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Will Michelle Obama Run? | Trump’s Legal Troubles & ELECTION Strategy | Haiti Migrants & US CIVIL WAR? | INVERTED DISMANTLING PREDICTIONS | FuturisTrendcast Marathon

Complete 30 min podcast – Patreon exclusive:

Will Michelle Obama Run? | Trump’s Legal Troubles & ELECTION Strategy | Haiti Migrants & US CIVIL WAR? | INVERTED DISMANTLING PREDICTIONS


Listen to a 5-MIN FREE preview on Patreon!

Click to preview free or JOIN TO HEAR FULL PODCAST:

Will Michelle Obama Run? | Trump’s Legal Troubles & ELECTION Strategy | Haiti Migrants & US CIVIL WAR? | INVERTED DISMANTLING PREDICTIONS

You can also hear a 2-min FREE preview on my X:


Hello dear friends,

In this podcast I packed a lot of info & predictions on several related topics. Everyone will get something out of it.

First, I give you a crash course on the Inverted Collapse, aka, Inverted Dismantling, and how it compares to the USSR collapse/dismantling of the old. I mention a number of countries and how it may manifest for different corners of the globe.

Btw, I am wondering if my alternative term: “Inverted Dismantling” would be better to use going forward. Let me know in comments what you think!

We talk about Trump’s legal troubles and the chosen strategy to get him to elections. The US case law is very tricky; I tell you how it works, and based on that, what Trump’s lawyers are doing to keep him out of jail.

I also tell you some secret intel about Michelle Obama, including what I see psychically.

The sore topic in the US: migrants and a very insidious tactic this Biden administration is choosing to sabotage certain states and to try to ensure their victory in elections – at least that’s what conspiracy theories say. I can’t say I disagree.

And there are some US predictions.


**This full moon/South Node eclipse on March 25 has been a bit difficult and disorienting. Many report this, and just look at the tragic events!

I had written a lot and recorded a lot too, now the issue is to decide what to post, where and when! Some events are changing so fast that the info may become outdated before the release. Month end UPDATE coming, with much planned for April.

And another piece is still coming before the end of March. Please stay tuned.






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A VERY IMPORTANT EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 15: THE FUTURE OF THE US, after elections… NOW AVAILABLE! (Public announcement & info!)

Friends, it’s here and now available for purchase!

ESW15: THE FUTURE OF THE US ~ after elections…

Here’s the info and buy page for ESW15 and the whole series 4:




To help you live with confidence & plan your best future during the Great Rebalancing!



Public $49

The price will go up eventually!



This very compact and useful webinar is jam-packed with:
​Lada Ray’s exclusive prophecies & predictions!
Geopolitical & economic analysis, historic comps with the USSR, international implications & answers to your questions!
Plus, important Quantum Calibrations, written bonuses & Lada’s higher-dimensional tips!

ESW15 WEBINAR DURATION: 2 hrs 36 min

  • P1 – 18 min: Important Overview, Predictions & Election Results
  • MAIN PART P2 – 2 hours: Complete analysis & Lada Ray Prophecies & Predictions (includes Q&A)
  • P3 – 7 min: Comparative Progressive Calibrations of the US dollar & Lada’s very first, early predictions for the US ELECTIONS and USA in 2024!
  • P4 – 11 min: Lada’s Higher-dimensional tips and techniques how not to succumb to panic & how to thrive during the times of great change!

Plus, Written Bonus parts

  • US DOLLAR comparative calibrations for 1970s vs 2020 vs 2024-25 vs 2030!
  • The calibrations of the deterioration of the US FREEDOMS for 1970s vs 2020 vs 2024-25 vs 2030!
  • Lada Ray’s very first, early predictions for the US ELECTIONS and USA in 2024!

The ESW15 info is very important to prepare for the future and this is something we all need to face. For me it hits very close to home; for some of you it does too; yet for others,  perhaps not so close. But absolutely everyone living in our world will be impacted by what’s happening to the ex-No.1 superpower in decline!

This webinar is a must listen to – and despite how hard for me it was to create it, you’ll find an enormous treasure trove of info, feedback and revelations no one else in the world can give you!




Best from October 2020! MONTHLY LIST of Notable Reports, Articles & Videos on LadaRayPatreon!

Welcome to my new tradition!

This is the second monthly list of my works on LRpatreon! The first one was bi-monthly, for August and September, but going forward, I plan them on a monthly basis. 

All notable, important and most interesting reports, videos and articles, AND all links in one place, in case you want to review any of the past pieces!

This is a convenient, at-a-glance, summary of my work for the past month, should you still be on the sidelines, or if you are ready to join us! This way you can see what has been brewing on LRpatreon and why it’s so truly unique and valuable!

It’s good for you – and for me – to take inventory of what already has been discussed. Sometimes I need a reminder too, of all the breakthrough pieces I’ve already published!

The month of October has been full of major events and BIG REPORTS, predictive articles and a unique Multidimensional Q&A! The month of November is even more EPIC, and the PREDICTIONS I have published since its beginning are truly one-and-only, in their own right! 

For those who want the REAL HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL TRUTH, I am also giving you a sneak peek into the major predictions I have published in November! 

What’s really amazing: many of my predictions voiced in October and beginning of November have already come true, and that includes:

  • In November I’ve also done some very important Quantum Calibrations, confirming the truths and outcomes I have predicted!

THIS IS A FREE PUBLIC POST! The monthly lists will be posted publicly on



Lada Ray Blog

They can be viewed by anyone. But to gain access to posts you must be a member of  LRpatreon! Exception: FREE public posts which can be viewed by anyone. 

The lists incorporate all tiers and levels of contribution. If you are new, to gain access, please join the corresponding tier! Each level participants will get all posts in their tier and all posts in tiers below theirs. 


✨ To see previous list, go here: Best from August-September 2020! MONTHLY LIST of Notable Reports, Articles & Videos on LadaRayPatreon!


Of course, LADA RAY PATREON members will get some exclusive and valuable gifts, treats and presents THIS HOLIDAY SEASON!



Putin’s Bomb & Lavrov’s Ultimatum! A New Era in Russia-EU/US & Russia-China Relations – Predictions! (THE RING OF FIRE AROUND RUSSIA SERIES)

A Message from Lada


Final Battle for Nord Stream-2! The Good & the Bad! (THE RING OF FIRE AROUND RUSSIA SERIES)

Moldova Elections Signal Major Eurasian Shift! Epic Clash of Pro-Russia vs Pro-West Forces & the Future Failed Maidan (THE RING OF FIRE AROUND RUSSIA SERIES)

WATCH FULL MULTIDIMENSIONAL Q&A 2: Reptilians, Greys, 6D-12D, Archangels, Moon Landing, 3D Reality, Humanoids & Human Experience, Akashic Records, Spirit Guides & more! (w. Beautiful Upstate NY Fall Nature!)

Greys & Reptilians in US, Russia & Germany; Trump Surrounded; What they Look Like – STRIKING IMAGES!

“The Great Reset” Agenda & Why World Governments React So Strangely to COVID? (+Greys, 4D & Money Manipulation)

☀️1st Ever QUANTUM CALIBRATION of Russian Covid Vaccine SPUTNIK V: QC, CHI, Safety & Effectiveness! (+Bonus: Western Vaccines Calibration!)

Will the EU Fracture Soon? Poland’s Trade Wars & Muscle Flexing in EU; Turkey’s Power Grab

PREDICTIONS! Will Russia Ever Give Up Caucasus & Belarus? (REPORT #2 CONCLUSION)

Armenia-Azerbaijan War for Nagorno-Karabakh: All You Want to Know! Turkey’s Game, US Shadow & Russian Response! (REPORT #2)


I have published some major prophetic predictions and reports, including new and unique Quantum Calibrations!

West’s Mistakes Open Gateway to Radical Turan! Armenia-Azerbaijan War: Turkey Wants S. Caucasus & Crimea, But What’s Russia’s Real Game?! (THE RING OF FIRE AROUND RUSSIA SERIES)

Amy Coney Barrett & Her Role; US Supreme Court’s Place in USA’s FUTURE & Chief Justice Roberts Phenomenon: Quantum Calibrations, Political & Higher-Dimensional Profiles! (BIG REPORT – US ELECTION 2020 P2!)

SPECIAL US ELECTION 2020 PREDICTIONS 4 WAYS! Quantum Calibrations; Geopolitics & Demographics; Astrology; Claircognizant Predictions!



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  • UNIQUE Q&As;


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✨The best and most advanced material is reserved for my members! You get more, the higher your tier! All consequent tiers incorporate the prior tiers’ material and you get more with the higher tiers! JOIN LADA RAY PATREON!

✨ Look for future lists under my new LRpatreon tag: monthly list and under tag Lada Ray!



1EarthUnited | November 11, 2020 at 12:08 pm

Huge LIKE. Ur articles and vids are so informative, it’s like one-stop shopping for geo-political news and events. And ur predictions are Nostradamic (Nostradamus + Epic). Everything u said came true, some prognostications from months in advance & others like the Armenia-Azerbaijan War resolved the following week, it’s like they’re following ur cue!
Nice job Lada, keep up the great work on Patreon!!

Lada Ray 

Thanks for the great words – enjoyed the ‘Nostradamic’ reference ;).We’ll soon have a Patreon special about the Nostradamus of the 20th century, Baba Vanga! Thought you’d like to know. 🙂 Cheers, my friend

DEEP INTEL! Biden vs. Trump: Why the Key to US Election 2020 Lies in Kiev! With NEW PREDICTIONS on Trump & Democrats! (EARTH SHIFT REPORT 25)

Hello friends,

I have written a new MAJOR DEEP INTEL INVESTIGATIVE REPORT, and this report is available on my new site for a donation!




Release: October 14, 2019
(This report is donation based)

Click here:

DEEP INTEL Investigative Report

Biden vs. Trump:​

Why the Key to US Election 2020 Lies in Kiev!


With NEW PREDICTIONS on Trump, Democrats & Ukraine!


Full report: 29 pages



This is a major investigative report, containing the deepest and most exclusive intel I have received directly from one of Ukraine’s top politicians with connections to SBU, army, top past and present government officials and oligarchy, currently residing in Moscow. Much of what you’ve heard from MSM is a distortion, or a tiny element of truth. And even if you are listening to better informed Russian sources, you only know a fraction of the truth! 

I believe this will be big and it will have direct bearing on:

1. Who will be the next US president

2. What will next happen to Ukraine

3. This scandal will have an effect on Eurasia, Russia and Europe

4. And it will influence the Great Earth Shift!

Therefore, I deem it crucial for my readers to find out the REAL TRUTH about collusion, bribery and corruption that went on between USA’s top elites/leadership and the government/oligarchy of Ukraine under Obama/Biden and Poroshenko.  

I share the deepest intel, including:

Who really blew the whistle on Biden and his son’s corruption in Ukraine?

What really went on between Poroshenko, Biden and Ukraine’s gas oligarchy and how Hunter Biden received $3 mln?

How Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, John Kerry and ex-president of Poland are involved in Ukraine’s corruption

How US taxpayers were swindled and Kiev’s Poroshenko regime received illegal $3 bln

Soros influence on Zelensky’s government

Who really leaked secret Trump – Zelensky phone conversation

Who was behind the Kiev Maidan sniper shootings

Who set on fire Ukraine’s largest arms depot stockpiles and how 10 tons of stolen arms ended up in the Middle East 

The report also contains my new Predictions on Trump, Democrats and Ukraine!

This written report is available FREE to the following Lada Ray’s supporters on Patreon:

EARTH SHIFT PATRON $10 or more per month

MULTIDIMENSIONAL PATRON $25 or more per month

FUTURIST PATRON $100 or more per month


To get FREE access to this & many other reports, exclusive articles and revelations

join Lada Ray Patreon HERE


Or donate one-time HERE and get instant access!




More on


Spiders in a Jar: Saakashvili, Avakov, Poroshenko and Ukraine’s Idiocracy+

Oct. 21, 2017 update: ACT 2 PLAYING OUT NOW! Spiders in a Jar, Saakashvili and Poroshenko, are at it again! Read EU Trouble: Why Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania Support Separatism in Ukraine (10/19/17)

Warning! This post is for those who really want to know what’s happening in Ukraine, and for those who have a sense of humor. If it seems unusually sarcastic for my style, well, that’s because the idiocracy in Ukraine and USA has reached such heights that it’s not possible to talk about it seriously any more. Remember my old mini-series: “Crazy Asylum Called Ukraine”? Alas, Ukraine has regressed well past that stage. Shall we call the new stage: ‘IDIOCRACY PLUS’ ?


Just after US VP Joe Biden visited Kiev, where he was given a standing ovation in the Kiev Rada, two interesting events happened, demonstrating how far gone this ukro-nazi regime has become, and how hopeless it is for the future of the poor, long-suffering people of Ukraine.


First, let’s see what happened during Biden’s visit. It wasn’t like a visit of any highly respected foreign leader, with red carpet rolled out and military guard at attention, as international diplomatic protocol might demand. Nope. First of, Vice President Biden isn’t equal to Poroshenko, the president of the ‘sovereign’ Ukraine. By protocol, he could be received by the leader of a nation for talks, but shouldn’t be greeted with any special pomp. Yet Poroshenko, and it seems, everyone in Kiev, were clinging to Biden for dear life throughout his visit.

In honor of Biden’s visit, the flag of Ukraine was taken down and the American flag installed above government building in Kiev. For any other country this would have been a major embarrassment, but not for Ukraine. The official Kiev was awfully proud of it.

It was clearly a visit of the master who came to inspect his colony and to assess the performance of his vassals and slaves. On previous visits, Biden was seated at the head of the table, with president Poroshenko by his side, breaking up with any and all international protocols. Perhaps Ukrainian elites wanted to show that ‘America is with us,’ as they say in Kiev. But all they confirmed for the whole world was that they were willing slaves of the USA.

This time, Biden talked to Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, the cabinet ministers together with other high level officials, and made a speech for the Rada. He has announced that Ukraine now needs to become like United States. Look at the American states, admonished Biden. They each have lots of local freedom in how they govern, while Washington conducts the all-American policies domestically and internationally. You have to become just like us and give enough freedom to each oblast. Read: Ukraine has to begin the process of federalization, so wholy hated by Kiev elites, ukro-nazis and nationalist battalions.

Biden’s speech in Ukraine Rada was met with standing ovation. I’m not sure the IQ of ukro-nazi commanders and russophobic clones elected into this Rada is high enough to grasp the meaning of what the boss was saying. So, let me translate.


In others words, dear Ukrainian folks, in case you’ve missed it, we, the great and almighty USA, are doing a 180 degree flip-flop. You wanted to create a unitarian state, where everyone would be forced to speak Ukrainian, even if they preferred to speak Russian? We tried very hard to help you accomplish just that in order to create anti-Russia out of Ukraine, since, mind you, THIS is our goal Number 1 for your country. But now we’ve come to the conclusion that we’ve destroyed your country and economy for nothing. Sorry about that.

It won’t work, you see. To salvage the situation and continue keeping Ukraine under our thumb, we need to ensure you, our little puppets, don’t lose your power overnight. Therefore, we’ve decided you need to give more autonomy to local elites in each region. Note, not to the people in each region, but to the elites, who can be bought and threatened, just like all of you.

So, dear Ukrainians, forget what we’ve told you before. It’s time to de-dust the dreaded FEDERALIZATION word – something the people of Donbass, Odessa, Crimea, Kharkov, Nikolaev and Zaporozhie demanded in the first place. The original 2014 demands of the South and East of Ukraine were in fact more modest than the scope of the autonomy we are suggesting for you now. Sorry that you had to kill thousands in Donbass, burn people alive in Odessa and throw tens of thousands in jail to deny people the federalization they wanted.

I know federalization is a dirty word in your vocabulary. We do need you to continue performing your role of vicious anti-Russia on Russian borders, so you can’t overtly call what we are asking you to do ‘federalization’ as this is what Russia is – the world’s largest FEDERATION.

Instead, let’s pretend you’ll be building a clone of the United States of America, however inappropriate such structure is for your country – and problem solved!

Standing ovation…


Oh yes, forgot to mention! Biden promised Ukraine $180 mln in military aid. This aid wouldn’t be monetary. Ukraine elites won’t see the money they can pocket right away. Nope, US will make them work for it. The aid is: past expiration date packaged food for the troops; outdated bullet-proof vests and other equipment; plus old tanks, ATVs and other rusty military hardware that otherwise USA would have to pay good money for China to scrap it.

Don’t you know it’s good Feng Shui to de-clutter one’s junk, clearing it out of one’s house? And it’s so much cheaper to give all this junk to Ukraine and let them re-purpose it, rather than paying China!

Some of this cluttering and corroding junk has already been observed moving through Odessa (after arrival to the local port), scaring local residents. Several ATVs stalled and had to be fixed en route.

SPIDERS IN A JAR: Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko, Saakashvili and Avakov

Yatsenyuk carried out by his b**ls in Ukraine parliament – you have to see this video to believe!

Many expected Yatsenyuk to resign after Biden’s visit. A huge rally gathered in front of the Rada during its session, anticipating the resignation announcement. Yatsenyuk’s rating is presently zero – literally. But Biden reconfirmed that they didn’t want the ruling ‘coalition’ to fall apart. Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, rivals at the last elections, formed a ruling coalition to keep the majority in the Rada. The country is on the verge of the official default. Supreme Judge of Ukraine Biden has ruled that it’s not the time to call another round of Rada elections when Ukraine is about to go through the most difficult winter since WWII. Likely problems with heat, power and food are expected, in addition to the default.

Essentially, however unhappy the Transatlantic boss was with his vassals’ performance, he threw his support behind Yatsenyuk and let him stay. This created a huge disappointment in the Rada and on the street. A highly nationalistic and anti-Russian deputy from Western Ukraine, and a member of Petro Poroshenko’s Block to boot, took initiative. He approached the Rada podium while Yatsenyuk was giving speech, presented the confused PM of Ukraine with red roses, and then picked the tall, but skinny Yatsenyuk by his balls and tried to carry him out of the room.

A big brawl began between two very athletic groups of deputies: Poroshenko’s block vs. Yatsenyuk’s block. These deputies, by the looks of them, belonged either in the ranks of ukro-nazi battalions or in jail. Oops, my bad – they were in fact ‘members of the Ukraine’s ruling Poroshenko-Yatsenyuk coalition.’

It has to be noted that brawls are an extremely common occurrence in the Kiev Rada.  These spiders in a jar, aka, Ukrainian patriots, take regular swipes at each other, often landing themselves in the hospital.



The Tragic Comedy Called Ukraine: public row of two international criminals AVAKOV AND SAAKASHVILI 

The video is self-explanatory, but I’ve added the summary of what went on for your complete understanding. Let’s just say, in this tragic comedy called ukro-nazi / USA-ruled Ukraine, the biggest farce is still ahead.


Summary of what is happening in the video:

Ukraine Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and the Washington-appointed ‘governor’ of Odessa, ousted ex-president of Georgia Mikeil Saakashvili, had a loud public row, calling each other thieves and hurtling glass, during the National Reform Committee meeting, presided by Poroshenko. The video posted by many sources, including Avakov himself on his Facebook page, went viral.

In it, Saakashvili says that his goal in Ukraine is to root out corruption; he names Avakov as one of the biggest thieves, accusing him of shielding from justice major corruption schemes. There is a heated exchange, in which Avakov makes fun of how Saakashvili speaks Russian (‘be, be, be…’). The overly-emotional Caucasus native with over-inflated ego, Saakashvili, gets angry and demands apology: “No one has ever talked to me like that!” Then Saakashvili proceeds yelling out at Avakov even louder accusations.

Avakov in turn accuses Saakashvili of being a thief. (For once I agree – they both are mega-thieves). Saakashvili goes on to call Avakov Ukraine’s biggest thief, who stole billions, and says that he, Saakashvili, is clean. “I said before to Russians: try to find my money, and they couldn’t! I tell you the same – find any of my money. You won’t! I am poor, unlike you, but I have honor! I haven’t stolen millions and billions, like you!”

Avakov loses it and throws at Saakashvili a thick glass (real, heavy glass, not plastic) full of water, dousing with water and waking up in the process Ukraine’s foreign minister Klimkin, peacefully sleeping next to him. Presiding Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk try to restore order, asking Avakov not to swear. Yet, the Russian swears continue flying back and forth.

The thing is that they all are speaking Russian – the only language they all speak well enough. Forget Ukrainian – no Ukrainian spoken here at all. Ukraine junta, unfortunately, gathered all the dregs of the post-Soviet space and of the Russian World. For lack of any substance in the ranks of Ukraine’s Idiocracy, the Russian swears is what unites these spiders in a jar.

In the end, Avakov throws his trump card at Saakashvili:

Avakov to Saakashvili: Go back to your country and leave mine alone. You’ve already destroyed your country, now you are destroying mine!

Saakashvili yells back: I am a Ukrainian, It is my country!

(Funny thing coming from an ex-president of Georgia, with no roots in Ukraine. The citizenship of Ukraine was given to him in haste after US dragged him in and put him in charge of the most strategic of the remaining Ukraine territories: the prized Odessa Oblast.)

Avakov: No, I am Ukrainian, it’s my country, not yours!

At that moment, the depressed-looking Poroshenko finally puts his foot down and announces that the meeting is adjourned.


More to follow!

Closing remarks:

In reality, Saakashvili is wanted in Georgia on charges of corruption and embezzlement, together with his ‘team’ that he brought with him to Ukraine. There is an international warrant for his arrest. Saakashvili was recently stripped of his Georgian citizenship, following his urgent receipt of Ukraine citizenship. So, in that regard, he really is a ‘Ukrainian,’ since no other country would have him.

It is a well-known fact that Saakashvili’s salary as Odessa governor is being paid by the US State Department. This flamboyant clown bragged about it himself, probably to demonstrate how close he was to the US. Salaries to his entire ‘team,’ wanted in Georgia, are also paid by the US. Saakashvili had brought with him a couple dozen various deputies, who have taken over all the lucrative posts in Odessa, and a couple of Kiev ministries as well.

Based on this, who do you think Saakashvili answers to? Certainly NOT to the people of Odessa and Ukraine.

Avakov really is a Ukrainian citizen. But the irony of the whole exchange isn’t lost on those who know his background. Arsen Avakov is a Russified, but decidedly non-Russian/non-Ukrainian name. He is either Armenian or Azerbaijani (prob. Armenian). In other words, an Armenian/Azerbaijani and Georgian (both from Caucasus!) yell at each other that Ukraine is their country, while the real ethnic Ukrainians in the room sit silently like the sheeple they are, watching apathetically the crawling foreign takeover of their country.

This isn’t about Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Russians, Ukrainians or Jews. Ukraine is a multinational territory that those with ulterior motives try to squeeze into a unitarian, single-language model that doesn’t suit it. The problem is that, regardless of nationality, US puppet masters put in charge of Ukraine their agents: Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Avakov, Saakashvili, finance minister Jareska (US citizen, former banker and State Dept employee), as well as scores of Georgians, who are under criminal charges in their country, Lithuanians, Poles and others. Turks and Islamists control Ukraine through their agents, Crimean Tartar Mejlis, who have recently blown up power lines to Crimea. Canada and US also control the country through ukro-nazi battalions, western Ukraine extremism and Zionist Chabad.

The Transatlantic boss, personally presiding over this whole horror show, is Joe Biden.

Let’s recall the slogan of the 2014 Kiev maidan that resulted in this corrupt government’s takeover. The slogan in Ukrainian was: “Pamiatai chuzhinets’ – zdes gospodar ukrainets’!” This translates as: “Remember foreigner – Ukrainian is the master here!” This was supposed to be a warning for the “Russian aggressors.”

Oh poor, blind Ukrainian dupes!

Are there any normal and reasonable people left in Ukraine?

Yes. One of them is the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Natalya Vitrenko. She has been speaking up and warning of the dangers of the foreign takeover of her country since before 2014. Here is a link to one of her videos in Russian: Наталья Витренко об Украине, летящей в тартарары под ручным управлением Вашингтона English title: “Ukraine under Washington’s management, is plunging into abyss.”

There are other normal politicians, journalists, advocates and citizens, some of whom were forced to flee Ukraine due to persecution, and others stayed to hold the fort, despite enormous risks. One of those who was forced to escape is ex-Ukraine Prime Minister Nikolay Azarov, who served under Yanukovich. After the country tried the poison pill of Yatsenyuk, Azarov is suddenly recalled with nostalgia, as a true professional.

Some people worth mentioning are, among others: Alexey Zhuravko, activist from Kherson, and Grigory Kvasnyuk from Odessa. These people deserve respect for telling the truth and for keeping the tiny flame of hope alive. They both are important to the unfolding story of the BATTLE FOR EURASIA, which I am trying to document on my blog and in my Earth Shift Reports.

I will have some very valuable intel, impossible to find in English, in my upcoming Earth Shift Report. In it you’ll see me mention the names of the above whistleblowers, among others. Stay tuned to the upcoming:

Black Sea Gambit

It is a logical progression of the latest


Turkey conundrum 2


Other ESRs suggested in conjunction with the unfolding crisis in Ukraine:


The whole truth about Zionist Chabad and who is really behind it! Chabad World Headquarters: Brooklyn, USA; Eurasian Headquarters: Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine! Who were really Khazarains and what happened to them? Who really are the Cossacks? The real reason US wanted Ukraine! The story of some betrayals – Why Kharkov and Dnepropterovsk? Why did the Ukraine foreign takeover plan hit the wall?



Putin vs. Russian oligarchs! Ukrainian oligarchs: Poroshenko, Kolomoysky & the gang! Spiders in a jar and their Transatlantic masters: Ukraine’s dirty underbelly exposed!​ The real reason the new ‘maidan’ is NOT possible in Ukraine, despite many predicting it!


Due to the avalanche of explosive news surrounding Ukraine, Crimea and the entire Black Sea, coupled with the sheer volume of material, I hope to release the new reports in January of 2016. That’s my plan.

I will try to take some time off to celebrate and relax during this Christmas/New Year’s. Keeping with the spirit, I plan to do lighter than usual posts and videos during this Holiday Season. But of course, the reality has a way of always interfering with our best plans. So, this Holiday Season, I’ll go with the flow, depending on what new geopolitical curve balls the ongoing EARTH SHIFT may throw at us.

Dear readers, I suggest you do the same.

Stay tuned for the future Holiday posts, including the Year 2015 wrap-up and the look ahead, at the Year 2016!

Stay with FuturisTrendcast!


Meanwhile in Russia: 




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