been accepting a disproportionate number of refugees/migrants from the Middle East/Africa, without sufficient support from EU, or do you think their actions are ‘cynical and inhumane,’ as French president Macron has suggested?

Do France and EU have the right to criticize and point fingers?

Is it a good idea for the EU to accept that many migrants?

Is this karma after the West mercilessly bombed, colonized and sucked dry all those countries?

Do you have better ideas where people who suffer from ISIS, wars and US/NATO bombings should go?

What will happen to Europe if the uncontrolled migrant flow continues?

All opinions are welcome, but they have to be civilized and reasonable. No rudeness or xenophobia allowed! (This a moderated forum and anything that doesn’t comply with FT Blog Rules will be automatically deleted).



I’ll give you a LADA RAY SIGNATURE clue:

The clashes between EU members and internal divisions happening today in the EU are all part of the ongoing EARTH SHIFT! Everything that’s happening is interconnected and more big changes are coming! Be ready!



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(FH&FO series ESW7-10)


Have a nice weekend and relax to some kindness and compassion: tweets that impressed me!

Wishing all a beautiful weekend! Relax to some kindness and compassion: tweets that impressed me:



**This new Patreon post is made FREE for FuturisTrendcast subscribers! See original


In response to my latest FuturisTrendcast posts I received some interesting comments from followers, which I want to share with you, along with my thoughts.


Just became one of your Patreon subscribers. I do appreciate your work although I’m still behind in reading older ESR’s, re-reading The Earth Shifter. Webinars are up to date except for Putin Enigma and I will have that one finished before the March elections.

It’s taken me a while to realize your work isn’t really linear. I see now that reading some of the 2014 ESR’s from today’s vantage point might add a new dimension and speed up the reading as I won’t need to click on some of the sub links.

Lada Ray 

  • Thank you for subscribing. Yes, my work is NOT linear, it’s Multidimensional, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell everyone. Perhaps many people are still unable to process that. Although, this is what humanity sorely needs to finally get out of the vicious box of karma and recurring conflict.
    Thanks for pointing it up!

    teresa preston 

    Thank you Lada. Your voice is so clear. In America I am watching friends finally beginning the journey that most of your readers passed thru years ago. I value and appreciate everything you do. You are writing the first drafts or the true oral history of life on Earth and right now they are passing by word of mouth.


    I appreciate it. 🙂



It’s very simple. Humanity had for centuries, millennia really, holed itself up in a narrow and tight box of perpetuating karma and self-fulfilling prophecy. This came with the type of mentality that I describe as 1D, 2D and lower 3D mentality.

“D” signifies “dimension.” Therefore, we are talking a lower-dimensional mentality and consciousness, presently dominating humanity. I have described how it works in previous ESW 1-6.

Soon, we’ll have dedicated webinars, talking about forbidden history, the plunge in consciousness, why humanity needs to stay physically anchored in the 3D reality while having consciousness on the 4D, and even better, on the 5D levels. All this is to come in 2018 and 2019.

I have told you in my previous Earth Shift Webinars (The Multidimensional Geopolitics Series ESW 1-6) that humanity’s consciousness is transitioning into lower 4D, which is great news on many fronts. I also discussed the signs of the 4D transitioning in my new Patreon article: What do I mean when I say we are transitioning into 4D? How does 4D work?

I also told you in my Earth Shift Webinars that the real solution is for human consciousness to make a monumental SHIFT into Fifth Dimension, or 5D.

When I write my books and blogs, do my webinars or videos, I also incorporate higher dimensions. My theories, which many of you have already gleaned, have been conceived in those dimensions and brought here on Earth from celestial realms. I hope we can discuss all that going forward, in future webinars and books.

However, the reality of things on the planet is such that simultaneously we have consciousness that is 2D, 3D, 4D and partially 5D, and even some 1D consciousness is present.

Therefore, to truly understand the world we live in and to develop correct and forward-looking solutions it is important to include all that in our analysis and worldview.

I have been trying to reach out to people with my ideas and Multidimensional and Earth Shift Theories. 

One day humans will simply have to understand that our world is simultaneously two-prong:

  1. There is a great variety in it
  2. In this endless variety, we ultimately are all ONE

One day humanity will have to understand all this, for their own survival…

I’ll continue talking and teaching, pushing the boundaries and co-creating 5D Earth Shift.

I am inviting you to join me through Patreon, FuturisTrendcast, Webinars and future BOOKS!


To faster get new revolutionary articles and important features, which you can get exclusively from Lada Ray, support me on PATREON!





Bull Fadjen resqued from bullfighting: #5D in action = #Love #Humanity #Compassion

It’s #5D personified! 5th Dimension in action = #love + #humanity + #compassion + #respect. Giant bull Fadien, saved from bullfighting, is so gentle & loving because he was shown the same… Every day he showers his rescuer and others around him with the love he feels. Fadjen serves as a very important ambassador to help people understand humanity and compassion.

Both the bull and the human show the world how TRUE 5th Dimension works:

(Thanks to   & 

(You can find Lada Ray on Twitter @LadaTweets)

Incidentally, Humanity and Compassion calibrate at 480-499 (Level of HUMANITY & COMPASSION). Love and Respect calibrate at 500-539 (Level of LOVE). These levels correspond with 5D (and often with higher dimensions, too)!

Learn more about

Lada Ray’s Multidimensional Universe theory – free

Quantum Calibrations -free

We talk a lot about it in the latest


Go to WEBINARS PAGE to order whole 3-Webinar series or individual webinars!


Russian Volunteers save 1300 dogs and cats from terrible fate in China

Russian volunteers, with the help of local police, stopped illegal truck carrying 1300 dogs and cats transported in horrific conditions, stuffed 5-10 to a tiny cage, many wounded, bleeding and dying from heat, thirst and hunger. These poor animals were to be killed and eaten at the Yulin dog meat festival. The Russian volunteers had to sneak the saved animals in secret into shelters and animal sanctuaries. These organizations must keep their addresses secret due to attacks by the dog and cat meat traders — a horrific custom still existing in the rural areas of China.

I want to stress that it was an international effort; the Chinese volunteers and Chinese animal shelters were involved.

The good news, many innocent animals have been saved.

Video (sorry, graphic):

St.Petersburg Metro Bombing Tribute: Heroes and Grace Under Fire


Grace and Humanity under fire

The terrorist act in St. Petersburg Metro reportedly took 14 lives and injured a large number of people.

The bombed train Driver 1st Class Alexandr Kaverin (Машинист петербургского метро Александр Каверин) received much praise and became an instant celebrity after he reacted correctly and quickly in the face of danger. He managed to take the train out of the tunnel filled with smoke and drive it to the next station. Per reports, his actions saved many lives.

Also received commendations and state awards: Metro inspector who discovered the second bomb at another station Ploszhad Vostania  «Площадь Восстания». The second bomb was found in the fire extinguisher at that station. Due to the inspector’s quick actions it never went off. Another award was given to the station manager on duty, who prevented panic and organized the orderly evacuation of passengers.

Account of the event by salt-of-the-earth hero, Metro Train Driver Alexandr Kaverin:

“I heard a loud pop and train stopped in the tunnel. Smoke was filling the tunnel. There was no panic, but passengers initially gave conflicting accounts of what happened.

However, we managed to determine the real cause of emergency within one minute. We lucked out: the train stopped near tunnel exchange. After my emergency signal 3 other Metro employees quickly arrived at the scene and we were able to determine what happened.

After that, I tested the train and determined that movement was not impeded. Made decision to drive to the station. I’m not a hero, just acted according to instructions. We had terror acts before this. Some very smart people wrote our emergency instructions.

When we arrived at the station all doors opened right away, except the doors in the bombed car, which were jammed. I want to thank my train passengers: those who got out didn’t leave but began helping to pry the doors open, they basically had to tear and break these doors to help the victims inside.”

Video with awards and hero train driver interview (Rus):


After the explosion the emergency protocol was triggered and all Metro stations were shut down as the search for any potential explosives was underway. Metro closure was tough for the city of 5 million.

After the word of the bombing got out, private drivers and cabbies from all over the city flocked to the site. Not to make money of the tragedy, no. They offered free rides to those in need. City gas stations chipped in by offering free gas to drivers who took stranded passengers home for free.

Today near Red Square: huge crowd of Muscovites gathers to pay tribute to St. Petersburg bombing victims:

ADDED: ‘Petersburg, we are with you!’: Memorial event to honor victims of metro bombing (360 video)

Video: Tribute to victims. St Petersburg

The world pays tribute to the victims of St. Petersburg bombing

Russian Embassy Kiev, Ukraine (there are normal Ukrainians)

Also Kiev (normal Ukrainians – Viktoria Shilova, Antivoina)

Russian Embassy Paris

Eiffel Tower dims its lights for St. Petersburg attack victims

Sennaya Ploschad Metro Station, St, Petersburg

Moscow Kremlin, flowers at the Eternal Flame, the Hero City Leningrad monument

Russian Embassy London

Sevastopol, Crimea, flowers at the Hero City Leningrad monument

Colors of the Russian flag on Tel Aviv Mayor’s Office, Israel:

And in the midst of all this, GERMANY, AND SPECIFICALLY BERLIN, SHOWED ITS TRUE COLORS! I should qualify that it is the government of Germany and of Berlin, and Merkel personally who showed their true colors.

If you recall since day one I said Merkel was damaged goods and predicted sh was not to be trusted. Back in 2014 I received got backlash for it, with Europeans arguing with me. I’ll tell you more about Merkel’s future soon – stay tuned!

Hypocrisy: traditionally, in solidarity with terror attacks victims, the Brandenburg Gate would be lighted with colors of a country where a terrorist act had occurred. It had been previously lighted with the French flag after Paris attacks, Belgian, Israeli, Turkish, American flag (Orlando attack), etc.

When St. Petersburg attack took place – no reaction, NOTHING, Zero! Despite citizens’ demands, Berlin mayor refused to light the gate with the Russian flag colors, thus showing German govt’s and Merkel’s true colors (as if it was a secret before).

To the credit of Berliners, they’ve displayed a small replica of the Brandenburg Gate and painted it the colors of the Russian flag.

This video is a translation of the German alternative journalist’s rant about this shameful behavior, called, ‘Brandenburg Gate, show the colors of humanity.’  Note, on thumbnail you see Brandenburg Gate painted the colors of the Russian flag – this is a fotoshop done in protest by German activists. In reality, the Brandenburg Gate remains IN THE DARK.



I calibrated St. Petersburg as one of the cities I selected for my Earth Shift Report 17 Quality of Life Geo Calibrations study, and it turned out to be one of the highest calibrated and desirable major cities on the planet! This is despite harsh winters.

Much of the high calibration of St. Pete undoubtedly comes from its amazing culture and unparalleled beauty. But as we have seen, it also comes from the high quality of its citizens and their grace in the worst circumstances imaginable.

St. Pete is still a Hero City, even if it’s not called Leningrad any more. 

During WWII, the Hero City Leningrad experienced the most brutal in human history siege, perpetrated against it by German Nazis, resulting in mass starvation and genocide, and costing 650,000 civilian lives. But it never surrendered and it was never taken by the enemy. 


To find out more


Feeding off Prana, Existing in Third Dimension and Human Evolution


In response to Lada Ray article, Truth about meat and dairy farms. Are organic dairy products ‘humane’? Lada’s tips on going vegan,

Noeline says 

I first became aware of the plight of animals when the train I travelled to school passed an abattoirs when I was a teenager. The humans controlling the animals prodded them with electric stickers which must have caused much pain. Everything is energy whether animal or vegetable in the holographic view of reality. I have seen plants reacting to violence too. Perhaps we should evolve and live on prana… would save a lot of hassle and allow us time to focus on many other things.


Noeline, your sensitivity to energy is admirable. I do understand how you feel. The physical existence for which we, as humans, chose to incarnate can often get both hard and tiring for those who see more than others.

Charging up our batteries directly through the universal energy would be ideal, and there are those among humans who dream of it. This is understandable longing for something purer and better. However, it is also naive.

In order to stop eating the way humans do as a rule, humanity should be at a completely different level of development. Beings in other, higher dimensions do exist this way. In the fully incarnated physical form we cannot.

Yes, it is true that humanity is slowly progressing towards a higher consciousness. As it does, a deeper understanding of how to eat better, healthier and so not to cause harm to others, emerges.

But it’s also true that in this Third Dimension (3D) experience we unavoidably become a part of the physical life-death-rebirth cycle.

This is not to denigrate 3D in any shape or form. 3D on Planet Earth is a grand experiment in the expansion of consciousness and full physical incarnation, which is highly valued in the Universe as a whole. Why is that? This is a separate discussion, which I want to have some other time.

The truth is that even at this level of human consciousness, we all also live of the energy of water we drink. We absorb (feed on) the sun energy, the moon energy, and the energy of rivers, seas, forests, wind, etc. In addition to liquid and solid foods, this is part of our charging and nutrition. It is a complete cosmic ecological system designed to sustain life in the Earthly realm of 3D.

But it’s also naive to think anything is free. In order to get anything, one way or another you have to contribute back (pay back) something valuable through your service and your very existence. The higher-dimensional beings, who charge (feed) through a direct energy exchange, do not get this ‘free’ energy for free either. They pay back through their participation in the creation, maintenance, cleaning, fixing, expansion, contraction, etc., of the Universe. Some higher-dimensional beings choose to incarnate on Earth to contribute through teaching, wayshowing, leading, and support of others.

Generally, no other being in the Universe questions the fact that they have to give back. Strangely (there is a reason for that), only humans question why and whether they must share and contribute. And only humans dream of getting something for nothing.

Therefore, the issue I have raised in: Truth about meat and dairy farms. Are organic dairy products ‘humane’? Lada’s tips on going vegan, is not meant to call on humans to starve to death, or to become something that for the majority of us, who lead active and productive lives among other humans, isn’t feasible, or even logical.

Sure, there are 5 or 6 yogi in the Himalayas who are able to sustain themselves on sun and air, while meditating. For the rest of the 7 billion on the planet this isn’t an option because our activity goes beyond meditation.

The issue I have raised is only in part about our personal physical health, well-being, as well as emotional and ethical balance.

Even more so, it is a spiritual issue. It is the issue of practical human evolution.

A physician would give an oath to ‘first do no harm.’ For some incomprehensible reason humans assume that they own everything on Planet Earth, including animals, plants, natural resources, air and sun. They assume that they can do as they please with all the resources on our planet. This includes killing or causing pain to other humans and to innocent animals.

Great spiritual teachers always talked about treading softly on our planet, causing as little disruption through our existence as possible. I call it leaving a light footprint. I have always tried to live my life this way. This includes ‘first doing no harm’ to anyone or anything.

Unfortunately, most humans do just the opposite. Being as loud and as disruptive as possible seems to be the goal of many. It’s especially visible in the US: loud snow blowers, loud leaf blowers, gas guzzlers, unnecessary machines of all kinds. Loud noises they call ‘music,’ loud (illegal) 4th of July fireworks…Whatever happened to the good old physical exercise and working with your hands? Whatever happened to respecting other human beings around you?

It’s not just the US: many Asian countries try to outdo the US in every way possible. At the core of the problem is human fear, greed and pride – a desire to keep up with the proverbial Joneses.

What I am proposing is teaching ourselves how to live our daily lives leaving a light footprint. Living the kind of life that is good for our souls. It’s the opposite to what the majority is doing: living a life that may temporarily feel good physically and emotionally, but that camouflages an enormous void inside.

Part of the evolution of a human soul should be living consciously, taking only what you need and no more, and trying not to cause harm to anyone, including innocent animals who cannot protect themselves.

P.S. Anticipating a possible question… Incidentally, humans also feed of the energy of each other. This process occurs a lot more frequently than many think. This can be productive and empowering to each party involved, or at least neutral to the source. But it can also be predatory, or vampirical, when one wants to take, but give nothing back. This is yet another separate and very interesting discussion, for another time.

There is another process, when adverse human energy has to be cleansed, collected and/or absorbed by someone so the world can continue spinning. Empaths and Incarnated Angels are often tasked with taking on humans’ adverse energy. Not an easy feat and also a subject of a separate discussion. Stay tuned!

For more read on  EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM





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Truth about meat and dairy farms. Are organic dairy products ‘humane’? Lada’s tips on going vegan

Dear friends, this kind of post isn’t usually a focus of FuturisTrendcast, although it should be, as it is something that will become a bigger and bigger trend in the future, as consciousness of our planet grows and expands. It is also a part, yet undocumented, of my Multidimensional and Earth Shift theories.


As humanity progresses towards the EARTH SHIFT of human consciousness,

the realization of the inconvenient truth: that humans are cruel to animals

and a growing desire not to harm animals and nature

are to become a major developing global trend

I intend to speak about the issues of humanity, love and appreciation for our Mother Earth and nature in the future. This is a two-part series of first posts of this nature. I have published them on LadaRay Blog.

The first post is entitled The truth about the cruel price of your meat and milk

Here is a brief excerpt:

Deliberate cruelty, greed, gluttony and robbing others to enrich themselves: humans do this to each other, and to poor, innocent animals of Planet Earth.

Want your meat and your milk? This is what happens behind the scenes…

THE CRUEL PRICE OF MILK: cows and goats are artificially impregnated. Newly born baby animals are taken away from their mothers at birth, without allowing them to experience their mother’s love, so that humans could milk cows and goats for milk, yogurt, cheese and butter. Then helpless, hungry and terrified baby animals are sold for meat!

This is tweeted by a my Tweepal Maryanne (god bless her for her effort to help innocent animals who cannot help themselves).

Did you know….Mother goats do not forget the sound of their kids’ voices…even up to 17 months after they have been separated



Complete post, plus positive animal rescue videos from Doreen Virtue

The follow up is my reply to a reader question, and I am posting most of it here: 

Are organic dairy products ‘humane’? And Lada’s tips on going vegan (includes my tips and a video from one of my recommended YT channels).


Lada’s answer

They are likely better, but unfortunately still commercial, and therefore, the same applies: animals are artificially impregnated and babies are sacrificed so humans can have their milk. Organic doesn’t guarantee – and doesn’t really imply – ‘humane’ or ‘fair’ to animals.

I’ve tried our local organic, ‘humane’ yogurt and eggs for a while, which are sold at our local organic health food coop. I trust the people and the store very much. It’s one of the best health food markets I’ve ever seen, and I’ve shopped everywhere.

I’m not an egg person at all, but I did want some yogurt in my diet. But recently I stopped doing that as well. Alas, there is no other way of getting a cow’s or goat’s milk, other than depriving the babies of it. Or mama-animals have to be pumped with drugs so they overproduce milk. And we then drink or eat all that! So, our own health and well-being are also a question. Plus, the fact that babies, especially baby boys, are sold for highly priced meat is too well-known.

There are good vegan milk alternatives: almond, soy, coconut, cashew. As an example, in the US they are sold in stores like Wegmans, Whole Foods, and local health food stores.

You can also make your own vegan milk, yogurt and even vegan cheese. Home made vegan cheese is actually ‘a thing.’ 😉

I was vegan for years, well before it was fashionable and when the label used was ‘vegetarian.’ It just felt right. Then, there was a lapse when I tried all kinds of foods due to frequent moves and travel. I’m now getting back to vegan lifestyle, gradually.

For those who follow my Multidimensional and Earth Shift theories, vegan lifestyle corresponds with the 5th Dimension (5D).

I am now trying some great old and new recipes. If there is an interest, I’ll eventually post some recipes I’m presently re-learning.

I know it’s not for everyone, and no judgement at all. But those who prefer not to cause harm to animals and nature, are welcome to try.

For those who want to transition, the idea is to do it very slowly and gradually, so there is no discomfort to the system. Stay positive, gentle and non-judgmental to yourself.

Wishing everyone well. 🙂

P.S. There are many vegan videos on YouTube. I might share some in the future. Here is one example:

9 Practical Tips for Going VEGAN + Examples of Food I Eat

Full post and video

Sweet dog Dasha, protectress of Donetsk

This is a new video released Jan. 11, 2017 by News Front, with my Eng. translation.

Dasha the dog’s story told by a female member of the Donetsk People’s Republic’s self-defence regiment:

She survived all the bombings with us. The boys from our recognizance team rescued her during a bombing somewhere near Nikishino village. She was so starved and emaciated that she couldn’t stand on her feet. We, the medics, healed her, got her back on her feet. (At that moment Dasha extends her paw to her friend, as a thank you). “She knows we rescued her.”

She was very scared at first. I printed several ads in the Donetsk paper, hoping to find her owner. No one replied.

Dasha isn’t young any more, missing some front teeth. She is a very kind dog.

“She rides with us in the Urals (military vehicles), in cars, comes to drills and even accompanies us in battle, right, Dashen’ka?”

It appears the owner escaped the bombings and left her behind. It appears he’s alive, but no one knows why he abandoned her. Maybe couldn’t fit her in the car since she is a big dog, you know how people at the time ran in panic (LR: to escape the bombings of the Kiev junta and ukro-nazis). 

So, we have given her a home here and she now helps us protect Donetsk (again, Dasha places her paw on the lady to re-affirm the statement.)

That’s her life, her destiny now. Same is true for half of the dogs and cats of Donbass.

She loves to keep warm, loves to sleep on our beds, and we are glad to spoil her.

She feels the bombings coming and warns us with her behavior. “You are a good, good doggie, Dasha.”

She is big friends with our cats. Not so much with other dogs, but cats are her buddies. She is a big, intelligent dog. That’s our Dashka, ‘the dog of our regiment.’

We have lots of cats and there are also many local homeless dogs that our boys adopted. They are very helpful: as if live alarms, they warn us of upcoming attacks.

At that moment Dasha rolls on the cot, exposing her tummy.


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FREE Part 1 of




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More info and full description of this report HERE and HERE

This is PART 1 of Lada Ray’s EXCLUSIVE interview with The Plane Truth host, Paul Plane. For PART 2 MP4 video and both parts MP3 audio of this report please go to (donation-based):.




Also read the latest



(Written report)



Click to listen on YT to Lada Ray’s 10/21/16 interview with The Cosmic Switchboard:

Spiritual Geopolitics, Consciousness & Quantum Calibrations

(More info: New Interview! Lada Ray Spiritual Geopolitics, Consciousness and Quantum Calibrations)



New Interview! Lada Ray Spiritual Geopolitics, Consciousness and Quantum Calibrations

Cosmic Switchb 2.jpg

On October 21, 2016, I was interviewed by James Bartley, host of the The Cosmic Switchboard Radio. Please listen to free part 1 of the interview on Lada Ray YouTube channel and on The Cosmic Switchboard YT channel. Part 2, as usual, is available through a subscription to The Cosmic Switchboard!

Listen on YouTube!

Lada Ray Spiritual GeoPolitics, Consciousness & Quantum Calibrations 1/2 

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Intro by James

lada-ray-2Lada Ray is a writer, internationally certified Feng Shui master, world traveler, linguist, financial consultant, nature/animal lover and metaphysics researcher. Lada holds a Master’s Degree in comparative linguistics (graduated summa cum laude,) is fluent in several languages and has traveled to over twenty six countries worldwide. Lada was born in Russia. She is a Quantum Futurist and looks at Geopolitics from a Multidimensional Perspective.

In Part 1 Lada Ray discusses the merging of Spirituality and Geopolitics into what she calls Spiritual Geopolitics. She describes what she means by Earth Shift and goes into detail about what the Quantum Calibration Scale is all about. Each individual and nation has its own Life Force and Chi. Lada discusses how Mass Immigration and Mass Emigration can affect the Life Force of a nation either positively or negatively.


In Part 2 Lada Ray discusses the September 17th U.S. air strikes against the Syrian Army in order to aid the proxy ISIS/ISIL force. This coincided with the Russian Duma Elections the following day on September 18th. Lada discusses the little known Russian missile counterstrike on an American Intelligence Centre in Syria which was being used to coordinate terrorist activities inside Syria in order to destabilize Syria. This was in retaliation for the American and NATO airstrikes which killed a few Russian soldiers. This Russian Counterstrike has NOT been reported in the western propaganda media.

The Russians have deployed the advanced S300 Air Defence Missile System. She talks about the False Flag Bombing of the United Nations Convoy. The vehicles in the convoy were old and rusted and were NOT destroyed by a Russian air strike. It was a mainstream media lie. Lada believes there will NOT be a No Fly Zone in Syria.

Lada Ray also discusses Vladimir Putin’s “Plutonium Ultimatum.”

Lada Ray’s Websites are:, &
Lada Ray’s Books: The Earth Shifters, Stepford USA (Accidental Spy Small Town Adventure) , Green Desert (Accidental Spy Prequel),Gold Train: (Accidental Spy Russia Adventure) & Catharsis, Legend of the Lemurians (Earth Keepers 1)
Lada Ray’s Youtube Channel:



Now live & available!

New release October 21, 2016

Lada Ray’s EXCLUSIVE interview with The Plane Truth host, Paul Plane! 
(This is MP4/MP3 audio-video report)




NOTE! FREE version of PART 1 will be posted on LADA RAY YOUTUBE CHANNEL on Saturday, October 22. Please feel free to share it via social media links!


Intro and topics

Welcome to Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Report 16: US ELECTIONS AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER. Earth Shift Reports (ESRs) are supported exclusively by reader donations. Your donation is used to continue delivering FREE content on FuturisTrendcast, site and Lada Ray YouTube channel.

ESRs address the hottest and most important global topics of this decade and millennium: geopolitical analysis, exclusive intel, clandestine ops, explosive truth, plus Lada Ray’s sought after predictions!

We are pleased to welcome Paul Plane, host of Time Monk Radio show, THE PLANE TRUTH. In this exclusive interview Paul asks Lada poignant questions to reveal the truth, especially for the Earth Shift Report 16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER! 

Topics Summary:

The rebellion of the US electorate and clash of US elites.
Why Bernie Sanders caved in and did he really mean to win?
Who is Hillary Clinton and whose interests does she represent?
Spiritual Geopolitics: Clinton scandals and illnesses as manifestations of her tortured soul and major soul loss.

Who is Donald Trump and whose interests does he represent?
Why are Putin and Russia such big topics during these US elections?
Did Russians really hack DNC emails?
The Kremlin agent? Does Trump really have Russian connection?

Third parties and the outdated US electoral system.
Can this system be changed?
Is there a chance of a US civil war?

How and why Trump really got on top, despite fierce resistance?
How his rise reflects the discontent of the US electorate and desire to be friends with Russia.
What to expect from Hillary should she win?
What to expect from Trump and will he really be that different? 
Can we expect a breakthrough improvement in US – Russia relations should Trump win the presidency?
Who will win these elections – Lada’s explosive predictions.
Last, but not least: exclusive Lada Ray’s Quantum Calibrations for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, with interpretations. How these calibrations reflect the essence of each candidate and their prospects.

Topics in order of discussion:


1. The rebellion of the US electorate. Rebellion within Democratic and Republican parties.

2. The clash between two opposing camps of the US and global elites. Why it’s happening and why the clash will be intensifying.

3. Bernie Sanders, and why he caved in to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump, and why he won nomination.

4. Is US really the NWO pointman and how NWO headquarters moved to the US. What about European elites and what is the future of Western-based NWO project?

5. Hillary Clinton as NWO-based US elites chosen candidate. Why do they hang on to her despite all her health and email problems.

6. Lada Ray’s Spiritual Geopolitics and Quantum Calibrations: Hillary’s health issues as manifestations of her ailing soul and soul loss. How her soul is rebelling against her many crimes and lies.

7. Why Putin and Russia are such big topics in these US Elections? Why Hillary and her camp accuse Trump of being ‘the Kremlin’ or ‘KGB’ agent? Did Russians really hack the emails and are they behind Wikileaks disclosures? Why such hysteria?


1. The outdated US Electoral College system, and the needed change. Can the system really be fixed? PREDICTIONS.

2. Hillary vs. Trump prospects for winning the elections.

3. What to expect from Hillary Clinton should she win. Whom does she really represent? Does Hillary really want to start World War III?

4. Who is really Donald Trump and whom he represents.

5. Why are there so many violent protests against Trump rallies? Who’s behind them and why.

6. Why Trump really got to the top, despite fierce resistance of the elites within his own party. How it reflects the overall US discontent. How it reflects the desire of many Americans to be friends with Russia and the admiration towards Putin.

7. A billion dollar question: will Trump really be that different? Can we expect a breakthrough improvement in US – Russia relations, should Trump win presidency?
Will he really be the one who will ‘make American great again’? Or is the future path predetermined? PREDICTIONS.

8. In 2015 and early 2016 I predicted that “democrats will lose this election,’ yet I didn’t name Trump as the winner. Why didn’t I? Do I still think democrats will lose? Will Trump then win? PREDICTIONS.

9. Revealing Quantum Calibrations for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – and their interpretation. What do they tell us about each candidate and their chances of winning. What do they tell us about what kind of presidents they may be?


Report Stats: ESR16 is an exclusive Lada Ray interview by Paul Plane, host of the Time Monk Radio show THE PLANE TRUTH. It is a 2-part MP4 video report, with bonus MP3 audio added for your convenience.
Part 1 MP4 will also be posted FREE on Lada Ray YouTube (up Saturd. 10/22/16) – this FREE part can be shared via social media links.
Part 2 MP4 and Part 1 & 2 MP3 are available exclusively via a donation (please click on donate button above and you’ll be directed to the whole report)! 

Entire report-interview length: 2 hrs 13 min.
Part 1 length 50 min, Part 2 length: 1 hr 23 min



To listen/watch go to:






Dear readers,

Due to the time sensitive intel and fast-evolving events, I am releasing two Earth Shift Reports one after another. Most likely these are the last two ESRs this year and I’ll let you catch up reading and listening to them at your convenience.

ESR15: PUTIN’S PLUTONIUM ULTIMATUM TO THE US and ESR16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER contain some of the most important deep intel and predictions you’ll ever be able to read or listen to, and I promise they’ll be entertaining, too!

Reports, as usual, are donation-based and we do not set a specific amount, appreciating that different people have different financial circumstances. If you want to support ( Ray YT channel and Lada’s work, this is your best chance this year!

As always, thank you for your continued support, intelligent comments, and generous donations! I couldn’t do it without you!

Additional donations: SUPPORT at


Visit        Lada Ray YT channel



Latest update to earlier URGENT ALERT!

Paypal is now back up! Please donate and access ESRs as usual! Any problem accessing the report after donating, please email us and we’ll promptly email you direct link! Thank you for your wonderful continued support and patience!

It was a possible false flag. It’s totally gloves-off, and as discussed in ESR16 & ESR15, the fight will only continue getting uglier in view of the US Elections! What’s happening is making my Earth Shift Reports even more timely. Don’t miss them!

Maddie @ 1EarthUnited has an urgent post about this: READ HERE!

Faith in humanity restored: Russian driver rescues kitten dangerously stuck on highway

I think it’s very inspirational and uplifting to watch such videos as they tend to restore our tarnished faith in humanity and give us hope.

As a cat and animal lover, I almost had a heart attack watching the beginning. Security cams in the western Russian enclave of Kaliningrad recorded a video of a little kitten that somehow fell out of a passing vehicle. Then we see cars and trucks passing at high speed, trying to give kitten a wide enough berth so not to hurt him. It was indeed a miracle he has survived. Finally, one driver stops and takes the kitten into his car.

(Камеры видеонаблюдения запечатлели спасение котенка, оказавшегося на оживленной проезжей части в Калининграде. Выпавшего из автомобиля малыша чудом не зацепили проносящиеся мимо машины и грузовики. Один из водителей в итоге остановился и отнес котенка к себе в салон.)

Here are other videos showing people escorting lost duck families to safety:

Russia: Group of women escort mother duck and her babies across busy road

I have to say things like stopping on the road to help animals in need, or people in need, are very common in Russia.

Russian policemen stop traffic to help ducks cross the road in Kazan’

Friendly russian drivers help a family of ducks clear the road in Ufa


I once posted this famous video compilation on Lada Ray Blog. CLICK HERE: Beautiful Russian Compilation of Random Acts of Kindness that Won’t Leave Anyone Untouched

Here is another version of this viral video compilation of random acts of kindness to humans and animals on Russian roads:


There are tons of random moments of kindness caught on camera on Russian roads. I show several such Russian dashcam pics in my video: Quantum Scale of Consciousness: Life-Creating Calibrations (ProjectEarthShift 2). Time stamp: 14:10 – look under Calibration 480-499: HUMANITY & COMPASSION:


My new interview with  The Cosmic Switchboard Show host James Bartley will be out tomorrow, Friday, September 16. In the interview we will touch upon a number of important topics never previously discussed or fully explained! Expect lots of new revelations!

All links will be posted here, on FT!

Earth Karma, Human Consciousness and Dolphins


Earth Karma, Human Consciousness and Dolphins

This new article is a continuation of my earlier post about #dolphin and #whale tragedy and it is in response to the beautiful comment by reader Aeyrie, which is posted below. Thank you, Aeyrie!

Original post: Save #Dolphins and #Whales – Join #opKillingBay #opSeaWorld TweetStorm 12/19/14. Please go to this article to learn more and see how you can help. Please RT, FB, email, share and reblog it!

What you’ll read below will make you think, and questions things; it will reveal who the dolphins really are and why they are here.

Unfortunately, Aeyrie is right about humans and certain dark forces at play. Human consciousness is largely under-evolved compared to so many species out there, dolphins and whales included. Presently there are so many beautiful beings from various worlds and dimensions that incarnate to help in raising human consciousness. The human earthly realm is sequestered and humans have to stay close to the confines of our planet, bound by Earth’s gravity and heavy Karma. Human cruelty and violence worries many in the Universe.

However, Aeyrie, I am afraid the dark forces you talk about aren’t of any mysterious origin. Sadly, very sadly, all this cruelty and unconscious behavior is purely human. Are there dark forces out there? Of course. Dark energy exists in the universe alongside the energy of light, and it serves its own purpose – balance. Like everything, it’s just a tool. It’s up to us to use it for good or evil. Misused, it becomes a hindrance to consciousness development, manifestation, and to life itself.

You can only let the dark energy uninvited into your heart and soul, you can only become susceptible to excessive darkness if you allow the darkness within you to become a dominant force – if you become a slave to your lowly emotions and desires. In my Earth Shift System I call it ‘low calibration.’

If you allow your soul to be corrupted; if you succumb to fear, greed, shame, guilt; if you live your life unconsciously; in other words, if you calibrate below 200 – then you provide an opening for further corruption of your soul, heart and spirit. We, each of us – are masters of our own destiny. I highly recommend that all my readers check out my 2-part video about Calibrations of Human Consciousness:

It doesn’t matter whether this corruption originates from an otherworldly dark entity or from your brother. The point is, corruption will lead to further corruption. On the other hand, personal responsibility, knowledge, truth and wisdom will lead to wholeness (as in: there will be no openings for the dark forces to enter your body, mind and spirit). Wholeness will lead to higher calibration. That will lead you to conscious and enlightened way of life that in turn will rebalance your personal Karma, help lighten up the Earth Karma and will show others the way. In turn, as Earth Karma lightens up, Earth will be able to make a leap into the better future and into the higher density (higher dimension). I talk about that in my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER.

As I mentioned, I’ll be talking about all these very important and interesting topics in my upcoming interview with the Cat’s Eye On the Future show on the Time Monk Radio. Links to the show will be posted around Tuesday, 12/9/14 on both blogs.

Aeyrie is also right about the fact that despite all this unbelievable cruelty, and sometimes deliberate harm from humans, dolphins still love us and still try to help us every chance they get. I talked about that in my previous article: Save Our Dolphins! Help Stop Mass Dolphin Slaughter in Japan!

Please read this article about the annual #Taiji, Japan, dolphin tragedy. In it you will find a number of eyewitness videos, heart-breaking stories and many, many useful links and suggestions on how to help change this terrible situation.

In the upcoming interview I’ll speak about the heavy Earth Karma and the need to lighten and reverse it. Compassion, kindness, love and conscious living will do this best. Not only that, I like to think that they are contagious. Yes, each and every one of us is personally responsible for our entire planet. More in the upcoming Cat’s Eye on the Future show. Stay tuned!

Also, in the comment section of the original post’s reblog on FuturisTrendcast you’ll find an interesting comment by Patricia Ormsby, who lives in Japan and knows Japanese society first hand: link.

aeyrie says1h:

Lada, Sea World San Diego was built in my home town when I was still a young child. When it opened I begged my father to take me there to see the beings I knew even then were my cousins, the Cetaceans. I was a very aware and telepathically gifted child. When I saw via the mental images they conveyed to me some of what Sea World was doing to them, ie: insisting they learn to do demeaning tricks on schedule several times a day, heinously experimenting on them, stealing their children away, forcing them to live in tiny concrete pools they barely had room to swim around in when they were not on show, alone, like a trout in a goldfish bowl, I was horrified.

The facilities of Sea World San Diego, Lada, are located on the edge of Mission Bay. The cruelest cut of all to our dear Cetacean cousins imprisoned there is that the ocean is within their sight. Every single day of their miserable lives they are, literally, within feet of precious freedom and a reunion with their families. Dolphin and Whale kind are smarter than we. How would any of us feel about being so cruelly taunted every day of our existences? When I saw this it so sickened my Heart and grieved my Soul that I never asked to be taken to Sea World again.

Later, as an adult, the first past life I contacted was one in which I was living the life of a Dolphin. I had a family and I was very happy. I loved my sleek and powerful body! The first memory I contacted in that lifetime was the day my wife and baby were threatened by a shark. In a split-second I had the odds calculated and could see what was about to happen. Sleek and powerful as I was I was helpless to change the outcome. They both died in front of my eyes when my wife, who was closest to our baby, turned and furiously attacked the shark. Our whole community was as deeply grieved as I. We did our best to console each other for our mutual loss, and after a time life went on.

Since then I have learned how to call my cousins and speak with them telepathically and I communicate with them regularly. I can tell you with absolute personal certainty that they are fully sentient. They love their homes, families and friends as much as we do. More, actually, because they natively possess a greater degree of consciousness than we currently do. The full spectrum of their awareness is orders of magnitude greater than ours. Collectively, humankind is just beginning the journey back to the level of awareness we once possessed. What we have done to them notwithstanding, they love us very much. Being the Loving Beings they are they continue to help us return to that higher awareness, and go beyond it.

I see that Sea World makes a minimal effort to educate, and while that is commendable, the fact remains that the awesomely sentient Beings they are holding in their facilities do not volunteer for that. They are captured and held as prisoners, treated abominably, driven insane and often brutally killed. All in the name of profit. Miraculously, they are still willing to help us!! They are showing us a beautiful example of the power of Unconditional Love, yes? I, for one, am so grateful.

I suggest that there may be an even darker motive at work here on the part of Sea World and other “scientific”, Navy, fishing and whaling operations. The members of the Cetacean race are so much more than beautiful sea creatures. As briefly described above they are an advanced race who has come here to help us and our beautiful Mother Gaia with attaining and holding higher consciousnesses in the higher densities. They (along with others) are here to help us rejoin our Cosmic Family after our very long domination and exile. That is their mission; that is our mutual destiny. The Cetaceans swim in the Akash. The are Higher Beings who are living repositories of Cosmic, planetary and human wisdom. Yet, they are being methodically captured and destroyed by these corporations! Do you think, as I do, that there might be an underlying, sinister agenda and method to this madness?

We must stop this abomination ASAP. We owe it to them. It is for the greater good of Mother Earth, Human kind, all of Gaia’s other children, and our sister and brother beings throughout the Cosmos. What we do to one we do to all. We are ONE.

ProjectEarthShift 2: Universal Scale of Consciousness (life-affirming/ life-creating calibrations 200-1000)

ProjectEarthShift 2:

Quantum Scale of Consciousness

(life-affirming, life-enhancing and life-creating calibrations)

Part 2 of the Quantum Scale of Consciousness

Click for part 1: ProjectEarthShift 1: Quantum Scale of Consciousness (life-diminishing/life-threatening calibrations 0-199)

Today we will talk about the truly exciting, life-enhancing and life-creating calibrations of human consciousness. My Universal Consciousness Scale is based on the scale proposed by Dr. David Hawkins in his groundbreaking bestseller Power vs. Force. In his work, Dr. Hawkins used kinesiology test to answer simply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and to calibrate the ‘truth’ and ‘falsehood’ of a subject or question.

I have taken this amazing system substantially further. I’ve reworked the old and added new calibration levels; also, I have modified and expanded the logic and usage of the calibration methods. When I calibrate, I first of all determine the core vibration and the chi level of a subject or object. I can also go well beyond that, as will be discussed in the upcoming Part 3: What is Chi Kinesiology.

As you watch my videos, all this will become clear to you. The incredible usefulness of these methods and this kind of knowledge should also become self-explanatory. In addition to voice explanations, the videos are accompanied by written clarifications; they include beautiful imagery, with people, animals and nature, famous quotes and other enhancements designed to facilitate comprehension. Lots of hands-on examples of calibrations are included.

This is Part 2 of the series. Part 3: What is Chi Kinesiology is to follow. Please make sure you watch this part together with Part 1  for a full picture. (Part 1 video is here; My original post about Part 1 is here.)

Here are the life-affirming calibrations we will discuss in this segment. I bolded the additions and modifications I’ve made to the original scale:


LEVELS of REASON – 200-499

Courage – 200

Neutrality – 250

Willingness/friendship/cooperation – 310

Acceptance – 350

Reason – 400

Humanity/compassion – 480

LEVELS of MASTERY & MAGIC – 500-1000

Love – 500

Joy – 540

Creation – 580

Peace – 600

Enlightenment – starts at 700 to 1000

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A word from Lada

Dear readers, as you know, I have started a new and very promising PROJECT EARTH SHIFT and a new series of videos on Lada Ray Channel on YouTube.

I just published two first videos and articles: 

1. Universal Scale of Consciousness (life-diminishing calibrations)

2. Universal Scale of Consciousness (life-affirming/ life-creating calibrations).

Please make sure you watch my videos and read my articles as they will help you tremendously in understanding how the world in which we live works!

This is a revolutionary and very important work. I am counting on your support!

Subscribe to LADA RAY Channel on YouTube

Watch Project Earth Shift videos 

Please remember to like and comment on my articles and videos!

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