Blog Archives

Putin’s Inauguration and President’s New Russian-Made Limousine!

Putin’s Inaugural Address – The President Outlines the Immense Challenges Facing Russia – ENG

Putin ditches imported cars in favour of ‘Russian-made limousine’

Putin inaugurated as Russian president (FULL VIDEO) – Eng




GREAT NEWS! I have expanded our new Patreon-Exclusive 4D Geopolitics – 5D Earth Shift Expose, addressing crucial and interconnected issues, developments & predictions: TRUMP-DEEP STATE/DARK STATE- RUSSIA-MIDDLE EAST!


PART 1: EXCLUSIVE TRUMP/DEEP STATE REPORT: Why Trump Was Exonerated of ‘Collusion with Russia’?

PART 2: PREDICTIONS & ANALYSIS: Israel’s War vs. Iran and Syria. What is Russia’s Position?

COMING PARTS 3, 4 and 5!

SURPRISE PART 3 — something I very rarely, if ever, do…



(FH&FO series ESW7-10)

COMING! #3 in the Forbidden History & Forgotten Origins Series! 

Release May 11-14, 2018

Earth Shift Webinar 9: Mystery of the Lost Continents & 4D World
(Atlantis, Eurasia, Antarctica & the Great Tartaria) 



My Analysis: What is Vladimir Putin’s Message to the American People?

Reposted from Lada Ray Blog

This is the kind of time when keeping silence is not possible as some are trying to “lead” us to World War III. I refuse to pollute my beautiful #LadaRayBlog with the names of those ugly excuses for human beings in the US government, congress, as well as other countries who are implicated in doing so. I think everyone already knows who they are. If not, the information is out there for all to see and to make conclusions accordingly.

Due to a very busy time in my life, I have not been able to post new videos. However, I have a lot to say on the subject. Expect new vids on Lada Ray YT channel, as well as new posts on Futurist Trendcast blog. I will analyse the situation and make new predictions.

Till then, here is a message of reason, peace and hope from the Russian President Putin, who is reaching out directly to the American people via NY Times article, bypassing the politicians and warmongers who obviously don’t have our best interests at heart.

Frankly, I was surprised NY Times published his article – and I commend them on doing so. What I’m not surprised about is that Putin’s message has received an incredible amount of support from all over the globe.

P.S. I know, I know, the American media and some politicians have been hard at work molding a very negative, if not an evil persona in Vladimir Putin. The facts have been twisted and turned on their head repeatedly, to which I can attest from my personal knowledge as a Russian, and as a researcher on Russia and geopolitics. Who needs a boogieman to scare kids at night if you have Putin, right?

Interestingly enough, those who are interested in vilifying the Russian President are the same people who are the biggest warmongers. I’m not going to justify or defend Putin. Today’s most powerful world leader doesn’t need my help. He has tons of support in Russia and abroad, unrivaled by any other politician in modern history. I’m not going to bother explaining any of his actions, past or present. Suffice it to say that his actions have huge support of his people, and of many countries around the world.

Just think for a moment: why is he this powerful? Hmm… There must be a good reason for that. Seemingly, USA has a substantially larger war machine, bigger, albeit fledgling, economy, and overwhelmingly louder media. The reason is simple: he reflects what most people and most countries around the world think and want. And that, my friends, no one can defeat. Deep down, people will always feel the truth.


Read Vladimir Putin’s Message: Part 2 here



Russian President Putin Personally Writes to the American People: A Plea for Caution from Russia Over Syria

Reblogged from The Aquarius Paradigm:

Click to visit the original postThanks to Golden Age of Gaia.By Vladimir V. Putin, President of Russia, NY Times – September 11, 2013

MOSCOW — Recent events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders.

It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies.

Relations between us have passed through different stages.

Read more… 1,035 more words

President Putin’s article that appeared in NY Times, which calls for peace, reason and friendship.

 Хлеб-соль ешь, а правду-матку режь. – Honesty is the best policy

Reblogged from Life in Russia:

Click to visit the original postRus: Хлеб-соль ешь, а правду-матку режь.Literal: Eat bread and salt, cut the mother truth

Eng: Honesty is the best policy

So, who’s been lying? I think we all know who.


Speaking Russian from the heart! Great blog: LIFE IN RUSSIA (the bridge between two countries) by an American expat living in Kazan, the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Tatarstan on River Volga. ***Those who’ve read my thriller, GOLD TRAIN (Accidental Spy Russia Adventure), will recall that Kazan is mentioned in the book. The Bank of Kazan served as storage for the huge Gold Reserve of the Russian Empire. This is where GOLD TRAIN’s intrigue begins as the Russian Gold Reserve vanishes during the 1918 Civil War. About GOLD TRAIN and my books. *** Anyone interested in truth, Russian culture, expat living, world travel and beautiful spots from all over the world should visit Life in Russia!

P.S. There is currently a White House petition for Obama to give his Nobel Peace Prize to Putin for averting war in Syria. Presently, over 2500 signatures, but more needed.

More info on petition at

Russia Votes: Crash Course in Russian Politics

Reblogged from source: LadaRayBlog

Russia will be voting for the country’s new president on Sunday, March 4, 2012.


Because of the Russian electoral rules, one cannot use poll numbers several days before the elections. Currently in effect: moratorium on promoting specific candidates to avoid influencing the voters.

As a reminder to my readers, I do not belong to any political party and consider myself a political atheist. My analysis is based on observation, logic, intuition and the Ancient Chinese System of Long Cycles (CSLC).

The Russian political scene is changing rapidly as a record number of citizens take part in protests and demonstrations, both for and against various candidates. Historically speaking, this level of activism is unusual for Russia. Well, apart from the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and the 1990-93 USSR dissolution period. Most other times in Russian history, the population wasn’t that active politically.

Russian protests differ substantially from the Arab Spring, US Occupy movement, Greek, Spanish, British and other European protests, because they are NOT economically driven. Russians have not experienced a cut in pay or unemployment. In fact, salaries and standard of living have been steadily and substantially rising for the past decade. This activism is driven by a desire to see more change, better and faster reforms, as well as ‘the Putin fatigue.’ As one commentator put it, “It’s media fatigue: people are tired of seeing Putin’s face all over the news.”

I do want to point out that my analysis, based on CSLC, indicates that social and political activism around the world will keep intensifying during this decade. This is true not only for Russia, but for the vast majority of countries, including most of Europe, USA, the Middle East and Asia, as well as – perhaps, to a lesser degree – Latin America, Africa and Australia.

Due to allegations of fraud and ballot stuffing during 2011 Duma (Russian Parliament) elections, over 30,000 Russians have signed up to be anti-fraud monitors during Presidential elections on March 4, 2012.

This year, 5 candidates are eligible to run for the Russian presidency. The remaining contenders were unable to collect the number of signatures required to run.

The winning candidate must receive over 50% of the popular vote or face second round run-off against 2nd place candidate.


Vladimir Putin (Center: Ruling United Russia Party).

Russian President, 2000-2008. Current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Still, by far the most popular politician in Russia. United Russia had suffered a substantial “defeat” during 2011 Duma elections. Well, if you consider a defeat getting 49.5% of the votes. But it was a step down from their usual 60-70% approval rate. Besides, they needed 50% in order to maintain a constitutional majority in the Duma. In that sense, the result was quite disappointing.

Putin may have lost some of his support among the more affluent population of Moscow, who ironically benefited most from his and United Russia policies in the past 12 years. But he gained support in the Russian regions. He’s widely projected to win, even by his opponents and detractors. Putin is very feared by the U.S. and some other Western governments, yet supported by most world governments, as well as the international investment community. International investors, as well as the Russian majority, seek stability. And they know, Putin is the only one who can deliver that.

For Putin, it is not as much the issue of winning. It is more how he wins. He needs clean, beyond reproach elections; and a win in the first round to avoid compromising his substantial clout in Russia and abroad.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Right/Nationalist: Liberal Democrats).

Speaker of the lower house of the Duma. An old timer in the Russian politics who’s been around since Yeltsin; may have lost some of his original base, but is still popular amongst the young males, especially in the Russian regions. Famous for his loud and often scandalous speeches and behavior, Zhirinovsky enjoys a staunch support base because he often says what others don’t dare due to political correctness.

Gennady Zyuganov (Far left: Communist Party).

The Communists have enjoyed a substantial increase in support in the past year. Nostalgia for the good, old Soviet Union days and low pensions for retirees have aided in Zyuganov’s popularity. Communist party is a very hands-on grassroots organization, members of which go door to door and help each other, as well as the needy, according to the old Soviet tradition. Which also explains the rise in popularity.

Party’s weakness: the Communists have never been good at accounting. To this day, it’s unclear where the money for all the social reforms they are proposing (essentially, the rollback to the Soviet Union) will come from.

Sergey Mironov (Center Left: Fair Russia Party, aka, A Just Russia Party).

Chairman of the Russian Federation Council 2001 – 2011, the Upper House of the Duma. Fair Russia Party has appeal among those voters who are not quite communists, but who would like more social security and government controls. Also, among those who are not quite center.

Mironov has repeatedly proposed an amendment to the Russian constitution that would allow the President to be elected for 3 consecutive 5 or 7 year terms. In 2007, Boris Gryzlov, leader of the rival United Russia party, said that changing the constitution would be unacceptable. Mironov is considered to be more socialism oriented, as he wants to set up special agricultural exchanges for state purchases of agricultural goods and introduce government intervention in regulating prices of basic food stuffs.

Mikhail Prokhorov (Independent).

Russian oligarch, billionaire, Forbes 400, owner of the NY Mets. The only candidate not backed by a party. He commands quite a presence and towers over everyone in the room at close to 7′ of height. Prokhorov has a pro-business platform and enjoys some support among the rich, the business people and the affluent. Most likely, a negligible factor in these elections.

Based on the current dynamic situation, I will be upgrading my Year 2012 Predictions for the Russian elections. Read an update tomorrow – right here, on Lada Ray Blog.

Read the original Lada Ray Year 2012 Predicions!

Watch interesting debate – CrossTalk: Russia Votes

Copyright 2012, Lada Ray