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BEST OF THE MONTH! November 2020 MONTHLY LIST of Notable Reports, Articles & Videos on LadaRayPatreon!

Welcome to the BEST OF THE MONTH LIST on LADA RAY Patreon

All notable, important and most interesting reports, videos and articles, AND all links in one place, in case you want to review any of the past pieces!

This is a convenient, at-a-glance, summary of my work for the past month, should you still be on the sidelines, or if you are ready to join us! This way you can see what has been brewing on LRpatreon and why it’s so truly unique and valuable! It’s good for you – and for me – to take inventory of what already has been discussed. Sometimes I need a reminder too, of all the one-of-a-kind and breakthrough pieces I’ve published!

The month of November has been even more EPIC than October! Many of my predictions have materialized or are coming true, as we speak!

For the REAL HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL TRUTH, check out my major November predictions for the US Elections, the US Supreme Court and Armenia-Azerbaijan war in Caucasus, as well as the pieces that document a millennial re-shaping of our world! In November I’ve also done some important Quantum Calibrations, confirming the truths and outcomes predicted!

FREE PUBLIC POST! The monthly lists are posted publicly on



Lada Ray Blog (possibly)

But to gain access to some of the material you must be a member of  LRpatreon! Exception: FREE public reports, posts and videos, which can be viewed by anyone.

The lists incorporate all tiers and levels of contribution. If you are new, to gain access, please join the corresponding tier! Each level participants will get all posts in their tier and all posts in all the tiers below theirs!


โœจ This is the Season for sharing & joy! Some REALLY COOL FREE PUBLIC POSTS & VIDEOS COMING for everyone in December 2020! 

โœจ LADA RAY PATREON members get some exclusive and valuable gifts, treats and presents THIS HOLIDAY SEASON 2020-21!

Follow Lada Ray on blogs & social media, as well as Patreon, to get the goodies!




1st LADA RAY LIVE MEGA-Q&A! Alien Implants; The West’s Future & Prepping; Can Trump Overturn Election Results; Is Humanity Sequestered; Pyramids; Ancestral Bloodline Karma; Sea Level Rise; Alien Abduction & Walk-ins; Chemtrails; Galactic Travel; Consciousness Rise in Children & MORE! (SPECIAL MDU/MHAP HOLIDAY 2020-21 EVENT!)

FREE! News & the Works! My 1st Ever LIVE HOLIDAY Q&A & Baba Vanga, the Nostradamus of the 20th Century!

YOU ARE INVITED TO ASK LIVE QUESTIONS! SPECIAL HOLIDAY 2020 LIVE Q&A! (Futurist & Multidimensional Patron Exclusive)

Russian Intelligence Chief Naryshkin Warns of West’s Efforts to Restart Karabakh War! And Moldova Election Fiasco! (THE RING OF FIRE AROUND RUSSIA Series!)

PREDICTIONS COME TRUE! Russia’s Mission as Global Peacekeeper; Putin Outplays Erdogan in Caucasus; MI6 Involvement Proof; Who Downed Russian Helicopter; Armenia Sold Russian Arms to Turkish Militants! (BONUS: Russia’s Secret Success in Africa!)

FREE! Feeling Philosophical! Why People Still Underestimate These 2 Things…

West’s Mistakes Open Gateway to Radical Turan! Armenia-Azerbaijan War: Turkey Wants S. Caucasus & Crimea, But What’s Russia’s Real Game?! (THE RING OF FIRE AROUND RUSSIA SERIES)

Amy Coney Barrett & Her Role; US Supreme Court’s Place in USA’s FUTURE & Chief Justice Roberts Phenomenon: Quantum Calibrations, Political & Higher-Dimensional Profiles! (BIG REPORT – US ELECTION 2020 P2!)

SPECIAL US ELECTION 2020 PREDICTIONS 4 WAYS! Quantum Calibrations; Geopolitics & Demographics; Astrology; Claircognizant Predictions! – THESE PREDICTIONS HAVE FULLY MATERIALIZED!

We will be discussing the USA’s future, after the elections, in a special December 2020 EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR – see info below!

So far in December 2020… Preview:

๐Ÿ‘Œ๐ŸŽ‰HOW TO CALIBRATE YOURSELF! Simple Yet Useful Exercise for Self-Knowledge & Self-Realization! + HOW I CALIBRATE MYSELF & MY SELF-ANALYSIS! (MDU/MHAP Holiday 2020-21 Edition!) ๐Ÿ‘

FREE COMPLETE VIDEO TALK! BABA VANGA, Nostradamus of the 20th Century: Prophecies on Russia & Putin! (Lada Ray Predictions)

๐ŸŽ‰Announcements! Nostradamus of the 20th Century: Baba Vanga & her Prophecies About Russia & Putin! + New Videos on Lada Ray YT Channel! + On My Holiday Gifts! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ…

๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ…Exclusive Holiday Gifts from Lada Ray – For My Patrons Only!๐ŸŽ‰

Why “Higher-Dimensional Souls” Incarnate in 3D?





I may be adding the FUTURE OF RUSSIA webinar to this series!


1. ESW15: THE FUTURE OF THE US – after elections…

Dec 18-20, 2020

2. ESW16: THE KARMA & FUTURE OF EUROPE (questions about individual countries can be addressed!)

Early January 2021

3. ESW17: THE FUTURE EXPANSION OF CHINA (lots of insider and cutting-edge material to be shared during this event!)

Second half of January

4. ESW18: THE FUTURE OF RUSSIA (lots of very cutting-edge and forward-looking material to be shared during this event!)

Date will be announced later!

Info & Details: NEW SERIES 4 OF EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS: The Future of the US, Europe & China!

Find Lada’s webinars on


โœจ To see previous lists, go here: 

Best from October 2020! MONTHLY LIST of Notable Reports, Articles & Videos on LadaRayPatreon!

Best from August-September 2020! MONTHLY LIST of Notable Reports, Articles & Videos on LadaRayPatreon!


Friends, ย 

As part of the Holiday Season 2020-21, I am hosting a new series of 3 EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS!

Reposted from LadaRayPatreon! Original post: NEW WEBINAR SERIES! LADA RAY FUTURE PREDICTIONS for the US, EUROPE & CHINA!


Because of COVID I am not going anywhere for New Year’s and I have an opportunity to do all three live (and recorded) FUTURE PREDICTIONS WEBINARS in December 2020! Or we can do two in December and one in early January 2021, if fewer of you are available at the end of the month. Because of COVID restrictions many of you may be staying home too, and if so, these webinars may become your timely entertainment and an opportunity for an enlightened and forward-looking discussion during the otherwise quiet holiday season! 

Participating in my webinars will be time much better spent than watching the dull TV. And it’ll certainly will be the time and money well spent in preparation for the future! 

Make no mistake: the future will continue being full of turmoil, uncertainty and fast, often confusing change! It’s much better to meet it forewarned and forearmed!

Just to reiterate, my latest predictions on the US elections again came true! So did the predictions on the outcome of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Karabakh war, Turkey, Russia’s involvement and Putin’s real game. All this was posted for my patrons on LRpatreon between October and November 2020! 

Not to mention my predictions for COVID not being nearly as bad or dangerous for people’s health as the official propaganda would tell you. Instead, COVID has decimated global economy and became the catalyst of change! All this was originally predicted in March 2020 on LRpatreon & greatly expanded in COVID-19 CATALYST & 2020-2026 PREDICTIONSwebinars!

So fasten your seat belts and tune in, if you want to know what I think and foresee for the USA, Europe and China! Many things will change, much will be very different, and many surprises will take place!

This will also be a rare opportunity to get together in a nice, cozy group of like-minded people and get some of your burning questions answered!

Here are my new webinar banners and proposed schedule:

Proposed ESW15 DATE: December 8 or 9, 2020 (Tue-Wedn – TBD)

Proposed ESW16 DATE: DECEMBER 17, 2020 (Thurs)

(after the electoral college vote on Dec 14, which by the way, falls on the eclipse!)

Since due to COVID I am not going anywhere for New Year’s, I have an opportunity to do the China webinar on Dec 29 (Tuesday), if enough of you are available for live participation. Those of you who are staying home may welcome some intelligent discussion and forward-looking predictions just before the New Year 2021 strikes, since likely not much will be happening otherwise! (Well, Trump did threaten to start a new war with Iran, but let’s hope he doesn’t right before New Year’s.)

  • NOTE! The timing above does not concern those who want to purchase a recorded version of this webinar after the livestream! As always, the recorded version can be viewed any time, at your leisure, just like with all prior WEBINARS.

Proposed ESW17 DATES:

December 29, 2020 (Tue)


Beginning of January 2021 (likely either Jan 5 or 7 – TBD)

Part of me wants to do it all during December, but it’s up to you, guys! Please let me know in comments which dates work best for you!


  • The new webinars will be LIVE STREAMED VIDEOS, with the live participants’ ability to ask questions! (Just type them in live chat!)
  • To take part live, make sure you have an active YT account and follow me on YT (see my two channels below)! It’s all free!
  • Or purchase these webinars the traditional way, on! After the end of livestream, the recorded versions of each webinar will be posted for sale as all previously recorded WEBINARS, to purchase any time and view at your leisure. 
  • Lada Ray Patreon members will get their own private discount, depending on your tier (I’ll send you all a private message via LRPatreon messaging).

So as many people as possible are able to tune in live, and since we have a broad international audience, the livestream start time for each webinar will be either 10:30 am or 11 am EST. This seems to be the time best suited for most people around the globe.

When participating live, please convert to your local time using online time zone calculator: Time Zone Converter โ€“ Time Difference Calculator (Classic)

Please be on time: sign in 10-15 min before the start of the event! 

Each webinar is projected to last about 2 hours, including Q&A.

The pricing will be available soon! Please look for my official announcements!


The webinars’ livestream will be through YouTube’s private service.

LINKS to my free YT channels:

Lada Ray channel

Multidimensional Universechannel

Please subscribe to both, if you haven’t yet: the live events will be on one of them!

NOTE! If you don’t have your own YouTube account yet, you need to open one ASAP, to participate and to follow my above channels. Even if you are not taking part live, you’ll need it for future Q&As, workshops and other events I am planning! So I recommend you open one anyway. Please google how to open a YT account! If you already have a YT account and follow me on both of my channels – thank you and great for you!



I know livestreaming is a new and unfamiliar format, but it is the format of the future. I’ll have an official patron poll soon and I’ll really appreciate it if you can tell me how many of you are interested and available for live participation on the above dates?ย Please stay tuned!



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Join Lada Ray Patreon for in-depth stuff, lots of weekly material and awesome perks and discounts!

Explore what LRpatreon has to offer, including latest reports and predictions:

Vladimir Putin Shocks the West! The Munich Betrayal and The Real Lessons of the 75th Anniversary of World War II (Putin’s Article in The National Interest Magazine, USA)

Lada Ray foreword and full article by Vladimir Putin are being released on FuturisTrendcast at 4 am on June 22, 2020!



On June 22, 1941, at 4 am, Nazi Germany, aided and abetted by other regimes and economic giants of Europe, unprovoked attacked Russia/ the USSR. The Great Patriotic War that cost 27 million of precious lives of Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians and all Soviet people began! My family lost several people to the war, and those who survived carried traumas for the rest of their lives!

Lada Ray Patreon exclusive – the truth-illuminating and striking: Russian & American: A Remarkable Tale of Two Centenarian Ladies & Today’s Situation in Perspective! ~ LADA RAY ESSAY

It was an ordeal and genocide of the primarily Russian – Eastern Slavic population that to this day has not received an adequate international reactionย  and legal response! The scale of the genocide of the Russian people and their branchouts (Ukrainians/Russins and Belorussians) is unheard of in human history! And if Russia/USSR didn’t manage to withstand that vicious and all-encompassing aggression, today there would probably be no one to talk to you. I would not be here and this blog would not exist. Putin’s article would never be published. The history would have been re-written, as Russia the Great Balancer, the only force that always stood in the way of unabated Western aggression, would be wiped out! And none the wiser, you all would be living in the globalist world ruled by the Dark Nazi State.

Because make no mistake! Hitler’s aggression was AN EARLY ATTEMPT TO CREATE ONE GLOBALIST STATE BASED ON HATEFUL AND ANTI-HUMAN NAZI PRINCIPLES! THERE WOULD BE NO ROOM IN THAT DARK AND UGLY WORLD FOR ME AND FOR MANY OTHERS, who didn’t fit the profile of the German Nazis and other crazies.

But the world turned out to have much more sanity than perhaps one would believe in 1941. Russia/USSR turned out much stronger than the West anticipated. And Russia was aided by the cosmic forces of good, which no one at the time believed or foresaw… Today that cosmic help to Russia, the help from God, is pretty clear and I often talk about it in my work.

As Putin once said: ‘If Russia were destroyed, who needs the world without Russia?’


This is the TIME OF RUSSIA!

Putin always surprises, and he always does things on his own timeline, thus winning all strategic battles, even if it may seem like tactically the energy was against him. This time, for the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (WWII in the West), he published an article in the iconic conservative geopolitical magazine, The National Interest.

The Victory Day is usually celebrated on May 9th, with a grand Red Square parade and together with invited foreign leaders and millions-strong global Immortal Regiment. The 75th anniversary was planned as one of the grandest ever, but due to COVID it had to be postponed. This vacuum gave an opportunity to all kinds of dark and slimy forces to attack Russia and malign Victory. Those forces crawled out of their holes, from Poland to Prague and from YouTube to Facebook.

Yet, in a strangest and most poetic-justice twist, this postponement turned to Russia’s favor. And what did you expect? This is the Time of Russia, per my predictions. The dark forces had meticulously planned their history re-writing attacks to coincide with May 9 and they spent all of their steam and munitions by that date. Meantime, the actual events are happening throughout the summer, allowing many more opportunities to remind the world about the truth and Russia’s real role.

My new prediction! Putin will also manage to get the leaders together soon, in order to begin developing a new architecture for the world to come! More on that later – on Patreon!ย 

The grand parades on Red Square and all over Russia are happening on June 24; the Immortal Regiment March on July 26.

Just before these two dates and to coincide with June 22, the day of the attack on the USSR, Putin publishes his article in Washington ‘s National Interest. Coincidence? I think not.

Putin FINALLY chimes in and tells the West the real story of the Munich Betrayal of the European governments, where a separate deal was struck with Germany/Hitler, in order to divide Czechoslovakia and ultimately sick Nazi Germany against Russia the Great Balancer, in its then guise as the USSR.


Munich Pactย signed. British and French prime ministers Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier sign theย Munich Pact with Naziย leader Adolfย Hitler. The agreement averted the outbreak of war but gave Czechoslovakia away to German conquest. Daladier abhorred the Munich Pactโ€™s appeasement of the Nazis, but Chamberlain was elated and even stayed behind in Munich to sign a single-page document with Hitler that he believed assured the future of Anglo-German peace. Later that day, Chamberlain flew home to Britain, where he addressed a jubilant crowd in London and praised the Munich Pact for bringing โ€œpeace with honorโ€ and โ€œpeace in our time.โ€ The next day, Germany annexed the Sudetenland, and the Czechoslovak government chose submission over destruction by the Germanย Wehrmacht. In March 1939, Hitler annexed the rest of Czechoslovakia, and the country ceased to exist.


It’s called ‘The Munich Betrayal’ in Russia, because it not only betrayed Czechoslovakia, but it wide-opened doors for Hitler’s attack against Russia/ USSR, which was the ultimate reason the Munich Pact was signed. Czechoslovakia was a bribe, a sacrificial lamb for Hitler to leave the West alone and to direct his efforts towards destroying Russia! Poland played its unsightly role, by preventing the USSR from defending Czechoslovakia and by chopping off a chunk of it for itself.ย 

At the time, Russia asked for passage for the Russian troops through Poland to save Czechoslovakia, but Poland, which always was a little poodle to the West, denied it. The letter issued by Moscow to Warsaw said that “The USSR will defend Czechoslovakia like it would defend its own land.” I think it also appealed to the Slavic solidarity… What solidarity?.. Those people would sell off their own mother if they were given adequate compensation by their Western masters.

It’s actually amazing how dumb and feeble the current generation of Czechs is, who are now destroying the monuments to Russian liberators of Prague. Are they looking for the repeat of that ugly story?…

See my related posts:

IMPORTANT THOUGHTS & QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS OF NAZISM // Putin postpones 75th Victory Day Parade // The rise of neo-Nazism & new history re-write

75 Years Later, Nazism Won in Europe? Czechia Demolishes Monument to Russian Marshal Konev, Liberator of Auschwitz & Prague! (LADA RAY REPORT)

Who Wants to Prevent the Great Rebalancing? E. Europe: Stuck Between Moving GEOPOLITICAL TECTONIC PLATES! (+ about Trump & some predictions!)

This factual story should be common knowledge, yet it continues being vehemently denied and attempted to be re-written. The vicious attempts to reverse polarities and cast the ultimate victims of Western aggression, Russia – USSR, as aggressor, portraying the perpetrators and world’s biggest war criminals as poor, innocent victims, are a part of the same game being played by the West for centuries: it’s called the vilification of Russia the Great Balancer. Reason? Only Russia prevents the globalist Western takeover of the world, and thus, per their logic, she has to be destroyed by whichever means possible!

Putin also hints on some very uncomfortable for the Europeans, and specifically for the UK, secret documents and secret agreements with Nazi Germany. He is calling on countries to declassify and publish them, as Russia has been doing for years on her end! What kind of secrets agreements? The chess master will reveal them in due time, if European governments won’t. But whatever those secret unilateral agreements between the British, Hungary, France, Poland, Italy and Nazi Germany (possibly also other countries) were, we can confidently say they would be unsavory and damning as they helped plunge the world into WWII and they were directed against Russia! And all this happened in 1938 – remember this date!

Stalin and his people saw what was happening: Hitler was getting stronger, as he annexed the Czech territories famous for their industrial might, to be later used against Russia; Europeans were signing secret deals behind Soviet back, trying to channel Hitler/Nazis aggression towards Russia. The USSR repeatedly reached out to the UK, France and others with offers to develop the all-European strategy for dealing with Germany’s aggression and upcoming war crisis. In response, Russia/USSR was snubbed and stonewalled, the Munich Betrayal was signed, UK and European counties began appeasing Hitler and signing secret deals with him.

It was Stalin’s last ditch desperate response to all this massive madness and betrayal by Europeans that made the USSR sign the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939! After all the European snubbing and betrayals, it was the only venue left to postpone, if not prevent, the war with Germany.

If Europeans, UK and Poland acted differently, it is possible that the war could have been prevented or at least deescalated. Therefore, Poland, France and UK, and the rest of Europe, had only themselves to blame when Hitler started picking them off one by one! They surrendered without a fight, except UK, presenting themselves and their countries to Hitler on a platter. Later, the economic might of entire Europe was used by Germany to ATTACK RUSSIA/USSR! There were a number of divisions in the German army that represented various European countries. Therefore, we can confidently say – however sad it sounds – that it was the Unified Europe that attacked Russia/ USSR in 1941!

One publication in an American magazine, even by the world’s most popular leader Vladimir Putin, won’t change decades and centuries of warped history and Russophobic mentality, but it’s a nice and long-needed dent in the agenda and culture of lies and manipulations the rest of the world had to swallow til now. At the very least it signals something very amusingly funny (wait, let me get my popcorn!): Poland, which has been at the forefront of lies and re-writing of history of WWII, in order to earn its keep and cover up its own massive misdeeds, doesn’t have as much US support as it thought it did. I intend to kick back and watch the show: just give it a few years and see how that whole aggressive and arrogant attitude by Poland, Czechia and the current ukro-nazi version Ukraine (sorry to say) will simply deflate without proper support and lavish compensation from the West.

This will happen as the West will have more and more internal problems to deal with; as a result it won’t have much time or resources to sabotage Russia. It’ll take some time, but believe me, it’ll happen sooner than some think! See my Period 8 and Period 9 PREDICTIONS in Webinar 4 and in the New Series 3, especially Webinar 14!

In previous articles I predicted that Poland and Czechia will eventually have a huge karmic debt to pay for their actions. An interesting thing is that Russia doesn’t even have to do anything. It’ll happen of its own accord, as part of the rebalancing of the scales of justice.

For my comprehensive predictions on what’s to come to the world and to each of us between 2020 and 2026, listen to my new series of EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS!


Particularly, the new upcoming Webinar 14:

The Galactic Dawn โ€‹& the Age of Aquarius:


How Neptune, Saturn & Period 9 Shift โ€‹Will Change Everything!

To me, the main premise of Putin’s message is that all sane and healthy forces in the world should now unite, in order to face new challenges and prevent the new war, whether hot or hybrid.

As the West starts going up in flames and madness gets out of hand, Russia and Putin, as always, play the role of THE GREAT BALANCER AND PEACEMAKER. And as usual, Putin yet again demonstrates that he is the only adult in the room full of juvenile delinquents and ignoramuses – or outright criminals! Now, if only the rest of them grew an ear to hear and a gut to act with honor, if not reason.

Otherwise, like many times before, we continue casting the pearls before those who’ll never appreciate them… Moreover, as a thank you, they tend to destroy the memory and truth, and attack their saviors…

A quotation fromย Matthew 7:6ย in Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount: “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.”

Goodness, how did he know?…


The Earth Shift & Russia the Great Balancer teachings by Lada Ray

Book: Geopolitical Quantum Calibrations




The National Interest, USA

June 18, 2020ย ย Topic:ย Securityย ย Region:ย Europeย ย Tags:ย Russia USSR Soviet Union World War II History

Vladimir Putin:

The Real Lessons of the 75th Anniversary of World War II

The Russian president offers a comprehensive assessment of the legacy of World War II, arguing that “Today, European politicians, and Polish leaders in particular, wish to sweep the Munich Betrayal under the carpet. The Munich Betrayal showed to the Soviet Union that the Western countries would deal with security issues without taking its interests into account.”

Seventy-five years have passed since the end of theย Great Patriotic War. Several generations have grown up over the years. The political map of the planet has changed. Theย Soviet Unionย that claimed an epic, crushing victory over Nazism and saved the entire world is gone. Besides, the events of that war have long become a distant memory, even for its participants. So why doesย Russiaย celebrate the ninth of May as the biggest holiday? Why does life almost come to a halt on Juneย 22? And why does one feel a lump rise in their throat?

They usually say that the war has left a deep imprint on every family’sย history. Behind these words, there are fates of millions of people, their sufferings and the pain of loss. Behind these words, there is also the pride, the truth and the memory.

For my parents, the war meant the terrible ordeals of the Siege ofย Leningradย where my two-year-old brother Vitya died. It was the place where my mother miraculously managed to survive. My father, despite being exempt from active duty, volunteered to defend his hometown. He made the same decision as millions of Soviet citizens. He fought at the Nevsky Pyatachok bridgehead and was severely wounded. And the more years pass, the more I feel the need to talk to my parents and learn more about the war period of their lives. However, I no longer have the opportunity to do so. This is the reason why I treasure in my heart those conversations I had with my father and mother on this subject, as well as the little emotion they showed.

People of my age and I believe it is important that our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren understand the torment and hardships their ancestors had to endure. They need to understand how their ancestors managed to persevere and win. Where did their sheer, unbending willpower that amazed and fascinated the whole world come from? Sure, they were defending their home, their children, loved ones and families. However, what they shared was the love for their homeland, their Motherland. That deep-seated, intimate feeling is fully reflected in the very essence of our nation and became one of the decisive factors in its heroic, sacrificial fight against the Nazis.

I often wonder: What would today’s generation do? How will it act when faced with a crisis situation? I see young doctors, nurses, sometimes fresh graduates that go to the “red zone” to save lives. I see our servicemen that fight international terrorism in the Northern Caucasus and fought to the bitter end in Syria. They are so young. Many servicemen who were part of the legendary, immortal 6th Paratroop Company were 19-20ย years old. But all of them proved that they deserved to inherit the feat of the warriors of our homeland that defended it during the Great Patriotic War.

This is why I am confident that one of the characteristic features of the peoples of Russia is to fulfill their duty without feeling sorry for themselves when the circumstances so demand. Such values as selflessness, patriotism, love for their home, their family and Motherland remain fundamental and integral to the Russian society to this day. These values are, to a large extent, the backbone of our country’s sovereignty.

Nowadays, we have new traditions created by the people, such as the Immortal Regiment. This is the memory march that symbolizes our gratitude, as well as the living connection and the blood ties between generations. Millions of people come out to the streets carrying the photographs of their relatives that defended their Motherland and defeated the Nazis. This means that their lives, their ordeals and sacrifices, as well as the Victory that they left to us will never be forgotten.

We have a responsibility to our past and our future to do our utmost to prevent those horrible tragedies from happening ever again. Hence, I was compelled to come out with an article about World War II and the Great Patriotic War. I have discussed this idea on several occasions with world leaders, and they have showed their support. At the summit of CIS leaders held at the end of last year, we all agreed on one thing: it is essential to pass on to future generations the memory of the fact that the Nazis were defeated first and foremost by the Soviet people and that representatives of all republics of the Soviet Union fought side by side together in that heroic battle, both on the frontlines and in the rear.ย During that summit, I also talked with my counterparts about the challenging pre-war period.

That conversation caused a stir in Europe and the world. It means that it is indeed high time that we revisited the lessons of the past. At the same time, there were many emotional outbursts, poorly disguised insecurities and loud accusations that followed. Acting out of habit, certain politicians rushed to claim that Russia was trying to rewrite history. However, they failed to rebut a single fact or refute a single argument. It is indeed difficult, if not impossible, to argue with the original documents that, by the way, can be found not only in the Russian, but also in the foreign archives.

Thus, there is a need to further examine the reasons that caused the world war and reflect on its complicated events, tragedies and victories, as well as its lessons, both for our country and the entire world. And like I said, it is crucial to rely exclusively on archive documents and contemporary evidence while avoiding any ideological or politicized speculations.

I would like to once again recall the obvious fact. The root causes of World Warย II mainly stem from the decisions made afterย World Warย I.ย The Treaty of Versaillesย became a symbol of grave injustice for Germany. It basically implied that the country was to be robbed, being forced to pay enormous reparations to the Western allies that drained its economy. French marshal Ferdinand Foch who served as the Supreme Allied Commander gave a prophetic description of that Treaty: “This is not peace. It is an armistice for twenty years.”

It was the national humiliation that became a fertile ground for radical sentiments of revenge inย Germany. The Nazis skillfully played on people’s emotions and built their propaganda promising to deliver Germany from the “legacy of Versailles” and restore the country to its former power while essentially pushing German people into war. Paradoxically, the Western states, particularly the United Kingdom and the United States, directly or indirectly contributed to this. Their financial and industrial enterprises actively invested in German factories and plants manufacturing military products. Besides, many people in the aristocracy and political establishment supported radical, far-right and nationalist movements that were on the rise both in Germany and inย Europe.

The “Versailles world order” caused numerous implicit controversies and apparent conflicts. They revolved around the borders of new European states randomly set by the victors in World Warย I. That boundary delimitation was almost immediately followed by territorial disputes and mutual claims that turned into “time bombs”.

One of the major outcomes of World War I was the establishment of the League of Nations. There were high expectations for that international organization to ensure lasting peace and collective security. It was a progressive idea that, if followed through consistently, could actually prevent the horrors of a global war from happening again.

However, the League of Nations dominated by the victorious powers of France and the United Kingdom proved ineffective and just got swamped by pointless discussions. The League of Nations and the European continent in general turned a deaf ear to the repeated calls of the Soviet Union to establish an equitable collective security system, and sign an Eastern European pact and a Pacific pact to prevent aggression. These proposals were disregarded.

The League of Nationsย also failed to prevent conflicts in various parts of the world, such as the attack of Italy on Ethiopia, the civil war inย Spain, the Japanese aggression against China and the Anschluss ofย Austria. Furthermore, in case of the Munich Betrayal that, in addition toย Hitlerย andย Mussolini, involved British and French leaders, Czechoslovakia was taken apart with the full approval of the League of Nations. I would like to point out in this regard that, unlike many other European leaders of that time, Stalin did not disgrace himself by meeting with Hitler who was known among the Western nations as quite a reputable politician and was a welcome guest in the European capitals.

Poland was also engaged in the partition of Czechoslovakia along with Germany. They decided together in advance who would get what Czechoslovak territories. On Septemberย 20,ย 1938, Polish Ambassador to Germanyย Jรณzef Lipski reported to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Jรณzef Beck on the following assurances made by Hitler: “โ€ฆin case of a conflict between Poland and Czechoslovakia over our interests in Teschen, the Reich would stand by Poland.” The Nazi leader even prompted and advised that Poland started to act “only after the Germans occupy the Sudetes.”

Poland was aware that without Hitler’s support, its annexationist plans were doomed to fail. I would like to quote in this regard a record of the conversation between German Ambassador to Warsaw Hans-Adolf von Moltke and Jรณzef Beck that took place on Octoberย 1,ย 1938, and was focused on the Polish-Czech relations and the position of the Soviet Union in this matter. It says: “Mr. Beck expressed real gratitude for the loyal treatment accorded [to] Polish interests at the Munich conference, as well as the sincerity of relations during the Czech conflict. The attitude of the Fรผhrer and Chancellor was fully appreciated by the Government and the public [of Poland].”

The partition of Czechoslovakia was brutal and cynical. Munich destroyed even the formal, fragile guarantees that remained on the continent. It showed that mutual agreements were worthless. It was the Munich Betrayal that served as a “trigger” and made the great war in Europe inevitable.

Today, European politicians, and Polish leaders in particular, wish to sweep the Munich Betrayal under the carpet. Why? The fact that their countries once broke their commitments and supported the Munich Betrayal, with some of them even participating in divvying up the take, is not the only reason. Another is that it is kind of embarrassing to recall that during those dramatic days of 1938, the Soviet Union was the only one to stand up for Czechoslovakia.

The Soviet Union, in accordance with its international obligations, including agreements with France and Czechoslovakia, tried to prevent the tragedy from happening. Meanwhile, Poland, in pursuit of its interests, was doing its utmost to hamper the establishment of a collective security system in Europe. Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Jรณzef Beck wrote about it directly in his letter of Septemberย 19,ย 1938 to the aforementioned Ambassador Jรณzef Lipski before his meeting with Hitler: “โ€ฆin the past year, the Polish government rejected four times the proposal to join the international interfering in defense of Czechoslovakia.”

Britain, as well as France, which was at the time the main ally of the Czechs and Slovaks, chose to withdraw their guarantees and abandon this Eastern European country to its fate. In so doing, they sought to direct the attention of the Nazis eastward so that Germany and the Soviet Union would inevitably clash and bleed each other white.

That is the essence of the western policy of appeasement, which was pursued not only towards the Third Reich but also towards other participants of the so-called Anti-Comintern Pactย โ€“ the fascist Italy and militarist Japan. In the Far East, this policy culminated in the conclusion of the Anglo-Japanese agreement in the summer of 1939, which gave Tokyo a free hand in China. The leading European powers were unwilling to recognize the mortal danger posed by Germany and its allies to the whole world. They were hoping that they themselves would be left untouched by the war.

The Munich Betrayal showed to the Soviet Union that the Western countries would deal with security issues without taking its interests into account. In fact, they could even create an anti-Soviet front, if needed.

Nevertheless, the Soviet Union did its utmost to use every chance of creating an anti-Hitler coalition. Despiteย โ€“ I will say it againย โ€“ the doubleโ€‘dealing on the part of the Western countries. For instance, the intelligence services reported to the Soviet leadership detailed information on the behind-the-scenes contacts between Britain and Germany in the summer of 1939. The important thing is that those contacts were quite active and practically coincided with the tripartite negotiations between France, Great Britain and the USSR, which were, on the contrary, deliberately protracted by the Western partners. In this connection, I will cite a document from the British archives. It contains instructions to the British military mission that came to Moscow in Augustย 1939. It directly states that the delegation was to proceed with negotiations very slowly, and that the Government of the United Kingdom was not ready to assume any obligations spelled out in detail and limiting their freedom of action under any circumstances. I will also note that, unlike the British and French delegations, the Soviet delegation was headed by top commanders of the Red Army, who had the necessary authority to “sign a military convention on the organization of military defense of England, France and the USSR against aggression in Europe.”

Poland played its role in the failure of those negotiations as it did not want to have any obligations to the Soviet side. Even under pressure from their Western allies, the Polish leadership rejected the idea of joint action with the Red Army to fight against the Wehrmacht. It was only when they learned of the arrival of Ribbentrop to Moscow that J. Beck reluctantly and not directly, through French diplomats, notified the Soviet side: “โ€ฆ in the event of joint action against the German aggression, cooperation between Poland and the Soviet Union is not out of the question, in technical circumstances which remain to be agreed.”ย  At the same time, he explained to his colleagues: “โ€ฆ I agreed to this wording only for the sake of the tactics, and our core position in relation to the Soviet Union is final and remains unchanged.”

In these circumstances, the Soviet Union signed the Non-Aggression Pact with Germany. It was practically the last among the European countries to do so. Besides, it was done in the face of a real threat of war on two frontsย โ€“ with Germany in the west and with Japan in the east, where intense fighting on the Khalkhin Gol River was already underway.

Stalin and his entourage, indeed, deserve many legitimate accusations. We remember the crimes committed by the regime against its own people and the horror of mass repressions. In other words, there are many things the Soviet leaders can be reproached for, but poor understanding of the nature of external threats is not one of them. They saw how attempts were made to leave the Soviet Union alone to deal with Germany and its allies. Bearing in mind this real threat, they sought to buy precious time needed to strengthen the country’s defenses.

Nowadays, we hear lots of speculations and accusations against modern Russia in connection with the Non-Aggression Pact signed back then. Yes, Russia is the legal successor state to the USSR, and the Soviet periodย โ€“ with all its triumphs and tragediesย โ€“ is an inalienable part of our thousand-year-long history. However, let us recall that the Soviet Union gave a legal and moral assessment of the so-called Molotovโ€“Ribbentrop Pact. The Supreme Soviet in its resolution of 24ย Decemberย 1989 officially denounced the secret protocols as “an act of personal power” which in no way re๏ฌ‚ected “the will of the Soviet people who bear no responsibility for this collusion.”

Yet other states have preferred to forget the agreements carrying signatures of the Nazis and Western politicians, not to mention giving legal or political assessments of such cooperation, including the silent acquiescenceย โ€“ or even direct abetmentย โ€“ of some European politicians in the barbarous plans of the Nazis. It will suffice to remember the cynical phrase said by Polish Ambassador to Germany J.ย Lipski during his conversation with Hitler on 20ย Septemberย 1938: “โ€ฆfor solving the Jewish problem, we [the Poles] will build in his honor โ€ฆ a splendid monument in Warsaw.”

Besides, we do not know if there were any secret “protocols” or annexes to agreements of a number of countries with the Nazis. The only thing that is left to do is to take their word for it. In particular, materials pertaining to the secret Anglo-German talks still have not been declassified. Therefore, we urge all states to step up the process of making their archives public and publishing previously unknown documents of the war and pre-war periodsย โ€“ the way Russia has done it in recent years. In this context, we are ready for broad cooperation and joint research projects engaging historians.

But let us go back to the events immediately preceding the Second World War. It was naรฏve to believe that Hitler, once done withย Czechoslovakia, would not make new territorial claims. This time the claims involved its recent accomplice in the partition of Czechoslovakiaย โ€“ Poland. Here, the legacy of Versailles, particularly the fate of the so-called Danzig Corridor, was yet again used as the pretext. The blame for the tragedy that Poland then suffered lies entirely with the Polish leadership, which had impeded the formation of a military alliance between Britain, France and the Soviet Union and relied on the help from its Western partners, throwing its own people under the steamroller of Hitler’s machine of destruction.

The German offensive was mounted in full accordance with the blitzkrieg doctrine. Despite the fierce, heroic resistance of the Polish army, on 8ย Septemberย 1939ย โ€“ only a week after the war broke outย โ€“ the German troops were on the approaches to Warsaw. By 17ย September, the military and political leaders of Poland had fled to Romania, abandoning its people, who continued to fight against the invaders.

Poland’s hope for help from its Western allies was in vain. After the war against Germany was declared, the French troops advanced only a few tens of kilometers deep into the German territory. All of it looked like a mere demonstration of vigorous action. Moreover, the Anglo-French Supreme War Council, holding its first meeting on 12ย Septemberย 1939 in the French city of Abbeville, decided to call off the offensive altogether in view of the rapid developments in Poland. That was when the infamous Phony War started. What Britain and France did was a blatant betrayal of their obligations to Poland.

Later, during the Nuremberg trials, German generals explained their quick success in the East. The former chief of the operations staff of the German armed forces high command, General Alfred Jodl admitted: “โ€ฆ we did not suffer defeat as early as 1939 only because about 110 French and British divisions stationed in the west against 23 German divisions during our war with Poland remained absolutely idle.”

I asked for retrieval from the archives of the whole body of materials pertaining to the contacts between the USSR and Germany in the dramatic days of August and Septemberย 1939. According to the documents, paragraphย 2 of the Secret Protocol to the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 23ย Augustย 1939 stated that, in the event of territorial-political reorganization of the districts making up the Polish state, the border of the spheres of interest of the two countries would run “approximately along the Narew, Vistula and San rivers”. In other words, the Soviet sphere of influence included not only the territories that were mostly home to Ukrainian and Belarusian population but also the historically Polish lands in the Vistula and Bug interfluve. This fact is known to very few these days.

Similarly, very few know that, immediately following the attack on Poland, in the early days of September 1939 Berlin strongly and repeatedly called on Moscow to join the military action. However, the Soviet leadership ignored those calls and planned to avoid engaging in the dramatic developments as long as possible.

It was only when it became absolutely clear that Great Britain and France were not going to help their ally and the Wehrmacht could swiftly occupy entire Poland and thus appear on the approaches to Minsk that the Soviet Union decided to send in, on the morning of 17ย September, Red Army units into the so-called Eastern Borderlines, which nowadays form part of the territories of Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania.

Obviously, there was no alternative. Otherwise, the USSR would face seriously increased risks because โ€“ I will say this again โ€“ the old Soviet-Polish border ran only within a few tens of kilometers of Minsk. The country would have to enter the inevitable war with the Nazis from very disadvantageous strategic positions, while millions of people of different nationalities, including the Jews living near Brest and Grodno, Przemyล›l, Lvov and Wilno, would be left to die at the hands of the Nazis and their local accomplices โ€“ anti-Semites and radical nationalists.

The fact that the Soviet Union sought to avoid engaging in the growing conflict for as long as possible and was unwilling to fight side by side with Germany was the reason why the real contact between the Soviet and the German troops occurred much farther east than the borders agreed in the secret protocol. It was not on the Vistula River but closer to the so-called Curzon Line, which back in 1919 was recommended by the Triple Entente as the eastern border of Poland.

As is known, there is hardly any point in using the subjunctive mood when we speak of the past events. I will only say that, in September 1939, the Soviet leadership had an opportunity to move the western borders of the USSR even farther west, all the way to Warsaw, but decided against it.

The Germans suggested formalizing the new status quo. On Septemberย 28,ย 1939 Joachim von Ribbentrop and V.Molotov signed in Moscow theย Boundary and Friendship Treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union, as well as the secret protocol on changing the state border, according to which the border was recognized at the demarcation line where the two armies de-facto stood.

In autumnย 1939, the Soviet Union, pursuing its strategic military and defensive goals, started the process of the incorporation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Their accession to the USSR was implemented on a contractual basis, with the consent of the elected authorities. This was in line with international and state law of that time. Besides, in Octoberย 1939, the city of Vilna and the surrounding area, which had previously been part of Poland, were returned to Lithuania. The Baltic republics within the USSR preserved their government bodies, language, and had representation in the higher state structures of the Soviet Union.

During all these months there was an ongoing invisible diplomatic and politico-military struggle and intelligence work. Moscow understood that it was facing a fierce and cruel enemy, and that a covert war against Nazism was already going on. And there is no reason to take official statements and formal protocol notes of that time as a proof of โ€˜friendship’ between the USSR and Germany. The Soviet Union had active trade and technical contacts not only with Germany, but with other countries as well. Whereas Hitler tried again and again to draw the Soviet Union into Germany’s confrontation with the UK. But the Soviet government stood firm.

The last attempt to persuade the USSR to act together was made by Hitler during the visit of Molotov to Berlin in Novemberย 1940. But Molotov accurately followed Stalin’s instructions and limited himself to a general discussion of the German idea of the Soviet Union joining the Tripartite Pact signed by Germany, Italy andย Japanย in Septemberย 1940 and directed against the UK and the USA. No wonder that already on Novemberย 17 Molotov gave the following instructions to Soviet plenipotentiary representative in London Ivan Maisky: “For your informationโ€ฆNo agreement was signed or was intended to be signed in Berlin. We just exchanged our views in Berlinโ€ฆand that was allโ€ฆApparently, the Germans and the Japanese seem anxious to push us towards the Gulf and India. We declined the discussion of this matter as we consider such advice on the part of Germany to be inappropriate.” And on Novemberย 25 the Soviet leadership called it a day altogether by officially putting forward to Berlin the conditions that were unacceptable to the Nazis, including the withdrawal of German troops from Finland, mutual assistance treaty between Bulgaria and the USSR, and a number of others. Thus it deliberately excluded any possibility of joining the Pact. Such position definitely shaped the Fuehrer’s intention to unleash a war against the USSR. And already in December, putting aside the warnings of his strategists about the disastrous danger of having a two-front war, Hitler approved the Barbarossa Plan. He did this with the knowledge that the Soviet Union was the major force that opposed him in Europe and that the upcoming battle in the East would decide the outcome of the world war. And he had no doubts as to the swiftness and success of the Moscow campaign.

And here I would like to highlight the following: Western countries, as a matter of fact, agreed at that time with the Soviet actions and recognized the Soviet Union’s intention to ensure its national security. Indeed, back on Octoberย 1,ย 1939 Winston Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty back then, in his speech on the radio said, “Russia has pursued a cold policy of self-interestโ€ฆ But that the Russian armies should stand on this line [the new Western border is meant] was clearly necessary for the safety of Russia against the Nazi menace.” On Octoberย 4,ย 1939 speaking in the House of Lords British Foreign Secretary Halifax said, “โ€ฆit should be recalled that the Soviet government’s actions were to move the border essentially to the line recommended at the Versailles Conference by Lord Curzon… I only cite historical facts and believe they are indisputable.” Prominent British politician and statesman D.ย Lloyd George emphasized, “The Russian armies occupied the territories that are not Polish and that were forcibly seized by Poland after the First World War … It would be an act of criminal insanity to put the Russian advancement on a par with the German one.”

In informal communications with Soviet plenipotentiary representative Maisky, British diplomats and high-level politicians spoke even more openly. On Octoberย 17,ย 1939 Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs R. A. Butler confided him that the British government circles believed there could be no question of returning Western Ukraine and Belarus to Poland. According to him, if it had been possible to create an ethnographic Poland of a modest size with a guarantee not only of the USSR and Germany, but also of Britain and France, the British government would have considered itself quite satisfied. On Octoberย 27,ย 1939, Chamberlain’s senior advisor H.Wilson said that Poland had to be restored as an independent state on its ethnographic basis, but without Western Ukraine and Belarus.

It is worth noting that in the course of these conversations the possibilities for improving British-Soviet relations were also being explored. These contacts to a large extent laid the foundation for future alliance and anti-Hitler coalition. Churchill stood out among other responsible and far-sighted politicians and, despite his infamous dislike for the USSR, had been in favour of cooperating with the Soviets even before. Back in Mayย 1939, he said in the House of Commons, “We shall be in mortal danger if we fail to create a grand alliance against aggression. The worst folly would be to drive away any natural cooperation with Soviet Russia.” And after the start of hostilities in Europe, at his meeting with Maisky on Octoberย 6,ย 1939 he confided that there were no serious contradictions between the UK and the USSR and, therefore, there was no reason for strained or unsatisfactory relations. He also mentioned that the British government was eager to develop trade relations and willing to discuss any other measures that might improve the relationships.

The Second World War did not happen overnight, nor did it start unexpectedly or all of a sudden. And German aggression againstย Polandย was not out of nowhere. It was the result of a number of tendencies and factors of the world policy of that time. All pre-war events fell into place to form one fatal chain. But, undoubtedly, the main factors that predetermined the greatest tragedy in the history of mankind were state egoism, cowardice, appeasement of the aggressor who was gaining strength, and unwillingness of political elites to search for a compromise.

Therefore, it is unfair to claim that the two-day visit to Moscow of Nazi Foreign Minister Ribbentrop was the main reason for the start of the Second World War. All the leading countries are to a certain extent responsible for its outbreak. Each of them made fatal mistakes, arrogantly believing that they could outsmart others, secure unilateral advantages for themselves or stay away from the impending world catastrophe. And this short-sightedness, the refusal to create a collective security system cost millions of lives and tremendous losses.

Saying this, I by no means intend to take on the role of a judge, to accuse or acquit anyone, let alone initiate a new round of international information confrontation in the historical field that could set countries and peoples at loggerheads. I believe that it is academics with a wide representation of respected scientists from different countries of the world who should search for a balanced assessment of what happened. We all need the truth and objectivity. On my part, I have always encouraged my colleagues to build a calm, open and trust-based dialogue, to look at the common past in a self-critical and unbiased manner. Such an approach will make it possible not to repeat the errors committed back then and to ensure peaceful and successful development for years to come.

However, many of our partners are not yet ready for joint work. On the contrary, pursuing their goals, they increase the number and the scope of information attacks against our country, trying to make us provide excuses and feel guilty, and adopt thoroughly hypocritical and politically motivated declarations. Thus, for example, the resolution on theย Importance of European Remembrance for the Future of Europeย approved by the European Parliament on 19ย Septemberย 2019 directly accused the USSR together with the Nazi Germany of unleashing the Second World War. Needless to say, there is no mention of Munich in it whatsoever.

I believe that such โ€˜paperwork’ โ€“ for I cannot call this resolution a document โ€“ which is clearly intended to provoke a scandal, is fraught with real and dangerous threats. Indeed, it was adopted by a highly respectable institution. And what does that show? Regrettably, this reveals a deliberate policy aimed at destroying the post-war world order whose creation was a matter of honour and responsibility for States a number of representatives of which voted today in favour of this deceitful resolution. Thus, they challenged the conclusions of the Nuremberg Tribunal and the efforts of the international community to create after the victorious 1945 universal international institutions. Let me remind you in this regard that the process of European integration itself leading to the establishment of relevant structures, including the European Parliament, became possible only due to the lessons learnt form the past and its accurate legal and political assessment. And those who deliberately put this consensus into question undermine the foundations of the entire post-war Europe.

Apart from posing a threat to the fundamental principles of the world order, this also raises certain moral and ethical issues. Desecrating and insulting the memory is mean. Meanness can be deliberate, hypocritical and pretty much intentional as in the situation when declarations commemorating the 75thย anniversary of the end of the Second World War mention all participants in the anti-Hitler coalition except for the Soviet Union. Meanness can be cowardly as in the situation when monuments erected in honour of those who fought against Nazism are demolished and these shameful acts are justified by the false slogans of the fight against an unwelcome ideology and alleged occupation. Meanness can also be bloody as in the situation when those who come out against neo-Nazis and Bandera’s successors are killed and burned. Once again, meanness can have different manifestations, but this does not make it less disgusting.

Neglecting the lessons of history inevitably leads to a harsh payback. We will firmly uphold the truth based on documented historical facts. We will continue to be honest and impartial about the events of World War II. This includes a large-scale project to establish Russia’s largest collection of archival records, film and photo materials about the history of World War II and the preโ€‘war period.

Such work is already underway. Many new, recently discovered or declassified materials were also used in the preparation of this article. In this regard, I can state with all responsibility that there are no archive documents that would confirm the assumption that the USSR intended to start a preventive war against Germany. The Soviet military leadership indeed followed a doctrine according to which, in the event of aggression, the Red Army would promptly confront the enemy, go on the offensive and wage war on enemy territory. However, such strategic plans did not imply any intention to attack Germany first.

Of course, military planning documents, letters of instruction of Soviet and German headquarters are now available to historians. Finally, we know the true course of events. From the perspective of this knowledge, many argue about the actions, mistakes and misjudgment of the country’s military and political leadership. In this regard, I will say one thing: along with a huge flow of misinformation of various kinds, Soviet leaders also received true information about the upcoming Nazi aggression. And in the pre-war months, they took steps to improve the combat readiness of the country, including the secret recruitment of a part of those liable for military duty for military training and the redeployment of units and reserves from internal military districts to western borders.

The war did not come as a surprise, people were expecting it, preparing for it. But the Nazi attack was truly unprecedented in terms of its destructive power. On Juneย 22,ย 1941, the Soviet Union faced the strongest, most mobilized and skilled army in the world with the industrial, economic and military potential of almost all Europe working for it. Not only the Wehrmacht, but also German satellites, military contingents of many other states of the European continent, took part in this deadly invasion.

The most serious military defeats in 1941 brought the country to the brink of catastrophe. Combat power and control had to be restored by extreme means, nation-wide mobilization and intensification of all efforts of the state and the people. In summerย 1941, millions of citizens, hundreds of factories and industries began to be evacuated under enemy fire to the east of the country. The manufacture of weapons and munition, that had started to be supplied to the front already in the first military winter, was launched in the shortest possible time, and by 1943, the rates of military production of Germany and its allies were exceeded. Within six months, the Soviet people did something that seemed impossible. Both on the front lines and the home front. It is still hard to realize, understand and imagine what incredible efforts, courage, dedication these greatest achievements were worth.

The tremendous power of Soviet society, united by the desire to protect their native land, rose against the powerful, armed to the teeth, cold-blooded Nazi invading machine. It stood up to take revenge on the enemy, who had broken, trampled peaceful life, people’s plans and hopes.

Of course, fear, confusion and desperation were taking over some people during this terrible and bloody war. There were betrayal and desertion. The harsh split caused by the revolution and the Civil War, nihilism, mockery of national history, traditions and faith that the Bolsheviks tried to impose, especially in the first years after coming to powerย โ€“ all of this had its impact. But the general attitude of the absolute majority of Soviet citizens and our compatriots who found themselves abroad was different โ€“ to save and protect the Motherland. It was a real and irrepressible impulse. People were looking for support in true patriotic values.

The Nazi “strategists” were convinced that a huge multinational state could easily be brought to heel. They thought that the sudden outbreak of the war, its mercilessness and unbearable hardships would inevitably exacerbate inter-ethnic relations. And that the country could be split into pieces. Hitler clearly stated: “Our policy towards the peoples living in the vastness of Russia should be to promote any form of disagreement and division”.

But from the very first days, it was clear that the Nazi plan had failed. The Brest Fortress was protected to the last drop of blood by its defenders of more than 30ย ethnicities. Throughout the war, the feat of the Soviet people knew no national boundariesย โ€“ both in large-scale decisive battles and in the protection of every foothold, every meter of native land.

The Volga region and the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia became home to millions of evacuees. Their residents shared everything they had and provided all the support they could. Friendship of peoples and mutual help became a real indestructible fortress for the enemy.

The Soviet Union and the Red Army, no matter what anyone is trying to prove today, made the main and crucial contribution to the defeat of Nazism. These were heroes who fought to the end surrounded by the enemy at ย Bialystok and Mogilev, Uman and Kiev, Vyazma and Kharkov. They launched attacks near Moscow and Stalingrad, Sevastopol and Odessa, Kursk and Smolensk. They liberated Warsaw, Belgrade, Vienna and Prague. They stormed Koenigsberg and Berlin.

We contend for genuine, unvarnished, or whitewashed truth about war. This national, human truth, which is hard, bitter and merciless, has been handed down to us by writers and poets who walked through fire and hell of front trials. For my generation, as well as for others, their honest and deep stories, novels, piercing trench prose and poems have left their mark in my soul forever. Honoring veterans who did everything they could for the Victory and remembering those who died on the battlefield has become our moral duty.

And today, the simple and great in its essence lines of Alexander Tvardovsky’s poem “I was killed near Rzhev …” dedicated to the participants of the bloody and brutal battle of the Great Patriotic War in the center of the Soviet-German front line are astonishing. Only in the battles for Rzhev and the Rzhevsky Salient from Octoberย 1941 to Marchย 1943, the Red Army lost 1,154,ย 698ย people, including wounded and missing. For the first time, I call out these terrible, tragic and far from complete figures collected from archive sources. I do it to honor the memory of the feat of known and nameless heroes, who for various reasons were undeservingly, and unfairly little talked about or not mentioned at all in the post-war years.

Let me cite you another document. This is a report of February 1954 on reparation from Germany by the Allied Commission on Reparations headed by Ivan Maisky. The Commission’s task was to define a formula according to which defeated Germany would have to pay for the damages sustained by the victor powers. The Commission concluded that “the number of soldier-days spent by Germany on the Soviet front is at least 10 times higher than on all other allied fronts. The Soviet front also had to handle four-fifths of German tanks and about two-thirds of German aircraft.” On the whole, the USSR accounted for about 75 percent of all military efforts undertaken by the anti-Hitler coalition. During the war period, the Red Army “ground up” 626 divisions of the Axis states, of which 508 were German.

On Aprilย 28,ย 1942, Franklin D. Roosevelt said in his address to the American nation: “These Russian forces have destroyed and are destroying more armed power of our enemiesย โ€“ troops, planes, tanks, and gunsย โ€“ than all the other United Nations put together”. Winston Churchill in his message to Joseph Stalin of Septemberย 27,ย 1944, wrote “that it is the Russian army that tore the guts out of the German military machineโ€ฆ”.

Such an assessment has resonated throughout the world. Because these words are the great truth, which no one doubted then. Almost 27 million Soviet citizens lost their lives on the fronts, in German prisons, starved to death and were bombed, died in ghettos and furnaces of the Nazi death camps. The USSR lost one in seven of its citizens, the UK lost one in 127, and the USA lost one in 320. Unfortunately, this figure of the Soviet Union’s hardest and grievous losses is not exhaustive. The painstaking work should be continued to restore the names and fates of all who have perished โ€“ Red Army soldiers, partisans, underground fighters, prisoners of war and concentration camps, and civilians killed by the death squads. It is our duty. And here, members of the search movement, militaryโ€‘patriotic and volunteer associations, such projects as the electronic database “Pamyat Naroda”, which contains archival documents, play a special role. And, surely, close international cooperation is needed in such a common humanitarian task.

The efforts of all countries and peoples who fought against a common enemy resulted in victory. The British army protected its homeland from invasion, fought the Nazis and their satellites in the Mediterranean and North Africa. American and British troops liberated Italy and opened the Second Front. The US dealt powerful and crushing strikes against the aggressor in the Pacific Ocean. We remember the tremendous sacrifices made by the Chinese people and their great role in defeating Japanese militarists. Let us not forget the fighters of Fighting France, who did not fall for the shameful capitulation and continued to fight against the Nazis.

We will also always be grateful for the assistance rendered by the Allies in providing the Red Army with ammunition, raw materials, food and equipment. And that help was significantย โ€“ about 7ย percent of the total military production of the Soviet Union.

The core of the anti-Hitler coalition began to take shape immediately after the attack on the Soviet Union where the United States and Britain unconditionally supported it in the fight against Hitler’s Germany. At the Tehran conference in 1943, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill formed an alliance of great powers, agreed to elaborate coalition diplomacy and a joint strategy in the fight against a common deadly threat. The leaders of the Big Three had a clear understanding that the unification of industrial, resource and military capabilities of the USSR, the United States and the UK will give unchallenged supremacy over the enemy.

The Soviet Union fully fulfilled its obligations to its allies and always offered a helping hand. Thus, the Red Army supported the landing of the Anglo-American troops in Normandy by carrying out a large-scale Operation Bagration in Belarus. In Januaryย 1945, having broken through to the Oder River, it put an end to the last powerful offensive of the Wehrmacht on the Western Front in the Ardennes. Three months after the victory over Germany, the USSR, in full accordance with the Yalta agreements, declared war on Japan and defeated the million-strong Kwantung Army.

Back in Julyย 1941, the Soviet leadership declared that the purpose of the War against fascist oppressors was not only the elimination of the threat looming over our country, but also help for all the peoples of Europe suffering under the yoke of German fascism. By the middle of 1944, the enemy was expelled from virtually all of the Soviet territory. However, the enemy had to be finished off in its lair. And so the Red Army started its liberation mission in Europe. It saved entire nations from destruction and enslavement, and from the horror of the Holocaust. They were saved at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives of Soviet soldiers.

It is also important not to forget about the enormous material assistance that the USSR provided to the liberated countries in eliminating the threat of hunger and in rebuilding their economies and infrastructure. That was being done at the time when ashes stretched for thousands of miles all the way from Brest to Moscow and the Volga. For instance, in Mayย 1945, the Austrian government asked the USSR to provide assistance with food, as it “had no idea how to feed its population in the next seven weeks before the new harvest.” The state chancellor of the provisional government of the Austrian Republic Karl Renner described the consent of the Soviet leadership to send food as a saving act that the Austrians would never forget.

The Allies jointly established the International Military Tribunal to punish Nazi political and war criminals. Its decisions contained a clear legal qualification of crimes against humanity, such as genocide, ethnic and religious cleansing, anti-Semitism and xenophobia. Directly and unambiguously, the Nuremberg Tribunal also condemned the accomplices of the Nazis, collaborators of various kinds.

This shameful phenomenon manifested itself in all European countries. Such figures as Pรฉtain, Quisling, Vlasov, Bandera, their henchmen and followersย โ€“ though they were disguised as fighters for national independence or freedom from communismย โ€“ are traitors and slaughterers. In inhumanity, they often exceeded their masters. In their desire to serve, as part of special punitive groups they willingly executed the most inhuman orders. They were responsible for such bloody events as the shootings of Babi Yar, the Volhynia massacre, burnt Khatyn, acts of destruction of Jews in Lithuania and Latvia.

Today as well, our position remains unchangedย โ€“ there can be no excuse for the criminal acts of Nazi collaborators, there is no statute of limitations for them. It is therefore bewildering that in certain countries those who are smirched with cooperation with the Nazis are suddenly equated with the Second World War veterans. I believe that it is unacceptable to equate liberators with occupants. And I can only regard the glorification of Nazi collaborators as a betrayal of the memory of our fathers and grandfathers. A betrayal of the ideals that united peoples in the fight against Nazism.

At that time, the leaders of the USSR, the United States, and the UK faced, without exaggeration, a historic task.ย Stalin,ย Rooseveltย andย Churchillย represented the countries with different ideologies, state aspirations, interests, cultures, but demonstrated great political will, rose above the contradictions and preferences and put the true interests of peace at the forefront. As a result, they were able to come to an agreement and achieve a solution from which all of humanity has benefited.

The victorious powers left us a system that has become the quintessence of the intellectual and political quest of several centuries. A series of conferencesย โ€“ Tehran, Yalta, San Francisco and Potsdamย โ€“ laid the foundation of a world that for 75ย years had no global war, despite the sharpest contradictions.

Historical revisionism, the manifestations of which we now observe in the West, and primarily with regard to the subject of the Second World War and its outcome, is dangerous because it grossly and cynically distorts the understanding of the principles of peaceful development, laid down at theย Yaltaย and San Francisco conferences in 1945. The major historic achievement of Yalta and other decisions of that time is the agreement to create a mechanism that would allow the leading powers to remain within the framework of diplomacy in resolving their differences.

The twentieth century brought large-scale and comprehensive global conflicts, and in 1945 the nuclear weapons capable of physically destroying the Earth also entered the scene. In other words, the settlement of disputes by force has become prohibitively dangerous. And the victors in the Second World War understood that. They understood and were aware of their own responsibility towards humanity.

The cautionary tale of the League of Nations was taken into account in 1945. The structure of the UN Security Council was developed in a way to make peace guarantees as concrete and effective as possible. That is how the institution of the permanent members of the Security Council and the right of the veto as their privilege and responsibility came into being.

What is veto power in the UN Security Council? To put it bluntly, it is the only reasonable alternative to a direct confrontation between major countries. It is a statement by one of the five powers that a decision is unacceptable to it and is contrary to its interests and its ideas about the right approach. And other countries, even if they do not agree, take this position for granted, abandoning any attempts to realize their unilateral efforts. So, in one way or another, it is necessary to seek compromises.

A new global confrontation started almost immediately after the end of the Second World War and was at times very fierce. And the fact that the Cold War did not grow into the Third World War has become a clear testimony of the effectiveness of the agreements concluded by the Big Three. The rules of conduct agreed upon during the creation of the United Nations made it possible to further minimize risks and keep confrontation under control.

Of course, we can see that the UN system currently experiences certain tension in its work and is not as effective as it could be. But the UN still performs its primary function. The principles of the UN Security Council are a unique mechanism for preventing a major war or global conflict.

The calls that have been made quite often in recent years to abolish theย veto power, to deny special opportunities to permanent members of the Security Council are actually irresponsible. After all, if that happens, the United Nations would in essence become the League of Nationsย โ€“ a meeting for empty talk without any leverage on the world processes. How it ended is well known. That is why the victorious powers approached the formation of the new system of the world order with utmost seriousness seeking to avoid repetition of the mistakes of their predecessors.

The creation of the modern system of international relations is one of the major outcomes of theย Second World War. Even the most insurmountable contradictions โ€“ geopolitical, ideological, economicย โ€“ do not prevent us from finding forms of peaceful coexistence and interaction, if there is the desire and will to do so. Today the world is going through quite a turbulent time. Everything is changing, from the global balance of power and influence to the social, economic and technological foundations of societies, nations and even continents. In the past epochs, shifts of such magnitude have almost never happened without major military conflicts. Without a power struggle to build a new global hierarchy. Thanks to the wisdom and farsightedness of the political figures of the Allied Powers, it was possible to create a system that has restrained from extreme manifestations of such objective competition, historically inherent in the world development.

It is a duty of oursย โ€“ all those who take political responsibility and primarily representatives of the victorious powers in the Second World Warย โ€“ to guarantee that this system is maintained and improved. Today, as in 1945, it is important to demonstrate political will and discuss the future together. Our colleaguesย โ€“ Mr. Xi Jinping, Mr. Macron, Mr. Trump and Mr. Johnsonย โ€“ supported the Russian initiative to hold a meeting of the leaders of the five nuclear-weapon States, permanent members of the Security Council. We thank them for this and hope that such a face-to-face meeting could take place as soon as possible.

What is our vision of the agenda for the upcoming summit? First of all, in our opinion, it would be useful to discuss steps to develop collective principles in world affairs. To speak frankly about the issues of preserving peace, strengthening global and regional security, strategic arms control, as well as joint efforts in countering terrorism, extremism and other major challenges and threats.

A special item on the agenda of the meeting is the situation in the global economy. And above all, overcoming the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Our countries are taking unprecedented measures to protect the health and lives of people and to support citizens who have found themselves in difficult living situations. Our ability to work together and in concert, as real partners, will show how severe the impact of the pandemic will be, and how quickly the global economy will emerge from the recession. Moreover, it is unacceptable to turn the economy into an instrument of pressure and confrontation. Popular issues include environmental protection and combating climate change, as well as ensuring the security of the global information space.

The agenda proposed by Russia for the upcoming summit of the Five is extremely important and relevant both for our countries and for the entire world. And we have specific ideas and initiatives on all the items.

There can be no doubt that the summit of Russia,ย China,ย France, the United States, and theย UKย can play an important role in finding common answers to modern challenges and threats, and will demonstrate a common commitment to the spirit of alliance, to those high humanist ideals and values for which our fathers and grandfathers were fighting shoulder to shoulder.

Drawing on a shared historical memory, we can trust each other and must do so. That will serve as a solid basis for successful negotiations and concerted action for the sake of enhancing the stability and security on the planet and for the sake of prosperity and well-being of all States. Without exaggeration, it is our common duty and responsibility towards the entire world, towards the present and future generations.

Vladimir Putin serves as President of the Russian Federation.ย 

Image: Reuters.ย 





A striking Patreon special! Russian & American: A Remarkable Tale of Two Centenarian Ladies & Today’s Situation in Perspective! ~ LADA RAY ESSAY

Some of the latest Patreon articles and talks:

US Events Just the Beginning! KARMA & PERIOD 9 Preview – Hold On to Your Chair!

Lada’s Advice: How to Cope with Growing Society’s Polarization! Will the West Be Going Through Shocks for the Next 20+ Years?

Consequences of the US-CHINA Economic War!

Who Wants to Prevent the Great Rebalancing? E. Europe: Stuck Between Moving GEOPOLITICAL TECTONIC PLATES! (+ about Trump & some predictions!)

Read FREE marathon series articles and watch videos!

Latest comprehensive article, putting lots of things in perspective:ย Turning Lemons Into Lemonade! Putin Announces New Victory Parade Dates… And So Much More!


Between April and May 12 I created a Virtual Victory Marathon & Flashmob. I published a number of posts and videos, some historic and geopolitical, and some beautiful and entertaining, to commemorate this important anniversary!





I hope you find time to explore them. All links to Victory 75 Marathon are located at the bottom of this post:

On Patreon:ย What EARTH KEEPERS & TRUTH/MEMORY KEEPERS do: holding the space for TRUTH vs. the re-writing of history!

On FuturisTrendcast:ย What EARTH KEEPERS & TRUTH/MEMORY KEEPERS do: holding the space for TRUTH vs. the re-writing of history!

LADA RAY PATREON – full articles and reports

3 Unbelievable Stories & Amazing Historic WWII Videos! 1st Red Square Victory Day Parade; Nazi generals โ€˜walk of shameโ€™ through Moscow; 1st Victory Train from Berlin!ย 

No, the REAL Ukraine Is NOT Dead & Never Will Be! VICTORY DAY, No Matter the Threats! #Victory75 #May9

IMPORTANT THOUGHTS & QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS OF NAZISM // Putin postpones 75th Victory Day Parade // The rise of neo-Nazism & new history re-write

75 Years Later, Nazism Won in Europe? Czechia Demolishes Monument to Russian Marshal Konev, Liberator of Auschwitz & Prague! (LADA RAY REPORT)

FULL #Victory75 LIST! Read and watch on:

FUTURIST TRENDCAST #Victory75 & #ImmortalRegimentOnline Flashmob


Lada Ray Webinars:





New Re-Writing of History Underway!

Series Forbidden History 2x2

I spoke extensively about the past major history re-writes in my โ€‹FORBIDDEN HISTORY
Webinar series, as well as on Futurist Trendcast.

A new, very aggressive re-writing of history is taking place today! I warned about it since 2014! It is happening in Ukraine, parts of post-Soviet stapce, but most alarmingly, it is happening all over Europe, which was in the 20th century the birthplace of the hateful idologies of Nazism and fascism.

Reference to recent post on FT, by our friend Stanislav Sokolov:

After publishing that post, depicting the truthful facts of what happened during the Great Patriotic War (WWII) in Russia, FT was swarmed by various shades of brown. Nazi wannabies, most notably from SWEDEN, plus UK and US, tried to argue that ‘Hitler was a savior of Europe, and people of Europe were all for him, because he brought them freedom from Jews and Bolsheviks.’ There were personal attacks against me, and I had to close down the comments.

Today, please read the follow-up by Stanislav Sokolov. He is an observer of all these processes; he is originally from Russia and resides in Northern Europe. In his opinion, in the past 5-6 years, the process of the aggressive falsification and re-writing of history has greatly intensified.

This I did warn about repeatedly!

Here’s what Stanislav wrote to me:


Hi again, Lada!

I must say I did not expect such a reaction to my translation of an article from 2013! Things seem to be darker now, then they were even back then. I’ve researched what is happening to the topic of WWII on the net – both in the English-speaking and the Russian-speaking spheres – and there seems to be a trend of blame-shifting, which has gained a huge momentum over the past few years, to the tune of “Stalin is responsible for Germany attacking, and Germany is the victim”!! I can’t believe my eyes, but that’s what is being peddled now, similar to how a rape victim would be blamed for the actions of a rapist!

This is echoed on my own blog, where I acquired one German (judging by the name) commentator, who first says that he likes my history works and writings on Scythians, but then goes to posting every lie and misrepresentation about USSR ย (down to famine). I approved a couple of his comments and wrote systematic response to them, but it was like preaching to a deaf man. He just accused me of falling for the Communist propaganda and posted some links to book about how Stalin is responsible for all exterminations during WWII…

And then he posts some quite good and well-thought-out comments to my recent linguistics article. I do not think that he is actually a troll – he seems to be genuinely convinced and set in his views about WWII in particular and USSR in general. Or maybe it’s some sort of sophisticated trolling – first saying that they agree with you on some other topics, stroking the blog writer’s ego and hoping that they would win an in-pass on the topic they actually came to dispute… It made me wonder if Maggie on Patreon with her comments about censorship in Russia is another such case.

Read my exchange with him – this is the link to the original article, the exchnage is in comments:

And this makes me really afraid for the not-so-distant future. If such a 180 degree turn could be made in just 75 years, what perception will the kids in 2-3 generations have of WWII? In best case, the same as the kids today have of 1812-1814 and the liberation of Europe by Russia from the Napoleonic troops (with Napoleon becoming a hero of France and a kind of trade-mark) – total forgetfulness. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ



Stanislav and I are working hard, holding the space for truth and trying to preserve and convey to the people the real memory.

Visit Stanisav at his blog – he has a lot of good stuff:

Read and watch the lastest on FT:

If You Have A Heart & Soul, Watch This! The IMMORTAL REGIMENT โ€“ Heavenly Armyโ€™s Amazing Personalย Stories!

Soul of the Russian People! Amazing Songs of the War & Peace Years โ€“ Theyโ€™ll Forever Touch Yourย Heart!






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ATTENTION FH&FO SERIES SUBSCRIBERS! Forbidden History Webinar 9: The Mystery of Lost Continents & 4D World NOW LIVE!

ESW9 800x450


Forbidden History Webinar Series subscribers:

Please go to your EXCLUSIVE 4-WEBINAR ACCESS PAGE for the direct link to ESW9!

If you are new, you can purchase the complete series and/or individual webinars HERE:


After series purchase you will be directed straight to your EXCLUSIVE 4-WEBINAR ACCESS PAGE, where you can click on any webinar link to gain direct access!


Special announcement and Webinar 9 description will be posted on Futurist Trendcast and LadaRay.comย late on Sunday or on Monday!

ย Stats:


โ€‹Mystery of the Lost Continents & 4D World
(Atlantis, Eurasia, Antarctica &ย the Great Tartaria)

Webinar length: 3 hrs 12 min
Plus 5 bonuses & written commentary

โ€‹This is an MP4 VIDEO Webinar

Subdivided into 8 PARTS:
Video/written Intro + 6 Main Segments + Bonus Segment 7!
MP4 video/audio, CC, written outline,ย pictures & maps,ย resources & links,
โ€‹PLUS Lada Ray’s multidimensional ideas and teachings throughoutโ€‹

โ€‹As part of Segment 1 this webinar includes a collection of
6ย forbidden history ancient maps (Seg 1 Addendum)
It also includesย 4 Amazing Mother Russia Slide Shows as Bonus Segment 7!
Lada Ray written commentary & notes also included!



Dear friends,

PLUS:ย Our Loyal Monthly Donorsย &ย FuturisTrendcastย long-time regular supporters

During this live event, participants are free to askย Lada any burning questions within the topics ofย theย 
โ€‹3-WEBINAR SERIES (ESW 2, 3 & 4)

OR you may simply want to connect live with Lada, Az and friends
(You don’t have to ask questions to have fun during this live event, just listening and socializing will work, too!)


Heads up!

We expect to post a formal invitation to Lada Ray Q&A webinar on Sept 9-10. The finalized date/time and your sign-up form will also be posted at that time!

More details are available on ESW5 page:




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Order ALLย Earth Shift Webinars HERE

TRUTH BOMB! Why King George V of England condemned Russian Emperor Nikolay II and his family to death




We have recorded the WEBINAR Q&A, which is the final 7th SEGMENT OFย EARTH SHIFT Webinar 2 INVERTED COLLAPSE! It will be posted on the ESW2 page tonight! All those who purchased 3-Webinar Subscription OR individual ESW2, please go to your bookmarked webinar page. You will find answers to about 18 people’s questions. Plus, additional answers to some of your best questions have been included in the main webinar. I know I promised answers for the first 10-12 people who signed up, but we decided not to stop at that and answer as many as possible.


The advance signing up is now open for individual EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 3: THE FUTURE OF MONEY &ย EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 4: PERIOD 8 PREDICTIONS!

Of course, you are always welcome to purchase any time, at your convenience, our flagship webinar, 1st in the series:ย EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 2 INVERTED COLLAPSE!



GREAT NEWS! For all those who sign up for either 3-Webinar Series, or for ESW3 and ESW4 individually, Lada Ray is throwing in aย FREE LIVE Q&A WEBINAR, dedicated exclusively to answering your questions. This Q&A Follow-up Webinar will be fully live, in other words, you will be able to type in questions you want to ask Lada in real time and Lada will answer them on the spot. Those questions we have already received for ESW3 and ESW4 will be included.ย Date/time for this one-of-a-kind FREE LIVE event is TBD. Please stay tuned!


Last but not least! My interview with Paul Plane, the host of the Time Monk’s show THE PLANE TRUTH is finally being recorded tonight! In the interview I’ll be able to interpret for my listeners many new and convoluted global developments to which I am unable to get otherwise. Paul is an excellent interviewer and I always have a blast recording with him! Very happy he is back on air, after a long period of travels!ย  The interview should go live in a few days. I’ll give you heads up when that happens.

Now, to our today’s topic!

I thought I’d address this as a bonusย highlight ofย ย ESW2 INVERTED COLLAPSE!


Why King George V of England condemned Russian Emperor Nikolay II and his family to death

Dear Lada, I am listening to the Webinar 2 INVERTED COLLAPSE. Now at part 1 covering the Revolutions. Well-done, it is very informative and has a lot of eye-openers already!

One small addendum that I want to mention: WWI was at the time called โ€œthe war of 4 cousinsโ€, indicating that the heads of the four warring empires were blood relatives. In 2014 I gleaned an interesting titbit of information from a BBC documentary โ€œThe Genius of Carl Fabergรฉโ€ (the maker of the exquisite Easter egg presents for the royal court). It turns out that at the time, while Carl Fabergรฉ got an offer to get smuggled out of Russia disguised as a member of the British delegation on the last train, Nikolai II was denied such an opportunity by the his cousin, George V.
The documentary itself was aired in Norway on NRK2 in a set of Russia-themed programmes in connection with the Olympics in Sochi. Predictably, it has its own interpretation of the reasons for the revolution, but at least the information above seemed to be genuine.



“…while Carl Fabergรฉ got an offer to get smuggled out of Russia disguised as a member of the British delegation on the last train, Nikolai II was denied such an opportunity by the his cousin, George V.”

Yes, that’s what we have to understand once and for all. Dear Cousin George of England didn’t mind sacrificing his dear Cousin Nikolay of Russia and his whole family as a result of the Great Russian 1917 Revolution, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution.

For what? As I explained in the webinar, to create the pre-planned upheaval and turmoil from which Russia would never recover, that which would subsequently destroy Russia and eliminate the powerful Great Balancer of our Planet Earth.

ULTIMATE GOAL: full-spectrum world dominance by the West and the creation of NWO.

The first step in this grand scheme was to get rid of the Great Balancer — the only force that stood in the way, so that the imbalanced andย overly yangย collective West (in any of its manifestations known today: British Empire, Anglo-American Empire, NWO, banksters, globalists, Bilderberg, Deep State, which I prefer to refer to as Dark State) could bend the rest of the world to its specifications.

As the EARTH SHIFT – GREAT BALANCER THEORY implies, and as discussed inย ESW2 INVERTED COLLAPSE, this is exactlyย why Lenin acted the way he acted and this is why he truly was a genius: he saw right through it and played his cards right.ย In order to understand what I mean by these words, please listen toย INVERTED COLLAPSE!ย Warning! Whatever you do, dear readers, listen to my webinar explanation first; don’t jump to conclusions, which may be based solely on your brainwashing and incomplete information!

This is also why the USSR was necessary and unavoidable. What do I mean? FOR DETAILS SEE ESW2 INVERTED COLLAPSE.

Russian Emperor Nikolay II (Nicolas II) Romanov and his whole family were ultimately executed on July 17, 1918. As the new documents coming to light suggest, at the insistence of the British crown and with the participation of British agents.

The British Empire as the front for the Western yang aggression, for centuries had a long and protracted history of blood-stained and manipulative interference in Russian and other countries’ affairs. USA today is the heir and latest front for Western dominance and aggression. The front has changed, yet the essence remains, since the US has inherited the ‘title’ as a result of WWII.

Just recently Putin has been talking about how the West brazenly interferes in today’s Russian internal affairs. A well-known fact is that the US ambassador and embassy employees, taking advantage of their diplomatic immunity, travel all over Russia with suitcases full of American cash, which they hand out to various self-proclaimed anti-Russian, anti-Putin opposition groups, in order to organize color revolution in the run-up to next year’s Russian elections. The latest data I have received suggests that US Congress authorized $5 billion to ‘promote democracy’ in Russia for 2018 year alone. As we know, theย ‘promotion of democracy’ is the code phrase for color revolutionย followed by the destruction of a country unfortunate enough to experience the US/West’s ‘friendly attention.’ We are now seeing what thisย ‘attention’ has done to Ukraine:ย LADA RAY DEEP INTEL: Catastrophic Population Loss. Why Ukrainians stampede into Poland.

Back in history, a typical blatant interference in Russian affairs was the 1916 assassination of Grigory Rasputin — under direct management and participation of a British agent. From a fictional and multidimensional perspective I describe the Rasputin assassination and its implications in my novel THE EARTH SHIFTER. I factually talk about Rasputin ‘s elimination and his true role in trying to preserve Russia in EARTH SHIFT Webinar 2 INVERTED COLLAPSE.

Same gruesome fate awaited the head of the anti-Bolshevik White Movement Admiral Alaxander Kolchak. He naively trusted the British and even became a British subject (!), thinking he would get more priority UK help to ‘liberate Russia from the Bolsheviks.’ HUGE mistake! According to my in-depth research, corroborated by Russian bestselling geopolitical author Nikolay Starikov, the British demanded that Kolchak give up all of Russian Gold to the UK (does that sound familiar?..). When he refused, they had him executed by orchestrating his capture by a closely-associated with the UK group. Kolchak, was captured and according to official history, given up to the Bolsheviks in 1920. The problem with the official Wikipedia narrative on Kolchakย is that the truth lies somewhere else. It appears it weren’t the Bolsheviks, after all, who executed Kolchak, but the Esers (aka, SRs = ย the early 20th century fringe party of social-revolutionaries), who were basically a leftist-anarchist group, loosely siding with the Bolsheviks at the time, but who, as it later transpired, were on British payroll.

My novel GOLD TRAINย describes in fictional form one part of the mystery of the missing Russian Empire’s Gold, sometimes referred to as the Kolchak Gold.

Speaking of โ€œthe war of 4 cousins…โ€ It is a well-known historic fact that Russian Emperor Nikolay II was extremely reluctant to enter WWI and was unwilling to go to war against anyone, least of all Germany. He and his diplomats spent a great deal of effort trying to convince the conflicting parties to part in peace. Nikolay II and German Emperorย Wilhelm II of Prussia were more than cousins — they were close friends, on nickname basis, who corresponded a lot. In a true Great Balancer fashion, then Russian leader did what he could to avoid world war and to preserve peace.

From this perspective it is especially strange how such close-knit friends could get into a war which severed all ties, destroyed their empires and cost millions of lives, including their own… Clearly, there were problems inside Russia, as well as Germany and other Euopean countries. But all in all, there was no need in plunging into World War I. Only outside manipulation — by well-known parties, pursuing very well known globalist and West domination goals — could have achieved that.

FREE INFO: read up on different aspects of theย EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM

Read up on Lada Ray’s FT articles on

Incidentally, please recall my forbidden history/forbidden linguistics lesson from some time ago: Prussia means Po-Russia. There is a lot less than 6 degrees of separation between Russians and Germans — and Brits too. Not only the emperors circa WWI were cousins. We all are close cousins, brothers and sisters. Pity that humans so often forget that…

Find the full multidimensional picture of the Russian Revolution, and how the 20th century served as pre-requisite to the 21st century’s GREAT EARTH SHIFT in


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Click on webinar banner above to purchase it individually, or



(You get $27 off. ย Youโ€™ll also be provided with access to our exclusive new 3-WEBINAR LINKS page for Ladaโ€™s updates, important links & future webinarsโ€™ progress! Finally, you will be automatically invited to our FREE live follow-up Q&A webinar, where you can ask any questions!)

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New INVERTED COLLAPSE Outline, Updates, Bonuses and More!


โ€‹Lada Ray’s multidimensional analysis and futurist trendcast – like you’ve never heard it before!



In this segment and throughout the webinar you’ll learn:
How Lada Ray’s Great Earth Shift works.

How it all fits intoย Lada Ray Multi-Dimensional and the 3D Yin-Yang Worldย theory
โ€‹How it all fits into theย Great Earth Shift ย — Great Balancerย theory

How it works together with the Earth Periods (Period 8) Theory

Why Orlov’s Reinventing Collapse and various gurus’ US/West Collapse predictions were wrong (and where they were right)
Why we must look beyond Third Dimension (3D) to understand what is and will continue happening

(This segment comes with its own text transcript!)

ย โ€‹3
To truly know the future we must understand the past…multi-dimensionally
Warning! There are some serious truth bombs in this segment!

20th Century as the pre-requisite for the Great Earth Shift
True reasons for and the role of the Bolshevik Revolution
Inverted Mirrored Image: How & why the past USSR collapse is intrinsically connected to future collapse of the West
(True role of Lenin, Stalin, Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin)โ€‹


The true reason why USSR lost Cold War and financial/economic competition to the USA
โ€‹โ€‹ – what is really behind Qatar being ostracizedย 

For the first time ever Lada will do
COMPARATIVE QUANTUM GEO CALIBRATIONS for the years: 1990 — 2017 — 2025
for Russia/USSR, USA, EU, Germany, UK, Canada and China
Calibrations are posted as both video/audio and as text! (For text Calibrations & Outline scroll down below MP3 option)
These calibrations will provide additional dimension of understanding of the Earth Shift & the Inverted Collapse timeline!

BONUS Q&A – Lada answers your questions! WEBINAR PARTICIPANT Q&A WILL BE RECORDED & POSTED NEXT WEEK! ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE POSTED HERE ON FT & ON ESW2 BUY PAGE! Our questions cash is overflowing with lots of good ones! Thanks for submitting great questions!



1. MP4 videosย of the entire webinar (6 segments)

2.ย MP3 audio of the entire webinarย (6 segments)

3. Lada has included BONUSย Comparative Quantum Geo Calibrations for years 1990, 2017 & 2025 (text + MP4 + MP3)!

4.ย Text Webinar Outline & text Calibrations are located underย MP3 version of the webinar!ย 

5. For the hearing impaired! Each MP4 VIDEO has quality Closed Captioned for your convenience!
(To activate Closed Captioned on each video screen, click on CC box in the lower right corner)
Exception is Segment 2 – instead of CC an excellent text transcript is posted under the video!ย 

6. The BONUS webinar subscriber Q&A segment will be recorded & posted next week underneath Text Webinar Outline & text Calibrations. We received some very good questions. To see Lada’s answers, please return to webinar page next week!


It is highly recommended that you watch/listen to each part in sequence in which they are posted. The information flows and builds up through each part. It is interconnected throughout the entire webinar. If you skip any parts you may not get the entire picture presented here!
While we make it convenient for those who prefer MP3 listening option, we still recommend watching videos. The images included with videos provide additional sensory information you won’t be able to obtain by simply listening!

The THREE WEBINAR SERIESย (ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE; ESW3 THE FUTURE OF MONEY; ESW4 LADA RAY PERIOD 8 PREDICTIONS)ย is designed as a continuous flow of info and knowledge. As you’ll see from listening to ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE, there is a mutual reception between all three. Each webinar in the series builds and expands on the preceding one. If you want to obtain the full knowledge of what Lada is trying to impart through these unique webinars, it is highly recommended you subscribe to, or purchase, the entire series of 3 EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS!

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French Election, Macron vs. Marine Le Pen: Why ‘Every Country Deserves its Government’

Marine Le Pen and French national heroine Jeanne d’Arc


Great question from Shaf! Lada, thanks for another great post. Iโ€™m very impressed with the accuracy of your posts and if the PTB donโ€™t prevent Le Pen from winning, then you can say you called a Le Pen victory 5 years in advance! A question. In one your previous articles you said that countries get leaders/governments based on the general wishes/energy of the population in total. Am I wrong? So letโ€™s say then the majority of the French did want Le Pen to win but the PTB stopped her, then how does that work?ย Perhaps overall in the wider picture, then the general policy direction of France will move more to the right in alignment with the general karmic energy/thoughts of the population, regardless of who is leader?

Lada Ray onย 

French Elections, Le Pen, Macron, EU, and Why ‘Every Country Deserves its Government’

Many see the principle ‘every country deserves its government’ as something menacing or negative. But it’s neither negative nor positive: it’s neutral. It works both ways – to one’s advantage or disadvantage – and it doesn’t discriminate. It is akin to karma, or rather a self-fulfilling prophecy. Basically, this principle denotes the collective consciousness and the general cumulative energy of the population at work. It simply reflects that we all collectively are co-creators of our present and future.

I know that it’s hard for some to accept that in many ways a population of any country, tribe, territory or town has collectively generated and propelled to power a specific kind of leader, president and/or elite.

Like it or not, ultimately this is always the choice of any given populace. Sometimes the choice is obvious, when majority democratically votes for a specific candidate.

But what about a monarchy, when the title is passed on from generation to generation? In this case the inhabitants of such country agree generation after generation that such and such ruler has the god-given right to rule them. When they stop agreeing on that, monarchy ceasesย to exist.

Since we are talking about France today, here’s a great example: in the 18th century the French Revolution put a stop to the monarchic rule and established a republic. Throughout much of the 19th century France continued rocking, with the attempts to resurrect monarchy, since the collective energy of the French citizens could not agree on a single most beneficial future timeline. Admittedly, all this happened with a great deal of external interference by the British Empire, Austria-Hungary Empire and Jewish bankers. However, in the end of the day it were the French people who decided they wanted to live in a republic.

Or let’s take Assad and Syria. No matter how much pressure is put externally on Syria, no matter how much he and his constituents are maligned and threatened, the majority of the population still supports Assad as their leader.

On the other hand, if we take the EU, the system has been designed to produce fake leaders, who are robotic bureaucrats. This happens when the majority of the population is zombified and/or lives in la-la land, when the real world’s problems escape them. Incidentally, this is usually a road to slow destruction. In that case, the populace will produce governments to match.

Now, back to French presidential election. It is clear to me that Marine Le Pen has appeared on the French scene not by accident. Her appearance and fast rise are predestined. In fact, the sane people of France and the EU crave politicians of Le Pen’s strength in order to change the landscape of Europe. The problem is that the old establishment is so farย too strong and the percentage of zombified populace is still too large in order for a meaningful change to occur.

However, recall what I predicted in ESR12 re. BREXIT and the Future of the EU: it is a slow and relentless ‘rickety chair effect.’ Slowly, the chair is being more and more destabilized – until it actually falls apart.

The fact that it’s so hard for either candidate, Le Pen, Macron or anyone else, to get a clear majority means that the French population is torn between conflicting choices. It may be clear to us and to those nearly 8 million French citizens who voted for Le Pen, but the rest is either too misinformed, brainwashed or confused. As a result, there is no collective consciousness consensus, or said another way, there is no clear sense of direction France, as well as the whole EU, needs to take.

France is torn between the past and the future. Part of it is a stigma attached to Marine Le Pen’s father and her party (incidentally, that’s why she announced her resignation – I’ll tell you more in upcoming ESR18!).ย But for the most part it’s all about hanging on to the past and being fearful of change. Some don’t want to give up the cushy lifestyle they came to enjoy as part of the EU; some are afraid to lose all the perks and freedoms the EU allows, such as one currency and open borders.

However, others consider these ‘perks’ to be a burden, and possibly even existential threat, due to the fact that various terrorists and subversive elements may now be able to seep through such open borders, or because one currency and one government restricts national choices, personal freedoms and trade options of any given country.ย There are additional considerations, such taxes, immigration, social assistance, preserving national and cultural identity, NATO interventionism vs. neutral non-alignment with military blocks, etc.

France’s curse is that it’s Europe’s permanent No. 2. It is one of Europe’s largest economies, with its distinct and rich culture and heritage, with a lot of national pride and talent. Yet in every alliance it has ever entered it always was resigned to playing a second fiddle. With Antanta during WWI it was the second fiddle to the UK; in WWII it was something like a tag along 4th fiddle to three main Allies (USSR, US and UK). In the EU, it’s the second fiddle to Germany.

We can say that the French basically thrived the most when they made an effort to be independent. In recent history it was under Charles De Gaulle and a few of his successors.

Incidentally, it has to be absolutely understood that the phenomenon of De Gaulle and his proud nonaligned, non-NATO, independent of the US/UK/global banksters stance was only possible due to the existence of THE SOVIET UNION, a very strong superpower, which served as the counterweight to the West.ย The moment Soviet Union was destroyed, France by itself began caving in to pressure from the Anglo-American consortium. Considering how many times this caving in to foreign pressure and partial or complete loss of sovereignty occurred in history, this is something the French resent dearly.

Therefore, if the French at large were smart, they’d get it that only strong Russia – The Great Balancer serves as guarantor of their continued sovereignty. I am not even talking about being grateful for all the support Russia/USSR gave France in the past (alas, gratitude isn’t fashionable in today’s world of Western egoic neo-liberalism).

Perhaps because of this, three out of four major candidates proclaimed their goal of improving relations with Russia. Yet – oh, irony! – Emmanuel Macron, the pro-EU, globalist candidate who stands for confrontation with Russia, won the first round. And it is behind this candidate that the majority of other candidates threw their support in the end.

Even more ironically, the French election front-runner is a younger, slicker, more slippery and more charismatic version of Hollande – the man the French voted out of office during his first term, whose approval now stands at 4%!

Compare him to Marine Le Pen, a rare French politician who truly gets it. This is why she has been so pro-Russian in her statements and campaign promises. In fact, recall what I predicted a while back (in 2014 or 2015, I think): forget the old division into leftists and rightists. That should be left in the 20th century. Presently, the defining factors for who to vote for are: how a candidate or party positions itself in regards to the issues of sovereignty, globalism and relations with Russia. THIS is your ultimate litmus test.

Per Lada Ray’sย EARTH SHIFT THEORY, human society has become incredibly imbalanced and lopsided towards unabated individualism and egoic consumerism, which in the end will unavoidably lead to the ultimate loss of all freedoms through the Western-style globalist project, unless Russia – The Great Balancer rebalances the planet before it’s too late.

Who will France elect as new president?ย France’s choice will tell us whether the population deserves a better government and a better future.

OR, whether France will continue reliving the classic definition of madness: making the same mistake over and over again and expecting a different result.ย We will discuss all this in upcoming EARTH SHIFT REPORT 18.



EARTH SHIFT REPORT 18 (written report)

Lada Ray French Election Predictions:ย Le Pen – Macron Face-off & What it Means for the EU

Also read:ย The Plot Thickens! Who’ll Win French Presidential Election: Marine Le Pen, Macron, Fillon or Melenchon?

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URGENT! Special Predictions ESR12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU โ€‹(BREXIT, TTIP/TPP & EU Revolts)

On June 23, the British people are going to the polls to vote on whether to stay in the EU or whether to BREXIT.

This new special predictions ESR12 discusses my predictions regarding BREXIT and what will come out of it, as well as TTIP/TPP, and the future of the EU.

For your ease of viewing and bookmarking convenience, this special predictions video/audio report
has been divided by topics into 2 narrated segments. The report centers around my new predictions about BREXIT, TTIP & TPP, Eurasia, Russia & Eurasian Union, China & the BRICS, US Empire. The main focus of the report is the future of Europe and EU.
This all-encompassing report puts in perspective various events surrounding the EU and helps you form the whole picture around the geopolitical and Earth Shift processes taking place in our contemporary world.
To enrich your experience, included are various relevantย pictures, illustrations and maps.

FULL VIDEO REPORT LENGTH: ย 2 hours 39 min
Part 1: 1 hour 16 min; Part 2: 1 hour 23 min

Please click on title or banner below to watch!

Special Predictions Videoย EARTH SHIFT REPORT 12



1 predictions ESR12

NOTE! This is Earth Shift Report 12. We have seemingly jumped from the previous ESR9ย straight to ESR12. Here’s why: ESR 10 and 11, as numerological master numbers, have been reserved for the two Earth Shift Feature reports regarding Putin and Russia. These will come out on their own time, later in the year. I wanted to release this urgent report without delay due to the upcoming 6/23 BREXIT referendum and questions I’ve been asked regarding BREXIT, TTIP and my EU predictions.ย 

Due to the fast-moving world events, more urgent ESRs may be coming your way this summer. Please stay tuned!

Complete report summary


Introduction and summary of topics

Predictions: what result to expect from the June 23 UK’s BREXIT vote?
What’s the most important BREXIT referendum consequence – regardless of the result?
What I foresee for the BREXIT referendum
Will UK be let go?
How BREXIT will impact the future of the EU

Also in this segment: BREXIT didn’t just happen – there is a history there…
What preceded the UK referendum:
GREXIT attempt, revolts in Hungary and the Netherlands, PIIGS and bailouts, cracks in the EU

Why Russia rescued two Ukrainian journalists with baby from Ukraine junta jail
The Dutch revolt: the anti-Ukraine referendum & the YUKOS court decision in Russia’s favor
Attack on Russian sport (doping scandal, Euro2016 fan fights & Rio Olympics ban)

How the US Empire operates and what is happening behind the scenes

Continued fromย ESR9 Who Destabilizes Eurasian Union:
More about theย Great Global Seesawย & theย ‘rickety chair effect’


TTIP and what it’s really about
TPP and what it’s really about
Differences and similarities.ย Why both TTIP and TPP have to be considered together, as one
What is US after and why TTIP/TPP represent the death throes of the US Empire
The sold out EU elites and EU protest movements
Merkel and what she really is – revealed
A word about Switzerland (good one)
How TTIP will impact EU and its economy
EU as USA’s biggest competitor to be weakened and vassal to be subdued
GMO, agriculture and food impact
Huge impact on high tech and science
What happened to EU’s prized auto industry and what future awaits other industries

The healthy alternative for the EU: Russia’s generous offer and China’s huge potential
SPIEF 2016 (St. Petersburg Intl Economic Forum): Putin, Renzi, Nazarbayev, Pan Gi Mun, Junker and various business deals
Why EU business can’t wait for anti-Russian sanctions to be lifted
Why anti-Russian sanctions won’t be lifted at least till the end of 2016, or likely, till 2018
Why USA needs to rip both Europe and Asia away from Russia and China ASAP

The inert masses, NWO, global elites and centrists (Hillary Clinton, Merkel, Hollande, Cameron,ย etc.)
Anti-establishment revolts and the rise of the political right
How left and right could work together
Lada Ray’s view: liberals, conservatives,ย leftists, centrists, right-wingers – why such classification is archaic and outdated.ย Whyย we need to judge who’s who differently. What are the main criteria for figuring out who’s really who politically?
France: Marine Le Pen; Austrian elections; UK/BREXIT:ย Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson
A warning for David Cameron. Why was Cameron’s father implicated in the Panama Papers leak?

A word about 2016 US elections, Trump and Clinton

Eastern Europe: cannon fodder and US patsies to build a new ‘Berlin Wall’ / Iron Curtain between Europe and Russia
US/NATO expansion to Russian borders
New US AAMDS bases in Romania and Poland – consequences

My 2014 prediction re. Ukraine already came true: Ukraine will never join EU or NATO!
What about Georgia – another EU/NATO dreamer?ย Why I can tell you with 100% certainty that Georgia will NEVER be a part of NATO or EU, despite all US attempts and promises

What to expect from BREXIT, TTIP and how EU politicians will act
EU has two potential futures. Which will it be?
EU future timelineย ย 


Go toย 

Europe is Kaput – Long live Europe! Slavoj ลฝiลพek, Yanis Varoufakis, Julian Assange (ENG/Espaรฑol)

We are starting a new LADA RAY RECOMMENDS series on Lada Ray YT channel. Usually, posts in this series will be in English, or with English subs. Sometimes, we may have Spanish or German translations. We will also have some pieces in Russian. The views expressed in such pieces may not coincide with Lada’s own, but we think they are interesting or valuable and are worth hearing. Any comments can be left here on FT, as discussion will be disabled on YouTube. Let’s see how it goes with this trial run.

Installment #1

(click on link to watch video!)

Europe is Kaput – Long live Europe!

Slavoj ลฝiลพek, Yanis Varoufakis, Julian Assange

(ENG/Espaรฑol subs)

Thisย controversial piece gives a lot of food for thought.

Philosopher Slavoj ลฝiลพek, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange discuss Europeโ€™s future. With the recent economic crisis in Greece, unprecedented challenges to centralised European policy, and the lack of consensus on the ongoing refugee crisis, many would agree that Europe faces its greatest ever predicament. Slavoj ลฝiลพek, regarded as โ€˜the most dangerous philosopher in the Westโ€™ (The New Republic), and Yanis Varoufakis, self-described โ€˜erratic Marxistโ€™ and economic โ€˜rock-starโ€™ (Business Insider and other publications), met in Croatia in 2013. They have never appeared together on the public stage โ€“ until now. Take your seat to hear them discuss the urgent task of building a different and more democratic Europe. The conversation explores the contradictions of late capitalism and some of the solutions that might just save the European project. It is moderated by Croatian philosopher Srecko Horvat.
Nov 2015. Content warning: adult language.

Disclaimer: This video is posted for the purposes of information, education and mind expansion. The views and opinions expressed in this video do not necessarily reflect the views of Lada Ray and FuturisTrendcast.

Event venue: Southbank Centre, UK,


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Greferendum Domino Effect? Revolution Coming? The Future of Europe and Eurasia?

Ask Lada 3

All posts in this series will appear under CATEGORY:ย Ask Lada

In response to my latest articleย Greferendum, Greek Default and Grexit. Lada Rayย Predictions,

Noeline says:ย 

This morning after the referendum confirms your prediction Lada. I also felt that it would be a NO vote. Disappointed to see that Janos Varoufakis has resigned but perhaps this is a ploy to ameliorate the ire of the EU dictators and banksters and buoy up Tsprisโ€™s bargaining position. I am sure Janos will be working on behind the scenes! Thank you Brave Greeks! You have the EU Elites packing it and running everywhere to have meetings to see what they do next. What a joke..not even a game plan! They are so sure of themselves that they cannot see any other possibility but their agenda which is disintegrating before their very eyes and they are still hardline and remorseless. Such pride and arrogance comes before a huge fallโ€ฆthey have just tripped and are about to hit the ground face down.

Ask Lada 3ย 

Greferendum Domino Effect? Revolution Coming? The Future of Europe and Eurasia?

Yes, unfortunately, the resignation of Varoufakis is political maneuvering. I like the guy a lot, he has gumption. But he is too ‘radical’ – read: clear-minded and mission-driven – for EU, which they perceive as lack of compromise. He scares them.

Essentially, EU negotiators demanded that he leaves, citing the impossibility of talking with him. Varoufakis is a very influential and charismatic presence in Greece, and Alexis Tsipras’ strongest ally. After his resignation the immediate EU speculation is that Tsipras won’t survive in power that much longer. I heard a German analyst today predicting that Tsipras government won’t survive for two weeks. Well, EU bureaucrats and banksters are itching to unseat the new Greek government. I wrote at length why that is in:

However, I don’t believe these people are that easy to unseat. It’s certainly a wishful thinking of some. Greferendum showed what people really think.

That said, Greece can’t avoid talking to the EU because they are running out of cash and banks are on the verge of collapse. Since so far Greece is fully integrated into the EU system, it can’t be helped. None of the measures EU proposes will work, but Greece will have no choice but to prolong the agony, until 1-2 years from now the tight rope will finally snap and Greece will have to leave the EU. As I said in the above-linked articles, Grexit will be linked to the completion of Turkish Stream and other cooperative agreements with Russia.


This is to answer a doubtful comment to the same post by another reader:

Could Grexit happen sooner than 2017? I actually said it would be ‘by 2017,’ which means it could happen in 2016, although doubtful. Sure, there could be accelerating events, which will make the situation fluctuate, but they are not likely to influence the final outcome – and that’s mildly put.

My prediction remains the same (as usual, I don’t deviate from my predictions and they as a rule always come true, including dates and numbers). Sure, I am still only human, but I think my track record speaks for itself.

Unfortunately, some prefer to argue with me about my predictions. It happened in 2012 and 2014. Every time, I simply suggest people wait till the event or outcome predicted takes place.

So far, I don’t recall ever being wrong and those who argue with me being right. The thing is: I don’t look at what MSM says or politicians do – I capture the prevailing quantum (cosmic) energy leading to the event and determine its likelihood on quantum plane, not on 3D plane. But this it a topic for another discussion, which we may have eventually.

Many readers understand what I am talking about when I tell them things like that. However, those few who don’t want to hear about cosmic energy and quantum stuff, preferring only things they can touch and see with their own eyes, I have a solution for you. Simply look at my tangible, for all to see, predictions track record. You can go to PREDICTIONS for that, although the list is incomplete (a more complete and organized version may appear one day, time allowing, on Then you can decide who and what you should listen to and believe.


Back to Greece:

EU demands someone they can talk to – a compromise figure. The newly appointed finance minister is just that. He went to school in London, so he knows their mentality. He is also considered a quiet technocrat, as opposed to the flamboyant, politically outspoken charmer, Varoufakis, who rides his motorcycle around Athens and wears a t-shirt to EU meetings. That said, the new finance minister is also a long-time member of Syriza, so don’t expect him to deviate from the party line. He is just a compromise to satisfy EU elites, utterly scandalized by Varoufakis’ unorthodox behavior.

In previous articles/videos, which you can find in the above-referenced links, I explained that Greece will find itself under a long-term attack from US and EU due to its anti-EU revolt, its support for Russia and Turkish Stream. This is just the beginning, so hold on to your seatbelts! Greece has no choice but to maneuver its way between theย Scylla and Charybdisย of these difficult times, the same way as we all have no choice but to go through the developingย Earth Shift.

It’s working out exactly as predicted in Greferendum, Greek Default and Grexit. Lada Rayย Predictionsย and previous vids/articles. For now,ย Greece will have to compromise with EU and vice versa. This posturing will continue for a year or two, until Grexit and EU exodus by other countries… unless EU changes, which I don’t foresee as they are too tightly integrated into the US-EU political-financial-military matrix.


An illustration of how this matrix works:

Last week, Finland denied visas to Russian Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin and a number of the Russian Duma deputies, basically the top elected politicians in the country. They were scheduled to attend a session of the OSCE in Helsinki. The reason given for the visa denial is that these people are under sanctions due to ‘Russia’s annexation of Crimea.’ The scandal is huge and growing, with many in Russia demanding return sanctions against Finland. ย Finland, which prides itself in its democracy – again, when it’s convenient – acted illegally. The thing is that Naryshkin and others cannot be banned from attending international forums in any country in their official capacity as Duma speaker and deputies. The ban only applies to their private trips. By banning entire Russian delegation, EU effectively shuts the mouth of those who have a dissenting opinion, so, god forbid, Europeans wouldn’t hear it.

But there is much more to the story. Finland was a part of the Russian Empire for centuries. Finns themselves seceded from Sweden, which they felt mistreated them. They asked for protection by and admission into the Russian Empire. It was accepted and became an autonomous province of the Russian Empire until 1917 revolution. Lenin gave legal independence to Finland as a thank you for giving him asylum when he was hiding from Russian authorities. Just imagine how de-facto independent of the Russian authorities the Finns were if they could hide Lenin on their territory while he was preparing a revolution to overthrow the tsar’s regime, and no one could touch him! There is a deeper story behind that, which I’ll tell some other time.

You decide how to classify Finland after all this, if – apparently, as a sign of gratitude – it first sided with Hitler, when many Finns became fascists and joined the Nazi party. Later, Finland became one of the US/EU forpostsย from whose territory the clandestine undermining of the USSR and Russia was conducted. Meanwhile, Finland pretended to be a good trading partner for Russia, capitalizing on the lucrative Russian market, while essentially serving as one of the mainstays of Russophobia in the West. Finland often served as an intermediary for other Western countries in Russian trade, due to its favorable geographic position. This lasted until Russia’s return sanctions last year hit Finnish imports to Russia.

Now, under US and EU pressure, Finland denies visas to Russian people’s representatives under the pretext of the Crimean vote for independence and further reunification with Russia. Just consider the double-faced hypocrisy of this step in light of Finland’s own history!

Why did I tell this story? To serve as an illustration of some points and predictions I will make below.


National referendum as the only truly democratic voice of the people:

It all started with Crimea, and before Crimea, with Pridnestrovie. The breakway Pridnestrovie (former part of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic within the USSR) referendum of 2006 result: 98% voted for full independence from Moldova (Moldavia) and re-integration with Russia. Moldova has never been an independent state since it acquired ‘independence’ from the USSR. Instead, it promptly fell under the Romanian dictate.

Since the beginning, the most developed part of Moldova, Pridnestrovie said no, and seceded. It had more than one referendum, the two latest of which were in 2006 (98% for reunification with Russia) and 2014 snap referendum with the same result – but the paperwork from that referendum was taken away by Moldova officials from the First Deputy PM of Russia Rogozin while he was flying through the capital of Moldova Kishinev (Chisinau)! His plane was detained, too, and he had to take a commercial flight back to Moscow. Yes, it’s that out of control!

The Gagauzia autonomy within Moldova also had a referendum in February 2014, in which 97% voted against EU, for Customs Union and closer ties with Russia. See my video about Pridnestrovie and Gagauzia, explaining much more:

Pridnestrovie vs Moldova: Eurasian Union vs EU (LadaRayLive 2)

(More articles about Moldova, Pridnestrovie and Gagauzia available on this site – to find them, type keywords in ‘Search.’)

Because of the land-locked status of Pridnestrovie, which is now in a very difficult blockade from Ukraine and Moldova sides, with close participation by Romania, Russia was unable to honor the results of that referendum – for now! Soon, I am planning a piece about Pridnestrovie and Odessa, and the important for all of us processes that take place there.

In today’s world, a national referendum is the only fully legal and truly democratic voice of the people on important issues. Meanwhile, the West – US and EU – stubbornly and blindly ignore results of national referendums in places like Pridnestrovie, Crimea and Donbass, demonstrating their utter contempt for the same principles of law and democracy they had been touting as the only principles by which to live. Of course, this was their position when it was convenient for them. The moment the shoe is on another foot – out the window all these principles go.

Hypocrisy? Double standards? Are they simply stupid and don’t understand? Oh no, it’s so much worse! There are pathologically sociopathic liars and criminals in power in the EU and US, who feel their long-standing feeding grounds threatened by the awakening power of the people.

Despite crazy resistance of these dark forces, the referendum movement has no signs of abating. In fact it continues gaining momentum!ย Greferendum and potential Grexit is already sending shocks through the entire EU system.


Meanwhile in Austria: several days ago, Austrian citizens submitted a petition to exit the EU, with 260,000 signatures. This petition forced the EU exit debate in the Austrian parliament, sending new shockwaves through the already shakenย system. Spain, Italy, Portugal and some other countries are watching what’s happening in Greece carefully. There may be attempts to exit by Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, Hungary, and possibly others, such as Cyprus ( –ย not yet). Leftist (Podemos), anti-EU government may come to power in Spain this autumn. A resurgence of popularity of leftist, anti-EU, pro-sovereignty forces is happening in Europe, including Germany itself (Die Linke), where leftist tradition has always been strong, but always suppressed by US/German/EU elites.

Incidentally, these leftist movements are traditionally pro-Russian and anti-American, which opens a completely new, deeper can of worms.


Revolution vs. Evolution. Predictions for the future of Europe and Eurasia

There are only two ways of reforming something that doesn’t work any more. Route number 1: peacefully, through wisdom, course correction and mutual understanding. But for that, you need both sides cooperating. Route number 2: if one side is refusing the see the other side’s point of view – the next step is revolution.

The classic definition of a revolution coined by Vladimir Lenin is: “Revolution is when elites won’t and the masses can’t.” In other words, when elites won’t see the opposing point of view and won’t change, whileย the people can’t continue living like this.

And that’s the way EU is going. I know some of my readers feel sorry about my predictions that EU will have to split up, at least parts of the EU. They shouldn’t. The EU has become a rotten to the core, subservient to the darkest elements the Anglo-American and globalist bankster elites, destructive force.

If the Union of European states is to be reborn, it has to be a mutually respectful, cooperative union, unlike today’s system, based more on predatory profit, hatred and superiority complex. But even that won’t work long-term.

You all know my position on this, and this is my prediction:

In order to be viable, it has to be a Union of all of Eurasia, not Europe. Eurasia is one continent. (Very long ago, during Vedic times, all of it was called Assia – but that is a fascinating story for a different post, or rather a book!)

Enough warring with each other! It’s time for the people of Eurasia to make peace and cooperate. This is the plan of Russia and China, realised through the New Silk Road and Russian energy deals.

At first, it has to be a free trade zone of what is now some parts of the EU, Russia (with Eurasian Union), China, and probably India and a few other Asian countries. The Middle East (parts of it are a part of Eurasian continent) and other relevant areas will have to join later.

Sure, European states should have their own union of some sort, but not exclusively, and they certainly should not punish and bully their members, like they did with Hungary, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, France and Greece, for joining projects outside their union.

Ironically, it is Germany that is now showing the way by joining projects outside of the EU successfully, such as Nord Stream. But Germany, in the usual divide and conquer manner, doesn’t want others to benefit from similar lucrative projects, actively blocking other countries. Germany’s hand was in part in Ukraine coup – to tear Ukraine from Russia; it’s now trying to prevent Greece’s Turkish Stream participation. Austria and Hungary, which signed up for both South Stream and Turkish Stream, are also unhappy with Germany’s selfish attitude towards Russian gas projects. This possessively imperialย behavior generates a growing clash between haves and have-nots in the EU, and soon this clash between Germany and everyone else will be impossible to hide.

Any exclusive union between European states (basically only Western Europe and parts of Central Europe) alone will be stillborn. Why? Because what is today incorrectly considered ‘Europe’ is just a small part of the continent of Europe, and Europe as a continent in reality is a small part of Eurasia. Any limitations will create artificial barriers and stifle mutually beneficial development of all of Eurasia and the entire Planet Earth.

Therefore, there will always be conflict, with some wanting to look east and others west. Western/Central/Eastern Europe will always be torn between siding with US on one hand and with Russia on another.

EU has to abandon its arrogance towards anyone who isn’t as prosperous as they are at this particular point in human development. Just mere 5-10 centuries ago, this wasn’t the case at all. At that time, EU was a poor, warring hell hole, while the Golden Age was taking place in Russia, Middle East, India and China. Europeans have to remember that the reason they are this prosperous is because for the past several centuries they colonized and robbed blind the populations of Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, and lately, the population of Russia and Ukraine.

Things always change in our 3D world. They will change again; in fact, the change – EARTH SHIFT – is happening now.

The present day refugee flood into the EU from Africa, Asia, but especially Middle East, is payback for previous misdeeds. Regardless of all the indignation of Europeans, it’s the universal law of karma at work. This law never fails. As the refrain for my novelette CATHARSIS (Legend of the Lemurians) goes, “Karma can be a beautiful maiden …or a bitch.”

Europeans, as well as Americans, need to humble down very significantly in order to achieve an evolutionary leap to the new era of cooperative and multi-polar world. If they, or their elites elected byย theย European and American people,ย refuse to do so, there will be revolution – and it will be devastating.

There is still time to make a more or less peaceful transition, but time is running out.


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Ungrateful Europe. What would have happened should we push Hitler back just to our borders

As part of my 70 YEARS OF THE GREAT VICTORY MARATHON, I am posting this excellent translation of a Russian article by our reader and blogger Nemo (Stanislav).

(You can see all posts under category:ย 70 Years of Great Victory)

Read original at:ย Stanislavs.orgย 

Ungrateful Europe.

What would have happened should we push Hitler back just to our borders

On a personal note, I know what would have happened in my life if that’s all Russians did:


See my related article:

Happy Victory Day, Fr. Merkel! My Open Postcard to the Germanย Chancellor

Below is a translation from Russian of two historical articles, published in Argumenty i Fakty on the 3rd of April 2015.ย The main article was written by Georgij Zotov. A subsequent expert opinion is presented by historian Rudolph Pihoj.

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of Victory โ€œAiFโ€ tried to imagine: what would the map of Europe look like, had USSR not given thousands of kilometres of territories as present to those countries that now call us occupiers. And if they would give up these lands now.

Wroclaw โ€“ one of the most touristic cities of Poland. Crowds with cameras are everywhere, thereโ€™s not a spare spot in the expensive restaurants, taxi drivers ask for ungodly prices. At the entrance to the marketplace there waves a banner saying โ€œWroclaw โ€“ a real Polish charm!โ€. All seems fine, but as early as in May 1945 Wroclaw was called Breslau and had not belonged to Poland for 600 consecutive(!) years before that. The Victory Day, now referred by Warsaw as โ€œthe beginning of the communist tyranny,โ€ added to Poland the German Silesia, Pomerania, as well as 80% of East Prussia. No one mentions this now: in other words that was a tyranny, but weโ€™d still grab that land. โ€œAiFโ€ observer decided to understand, what would the map of Europe look like now, if our former brothers in the East were left without the help of the โ€œoccupiersโ€?

Whole cities as gifts

โ€“ In 1945 Poland received the cities of Breslau, Gdansk, Zielona Gora, Legnica, Szczecin, โ€“ says Maciej Wisniewski, a Polish freelance journalist. โ€“ USSR also gave the territory of Bialystok; with the mediation of Stalin, we acquired a disputed with Czechoslovakia city Kล‚odzko. Nevertheless, they believe here: the partitioning of Poland by the Molotov โ€“ Ribbentrop Pact, when the Soviet Union took the Western Belarus and Western Ukraine, was unfair, but the transfer by Stalin to Poland of Silesia and Pomerania is absolutely fair, you can not dispute this. It is fashionable to say now that Russians did not liberate, but conquered. However, it turns into an interesting kind of occupation, when Poland got for free a quarter of Germany: and on top of it, hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers shed their blood for this land. Even the GDR resisted, not wanting to give Szczecin to the Poles โ€“ the dispute over the city was finally solved only in 1956, under pressure from the USSR.

Apart from the Poles, the Baltic States express a strong indignation by the โ€œoccupationโ€. Well, itโ€™s worth remembering: the current capital โ€“ Vilnius โ€“ was also presented to Lithuania by the USSR; by the way, the Lithuanian population of Vilnius was thenโ€ฆ barely 1%, with Polish being the majority. USSR returned to the Republic the city of Klaipeda โ€“ Prussian Memel, owned by Lithuanians in the 1923-1939, and annexed by the Third Reich. Already back in 1991 the Lithuanian leadership condemned the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, but no one returned neither Vilnius to Poland, nor Klaipeda to Germany.

Ukraine, which by the Prime Minister Yatsenyukโ€™s words, declared itself โ€œa victim of Soviet aggression on a par with German,โ€ is unlikely to give to the Poles its western part with Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil (these cities were included by the โ€œaggressorโ€ into the UkSSR in 1939), Chernivtsi region to Romania (ceded to the UkSSR on August 2, 1940), and Transcarpathia to Hungary or Slovakia โ€“ received on June 29, 1945. Romanian politicians do not stop discussions about the validity of the โ€œannexationโ€ of Moldova by the Soviet Union in 1940. Of course, itโ€™s long forgotten that after the war, it was thanks to Soviets that Romanians got back the province of Transylvania, which Hitler took in favour of Hungary. Bulgaria, by the mediation of Stalin himself, kept South Dobrudja (formerly the possession of that very same Romania), something that was confirmed by the treaty of 1947. But now Romanian and Bulgarian newspapers do not say a single word about it.

They donโ€™t say โ€˜Thank youโ€™

โ€“ After 1991, Czech Republic removed the monuments to the Soviet soldiers, and announced that Victory Day marks the replacement of one dictatorship with another, โ€“ says Alexander Zeman, a Czech historian. โ€“ However, it was thanks to the insistence of the Soviet Union, that Sudetenland was returned to Czechoslovakia, with the cities of Karlovy Vary and Liberec, where 92% of the population were Germans. Recall that at the Munich Conference of 1938 the Western powers supported the annexation of the Sudetenland by Germany โ€“ only the Soviet Union protested. At the same time the Poles grabbed from Czechoslovakia the Cieszyn region and did not want to give it back after the war, insisting on a referendum. Under the pressure of the USSR on Poland, supporting the the Czechoslovak position, a treaty was signed โ€“ Tesรญn returned to the Czechs, secured by the agreement of 1958. No one says โ€˜Thank youโ€™ to the Soviet Union for this help โ€“ apparently the Russians are in debt to us with the very fact of their existence.

In general, we gave away all the lands, not forgetting anyone โ€“ and for this they now spit in our faces. In addition, few people know about the pogroms, committed by the new government on โ€œthe returned areasโ€ โ€“ 14 million Germans were expelled from Pomerania and the Sudetenland. While the residents of Kรถnigsberg (which became Soviet Kaliningrad) moved to the GDR over the period of 6 years (until 1951), Poland and Czechoslovakia giving 2-3 months, while many Germans were given only 24 hours to get ready, being allowed to take only a suitcase of things, and forced to walk on foot for hundreds of kilometres. โ€œYou know, itโ€™s not worth mentioning it, โ€“ they timidly point out to me at City Hall of Szczecin. โ€“ Such things spoil our good relations with Germany.โ€ Well, yes, we get poked in the face for every little thing, while itโ€™s a sin to offend the Germans.

What interests me personally in this matter is the question of justice. Things have already reached schizophrenia: when a person in Eastern Europe says that the Soviet victory over the Nazis is the liberation, he is regarded as either a fool or a traitor. Guys, letโ€™s be honest. If the consequences of May 9, 1945 are so bad, illegal and terrible, all the other actions of the USSR are similarly no better. How could the solution by those who brought tyranny into your land be good? Therefore Poland should give Silesia, Pomerania and Prussia back to the Germans, Ukraine should return their western part to the Poles, Chernovtsy to Romanians, Transcarpathia to Hungary, Lithuania should abandon Vilnius and Klaipeda, Romania should give up Transylvania, the Czech Republic โ€“ the Sudetenland and Tesin, Bulgaria โ€“ Dobrogea. And then everything will be completely honest. But what do we have? They slander us for all itโ€™s worth, accuse us of all mortal sins, but at the same time clutch with a stranglehold onto the Stalinโ€™s โ€œgiftsโ€. Sometimes I feel like imagining: Iโ€™m curious what would have happen should USSR push Hitler back exactly to its borders and not look further into Europe after that? What would have now been left of the territories of those countries, that today, before the 70th anniversary of the Victory, are calling their liberation by Soviet troops for โ€œoccupationโ€? The answer is, however, extremely simple โ€“ bits and pieces.

Europe after 1945
(The map of Europe, showing territories changing hands after 1945. Only the insets are translated, leaving to the reader the country and city names as an easy exercise in political geography. The original image can be found in the AiF article.)

How Europe was partitioned after 1945

Expert opinion by historian Rudolph Pihoj

โ€“ There is a half-legendary story that during Churchillโ€™s visit to Moscow in 1944, he and Stalin drew the map of postwar partitioning of Europe during a dinner on plain napkin. Eyewitnesses claimed that the โ€œdocumentโ€ contained a series of numbers, which (in percent) reflected the degree of the future influence of the Soviet Union and the West in different regions: Bulgaria and Romania โ€“ 90 to 10, Greece โ€“ 10 to 90, Yugoslavia โ€“ equally โ€ฆ

That napkin was not preserved, but in principle the issue of changing of the borders in Europe was settled by the โ€œbig threeโ€ โ€“ Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill โ€“ during the Tehran and Yalta conferences. USSR adhered to the concept that was developed already back in 1944 by the Deputy Peopleโ€™s Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Ivan Maisky. It implied that the Soviet Union should establish such a configuration of borders, which would ensure the safety of the country for at least 25, and preferably 50 years.

In accordance with the concept developed by Maisky, USSR annexed the former German Memel, which became Lithuanian Klaipeda. The following cities became Soviet: Kรถnigsberg (Kaliningrad), Pillai (Baltijsk) and Tilsit (Soviet), which now constitute the Kaliningrad region of Russia. Also, the USSR secured the part of the territory of Finland, that was attached as a result of the โ€œWinter Warโ€. In general, the Soviet policy of those years was characterised by a surprising consistency in addressing regional issues. The only thing that could not be done โ€“ seizing the Black Sea straits, although this issue was discussed in Tehran and Yalta. While Port Arthur again, as in the early twentieth century, became an outpost of the country in the Far East, not to mention the southern part of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, which Russia lost as a result of the Russian-Japanese war.

Thank you Nemo for the translation! See original here.

Also from Nemo: on 4/26 Russia1 TV will be showing a documentary-interview dedicated to the 15th anniversary of Putin as President. Preview.

Related articles:

Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

I found this question by a follower to be very interesting and decided to respond in detail.

Avimunย 4h

“Thank you for the answer about impatience.ย I have another vital question, that you maybe prefer to write/explain about in a separate article. Are Russian culture associated with Scandinavian culture?ย All Scandinavians originate from Finland.ย Now I read that Scandinavians are Slavs on this linkย

#A small Slavic state was organized in 820 A.D. on the south shore of the Gulf of Finland where it flows into the Baltic Sea. This small state was organized by a small group of Varangians from the Scandinavian peninsula on the opposite shore of the Baltic Sea. The native population of this newly formed state consisted of nomad Slavs who had made their home in this area from earliest recorded history.#ย Has this relation effect in today situation?”

Lada’s response:

Yes, Scandinavians are Slavs or Rus, if you prefer, and have a very ancient history together with the rest of the Slavs. Another technical term for this ancient culture is Slavyano-Arians, Russia being the most prominent and best-preserved representative of this massive culture.

The ‘Varangians’ are called Varyags in Russian. They are basically nomadic Baltic Slavs. Everyone in Russia knows this old song: “Vragu ne sdaetsia nash slavny Varyag”: “Our slavny (glorious) Varyag doesn’t surrender.”

The history of Slavs (and Scandinavians) is certainly much longer than a mere 1000 years. The official Russian calendar was westernized by Peter I (the Great) in 1700. While I believe that Peter did do some useful things during his reign, the calendar conversion was probably a huge mistake. The calendar change was supposed to create a better environment for easier trade and integration with Europe. In retrospect, I don’t know if this was such a good idea. Again, Russia had to play out her karmic role of the Global Balancer, and perhaps that was part of it (see Predictions for more). However in the final analysis, it created a massive identity confusion that perpetuated for over three centuries, stole at least 5,000 plus years of Russian, and generally Slavic, history, and created fertile ground for the massive re-write and falsification of the global history. Without that event, the history of the 20th century and today’s world may have looked very differently.

Before this happened, there was a very different Russian calendar, presently used only by the Starovery (old believers) and preserved on monuments and ancient churches in Russia and other Slavic countries, such as Serbia. According to this calendar, today would be the year 7,522 from the ‘creation of the peace treaty signed in the Star Temple with the Dragon,’ meaning with China. Obviously there was also plenty of history before that event.

Therefore, world history was falsified to such a degree that white has been turned black and vice versa.

In fact, most of the population of Europe was Slavic/Rus. If you look at the Scandinavians and Russians, you’ll see how similar they usually look (light skin, hair and eyes, similar body type – oftentimes tall, broad-shouldered, muscular males, and tall females with pretty features).

But at one point, starting about 1000 years ago, and even more so as of the 17th century, Europe splintered into many small states. The reason was that local lords of those days wanted to assert their independence based on their own lust for power. The Vatican and religion played a very prominent role in this struggle for power as well. The further from the center was the location, the more likely it was to splinter off.

This same thing is happening in today’s Ukraine: denying their common origin with Russians and attempting to invent the ancient Ukrs from whom they supposedly descended, saying that Ukrainian language is unrelated to Russian, while actually speaking Russian. Some of the Ukrainian pearls: Adam and Eve were ancient Ukrs; Jesus was Ukrainian, etc.

To assert their local power Ukraine oligarchs and politicians needed to create a history that was very different from the common history with Russia. Something similar happened in Europe 1000-300 years ago, albeit on a much grander scale. This also concerns Italy and Germany, as well as many other countries.

Linguistics, archeology, mathematics, as well as genetics, are those sciences that can reveal the truth no matter how much it’s been hidden. Among many other things, I am a linguist as you may know; therefore, I use the wonderful science of linguistics to reveal the truth.

Since I was a child I put the 2 and 2 together such as: Scandinavian god of all (in other words, the One) is called Odin. I bet no Scandinavian knows the real origin of this word. The reason is simple – the moment it has to be admitted that it’s a Russian word, you have too many unpleasant questions to answer.

In fact: ‘odin’ means ‘one’ in Russian.

Another interesting bit. Everyone knows the word Azgard, thanks to the beautiful film “Thor.”


Chris Hemsworth as Thor

rus bogatyr

Russian Vityaz – Bogatyr (mystical strongman, warrior, protector).

rus bogatyr 2

The legendary medieval Russian Bogatyr & protector Ilya Murometz (a real historic figure, often depicted with his companion protectors: Dobrynia Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich)

The chosen Bogatyrs (the enlightened warrior-protectors) and their highest level, called Vityaz’s, were real warriors charged with protecting Rus (Russia) – their Motherland. They were said to possess immense mystical powers that terrified the enemy, allowing a few of them to successfully deflect the overwhelming attacks of many.

And this is a link to the old Russian fairytale film Sadkoย (with English subs).ย Check out what Sadko looks like at 2:50. (Film adaptation of the Russian Opera, “Sadko”, by Rimsky-Korsakov, based on Russian folklore. A beautiful recreation of the medieval city, the Holy Novgorod.)

Azgard is a Scandinavian word, right? If it is, can you dissect this word to show how it was created? If you know ANCIENT RUSSIAN, you can. Azgard means ‘I guard’ in ancient Russian. Another way of saying this is ‘The One Guard,’ (which later became ‘vanguard’) or ‘The One Community (city).’ ‘Az’ means ‘I’ in ancient Russian. It is also the first letter of the ancient Russian alphabet. Therefore, the god Odin – the One, is also Az – first letter. ‘Gard’ means ‘guard’ but it’s a later meaning. The original Slavyano-Arian mother language meaning of this word was much more all-encompassing and signified ‘living together, unified on Mother Earth.’

Another word known to some: ‘Midgard’ was the original name given by Slavs to their Mother Earth eons ago, when they first arrived to Earth. Midgard = Mother Earth.

Remember Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings? He talks about defending ‘the Middle Earth.’ This in fact is a direct translation of ‘Midgard.’ Tolkien was a linguist and very good at history. This information was hidden from the masses but apparently available to those who knew where to look. Remember ‘The White City’ from Lord of the Rings so beautifully depicted in the movie? The White City is written from Moscow and Novgorod. Take a look again at the beginning of the film Sadko above. The ancient Novgorod is on it – here is your ‘White City.’

Everyone in Russia knows another name for Moscow: ‘Belokamennaya’ (Rus transliteration), which means ‘The White Stone City.’ Any more questions?

What is ‘Prussia’? A part of Germany? In fact it’s ‘Po-Russia’ or ‘Pole-Russia.’ Meaning ‘flat Russia,’ ‘Russia in the fields.’

Scandinavian Runes: in Russian ‘rune’ is ‘runa.’ Compare these words: Ru-na – Ru-s. Runa is composed of Ru + una. Una means undivided, or again ‘one.’ The English word ‘one,’ Spanish/Latin ‘uno’ etc., etc.

Russian word for ‘she’ is ‘ona.’ Compare ‘ona’ and ‘una.’

In English ‘ona’ – she (for female) and ‘on’ – he (for male) becomes ‘one.’

People of many parts of Europe spoke the same language, or very similar dialects. Basically, they spoke ancient Russian. As differences, barriers, power lust and greed grew, language differences grew as well. It was necessary to divide people so they would forget their brotherly ties, so they would think they were different. Differences breed distrust and suspicion in un-evolved humans; and it’s so much easier to rule and manipulate those who are divided.


**1/14/23 Attention: this is what has been happening in Ukraine between 1991 and 2022, progressively getting worse!


It is a replay of the old divide and conquer of the 2nd dimension-low 3rd dimension consciousness! But this time is different! The new, higher-energy, higher-dimension forces are rising, to help usher in the new era for humanity through the 2000-year EARTH SHIFT! This time, the old will be purged and new truth will emerge!


Russian scientists believe that plague and scurvy that overtook Europe in medieval times, but didn’t touch Russia, caused languages to separate completely. People who had suffered from these illnesses lost teeth, had bleeding gums, swollen tongues, and all that affected greatly their ability to speak.

It has to be noted that Germanic languages spoken in parts of Scandinavia, Germany and most of the northern Europe are a part of what we call the Indo-European family of languages. English is also a Germanic language. Slavic languages are classified as one of the Indo-European groups as well. However, Finnish language spoken in Finland belongs to the different Finno-Ugric family of languages. This is the traditional classification. However, the time will come when old classifications will be thrown out as people re-discover their true history. At that point theย old brotherlyย ties between those people who had been artificially separated, will re-emerge. It won’t happen tomorrow, but it will happen.

By the way, all the above explains best the un-dying animosity towards Russia by the West. The powers that be either know the true history and are afraid it will come out, or they feel it subconsciously. Certainly the Vatican has enough documents hidden – they were some of the main instigators of the massive re-writing of history in the 17th century.

The pathological fear of Russia is also well-explained by the above theory.

Generally, we are all sitting on false history.ย Going back to what I said before, until humans learn their true history, until we make peace with the past, we cannot move into the future. This is one of the main reasons we are stuck. But people in the West stubbornly refuse to open their minds, preferring to hold on to the old image of their enemy. The enemy meanwhile, is their own prejudices and fears, as well as all those who manipulate them.

Russian scientists have made some very profound discoveries that are pretty mind-boggling. I have lots more material about that. To be honest, I’ve been hesitant to talk as this is a very convoluted and controversial story. I can see certain people not taking it the right way. But if enough of my readers are truly interested, I will put together a report. I need to know if there is enough interest to warrant my work, so please leave comments if you want to hear more!




There seem to be a lot of guesses and interpretations floating around in regards to the etymology of the words Bogatyr and Vityaz, most of them entirely incorrect. I get regularly asked by my followers to explain the real origin and underlying meaning of these talking words, which happen to reflect directly the true nature of those who were awarded these honorable ancient designations.

Here’s where you can find the RIGHT info and unique forbidden history:


Recommended book: Bogatyrs, as Earth Protectors, are described in my magical reality mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER

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Interview with The Plane Truth: Earth Shifters, Feng Shui and Global Predictions

My new interview with The Plane Truth is here! Have a listen!

Thank you, Plane, Jerry and Disaster Cat, for the great interview!

Like this interview on YouTube!

Previous interview with The Plane Truth: Interviews

Also, see my important announcements and upcoming events!

Urgent: Fast Track to WWIII? “USA’s Goal Is to Overturn Putin.”

Note: this is analytical article based on current events, as well as a warning about how events may turn out if the wrong course of action is taken. For my actual long-term predictions on the topics below go to PREDICTIONS.

This is the follow-up to:ย Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Address re. Boeing 777 Catastrophe in Ukraine

The last post was in response to a very interesting comment by a reader named Paul, which you can find by clicking on the link above. Paul Plane is incidentally the host of The Plane Truth Show on the Time Monk Radio. We just recorded a new interview, which will be posted in a couple of days – stay tuned.

In response to my latest article, Paul posted a new comment, which I again found so interesting that I decided to post some additional thoughts. To keep it brief, I won’t post Paul’s comment here; to see it, please go to comment section inย Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Address re. Boeing 777 Catastrophe in Ukraine.

Lada’s reply to Paul’s latest comment:ย 

I understand Paul’s frustration. In part, he is right – there is the Russian elite issue, but not as much as it is portrayed to be.ย I have to disagree with Paul in part. And I must caution everyone who consider themselves friends of Russia and friends of humanity as a whole. I believe it’s best to remain positive here.

I think I explained some of it in the previous article, as well as in our upcoming interview on The Plane Truth.

This is not just another crisis. We are dealing with those who are trying to start a full-scale hot war in Europe. Putin’s caution is understandable, and frankly, so is the caution of the EU leaders. 300 people were just sacrificed to the mad attempt to start WWIII. This has to be absolutely clear. I am convinced that some on the ground actually thought they were shooting Russian Presidential plane! Think about it, it would have been so much easier to convince some angry (at Russia and Putin) Ukrainian to shoot down Putin’s plane than a plane full of innocent bystanders from the EU!

If Putin’s plane were to be shot down – it would mean immediate declaration of war!ย We know who desperately wants this to happen, and who doesn’t! Of course, Putin’s security would never allow the plane to be flown over Ukraine, but someone there was told/thought it was the case. THEY want Russia to start a war with Ukraine, plain and simple!

For those who haven’t yet, readย Blatant #FalseFlag: #Ukraine Missile Targeted #Putin’s Plane – Hit Malaysia #MH17 Instead!

It is also clear that downing a plane with primarily EU citizens on board is a direct attempt to further divide Russia and EU. Who benefits from such scenario? USA and Kiev junta only, the same parties who want to start Russia’s war with Ukraine, which is planned to become a full-scale hot war in Europe, smoothly transitioning into World War III! Of course the kiev shmucks are not privy to the real plans of washington and anglo-american elites (lc deliberate – LR).

Is it any wonder after everything that happened, and keeps happening, that Putin is showing a strain? Can any of us even imagine the pressure he is under from all sides? Including – sadly – the sides that should be his allies, his friends, but keep nudging him to start a war, which I know, and he knows, will lead to global catastrophe?

It just occurred to me that Paul’s words resemble what Russian geopolitical analyst Alexander Dugin, a former advisor to Putin, has been saying. I don’t follow Dugin; he is a smart man, but I think his attitude is very angry and unhelpful to the resolution of this difficult situation. Actually, with his constant criticism of late of Putin’s actions, and calls for Russian intervention in Ukraine, he has angered a lot of people in Russia. It is counter-productive when analyst of such level forgets cold reason and starts running on emotions. For those who want to follow Russian analytics, I recommend the always in control and logical, as well as reasonable, Nikolay Starikov. This is Starikov’s latest video blog, where in the beginning he answers the Boeing 777 question. There are other interesting answers as well. Sorry, I can’t translate it at this time, but please try to use Google translator, if you need to.

And I can assure you all, there is SO MUCH MORE that goes on behind the scenes. Can you imagine if you just learned US via their Kiev proxy tried to shoot down your plane? Clearly, this was a warning for Putin, an attempt to intimidate him, and ALL OTHER WORLD LEADERS. “Stop resisting our globalist agenda, or your personal plane is next.”

We are talking trying to save the world from the ultimate war – because this war will be the last one.

Short of accepting the escalation leading to WWIII, the only course of action Putin has right now is to SHIFT EUROPE away from the US. This is the only possible way to save Europe from war – and this is what Putin is busy doing. I said this in many, many of my previous articles; I explained it many times that it is Europe that decides the outcome; I also said on more than one occasion that the responsibility is on Merkel and Germany, as the political leader of Europe, to say no to what’s going on. Only Europe can put the end to this craziness peacefully (this is the key operational word here) by refusing to play on the side of the US and by siding with Russia. When Kiev nazis see they have no support from those they are trying so desperately to join, this whole house of cards will collapse and US warmongers will find themselves isolated.

On the other hand, villas on the French Riviera by the Russian elite may play some role here. However, largely Russia wants to be, and Russia MUST BE, friends with Europe for the same reason it is friends with China – they are very close neighbors and partners. Russia is also close friends with South America for example, and that’s much further from the Eurasian continent. Russia would happily be friends with the US as well, the moment US stops trying to destroy Russia. Then I could happily stop writing these kinds of articles and go to Tibet to meditate.

The view Russia (or at least Putin) takes, and so do I: we ALL share one space, we have one planet, and we should live in peace and cooperation on this planet.

Please, everyone, think very deeply about what I just said. I explained it in so many previous articles already, that I think this is the last time I am going to explain it as there are so many other topics for me to write about.

It is up to Europeans to engage and restore balance and justice, if you want it done quickly and peacefully! Europe, by its harmful and unnatural position of siding with the US warmongers against Russia, which against all odds is trying to keep world peace, is what is allowing this conflict to escalate. IF Europeans didn’t happily acquiesce to the subservient symbiosis with the US, many of the atrocities in Ukraine could have been avoided, and many lives could have been saved. IF EU didn’t support and encourage the Kiev junta, Kiev oligarchs wouldn’t be this bold and US wouldn’t dare escalate the situation so openly. Look what happened in Syria when the EU refused to participate!ย 

Russia can continue fighting this alone, but it will be a long and arduous journey. Unless you, Europeans, make your governments act in YOUR best interests!

Last but not least, I want to remind everyone not to confuse non-confrontation with weakness. See, US and NATO understand the difference very well, and this is why they won’t dare attack Russia directly. They know how it will end for the attacker.

Read this article in conjunction with:ย Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Address re. Malaysian Airliner Catastrophe in Ukraine


The events are evolving very quickly. As I am writing this, new info keeps surfacing. Unfortunately, I hear that the EU is threatening Russia with new sanctions because of the Boeing 777 catastrophe. Before any investigation has begun? Based on the accusations of Kiev and USA, the only two parties that stood to benefit from the tragedy and the two parties that are well-known for their lies?

Should I forget everything I said previously that Europeans have some sense and reason? Well, I can tell you all: if Europe does initiate a new round of sanctions against Russia based on false pretense, they may break even Putin’s staunch, undying resolve for peaceful resolution.

Then help us all god, or perhaps I should say – humans will get what they deserve? Perhaps humans don’t deserve peace; perhaps they can only learn from war. I do understand Paul’s frustration better and better. Let’s just remember: this kind of reaction to their provocations is EXACTLY what the US wants. And since we are almost exactly 100 years into the future from the start of WWI in 1914, let me remindย you all that this is exactly how escalation to WWI happened! And this is exactly how escalation to WWII happened. The brainless British Empire and USA kept bullying, provoking, appeasing and buying off Hitler, despite Stalin’s attempts for years to create and anti-fascist alliance with the West. They kept nudging Hitler to attack USSR, hoping their two biggest rivals – Germany and Russia (USSR) will destroy each other. The escalation that lasted several years, culminated in WWII.

Incidentally, the above warning to humanity similarly sounds loud and clear in my top-rated mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER, which you can find on Amazon and BN.

Today, USA and Anglo-American elites want to pit Russia and EU against each other for the same purpose!

Those who don’t know history are on fast track to repeat it.


In conclusion, here are the links to the important brand new videos – some in Russian, some in English. Please use google translation, if necessary.

Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin drops bombs at UN Security Council! Ukraine track record: Russian plane was downed by Ukraine in 2001, 78 dead and despite international investigation concluding it was Ukraine’s fault, to this day Ukraine didn’t admit responsibility. Ukraine credibility: Kiev lied and falsified info re. Boeing 777 downing on 7/17/2014: 1. the tape of Donbass self-defence commanders discussing downing of a plane turned out a fake slapped together from 6 different conversations, some that happened before this catastrophe; 2. footage of a BUK system supposedly belonging to Donbass self-defence and retreating towards Russia turned out to be filmed in the area of Ukraine controlled by Kiev government and far from positions of Donbass self-defence. Watch video.

1.ย ะ˜ะณะพั€ัŒ ะšะพั€ะพั‚ั‡ะตะฝะบะพ: ะžะฑัŠะตะบั‚ะธะฒะฝั‹ะต ั„ะฐะบั‚ั‹ ะœะธะฝะพะฑะพั€ะพะฝั‹ ะ ะค ะฟะพ Boeing 777 _ 21 07 2014ย -Russian Ministry of Defence expert Igor Korotchenko: Objective facts re Boeing 777.

2.ย ะœะธะฝะพะฑะพั€ะพะฝั‹ ะ ะพััะธะธ ะฟั€ะตะดัั‚ะฐะฒะธะปะพ ะดะฐะฝะฝั‹ะต ะ“ะตะฝัˆั‚ะฐะฑะฐ ะพั‚ะฝะพัะธั‚ะตะปัŒะฝะพ ะบั€ัƒัˆะตะฝะธั Boeing 777 ะฝะฐ ะฃะบั€ะฐะธะฝะต – Ministry of Defence data re Boeing 777 crash

3.ย ‘Burden is on Russia’: Barack Obama’s MH17 crash speech1984, anyone?

4.ย Must see!ย ‘Why did Ukraine SU-25 fly same path as MH17, simultaneously at same altitude?’ – Russian Militaryย English

5. Russian hospital: Wounded Ukraine army soldiers cross to Russian territory, where their ENEMY takes care of them in hospitals, since their own army either finishes off the wounded, or just leaves them behind. Footage of actual wounded Ukraine soldiers in the Russian hospital:ย ะ ะฐะฝะตะฝั‹ะต ัƒะบั€ะฐะธะฝัะบะธะต ัะพะปะดะฐั‚ั‹ ะฟั€ะพั…ะพะดัั‚ ะปะตั‡ะตะฝะธะต ะฒ ะ ะพััะธะธ

6.ย ะ‘ะพั€ะพะดะฐะน: ะœั‹ ะฝะฐะผะตั€ะตะฝั‹ ะฟะตั€ะตะดะฐั‚ัŒ ยซั‡ะตั€ะฝั‹ะต ัั‰ะธะบะธยป ั Boeing 777 ัะฟะตั†ะธะฐะปะธัั‚ะฐะผ ะธะท ICAO – Donetsk head Borodai: we will transfer black boxes to ICAO only

7.ย ะžะถะตัั‚ะพั‡ั‘ะฝะฝั‹ะต ะฑะพะธ ะฒะพะบั€ัƒะณ ะ”ะพะฝะตั†ะบะฐ #NoKievNazi #SaveDonbassPeople 21 07 2014 – out of control attacks by Kiev junta military on Donetsk

Incidentally, Kiev used the Boeing downing to take the initiative away from the Donbass self-defence (who were gaining), to regroup and re-start their offensive. So, who benefitted from this catastrophe? – LR.ย 

8.ย Must see!ย Malaysian Airlines plane crash: Russian military unveil data on MH17 incident over Ukraine! FULL press conference! English

9. Must see!ย Pravda:ย “ะฆะตะปัŒัŽ ะกะจะ ัะฒะปัะตั‚ัั ัะฒะตั€ะถะตะฝะธะต ะŸัƒั‚ะธะฝะฐ” – USA’s goal is to overturn Putin


‘Gave Americans a Blow Job For Nothing?’ Polish FM Sikorski Leaked Tape Scandal

Poland has been firmly in bed with the USA for years. I call Poland, together with the neighboring Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the “Trojan Horses of the US in Europe.” Polish government has been known to support the Kiev maidan and the ousting of president Yanukovich. Polish officials both former and present, including former president of Poland, made ardent speeches on Kiev maidan, expressing extreme anti-Russian views and fostering hatred towards anything Russian.

The Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski was always considered anti-Russian and pro-American. In the 1980s he was fighting in Afghanistan on the American and the Taliban side against the Soviet forces and Afghanistan government. Since then, he exchanged his gun for the diplomatic suit, becoming an exemplary US Trojan Horse…

All of a sudden, it turns out Sikorski has been saying officially not exactly what he’s been thinking, and doing not exactly what he’s been wanting to do. The leaked tape published by a Polish publication shows Sikorski speaking with a former colleague. In the tape he says that Poland has been giving ‘the Americans a blow job’ for years in return for nothing. This, says Sikorski, has lulled Poles into a false sense of security. Meanwhile, Poland is sacrificing for the sake of the relationship with the USA ย the most important relationships it has, those with Russia and Germany – creating enemies out of neighbors.

Indeed, Polish ultra-nationalism has been completely out of control for years, both on state, and every day, level. It is very visible in the media and in the statements of politicians. Polish ultra-nationalists sometimes turn violent. A couple of years ago during the football World Cup in Poland, the Polish mob attacked Russian fans. As a result, many received injuries.

In light of all this, the leaked tape is quite scandalous and revealing. As such, it has made the first pages of all Polish publications.

Sikorski went on Western TV to deny that he ever said anything of the sort. While denying the tape, he nevertheless stated that the “Old World” has to unite, and stop listening to America. Europe has to decide its own policy and take care of its own security; it has to stop relying on the US.

This seems like a shocking and almost revolutionary statement coming from a Polish politician. It is known that 48% of the Polish population disapprove of the pro-American government of Donald Tusk. We all remember a scandal when it turned out that Polish territory was used (still is?) by the CIA for its illegal prisons. It is known that Polish territory is widely used by the US and UK to train opposition bloggers, pro-Western media, NGO and Fifth Column specialists, who would then go to their respective countries to undermine regimes US wants changed. These specialists are primarily trained for Russia. We also see the results of their handiwork in today’s Ukraine. Of course, they also infiltrate Belarus, Baltics, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, as well as Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, etc. The main goal of the Fifth Column is to promote “American and Western values” and undermine – read bash, malign, vilify – Russia; to foster hatred towards Russia, re-write history and create animosity. They must do very good business.

Can it be that the realization of what Poland has turned itself into is slowly dawning on the natives? Could it be that some Poles are beginning to realize at least some truth? Let’s hope so. Although after 20+ years of Poland’s sleeping with the devil, I am understandably cautious about such supposition…

In any event, I do strongly suspect that Poles are secretly terrified of the monster they helped create in Ukraine, together with the US and EU. They probably are shocked (if I were them, I would be) at what became of Ukraine after they had actively trained and financed the opposition, including the ukro-nazi ‘right sector’ militants. Those same nazis that burned people alive in Odessa, and those who kill people in Donbass. Poland still maintains a claim on part of western Ukraine with the capital in Lvov. The ‘right sector’ are the descendants of the Hitler era ukro-fascists from SS Division Galichina, the so-called ‘banderovtsi,’ who killed hundreds of thousands of Poles in western Ukraine. I don’t know how any decent Polish people can possibly feel good about what ukro-nazis are doing today.

I had several Polish friends and I had been to Poland at least four times. But this was over 20 years ago. At the time, I didn’t notice any anti-Russian sentiment or animosity; quite the opposite – my Polish friends were always extremely warm and hospitable. In this regard, I didn’t feel any different than in Russia. Poles were always opinionated and high-strung, but they were still a great company to hang out with. I very much enjoyed our friendship – we had a lot in common, much more than Poles admit to themselves today. Yes, there were some historic tensions, but they were kept in check by the conscious efforts of both sides to remember similarities before differences.

All this ended in the 1990s. Differences and problems is what USA exploits best. This is the old, time-tested strategy of divide and conquer. Once American NGOs moved in, and once the willing politicians were found, who did everything the US told them to do, Poland became progressively more and more anti-Russian and pro-American. Remember the 2003 Iraq invasion and the “coalition of the willing” the US formed out of its vassals through threats and coercion? Poland was a very willing part of it.

For many Russians, what appeared to be a sudden Polish turn to Rusophobia caused a shock similar to what they had experienced when they woke up one day to discover that Ukrainians became anti-Russian practically overnight. This shock wasn’t as painful; after all, Poles are not as close to Russians as Ukrainians are. And of course this didn’t happen overnight – it took about 10-15 years to nurture this hatred. The work started still in the 1980s and culminated in the early 2000s. Not every country succumbed to propaganda. Bulgarian, Serbian and Slovakian people, no matter how much anti-Russian propaganda is dumped on them, remain pro-Russian; but unfortunately, not their governments.

Poland succumbed very easily. In Ukraine it took a bit longer, but not by much.

Hatred destroys something very important in people’s hearts and minds. Can the trust be rebuilt? Perhaps. Russians tend to forgive easily. I don’t know about Poles. In any event, looks like the wind is changing and people are starting to come to their senses. Let’s just say I am cautiously optimistic. I have to say, it will take much longer, and much more evidence, to change my present scepticism regarding Poland into something truly positive.

After years of… how do I say it without getting into the sex terminology… umm… In other words, of doing you-know-what with the US, Poland is finally acknowledging what has been obvious to others. Poland’s future is in cooperation, not confrontation, with Russia and Germany, among other neighboring countries. It’s future isn’t so much in bed with someone’s uncle from across the Atlantic.

Sometimes a leaked tape is not a bomb, but rather a political signal. The conversation in question actually happened in the beginning of 2014, but the tape was only leaked a few days ago. I believe that Poland is ready for regime and political wind change. The leaked tape by Polish FM, a known Rusophobe, serves as a signal meant for Russia and Germany, as well as France, that Poland will play ball.

Considering how actively Poland was pushing US agenda in Europe for years, oftentimes clashing and overriding its bigger neighbors France and Germany, this is an interesting signal. Will it amount to anything, or will “uncle” McCain now appear in Warsaw, as he just recently materialized in Sofia, after which Bulgaria promptly froze its participation in the Russian South Stream pipeline project? Or they could send Victoria Nuland to “subvert” Poland, like she did with Ukraine. It does appear very easy for the US to scare any “European leader” into doing the US bidding.

Let’s see for a moment what’s happening in the EU. France announced that it will deliver two Mistral carriers to Russia over the US objections; one of the major French banks formed a partnership with Russia and is ready to pay $8bln in sanctions to the US for doing business with Russia. US is putting a lot of pressure on France regarding anti-Russian sanctions. The French are very angry at the US. They are suffering massive business losses because of these sanctions.

It helps that Marine Le Pen won Europarliament elections, defeating the incumbent French president Hollande’s Socialist Party. I predicted Marine Le Pen rise back in 2012, in the same article where I predicted Sarkozy’s presidential election loss and Hollande’s win. I also said that Hollande is likely to fail the deeply cherished desires of his voters, and could eventually lose to Marine Le Pen. See my 2012 France predictions: 2012 Predictions Update: French Elections andย Eurozone.

Incidentally, watch Marine Le Pen! She is only warming up. I see her as the only hope for constructive change in Europe this decade. Considering Angela Merkel has completely dropped the ball, and most others are bought-and-paid-for, she is the only big politician who can really influence the whole Europe.

Speaking of Germany. As I said before, it reminds me of a deer caught in the headlights. In one of my previous articles about Merkel I said that she is scared of something, possibly of the responsibility she can’t handle, but also possibly, of some scandals that can come out – remember, she was (still is?) the subject of a massive NSA surveillance. What secrets of hers did NSA record during their illegal wire-tapping? On this blog we deal with facts. One such fact is that at times, Merkel acts as if she is on the US payroll. Otherwise, how does one explain her latest statement that the German gold is perfectly fine at the NY FED? Merkel withdrew Germany’s request that US delivers some of German gold it holds in trust for Berlin. That’s after US failed to deliver more than 5 tons out of 1400 tons of gold it holds in trust for Germany, practically admitting to the entire world that all foreign gold has been squandered! Why would Merkel do that? Blackmail and threats come to mind.

At the same time, German business has been screaming bloody murder over the anti-Russian sanctions. A quiet revolt is brewing in Germany and some other EU countries.

Slowly, Europe is starting to muster a tiny bit of courage to express its desires. This incredible timidness demonstrates vividly how much Europe really is under the US thumb.

Even American companies are starting to seriously worry that US anti-Russian sanctions will undermine American economy. US-Russia annual trade is only $20bln. Russia-EU trade is $420bln. If US companies are protesting, imagine what EU companies feel!

Of course, it’s easy for the US to manipulate Europe for historic reasons. Having started two World Wars in the 20th century alone, western Europe is mortally terrified of a new massive conflict on the continent. They don’t trust themselves, it seems. Remember what I said – fear, greed and other lowly emotions is what US exploits best. Therefore, Europeans have to snap out of their fearful ‘deer caught in the headlights’ mode and start behaving on the level of reason! Only then the situation can be resolved.

Just yesterday, US Secretary of State John Kerry again threatened Russia. He said that Russia must disarm(!) rebels in eastern Ukraine, otherwise there will be a new round of sanctions. He probably means that Putin MUST go to Ukraine and PERSONALLY disarm anyone who US disapproves of, to please Kerry, Obama, McCain, and other imbeciles in Washington. That does not concern ukro-nazis from the ‘right sector,’ because these SOBs are “US approved” SOBs.

Can anyone even begin to imagine the level of imbecilism of the idiots like Kerry? I think he attended Harvard? Bravo, he totally lives up to the elite American ivy-league education!

Jokes aside, the Washington idiots are extremely dangerous because they are holding the financial and military levers, through which they can ruin any country they please. The US is threatening to block Russia from using the SWIFT system – the US and petro-dollar controlled international system of payments, which is the world monopoly. Just imagine the levers in the US hands! US can threaten any country to be cut off from SWIFT, resulting in a serious damage to that country’s economy. What a perfect blackmail position! As an example, Iran is cut off from SWIFT as part of US-imposed sanctions.

No single country must be allowed to hold such unfair advantage over others.

SWIFT is what a country uses to pay for imports and international trade. If Russia cannot use SWIFT, she can’t sell gas to Europe. To this day, Russia sells gas to Europe for dollars(!), despite trying to transition to rubles for years. Do you know why they can’t? Because US is putting huge pressure on the EU. If Russia is suddenly cut off from SWIFT monopoly, it can be catastrophic for both Russian and EU economies. Russia would be forced to halt the gas flow until EU agrees to pay Russia in rubles. This will take time, and massive sabotage by the US has to be expected.

The way gas pipelines work is that the pipe has to maintain a substantial pressure in oder for gas to continue flowing. This is achieved by a number of measures. If you stop gas flow cold turkey, it’s very hard and expensive to re-start it. That’s why Gazprom prefers not to do it. Turning off the switch is a very cumbersome and costly proposition.

EU countries will be threatened not to agree to the ruble-based trade. It is clear why: this is a direct threat to the dollar. If dollar collapses, this threatens the very existence of the US Empire. Of course, the collapse of the dollar is a matter of when, not if. But US will be trying to delay it for as long as possible. As I discussed many times before, US will try to drag down with it everyone it can. Russia is first on the list. EU – including Germany, France, Italy, Austria, and poor Poland, too – second.

Next, US will say: see, we told you so! Russia is a very unreliable business partner. It stopped the flow of gas to Europe, just as we warned you! Instead, we will sell you OUR OWN shale gas! We are your old allies and biggest partners. We are all a part of NATO! Work with the US! And if you don’t… And then, there will be threats, which may, or may not, convince the EU countries to fall in line.

Whatย will happen next: EU economy will be undermined. Russian economy will be undermined. Who wins? US and Canada, as it happens every time there is a war or crisis on the European continent. I have warned about this same in my previous articles. The saga continues.

On a more optimistic side:

Austria just signed a deal with Russia to build the Austrian section of South Stream. In an interview a few days ago, a Hungarian journalist said that in truth, everyone in Eastern Europe wants to have Gazprom pipeline go through their territory. This provides lots of badly needed jobs, money flows into the country, gas gets cheaper; there are many other benefits, including possible future projects with Russia. But at that very moment, Uncle Sam comes in and starts steamrolling through these small countries, intimidating and buying up politicians and businesses. Call it US mafia, invasion, or slavery – it doesn’t get any less disgusting.

Other moderate positives: Czechia and Slovakia said they will not place US AMD missiles on their territory, directed against Russia. Hungary has been vocal against some of the policies they don’t like in the EU, including the Ukraine crisis. Although Hungarians succumbed to the pressure to stay in the EU, these first timid steps can be considered an attempt to regain sovereignty. By how a country behaves in such circumstances we can easily see how much independence and sovereignty this country has.

For example recently, Senator McCain visited Bulgaria, after which Bulgaria promptly announced that it was freezing its participation in the South Stream project with Russia (gas pipeline being built to bypass the uncertainty of Ukraine in order to deliver Russian gas directly to southern and central Europe). This pipeline would be a life-line for the fledgling Bulgarian economy. Therefore, such announcement after the McCain visit means only one thing: Bulgaria has no sovereignty whatsoever. It does what its masters in Washington tell it to do. Romania agreeing to place American AMDs on its territory, despite Russia’s objections, is another indication of the same.

In this regard, we can see clearly how little sovereignty Poland has, if in order to signal the change, they need to resort to a leaked tape. Still, better than nothing…

Therefore, I am making this cautiously optimistic prediction: Europe is waking up little by little. The US influence in Europe is slowly waning.ย Russia and EU must, and will, continue getting closer. US will try to sabotage this process, so brace yourselves.

Here is my advice to the EU politicians and media. If you are scared, remember this: US can only cause trouble and get to you, if you yourselves have ulterior motives, or if you are not acting in good faith. They are masters of exploiting fear, anger and greed. Don’t allow them access to these lowly emotions. Plus, work with, not against, Russia – and there is nothing they’ll be able to do.

For as long as I can look back, Russia has always carried the biggest load, and paid a disproportionately heavy price for getting the world back into balance. Russia single-handedly won WWII (allies only opened the second front in 1944, when it wasn’t necessary any more as Soviet troops had already chased Hitler almost back to Germany). Peace prevailed, but 27 million Soviet people had to die for that; the country was practically destroyed. I was just having a discussion with a Chinese friend. I reminded him that if not for Russia, Chinese might have been speaking Japanese today. It was only thanks to Russia’s massive help, know-how, troops, equipment and money that Chinese were able to liberate their country from brutal Japanese occupation during WWII.

For years, Russia had been the No.1 exporter of talent and brains. The rise of the US science, art and sport is all thanks to the emigration from Russia, as well as other countries. For example, one of Google founders is from Russia. How many Russian scientists emigrated to the US since 1990s (thanks to Soros grants)? I lived in Princeton for many years. The entire famed Princeton University’s Institute for Advanced Studies, where Einstein worked, is staffed with Russians. How many Russian classical musicians and ballet dancers have elevated the art in the West? The rise of the American and European gymnastics and figure skating is all due to Russian athletes and coaches, some of whom I have known personally. Russian oligarchs – fronts for Rothschilds, BP, Exxon and others – siphoned enormous wealth out of the country and passed it on to their Western bosses, thus enriching the West and impoverishing Russia (and Ukraine too).

Now, Russia and Putin are trying to keep peace, when US is trying to drag the world into the last war, and Europe is timidly hiding behind mommy’s skirt.

Enough already! Start taking responsibility for your own future, people!


This is in addition to my earlier predictions on this topic, which you can find on my Predictions page, as well as previous articles.

RT video about the Polish FM leaked tape:ย ‘Gave the Americans a blow job for nothing’: Polish FM in tape leak scandal