TRUTH BOMB! Why King George V of England condemned Russian Emperor Nikolay II and his family to death




We have recorded the WEBINAR Q&A, which is the final 7th SEGMENT OF EARTH SHIFT Webinar 2 INVERTED COLLAPSE! It will be posted on the ESW2 page tonight! All those who purchased 3-Webinar Subscription OR individual ESW2, please go to your bookmarked webinar page. You will find answers to about 18 people’s questions. Plus, additional answers to some of your best questions have been included in the main webinar. I know I promised answers for the first 10-12 people who signed up, but we decided not to stop at that and answer as many as possible.


The advance signing up is now open for individual EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 3: THE FUTURE OF MONEYEARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 4: PERIOD 8 PREDICTIONS!

Of course, you are always welcome to purchase any time, at your convenience, our flagship webinar, 1st in the series: EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 2 INVERTED COLLAPSE!



GREAT NEWS! For all those who sign up for either 3-Webinar Series, or for ESW3 and ESW4 individually, Lada Ray is throwing in a FREE LIVE Q&A WEBINAR, dedicated exclusively to answering your questions. This Q&A Follow-up Webinar will be fully live, in other words, you will be able to type in questions you want to ask Lada in real time and Lada will answer them on the spot. Those questions we have already received for ESW3 and ESW4 will be included. Date/time for this one-of-a-kind FREE LIVE event is TBD. Please stay tuned!


Last but not least! My interview with Paul Plane, the host of the Time Monk’s show THE PLANE TRUTH is finally being recorded tonight! In the interview I’ll be able to interpret for my listeners many new and convoluted global developments to which I am unable to get otherwise. Paul is an excellent interviewer and I always have a blast recording with him! Very happy he is back on air, after a long period of travels!  The interview should go live in a few days. I’ll give you heads up when that happens.

Now, to our today’s topic!

I thought I’d address this as a bonus highlight of  ESW2 INVERTED COLLAPSE!


Why King George V of England condemned Russian Emperor Nikolay II and his family to death

Dear Lada, I am listening to the Webinar 2 INVERTED COLLAPSE. Now at part 1 covering the Revolutions. Well-done, it is very informative and has a lot of eye-openers already!

One small addendum that I want to mention: WWI was at the time called “the war of 4 cousins”, indicating that the heads of the four warring empires were blood relatives. In 2014 I gleaned an interesting titbit of information from a BBC documentary “The Genius of Carl Fabergé” (the maker of the exquisite Easter egg presents for the royal court). It turns out that at the time, while Carl Fabergé got an offer to get smuggled out of Russia disguised as a member of the British delegation on the last train, Nikolai II was denied such an opportunity by the his cousin, George V.
The documentary itself was aired in Norway on NRK2 in a set of Russia-themed programmes in connection with the Olympics in Sochi. Predictably, it has its own interpretation of the reasons for the revolution, but at least the information above seemed to be genuine.



“…while Carl Fabergé got an offer to get smuggled out of Russia disguised as a member of the British delegation on the last train, Nikolai II was denied such an opportunity by the his cousin, George V.”

Yes, that’s what we have to understand once and for all. Dear Cousin George of England didn’t mind sacrificing his dear Cousin Nikolay of Russia and his whole family as a result of the Great Russian 1917 Revolution, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution.

For what? As I explained in the webinar, to create the pre-planned upheaval and turmoil from which Russia would never recover, that which would subsequently destroy Russia and eliminate the powerful Great Balancer of our Planet Earth.

ULTIMATE GOAL: full-spectrum world dominance by the West and the creation of NWO.

The first step in this grand scheme was to get rid of the Great Balancer — the only force that stood in the way, so that the imbalanced and overly yang collective West (in any of its manifestations known today: British Empire, Anglo-American Empire, NWO, banksters, globalists, Bilderberg, Deep State, which I prefer to refer to as Dark State) could bend the rest of the world to its specifications.

As the EARTH SHIFT – GREAT BALANCER THEORY implies, and as discussed in ESW2 INVERTED COLLAPSE, this is exactly why Lenin acted the way he acted and this is why he truly was a genius: he saw right through it and played his cards right. In order to understand what I mean by these words, please listen to INVERTED COLLAPSE! Warning! Whatever you do, dear readers, listen to my webinar explanation first; don’t jump to conclusions, which may be based solely on your brainwashing and incomplete information!

This is also why the USSR was necessary and unavoidable. What do I mean? FOR DETAILS SEE ESW2 INVERTED COLLAPSE.

Russian Emperor Nikolay II (Nicolas II) Romanov and his whole family were ultimately executed on July 17, 1918. As the new documents coming to light suggest, at the insistence of the British crown and with the participation of British agents.

The British Empire as the front for the Western yang aggression, for centuries had a long and protracted history of blood-stained and manipulative interference in Russian and other countries’ affairs. USA today is the heir and latest front for Western dominance and aggression. The front has changed, yet the essence remains, since the US has inherited the ‘title’ as a result of WWII.

Just recently Putin has been talking about how the West brazenly interferes in today’s Russian internal affairs. A well-known fact is that the US ambassador and embassy employees, taking advantage of their diplomatic immunity, travel all over Russia with suitcases full of American cash, which they hand out to various self-proclaimed anti-Russian, anti-Putin opposition groups, in order to organize color revolution in the run-up to next year’s Russian elections. The latest data I have received suggests that US Congress authorized $5 billion to ‘promote democracy’ in Russia for 2018 year alone. As we know, the ‘promotion of democracy’ is the code phrase for color revolution followed by the destruction of a country unfortunate enough to experience the US/West’s ‘friendly attention.’ We are now seeing what this ‘attention’ has done to Ukraine: LADA RAY DEEP INTEL: Catastrophic Population Loss. Why Ukrainians stampede into Poland.

Back in history, a typical blatant interference in Russian affairs was the 1916 assassination of Grigory Rasputin — under direct management and participation of a British agent. From a fictional and multidimensional perspective I describe the Rasputin assassination and its implications in my novel THE EARTH SHIFTER. I factually talk about Rasputin ‘s elimination and his true role in trying to preserve Russia in EARTH SHIFT Webinar 2 INVERTED COLLAPSE.

Same gruesome fate awaited the head of the anti-Bolshevik White Movement Admiral Alaxander Kolchak. He naively trusted the British and even became a British subject (!), thinking he would get more priority UK help to ‘liberate Russia from the Bolsheviks.’ HUGE mistake! According to my in-depth research, corroborated by Russian bestselling geopolitical author Nikolay Starikov, the British demanded that Kolchak give up all of Russian Gold to the UK (does that sound familiar?..). When he refused, they had him executed by orchestrating his capture by a closely-associated with the UK group. Kolchak, was captured and according to official history, given up to the Bolsheviks in 1920. The problem with the official Wikipedia narrative on Kolchak is that the truth lies somewhere else. It appears it weren’t the Bolsheviks, after all, who executed Kolchak, but the Esers (aka, SRs =  the early 20th century fringe party of social-revolutionaries), who were basically a leftist-anarchist group, loosely siding with the Bolsheviks at the time, but who, as it later transpired, were on British payroll.

My novel GOLD TRAIN describes in fictional form one part of the mystery of the missing Russian Empire’s Gold, sometimes referred to as the Kolchak Gold.

Speaking of “the war of 4 cousins…” It is a well-known historic fact that Russian Emperor Nikolay II was extremely reluctant to enter WWI and was unwilling to go to war against anyone, least of all Germany. He and his diplomats spent a great deal of effort trying to convince the conflicting parties to part in peace. Nikolay II and German Emperor Wilhelm II of Prussia were more than cousins — they were close friends, on nickname basis, who corresponded a lot. In a true Great Balancer fashion, then Russian leader did what he could to avoid world war and to preserve peace.

From this perspective it is especially strange how such close-knit friends could get into a war which severed all ties, destroyed their empires and cost millions of lives, including their own… Clearly, there were problems inside Russia, as well as Germany and other Euopean countries. But all in all, there was no need in plunging into World War I. Only outside manipulation — by well-known parties, pursuing very well known globalist and West domination goals — could have achieved that.

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Incidentally, please recall my forbidden history/forbidden linguistics lesson from some time ago: Prussia means Po-Russia. There is a lot less than 6 degrees of separation between Russians and Germans — and Brits too. Not only the emperors circa WWI were cousins. We all are close cousins, brothers and sisters. Pity that humans so often forget that…

Find the full multidimensional picture of the Russian Revolution, and how the 20th century served as pre-requisite to the 21st century’s GREAT EARTH SHIFT in


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on June 15, 2017, in Ask Lada, Books, EARTH SHIFT, Empire Collapse, Energy & Consciousness, Eurasia, Forbidden History, Forbidden Linguistics, Geopolitical Trends, Lada Ray, Predictions 2012, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia, Ukraine, USA/EU/West, WEBINARS and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Lada Ray Blog and commented:

    TRUTH BOMB! Why King George V of England condemned Russian Emperor Nikolay II and his family to death


  2. Unfortunately, the Romanoffs wouldn’t be the only Royals who’s main line would be destroyed. The main line of the Hashemites was destroyed in Irag mid last century one wonders what was the excuse for that family disposal.


  3. Thank you Lada. I really enjoyed the Q and A. You always leave me wanting to hear more 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I just listened to WEBINAR Q&A.
    Thank You Lada, I really love you!!!
    I’m so much looking forward to all you upcoming topics.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:

    Nice history lesson!


  6. Thank you for shedding more light that clue, Lada.

    By the way, I think I am on to the “true” origin, unless I am completely wrong… 🙂 Can there be the same thread connecting the English words “truth”, “truce” and the Russian word “трус”?


  1. Pingback: TRUTH BOMB! Why King George V of England condemned Russian Emperor Nikolay II and his family to death – My Birth Right