What’s Happening with Brazil Elections & Bolsonaro? + Brazil Economy/Currency & the Role of the US (Ask Lada + Predictions)




‘The reason Brazil is being thrown into extremes is because neither politics nor economy work…’  ~Lada Ray


Teresa mc: Lada, this weekend Brazil is going to vote and I’m puzzled with what’s going there. The cabal took the PT from power, now is demonizing Bolsonaro and favoring the candidate of PT. I’ve seen videos proving that many horrible accusations made to Bolsonaro are taken out of context. Not that I like him, but this big mess doesn’t make sense to me… I’m curious about your insight 🙂



In my comprehensive report on the ex-president Dilma Rousseff impeachment and Brazil’s 2016 color revolution I said that the situation, much like that proverbial pendulum, swung very far in the opposite direction and away from the socialist PT, Dilma and ex-president of Brazil Lula da Silva. It would take a long time for it to stabilize in some sort of equilibrium. Our Earth Shift Patron, Masaki (Akaida), helped me with the comprehensive report in question. Read it on FT: Brazil Color Revolution: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika, Rio Olympics and BRICS. Lada Ray Report and Predictions.

We are now observing the fallout of what happened in 2016, and before. The many problems of Brazil spilled out during and after that color revolution. The center-right president Temer wasn’t enough and his actions didn’t calm down the situation a bit. The problems of Brazil persist, and only a drastic change can shift it into a better plane.


It doesn’t help that the economy of Brazil, like many other Latin American countries, is tightly woven into the US economy. Dilma tried to diversify out, but too late. The economy was already on the downswing when she began.

Brazil tried to get a better balance through the BRICS. But again, the economies of export and natural resource-oriented countries were down, and the biggest members of the BRICS, who could help Brazilian economy to recover, are better positioned for economic cooperation within Eurasia, and also Africa. The countries I am talking about are, of course, China, India and Russia. These countries would rather work with each other and those countries where the return on investment is much higher.

Therefore, Brazil is very much isolated, economically and geographically.

Another thing is the high valuations of the Brazilian real. I won’t go into technical details, but suffice it to say that this happens because of the dependency on the US, where the dollar is manipulated in such a way as to produce inflation in Latin America and other countries.

Export economies, such as China and Russia, keep their currencies artificially depressed to discourage manipulations (we’ve seen plenty of attacks on the ruble, as one example). This also makes these countries’ exports competitive, thus helping domestic economy.  We also see the relatively under-valued currencies of Australia and Canada, as other examples of same.

Relatively high valuations of the Real are making Brazil economy especially inflexible and uncompetitive. It also produces an illusion that Brazil’s salaries and standard of living are higher than they actually are. In reality, there is a lot of poverty in Brazil and people are simply not well to do, as a rule.

It has to be noted that the inability or unwillingness (corruption in many cases) to properly manage the local currency is a common affliction of Latin American countries. The economic/monetary dependency on the US, and in some cases also on the UK, as well as, to a lesser degree, on the EU/Spain/Portugal, is playing a very bad joke on the economies of the region. Some learned to live with it and others are struggling.

This problem is at least 150 years of age and it began at least in the 19th century, possibly 18th. No matter how they try, L. American countries are unable to break out of this vicious circle of dependency.


The reason the country is being thrown into extremes is because the economy doesn’t work. It worked, as I wrote in the above referenced big report, only when the commodity prices were sky-high. That carried the entire country and rose all the ships. But it turns out that Brazilian economy is unable to function well when the going gets tough. In the report, I compare it with Russian economy, which has been surviving, and often thriving, in much more challenging circumstances (this doesn’t mean, of course, that Russian economy is problem-free).

The most important thing to understand is that Brazil had a lot of major problems swept under the rug for decades, and even centuries. Now they are coming out in some ugly forms. Until these problems, some of which I’ve outlined above, are resolved, the shaking and turmoils will continue. In this regard, Brazil reminds me a little of Ukraine. But thankfully, it seems saner.

During the Earth Shift anything that is not serving, anything that is wrong and doesn’t work any more, will be washed away by the flood. If the powers that be cling to it, the act of change will be especially violent and hard.

It appears, Brazil as a country is rather dysfunctional. They tried it the socialist way, with PT and Lula/Dilma, and it worked for a while, until it didn’t. They tried it with president Michel Temer, a centrist-conservative, whom US very much supported; yet the population is still unhappy.

The reason: it’s not about any one person in power. Brazil’s problem is systemic – the whole system has to change.

However, as it is common with humans at a certain level of consciousness, they continue hoping that a new leader will provide the necessary change. He won’t.

The thing with Period 8 (see Webinar 4) and the thing with any dire economic situation is that the far-right leaders tend to come to power. The far-right resurgence is happening in many countries: just look at Trump, Italy’s change of power, Marine le Pen’s good showing in France, the rise of the right in Spain, Germany, Netherlands, etc. I am not even talking about the ukro-nazi regime in Ukraine. Of course these are all very different forces, and the hateful Kiev ukro-nazis do not compare to Le Pen or the Italian government. But they all are far-right, per usual definition.

The rise of Bolsonaro is natural under these circumstances. Brazilians tried different things and when all else failed, they decided to go for the tough-talking far-right candidate.

Now, Bolsonaro is not nearly the same as Hitler, of course, but I just want to make this limited comparison. AND NOTE: I AM NOT A FAN OF BOLSONARO! I am merely an impartial observer.

Hitler came to power in Germany when the country was in deep crisis and Germans hoped he would provide them with a better life. He did… through killing millions and destroying other countries, until he nearly destroyed his own.

Brazil is also in a deep crisis. This is why the far-right is on the rise. A tough leader is being craved by the population, hoping he will finally resolve their problems. As I said, he won’t, as it all runs much deeper.

But that’s where the comparison with Hitler ends. Like in the case of some of the contemporary European far-right, this far-right movement is non-external, non-aggressive towards other countries. If anything, it tends towards isolationism.


The Western neo-liberal establishment is very much afraid of the far-right. These people are mavericks, usually strict nationalists, and sometimes anti-globalists. And they are populists, which may destroy the whole globalist structure built in a specific country, such as Brazil.

The neo-liberal globalist elites are already having a lot of trouble with Italy’s new government, which they can’t control. They try very hard not to allow any others who they may not be able to control. By the way, the jury is still out on that – given the track record of Brazilian presidents and elites, they tend to be very easy to control.

As Teresa pointed out in her comment, they first did everything to topple PT/Lula/Dilma, and now they are supporting them?.. Yes, that’s how they normally operate. They would pit one force against another in order to weaken whoever is stronger. They have no principles or beliefs, except one: divide and conquer.

Having understood the danger of Bolsonaro, they support his enemy, even if previously they did everything to kill that enemy. This way both are weakened.

Until Brazilians understand this diabolical design, they’ll always be victims of such unscrupulous forces. And again, the parallels with Ukraine are striking!


Trump should be a natural ally to Bolsonaro, right?

He would, if Trump was in control of the situation. But as we’ve established through my predictions 2016-17, Trump is in that infamous ‘straitjacket’ and on survival mode.

Another thing it shows: Trump is not in control of the media, and especially importantly, of the US foreign policy(!) as much as some might hope.

And the third thing: Trump is actually ignorant of Brazil, like he is ignorant of many other realities. He likely relies on reports by his not very good and not very honest advisors, who wouldn’t tell him an impartial truth.


I see a lot of splits and divisions continuing in Brazil. The divisions run deep. Reconciling all of them will take a while.

One person, whoever he/she is, can’t fix the deep-running Brazil problems.

It’s the brutal truth, I know, but it has to be told. Brazilian state went for the flashy appearance of success under Lula/Dilma, when the country had the money and the chance. They went for flashy ‘DESIRE’ AND ‘PRIDE’ (See the Quantum Calibrations scale). They are still running on the same lower energy.

Brazil had failed to build a solid economic-financial structure, which would’ve taken time and effort, but which would serve them for decades, providing stability and insulating them from crises. The present problems of Brazil require a systemic shift in consciousness, economy, currency, and more.

Brazil and other L. American countries will do better in Period 9 (SEE WEBINAR 4), but that is contingent upon a lot of factors, which we will discuss in the future, when I begin talking about PERIOD 9!

We’ll do a more targeted overview of Brazil and other South/L. American countries when we do Quantum Calibrations for the continent!


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on October 27, 2018, in 1) Earth Shift Live, 5) Behind Dark State, Ask Lada, Books, BRICS, EARTH SHIFT, Geopolitical Trends, Latin America, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Because of the power of the US Brazil and Latin America will be the last to fix themselves. Asia, the middle east and even Africa will advance much further than LA. Latin America will just have to wait until the US is finally kicked off its throne unfortunately. After all these years Cuba is still the only nation in Latin America (because of the vast Soviet protection and investment) to be fully independent of the west. Nicaragua, Bolivia and Venezuela are really trying and the jury is still out if they can eventually prevail. As for the rest of Latin America don’t hold your breath.


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