The Global Fight for Russia and How Trump is Actively Facilitating the Earth Shift

Lots of major international news! Now that the last of the Forbidden History Webinars is finally being released, I will be dedicating more time to writing Patreon articles and reports for you! There is much I want to share.

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In this post, related closely to the article below, I explain the new type or international relations proposed by Russia. I also explain why I call Trump the American Gorbachev and where the US is heading.



US & Trump, N. Korea, Putin, Lavrov & Russia, EU, France, Germany, Bulgaria, Japan, Nord Stream-2 and new South Stream!

One of the latest is a complete 180 degree turnaround by the West towards Russia – as I predicted back in 2014! A global fight not against, but FOR Russia is on.

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, has called on the end of the witch hunt against Russia and for the improvement of relations between Russia and EU. The signal is clear; Junker and Brussels politicians go where the wind blows. They’ve been getting pressure to rescind anti-Russian sanction from rebelling members, notably Italy, EU’s third economy. The new Italian coalition, called ‘the friends of Putin’ is in a fight for the control of government against Eurocentric elites.

The biggest fish in the pond, Germany and France, have been switching gears in midair as well – and in a hurry.

Last week Putin received first Merkel, and then at the St. Petersburg Forum, Macron and IMF Chief Christine Lagard. Japan’s PM Abe was also at the forum. So were Chinese deputy PM and the president of Moldova Igor Dodon, who doesn’t miss a single forum.

Trump/US received unusual criticisms from Merkel, Lagard and Macron, while all three made overtures towards Russia. I found IMF Chief Christine Lagard uncharacteristic criticism of the US and Trump especially striking.

Merkel finally found the missing backbone and re-affirmed Germany’s full commitment to Nord Stream-2, which is being completed in a rush manner, despite tremendous pressure from the US.

Macron’s attitude during his state visit was completely uncharacteristic of his intermittent powerplays and strange mancrush behaviors with Trump. He was demure and meticulously respectful towards Russia and Putin. He even tried to be refined, citing Tolstoy’s War and Peace episode during the FRENCH (!) takeover of Moscow, in order to make a point of reconciliation. It almost sounded like a hint: I’ve learned my lesson, big brother, please forgive me… As we know, Napoleon’s takeover of Moscow resulted in absolute devastation of the French army and a hasty retreat out of Russia with few survivors. The end result was the army of Russian Cossacks dining in Paris and inventing for posterity the French bistro (if you don’t know the story, I’ll tell you some day).

Notably: as Putin told Macron during the St. Petersburg Forum panel, if France is afraid that US won’t ‘protect it’ any more, based on Trump’s new policies — no worries, Russia will help. Macron replied meekly that France still has Transatlantic obligations, but also has some of its own military force.

The signs of the US/Trump withdrawing from various treaties and obligations to allies are very visible. The allies are in shock.

As to Trump, he is fulfilling some of his election promises, but what he is not noticing is that by doing so, he is facilitating the Earth Shift (read more in next Patreon post!).

Meanwhile, also consistent with my predictions about the Time of Russia the Great Balancer, pilgrimages of different country leaders to Russia continue and grow.

Not far behind Macron was the PM of Bulgaria Borisov, who visited Putin in Moscow last week. When Putin offered his hand, the big Bulgarian instead rushed to embrace him in a tight bear hug.

Putin responds to Bulgaria PM Borisov hug

This comes as an abrupt and drastic change in Bulgaria’s behavior.

The big question is why?…




Gary: Hi Lada, I’ve been following you for years and I have to say that this blog entry is one of your finest and timeliest. Since I religiously follow RT and the Vesti english translated excerpts, I already knew of what you speak. But this entry of yours encapsulated all events that are happening recently and summed up really well the extremely positive developments all over the world. You definitely have been vindicated on your Earth Shift theory and although I have strayed off a little at times (thinking Russia is acting too compromising) your continuous promotion and explanation of your Earth Shift theory and Russia as the Great Balancer have kept me on the straight and narrow.

J: Excellent article, Lada! This is all amazing news and I’ve certainly felt the Shift in the air. It’s as if common sense and decency are starting to take the lead. I look forward to your follow-up article!






(FH&FO series ESW7-10)



About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on June 5, 2018, in 1) Earth Shift Live, 2) Great Balancer Weekly, Ask Lada, Developing Global Trends, EARTH SHIFT, Economy & Investment, Empire Collapse, Eurasia, Geopolitical Trends, Lada Ray Recommends, Predictions 2012, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:

    Hooray for Gorby/Trump! To paraphrase a quote from the Matrix- so appropriate during this great Earth Shift: “Do you hear that Mr. Trump… this is the sound of inevitability!” 😀
