
Hello, everyone!

Lada here. Thanks and big thumbs up to all those brave pioneers who boldly entered the unchartered territory of the first Live Lada Ray Webinar experience on Sunday, February 4, 2017! 😉 We appreciate your support!

Almost 90 people signed up for the live event. I thought it was a terrific first live webinar, with lots of interesting intel, predictions and more, revealed! In Part 2 we had a very extensive Q&A that went well beyond the topic of the webinar (below you can read the highlights and a list of live questions Lada answered in Part 2).

To improve our future webinar experience and to get rid of those pesky little glitches that a few of you may have experienced (yes, we’ve already emailed you, and we’ll continue looking into that), we will be sending out the feedback questionnaire in a couple of days. Please consider filling it out for us: it’ll help tremendously with future events.

We are also getting a lot of people who were unable to attend the live event, but who have been purchasing the webinar after. A heartfelt WELCOME to all of you! The webinar is now live on It is available for purchase on the WEBINARS page.



Lada Ray Exclusive Trendcast & Predictions for the next 3-4 years. USA, Russia, EU, Ukraine, Syria, Middle East, more. The secret Kissinger plan, how it confirms the ongoing Earth Shift, and how Lada sees the outcome. Extensive live Q&A, with Lada’s answers going well beyond these topics!

Impartial, non-partisan truth and spot-on predictions.
Donald Trump is very important for the Earth Shift and next several years of geopolitical development! 

All live participants and all those who purchased the webinar on Sunday (after the event) have been emailed the direct link (URL) to the NEW webinar page around 1 pm EST on Monday! If you don’t see our email, please make sure you check your SPAM folder! 

Everyone else: once you’ve paid, you’ll be directed straight to the NEW webinar page!

The Webinar is now live in all formats: MP4 video, MP3, plus written outline!

Excellent News: the recording quality is superb and much louder! You’ll be very pleased with how MP4 came out, complete with lots of great images! We’ve also edited it for additional clarity. Live Webinar lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes. After editing, the total recorded webinar time is just under 3 hours.

You get: MP4 video + MP3 audio, plus bonus: Lada Ray’s written 4 thousand word webinar outline!

Total webinar time:  PART 1: 1 hr 26 min & PART 2: 1 hr 32 min



The format is much like that of Earth Shift Reports! As always, please be sure to BOOKMARK THE WEBINAR ACCESS PAGE or SAVE URL, in order to have continued access later! Instructions & customer service email included on webinar page! Also (as you always did with Earth Shift Reports), please disable your pop-up blocker!



Here are a few outline highlights, including the Part 2 Q&A!

(The outline helps those who like to read, or who want to quickly reference various points. This is not a substitute for the webinar – we have discussed much more than covered in the outline!)


First 10 days in office. Why did Trump make so many decisive moves and pronouncements so early in the term? The risk of assassination or impeachment. Trump’s support base.

Examples of how Trump is put in a ‘straight jacket.’ What Trump can and cannot do.

New State Dept Secretary Rex Tillerson as an example.

Trump’s importance for the Earth Shift and his example for the upcoming EU shift.

Prediction on whether Germany’s Angela Merkel will be re-elected for the fourth term. Also, French elections prediction.  NOTE, THESE ARE PRELIMINARY PREDICTIONS – I’LL HAVE UPDATES LATER IN THE YEAR!

Ukraine and Eurasia – can US and Russia work together, and what to expect from Trump. Big changes re. Ukraine coming – when?

Syria, war on terror, ISIS and Middle East – new cooperation between Russia and US possible?

Russia-China-US triangle and the Kissinger plan. The New Silk Road and China’s conundrum. How will Russia behave? Historic parallels: Kissinger’s role during Nixon administration.

Lada Ray predictions: Will anti-Russian sanctions be taken off? Do Russians want sanctions off? What can Trump offer Russia? Russian strategy and responses?

Much more in PART 1!


Many great questions arrived before, during and after live webinar from our LIVE participants. We answered as many as possible during the webinar. We have decided that we’ll answer additional questions we were unable to cover, in the future videos. We’ll post these videos FREE on Lada Ray YouTube, for everyone’s benefit; best and most interesting questions will be chosen. Expect first videos appearing towards the end of this week! Links to be posted on FT, and on your private Trump Webinar page – check back in a week or so!

Here are some of the Q&A highlights:

1. Real reason Melania Trump doesn’t want to move to the White House

2. Will Trump survive his first term? Lada Ray predictions, Trump timeline and how it may have changed due to some early actions by Trump.

3. Quantum Calibrations for: Donald Trump, Rex Tillerson, VP Mike Pence, USA as a whole, Russia as a whole, US-Russia relations.

Other questions Lada answered include:

1. Underpopulated Russia and overpopulated China: the risks. Chinese nukes near Russian borders. Russia-China cooperation and joint development of the Far East and Siberia.

2. The shift in Russia-Japan relations and Japan-US relations. Will Trump remove the US military base from Okinawa?

3. Was the Japanese earthquake and tsunami that led to Fukushima a natural disaster, or was it deliberately orchestrated by the globalists? How was it done? What Lada sees.

4. Where it’s best to live in Russia. Emigration from the US to Crimea and Stavropol. Best cities to live in Russia.

5. Israel-Palestine conflict – who’s to blame? How will Trump approach relations with Israel? Shift in US-Israel and Russia-Israel relations.

6. US, Russia, Iran, Israel, Syria, the Middle East – what to expect? How the US is losing its grip on the Middle East.

7. Will Trump authorize the disclosure about aliens? Will Trump authorize the 9/11 truth disclosure? (Here we go into the 3D reality, plus what are Trump’s real role and real goals.)

8. What can Lightworkers do to assist this time of the Great Earth Shift?

9. Will there be a relief for the Mother Earth soon? Will Trump presidency be good or bad for the environment; what can we expect going forward? (In this answer we go into the human consciousness, fossil fuel and alternative energy, as well as ‘free energy.’ We discuss how the levels of human consciousness and how our way of life correspond with the level on which our consciousness vibrates.)

10. Were there alien bases in Antarctica? Was a secret base built there by the German Nazis during WWII? What really happened in Antarctica and WHEN? Forbidden history of Russia.

11. Is Melania like Jackie Kennedy? Melania Trump quantum calibrations, compared to Jackie Kennedy’s quantum calibrations. Lada’s opinion of both.

P.S. Almost forgot: in Q&A we also discussed Reinventing Collapse by D. Orlov and how I see the future of the US unfolding; where Orlov was right and where the US collapse will be entirely different from how he describes is. My terms explained: What is “The Mirror Collapse” and what do I mean when I say that “the US approaches collapse from the opposite direction than the USSR did.”

There were other interesting questions answered.

Much more info and predictions will be revealed in the upcoming webinars and in my book The Putin Enigma.




About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on February 6, 2017, in Ask Lada, China and Asia, Developing Global Trends, EARTH SHIFT, Economy & Investment, Empire Collapse, Energy & Consciousness, Eurasia, Forbidden History, Geoengineering/Orgone/Environmental Clearing, Geopolitical Trends, Lada Ray, Middle East, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Quantum & Geo Calibrations, Russia, Ukraine, USA/EU/West, WEBINARS and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Lada thank you so much, you are such a precious resource of timely info, incredible insights and advice during these times of confusion, I very much appreciated your Live Webinar on Saturday esp with the Q&A, found it fun and vastly informative, your insider intel is second to none!!
    I, and I’m sure all of your readers, will be waiting with bated breathe for your next event, your unbiased non-partisan “full disclosure” lecture is simply mind blowing with all the fascinating major topics you managed to cover in 3 hours, it was a whirlwind of new ideas which clarified so many issues for me. Thanks very much, I look forward to your next webinar and reports!!! God Bless you Lada. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats and Thank you on a very successful first webinar. I really enjoyed the interactive format.

    I am looking forward to more details on the U.S. dollar collapse and forbidden history that was brought up by the other members. I like many of them have a huge interest in those topics and cant wait until you speak of them in the future! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just heard today that Melania doesn’t plan to move into the White House ever! Which makes perfect sense given the reasons you’ve revealed during the webinar… good call!

    Liked by 1 person

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