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RUSSIAN ELECTION: Why Putin Runs as Only Independent? Hillary/Paris Hilton Cross Ksenia Sobchak and Pro-West Neoliberal Fiasco! New Blood vs Old Guard

I am continuing to publish episodes from the new EARTH SHIFT REPORT 21: PUTIN 2018 & RUSSIAN ELECTION (ESR21)

Yesterday, I published the CULMINATION of ESR21 P8: Putin’s 10-Year Plan & His Vision for Russia’s Future!

Today, I have published ESR 21 P9: Why Putin Runs as Only Independent? Hillary Clinton/Paris Hilton Cross Ksenia Sobchak & pro-West neoliberal fiasco! New Blood (Starikov) vs Old Guard (Zhirinovsky)




Dear friends, 


Below you’ll be reading the continuation of the 3-part Culmination of my new experimental, serialized  EARTH SHIFT REPORT 21: PUTIN 2018 & RUSSIAN ELECTION (ESR21), timed to coincide with Russian Election 2018!

For nearly half-a-month I tried to present to you a fair, multi-faceted and balancedmicrocosm of the contemporary Russian political process, together with a glimpse at both Russia’s turbulent past and exciting future.

This is why I presented fairly to you ALL sides of the spectrum, from communists and far-left all the way to the far-right nationalists and pro-West neo-liberals; from the last-curtain old guard to the new and emerging forces (read about that below!) 

Yes, Putin reigns supreme in Russia’s politics, and his vision for Russia is unsurpassed, confirming my Russia The Great Balancer vision! 

But it would be incredibly naive and one-sided to limit your perception of Russia to just one Putin. 

He is a true Russian democrat, and so am I. We think from our warm hearts, but also keep a logical, cool head on our shoulders. 

This is vastly different from the fake Western ‘democracies,’ which proclaim the ideals of fairness only when it suits them and whose main goal is to affirm their full-spectrum global dominance. When things do not work out in their favor, they lose the thin veneer of their ‘democracy’ and turn outright nasty (as we are now observing with the Skripal UK case: more here). 

Russia is multifaceted and vibrant. This is why Putin insists on various forces’ — even those small or adverse to him — participation in this election. This is why all candidates are given equal chances of the debate participation and Russian TV/MSM exposure, unlike in the West. 

This is why I also am presenting to you ALL sides of the spectrum. It appears to me some people don’t get it. But the majority, I hope, does!

This is the only way I know how to look at things: systematically, multidimensionally and as a complete and balanced system.

I am very happy so many of you were able to join me in the ESR21 special journey through Russia’s past, present and future, beyond the obvious.  Those who did, are richer for it! 

In earlier episodes of ESR21 we have discussed various topics, ranging from presidential candidates ratings & Putin’s main rival, the ‘offshore communist’ Grudinin, to Russia’s new secret weapons & attempts to sabotage the election via Russian ex-spy poisoning in the UK. 

The ESR21 CULMINATION PART 8 introduced you to Putin’s Big Vision for Russia and his 10-Year Plan.

Today I am posting part 9, and the wrap-up part 10 is coming on March 17! Its topic is a secret and I’ll reveal it tomorrow!

 As always, refer to all of your ESR21 inks HERE! The entire content is exclusive and FREE only tomy Patreon followers!


Just letting you know that after working very hard for months, some time soon I may take a few days off.  

But whatever you do, don’t go away!

As the Great Earth Shift gains momentum and a clash between super-powers intensifies, the world events are again accelerating, and much more earth-shattering changes are expected this year! 

Therefore, I can’t be away for long. No worries, I will continue being your guide and wayshower through this time of the Great Earth Shift change!

Soon after Russian Election is over, we’ll be resuming our regular programming, including our Multidimentional, Earth Shift and Quantum Calibrations content, which many of you have come to love!

You know I love you all and I want to give you as much knowledge and info as I can!

I hope you all can join me in this continued journey of discovery and illumination!






Part 9:

Why Putin runs as the only independent? 

United Russia dillemma

Russian ‘Paris Hilton’ Ksenia Sobchak & pro-West neoliberal fiasco!

New Blood (Starikov/PVO) vs Old Guard (Zhirinovsky/LDPR, et al)! 


Ksenia Sobchak, a Hillary / Paris Hilton hybrid, and the fiasco of pro-West neo-liberals

Ksenia Sobchak, in my definition is a cross between Hillary Clinton and Paris Hilton.

She is running as the candidate ‘against everyone.’ Not a very constructive position to begin with.

According to the poll, with which we started ESR 21, she gets about 1% approval. She was picked up and backed as the candidate by a small pro-West neoliberal party Grazhdanskaya Platforma – Civic Platform. This allowed her to get into the ballot easier.

In Russia, running from a party means you have to get only 300,000 signatures, while an independent candidate would have to get 1 million signatures.

In this election, Putin is the only independent. Why? See about that below!

KSENIA SOBCHAK and her platform:

Sobchak is a well-known and much hated in Russia TV personality, who used to participate in risky and frisky reality TV shows, such as Dom-2. At one point, she began styling herself as a serious political journalist.

Another shocking and notable thing is that she is the daughter of Putin’s ’90s mentor, Anatoly Sobchak, who was the powerful mayor of St. Petersburg. Putin was her godfather. As such, he still treats her with a mildness and respect she hardly deserves.

Sobchak has been an extremely vocal critic of Putin and everything Russian. Actually, she professes to be for ‘strong Russia,’ but it’s hard to find a bigger Russian-speaking Russia-hater. She is the pointperson for all pro-West Russophobic forces within Russia.

Her platform incorporates the following: 1. Russia is an aggressor, conducting two hybrid wars, in Ukraine and Syria. Russia must admit this, say ‘sorry’ and withdraw from both. 2. Russia must stop protecting Donbass and allow Kiev junta to take it over, with all the consequences for the population. 3. Russia must give Crimea back to Ukraine and apologize. 4. Russia must stop protecting Syria and ‘dictator’ Assad. 5. Russia must disarm and happily join the ‘European family.’ 6. Russia must stop being Russia and do as the US says.

In other words, she could well be a mouthpiece for NYT, BBC or CNN, and no one would know the difference.

This platform is announced by Sobckak every day, including in various presidential debates.

Because Ksenia Sobchak can’t get much following in Russia, she has infamously gone to the US, where many Russians live. She campaigned throughout the US, trying to convince Russians living there that they should vote for her. Her logic apparently was that those Russians living in the US will be pro-US and critical of Putin. We’ll see whether her calculation proves correct on the election day. I think not.

While in the US, Sobchak attempted to meet with Trump, but was refused.

But she was gladly given an interview by CNN, in which she stated that she agrees with the US and is ‘together with the US, being concerned about Russian aggression.’

She also was in the US in search of sponsors and financing, and she found them, of course – no surprise there.

I think that’s about all we need to know about Ksenia Sobchak and her followers; I believe it’s clear what she is. She presently also holds the dubious distinction of having the country’s highest negative rating. Not a dummy, with a large amount of negative charisma, she is an extremely confrontational and scandalous person. Sobchak literally attracts scandal like a lightning rod. You saw an example of how she operates in ESR 21 P3: Zhirinovsky vs Sobchak: Unlikely Brawl on Live Russian TV Between Presidential Candidates + Lada Ray Analysis!

Vladimir Zhirinovsky will be discussed below.

Ksenia Sobchak loves being interviewed by the Western media


The rest of the pro-West neo-liberals aren’t even worth mentioning, but we will, for fairness’s sake. Essentially, there are 3 other parties, and their respective candidates, each of whom gets less than 1% of votes.

Grigory Yavlinsky, leader of Yabloko, 0.6% rating. Yabloko represents itself as the ‘intellectual’ party.  

One of these parties is Yabloko (which in Russian means ‘Apple,’ the name also being an abbreviation of the party’s founders’ names). The party’s long-term leader and presidential candidate 2018 is Grigory Yavlinsky, who was in part responsible for the disastrous ’90s reforms. The catastrophic reforms of the neo-liberals in the ’90s are still remembered in Russia with anger, and his party has been catastrophically unpopular, but very loud. One of the things Yabloko professes is that Crimea belongs to Ukraine, not Russia. But because this position is very unpopular and loses him even more votes, Yavlinksy has been very subdued on that point during the debates.

In the same category, but a lot more physically violent and harmful, is Alexei Navalny, who has been more than once caught either doing something illegal or taking money from the US/UK. He has two suspended criminal sentences and therefore, cannot run for election (see me talk about him more in Part 10). Navalny’s support in Russia is also under 1%, but he gathers around him the loudest and most aggressive elements, who are always on the attack through social media. Their effort is coordinated through CIA and Western surrogates, including Kiev and the Baltics.

The Navalny supporters get paid for their shill/trolling activity, and they have been known to be very effective on the internet, spewing a lot of filth everywhere, creating misdirection and fake news. Yet, very little public support transpired out of all their internet efforts.

There is a clear trace of CIA and global financial elites behind Navalny, who don’t stop financing and training his people, hoping they’ll one day deliver, and create a new chaos in Russia.

Ksenia Sobchak, Navalny and Yabloko/Yavlinsky are a big part of the 5th column, agreeing on everything with the US says, while making bold accusations against Russia.

More reasonable and balanced, and in my opinion the most interesting of the bunch, is ‘Partia Rosta’ – The Growth Party.

The party leader and presidential candidate 2018 is Boris Titov. He gets only marginal 0.3% support. He promotes himself and his party as the ultimate defenders of the rights of business, whether big or small, private, public or state. The platform includes: Russian economy growth through better business climate, promotion and protection of all business, as well as the peaceful business and trade cooperation with other counties.

The platform is very focused and narrow, and it appears to ignore the full scope of geopolitical realities, always pushing ‘cooperation’ with the West. The result of this ‘see no evil, speak no evil’ la-la-land position is very small support.

This party works with Putin and the government, although has certain criticisms as well. Of all neo-liberal parties, it is the most reasonable and clearly, the only positive. It is also the only neo-liberal force in Russia that can boast of some practical achievements, such as trying to convince run-away ex-oligarchs in London to bring their assets back home in exchange for amnesty. Titov personally negotiated the deal in London.

Unlike other pro-West 5th column forces, the Growth Party isn’t known to promote ‘Crimea is Ukraine’ slogan. It seems much more patriotic than the rest. The Growth Party also seems to align with patriotic forces as to who robbed the country in the ’90s. However, it’s still not trusted, being considered the party of the oligarchs.

All in all, as we see, the pro-West neolibs in Russia are suffering a huge fiasco. Just two days to the election, and it’s pretty clear the most each of these parties can hope for is between 0.3% and 1%, if that.

The fatigue over the Old Guard 

On pic above! The old guard: Gannady Zyuganov (KPRF), Sergey Mironov (Fair Russia), Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR). 

We discussed Zyuganov and his conundrum in previous article Putin’s Only Worthy Rival? ‘Offshore Communist’ Grudinin & Russian Communist Party Crisis.

Another old guard member, Sergey Mironov and Fair Russia have also been losing votes. Mironov announced that he would not be running this time and that instead, his party throws its full support behind Putin.

The next old guard representative, Vladimir Zhirinovsky (pic above), has too much of an ego not to run, despite his ripe age (read more about him in the previous post about his brawl with Sobchak). Incidentally, his clashes with Sobchak continued in the latest debates, and he even made her cry.


As an aside, it has to be noted that Ksenia Sobchak’s outrageous claims and fake news outbursts make all other candidates interrupt and argue with her during debates, which causes her to accuse all others of collusion and of ‘opposing her, instead of Putin, in this election.’ The real truth is that her scandalous and confrontational nature is such that she does rub everyone, even her fellow neo-liberals from the Growth Party and Yabloko, the wrong way.


Just like Sobchak, Zhirinovsky is very confrontational and flamboyant. But unlike Sobchak, he is patriotic and nationalistic, with big-time pro-imperial Russia flavor. He has a lot of energy and he does possess a universally recognized gift of the gab. He is considered a sort of Russian Trump, to whom he is close in personality. He is also considered a ‘geopolitical prophet’ in Russia.

Zhirinovsky very much supported Trump during campaign, calling him ‘our man,’ and predicting his win. He also persistently predicted Trump completely turning around Russian-US relations. Right on No. 1, wrong on No. 2.

See my own original Trump predictions (right on No. 1 and No. 2)!


You read an excerpt from PART 9!



Watch FREE on YouTube! ESR11: All about 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS!

FREE Part 1 of Lada Ray’s newest ESR11, jam-packed with rare & important intel, on YouTube!

Part 1 of Earth Shift Report 11: THE IMPORTANCE of 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS is posted and can be watched free on YouTube. Part 1 length is 1 hour 17 minutes and it is accompanied with a large number of pics and diagrams to enrich your listening experience.

In Part 1 we begin with a discussion of the hottest global events of late, which one way or another are closely related to 2016 Russian Elections of September 18, as well as to the upcoming US Presidential Elections in November 2016.

If you want to know Lada Ray’s unique take on Russian Elections, Putin, United Russia, a conspiracy that was planned after elections and how it failed; if you want Lada’s views on latest global events listed below, please order the complete ESR11 HERE.

In FREE Part 1 we discuss the following:

Latest events in Syria, including the US coalition bombing of Syrian army positions and killing over 60 people, as well as Kerry/Lavrov Syria talks and UN clashes. Lada will give her prediction on whether there will ever be a direct military confrontation between US and Russia.

Lada Ray’s original take on what is going on among US elites (Kerry, State Dept, Pentagon, CIA, FBI), why there is so much flip-flopping and inconsistency and how all this is connected with the developing Earth Shift and the crash of the US Empire.

Ukraine (what can we do without it!). How Russian voters were prevented from voting in Ukraine and the ‘funny way’ in which it backfired. What is happening with gas and coal and how Ukraine will survive this winter. How long has Poroshenko got.

Contrast with Ukraine: how Russian Elections took place in Germany and New Zealand.

Breakaway Pridnestrovie (aka, PMR, Transnistria) announces its intent to join Russia. Can the Crimea precedent help and how PMR is different from Crimea or Donbass. How Russian Elections took place in Pridnestrovie. PMR president Evgeny Shevchuk and upcoming elections. The new oligarchic structure financed from abroad: Sheriff. Why Pridnestrovie citizens dream about being re-united with Russia: how Shevchuk is expected to win running on the platform of re-unification with Russia and cracking down on Sheriff.

(I am intimately familiar with Pridnestrovie. For all about Pridnestrovie, its history, people, culture and politics read ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT and watch my free video report on Lada Ray YT Channel: Pridnestrovie vs Moldova: Eurasian Union vs EU (LadaRayLive 2).)

Russian Elections overview: main numbers, parties, who won, who lost and what to expect in the future. Russian women being elected and appointed to top posts more than ever before (new Elections Chief Ella Pamfilova, Crimea’s Chief Prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya, etc.). The most transparent and technologically advanced elections ever. Why pro-West parties had a crushing loss, why United Russia won, and more.

Watch ESR11 P1 FREE on YouTube!

Please remember to like, comment and share!

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Follow Lada Ray Channel on YouTube!

PART 2 is all about Russian Elections 2016, including the overview of main 4 parties, plus 10 other small parties (altogether Russia has 77 registered parties), their platforms and how United Russia won back the constitutional majority. We’ll talk in detail how more and more women are elected, why pro-West ‘neo-liberal’ parties received almost zero votes. How the 4 main parties fared and why.

Elections percentages, constitutional majority and seat distribution. Kadyrov and Chechnya – why turnout of 84% was the highest there.

How these Duma Elections will influence 2018 Russian Presidential Elections. Why they are crucial for Russia’s turnaround and future development (anticipated firings among pro-West parts of Russian Govt; Constitution reform; nationalization of the Ruble).

Rolling back history: lessons of the 2011 Russian Duma Elections, the near coup on Bolotnaya Square and how Russian society got mobilized around Putin. Putin’s surprise win in 2012 (not so surprising: if you recall, back in 2011-12 I predicted the exact percentage with which he won). How anti-Putin Bolotnaya protest electrified pro-Putin patriotic movement in Russia: 300,000 Poklonnaya Gora rally (Starikov, Fedorov). Why there is presently a fight between patriotic parties and organizations.

How United Russia learned its lesson and what it did differently this time.

Will Russian Duma Elections influence US Presidential Elections and how?

Last but not least! The explosive ADDENDUM will talk about the recent arrest of the police colonel Zakharchenko (not to be confused with the Head of DNR Alexandr Zakharchenko) on charges of corruption. In his possession was found a stash of 8bln rubles and 1.5 tons (in weight) of US dollars. What is not being said and what this colossal cash stash was planned to be used for. What was being planned after September 18, Ukraine junta and USA’s role in that failed plan.


Full ESR11 description is available on report ordering page:

Order complete 

Earth Shift Report 11






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Announcing Upcoming ESR11: The Importance of 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS

Dear readers and fans!

If you recall, I have saved Earth Shift Reports 10 and 11 for the topics related to Russia. We are now returning to these topics. ESR10: THE CRIMEA FACTOR will be released a little later.

Today, I want to pre-announce the release of the new Earth Shift Report 11! This report will spell out everything to do with the Russian Duma and Regional Elections of September 18, 2016, also know as the Single Elections Day.

ESR11 will also address the hot and related global events, including: Syria (Kerry, Lavrov, US bombing of the Syrian Army and a rift within US elites); Ukraine (election attacks on Russian embassy and how Ukraine will survive the winter); Breakaway Pridnestrovie – PMR (intent to join Russia, Sheriff & attempt at PMR subversion, upcoming elections).

Among other things, you will be able to form your opinion as to how Russian elections are different from the elections in the US and other countries. You’ll learn my take on Russia’s various parties and election system.

You’ll find out the significance of United Russia’s win for the 2018 Russian Presidential Elections and Putin’s upcoming reforms, for the future of Russia as The Great Balancer and for Earth Shift.

We will discuss how Russian elections may influence US Presidential Elections 2016 and whether the result will help Trump.

This and much more in upcoming


The Importance of 2016








My recommendations: Top Russian Geopolitical Analysts

I have received multiple requests to share those Russian analysts and sources that I listen to and recommend in the area of geopolitics and economy. One of the readers who has asked this question is our commenter extraordinaire, Paul. His comment and my initial reply with more info can be found here.

My recommendations are based on several factors: 1. How well any given analyst sees the big picture, without succumbing to small and negative emotions, which would taint and distort said big picture. 2. How profoundly this person knows and understands the global geopolitical/economic issues and hidden processes that move the global, Eurasian and Russian society. 3. How interesting it is to listen to this person. 4. How balanced he is (yes, unfortunately, all today’s recommendations are males – will that change soon?). 5. How well can he forecast and/or predict the future. As a geopolitical analyst who is also profoundly psychic and clairvoyant and boasting of a number of accurate global predictions, for me this is an important criteria. You’ll be surprised how many analysts cannot predict the future or gauge it accurately, despite their analysis being basically on target.

Keep in mind, all those listed below have their specialty and angle of view (as I do), so my recommendation doesn’t mean I 100% agree, nor that I necessarily endorse, what they say. If there is an interest in my thoughts on any specific statements by anyone mentioned, we can certainly discuss that in an audio interview.

Wherever possible I also provide relevant links.

Top 2 analysts I recommend highly:

YT link: Nikolay Starikov. Bestselling geopolitical author, head of the new Russian Party Velikoe Otechestvo. Excellent geopolitical knowledge, very accessible and easy to understand for an average listener and pro alike, great story-teller, does a lot of talks, many in book stores. I have a link to Starikov’s site on my Resources page. Here is also a very good talk by Starikov in Bratislava, Slovakia: Democracy and the Roots of Terrorism. Russian patriot, his views are those of a Russia-centric statesman. In that we differ somewhat, as I view all the processes in the world from the point of view of what is best for the Earth and mankind in general. However, as Russia and mankind’s interests largely coincide, I highly recommend Starikov as another angle and good addition to much of what I say. I usually listen to his talks.

Prof. Sergei Glazyev, advisor to President Putin. He is excellent when it comes mainly to economic and geo-economic analysis – very lucid, deep understanding of the big picture, as well as specific issues and practical ways of solving them. Here is a post on FuturisTrendcast which refers to his article: Putin’s Advisor Sergei Glazyev on Eurofascism. Did Russia and China Lose Propaganda War to the US?

Also recommended:

YT link: Anatoly Vasserman. Very highly recommended as analyst, always keeps sight of the big picture. Unlike most others, manages to predict accurately, which shows a great deal of visionary clairvoyance – thus earning a high mark from me. Intellectual, considered one of the smartest people alive, with deep and clear knowledge and wisdom. Interesting to listen to. Jewish from Odessa (the city of my childhood), he is also a futurist with some very interesting ideas of the society of the future, based on advanced forms of socialism.

News of the Slavs with Evgeny Novikov at кРАмола инфо. From Minsk, Belarus. Succinct, 10 minute weekly YT program with analytical overview/opinion on major Russian/global issues. Novikov is a very good political commentator. I always listen.

Prof. Andrey Fursov. Very good analyst, a bit dry. Here is his latest video: Андрей Фурсов – Правда и ложь СМИ. (The MSM truth and lies).

Prof. Valentin Kasatonov. He’s geopolitical economist, mostly academic. Explains well in a detached way. Here’s his latest video analysis about the Russian economy, ruble slide, Western finanical system, FED.

YT link: Mikhail Zadornov. He is actually a comedian turned thinker/analytical comedian, if you will. I like him; he is, when appropriate, wise or funny, gloomy or – mostly – upbeat. In other words, he is balanced; good for those who are interested in distortions of Russian history and holistic (Rus: vedicheskiy – ‘Vedic’) way of life. He isn’t an analyst per se, but a good barometer of the Russian society in general on a balanced, yet critical side. I usually watch his weekly show Neformat to keep on top of that side of things.

The above recommendations complement what I usually talk about. In this regard, those who like my style and things I discuss relative to Russia, Eurasia, the West, forbidden history and liguistics, geopolitics and predictions may also find these helpful.

Some may also like:

Vladimir Zhirinovsky – Head of the Liberal Democratic Party, Deputy Speaker of the Duma. He is a talented speaker with a gift of the gab. Some feel he is too angry and flamboyant (he calmed down a lot lately). Zhirinovsky has a good long-term perspective and vision. Sharp, knowledgeable, sometimes makes decent predictions. Respected because of that. I like to listen to him as a barometer of what is happening in the right-wing part of the Russian society.

Sergei Zheleznyak (Deputy Speaker of the Duma, The United Russia Party). He only does debates (see below) and interviews. Has one of the better perspectives, logical, can talk. He expresses the centrist positon of the United Russia and he’s close to the official position of the Russian Federation. Because of that, he is a very good political barometer. He is originally from Kiev, and therefore, very knowledgeable about internal processes taking place in both Russia and Ukraine, as well as between the two. I find I agree with a lot of what he says in this regard.

Just to note, not a recommendation:

Evgeny Fedorov – Duma deputy, Head of NOD (the National Liberation Movement). To my taste, he is too angry and fear-mongering. But he does have the right perspective as to where Russia should be going, and what the West is up to. Leans toward conspiracy theories. He is sometimes interesting to listen to, makes some valid points. I caught him several times making wrong predictions – he always errs significantly on the negative side. See: Prediction: Is Kiev-Style Maidan Possible in St. Petersburg? Lots about him in that article. We discuss just that issue: his recent prediction that, as we now know, didn’t materialize, and mine that did.

Mikhail Delyagin – political economist. I caught him several times being wrong about what Russia will or won’t do, while my predictions were right on, so… He once in while make certain sense in his analysis – but not in his conclusions. Similar to Khazin. Like Khazin – Anti-Putin, unduly and extremely sarchastic and negative. Not my cup of tea.

I will add this name: Prof. Viktor Yefimov. He is more of a futurist and visionary than analyst. A bit convoluted and dry, but interesting. For those who want to go into the very deep and controvercial things.

I am also adding the top Russian geopolitical shows. There are more analysts and politicians that can be found there. 

YT link: Sunday Night with Vladimir Solovyov on Russia 1 Channel. The best such talk show. Solovyov is an excellent host and moderator. Usually invites prominent Russian analysts, politicians, writers and foreign reps with varying points of view. I make it a point to watch. I find out a lot of news and keep my hand on the pulse of Russia through it, although I could easily do without the loud arguments when they really get going.

Politica with Peotr Tolstoy. Similar format to above. Link to recent show with Glazyev and Zhirinovsky.

Spetsialny Correspondent (Special Correspondent) show on Russia 1, with Evgeny Popov. Link to the latest show about Novorossia, with Zhirinovsky, Zheleznyak, Kurginyan, Shargunov (not bad), Latvian analyst Einar Graudinsh (he’s right on!), and American journalist Michael Baum, who’s very good at finding excuses for US, NATO and OSCE in Ukraine.

The Polish time-bomb?

(Nothing personal, just facts and translation)

Starting at 10:40, the above Spetsialny Correspondent show includes a documentary about the recent riots resembling the Kiev maidan in Warsaw, Poland. The masked, well-trained and organized young people threw at police the cobblestones dug out in advance, as well as Molotov cocktails. The Russian journalist’s investigation shows the close connection between the two events. It also shows the close connection between the Ukrainian and Polish secret police. Both have exchanged information and Ukrainian police trained in Polish secret training facilities. At 13:00 it is revealed that there is a ‘profound friendship’ between western Ukraine nazis and central Polish authorities. Two months before Kiev maidan a number of ukro-nazis received training in Poland. Officially referred to as ‘Ukrainian students,’ they looked like bald forty-year-old body builders with tattooed swastikas. On pictures one can see people in masks – these are Polish instructors. They forgot to remove the sign, which reads: “Police Legionovo.” This is the location of the secret special police training facility.

Russian journalist tried to get an interview from the Polish author of these revelations in one of the local papers. The author of the article published on the first page, with lots of telling pictures (see video), said that the whole thing was a joke, nothing more. He looked uncomfortable, his front tooth chipped. Looks like someone got to him. At the same time, the prosecutor’s office of Warsaw initiated a criminal case against the unauthorized presence of the ukro-nazis in Poland. Left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing? Or was it done for show: ‘Polish authorities have nothing to do with ukro-nazis’? At 16:00 – interview with another revelation: the so-called ‘Union of Ukrainians in Poland’ receives huge support from the Polish government. It’s possible that the money goes to arm nazis in Ukraine.

It appears what I suspected all along is taking place in Poland: the radical, ultra-nationalistic minority that has usurped the country’s power structures, is doing everything to ignite a bigger conflict in Europe in order to take revenge on Russia (and Germany too) for old spites. Because of their shortsightedness, they are serving as the US Trojan Horse in the EU, trying to deepen a wedge between Russia and Europe. It is a mistake not to take what is happening in Poland seriously. For years, we have already made this mistake with Ukraine, thinking it couldn’t get any worse – and it did.

Both EU and Ukraine will do well to understand who is manipulating them and why. Any reasonable people still left in the US should also understand that it’s against their best interests to be in bed with the Poles. Poles will attempt to hide behind the US back when things go wrong – and they will; they’ll shift the blame onto the US for the catastrophe they are creating in Europe. This is a very dangerous game. The only result is that Poland will drag itself into the abyss, trying to take others with them.

Further in the same show at 21:30 Sergei Zheleznyak reads a quote: ‘Soviet Union has to be divided into separate tribes wherever possible. We must create for these tribes a separate national identity and idea that would be in direct opposition to the Russian idea. For Ukrainians we need to create their own alphabet and their own vocabulary as different as possible from Russian.’ One of the ideologues of German Nazism, Georg Schmidt-Rohr. This is exactly what is happening in today’s Ukraine, which means someone has activated the old Nazi playbook!

At 32:35 – documentary ‘Faces of Novorossia.’ At 34:33 they show burned packaging from an American military lunch left by the Ukrainian army in the completely destroyed Lugansk Airport. At 35:10 they show factories in ruins left after 23 years of Ukraine’s independence. Not from the artillery shelling, just from the country that gradually was falling apart. 35:55 – Kiev stopped paying pensions to Lugansk/Donetsk retirees, doctors and teachers haven’t been paid in 4 months.

They also show a 20-year-old man, young musician from Donetsk, who lost his leg while coming home from a music lesson when Ukraine army was bombing Donetsk. At the same time the American journalist Michael Baum remarks that what is happening in Ukraine is a game. You can imagine the reaction to such statement.

They later talk about the future Nuremberg-style tribunal for crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine and about the need for the international engagement for the de-militarization, de-nazification of the entire Ukraine.

All the above revelations confirm and reinforce what I have stressed in Earth Shift Report 2: Ukraine, Russia and Falsified History. I have talked about the extensive secret role of Poland in financing and instigating the Kiev maidan, and of Polish training facilities for color revolutionaries. I have also talked about the old German idea of tearing the Russians in Ukraine from the Russians in Russia in order to conquer Russia. As I said in the same report, aggression against Russia always ends badly for the aggressor, as the cancer they had created starts eating themselves from the inside, which is what we are seeing now with riots in Poland, Hungary, France, UK and other countries. Much more is revealed in: Ukraine, Russia and Falsified History!

P.S. There is additional discussion about Poland in the comment section.

Incidentally, many people mentioned above, such as Zhirinovsky, Zheleznyak, Zadornov, Solovyov, Fedorov have been blacklisted and sanctioned both in Ukraine and US/EU. They cannot travel to either.


All the above YouTube links are in Russian. The translation software is available online – please do a Google search. Also, YouTube usually has a button which asks if you would like to translate. Click on that and see if it would work for you. I understand some of my readers, including our commenter extraordinaire Paul, are successfully using the online translation software to translate when they want to keep personally on top of the events in that part of the world. Perhaps, if any readers have further questions about how to find or use translation software, they could ask Paul to reply in the comment section – we’ll gladly approve such comment thread.

Alternatively, using my info above, you can do a YT search to find videos with English translation.

Apologies for not being able to direct you better to any translation options. As I’m sure you can understand, I never had the need to look into that.

Hope all this information helps.

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2012 Predictions. Year of Elections: Russia, France – USA next!

Reblogged from source: LadaRayBlog

Okay, time to brag… ;)

So, the Russian and French Presidential Elections are over in the exact way I predicted.

I said back on 1/12/2012 (and reiterated on 3/3) that Vladimir Putin would win another term with low-to-mid 60% of votes because the majority of Russians want stability, which Putin represents, and due to the fact that he and the ruling United Russia party would make all the right moves in the run-up to the elections on March 4. I also said that the allegations of fraud and protests would continue, no matter what.

That’s exactly what happened. United Russia made all the right moves before the elections, allegations of irregularities (most of the time unproven or outright fabrication) and protests are ongoing… and Putin won with 63.6% of votes.

It should be mentioned that the analysts projected him to take the votes in the high fifties. 63.6%, higher than expected, seemed to have surprised and overwhelmed President elect himself and analysts alike.

Putin’s next presidency will be very different from his 2 previous terms in this turbulent decade and in this ever-changing world of ours. I hope to cover the future of Russia, Eurasia, the BRICS and its influence on the direction of the world in one of my subsequent posts.

French Presidential Elections (4/22-5/6/2012) just ended. In my posts of 1/12, 3/3 and 4/28/2012 I predicted that Nicolas Sarkozy would lose the election due to the crisis in the Eurozone, failure of his neocon policies and general dislike the French electorate feels towards him. I also said that in a bizarre twist, socialist Hollande would take part of the far right Marine Le Pen‘s votes, because that would be the only way Hollande could win.

I also said that there would be certain changes to the French domestic and foreign policy, as the country will stop playing the “French Poodle” to the U.S. and will slowly re-aqcuire its more independent stance.

Everything happened in the exact way I predicted. Marine Le Pen, courted by Sarkozy for votes, refused to endorse him. Hollande won narrowly, but convincingly, due to some of her votes. Changes in France’s internal and especially external policies are widely expected, although, as I said, don’t expect too much all at once. It will be gradual and slow and real changes will happen later. Hollande already stated that he wouldn’t be a problem for the fellow left-winger (arguably) Obama – at least in the election year. Heads will likely start rolling in 2013. ;)

Some of the changes in the French policies will affect Eurozone, the BRICS and USA very directly, and I hope to discuss all that in my future predictions, where I’ll also cover German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s chances of winning theGerman elections in 2013.

To refresh your memory of my previous posts, where I cover all this in more detail, please read them here:

1/12/2012:  YEAR 2012 PREDICTIONS

3/3/2012:   2012 Predictions Update: Russian Elections

4/28/2012: 2012 Predictions Update: French Elections and Eurozone

In conclusion:

So what can we expect from  the upcoming U.S. Presidential Elections on 11/6/2012? I predicted on 1/12/2012 that the Republicans would pick Mitt Romney and that Barack Obama would beat him NARROWLY in November. By narrowly I mean no more than 5%. Most likely 3% or less. For more about that, read my earlier predictions above. I am planning a couple of updates later this year, one is entitled, Ron Paul‘s Big Mistake” and another will be posted closer to November. In it, I’ll also discuss the USA and the world after the elections.

I am still hoping to release my BOOK OF PREDICTIONS – AFTER 2012 later in the year, time permitting. I will also try to cover some of my other predictions for this very stormy and unpredictable decade here, on my blog. But, since I have too many predictions, too little time, we’ll see how it goes.

Stay tuned! :)

As a reminder to my readers, I do not belong to any political party and consider myself a political atheist. My analysis is based on observation, logic, intuition and the Ancient Chinese System of Long Cycles (CSLC).

Copyright 2012 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.

Russia Votes: Crash Course in Russian Politics

Reblogged from source: LadaRayBlog

Russia will be voting for the country’s new president on Sunday, March 4, 2012.


Because of the Russian electoral rules, one cannot use poll numbers several days before the elections. Currently in effect: moratorium on promoting specific candidates to avoid influencing the voters.

As a reminder to my readers, I do not belong to any political party and consider myself a political atheist. My analysis is based on observation, logic, intuition and the Ancient Chinese System of Long Cycles (CSLC).

The Russian political scene is changing rapidly as a record number of citizens take part in protests and demonstrations, both for and against various candidates. Historically speaking, this level of activism is unusual for Russia. Well, apart from the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and the 1990-93 USSR dissolution period. Most other times in Russian history, the population wasn’t that active politically.

Russian protests differ substantially from the Arab Spring, US Occupy movement, Greek, Spanish, British and other European protests, because they are NOT economically driven. Russians have not experienced a cut in pay or unemployment. In fact, salaries and standard of living have been steadily and substantially rising for the past decade. This activism is driven by a desire to see more change, better and faster reforms, as well as ‘the Putin fatigue.’ As one commentator put it, “It’s media fatigue: people are tired of seeing Putin’s face all over the news.”

I do want to point out that my analysis, based on CSLC, indicates that social and political activism around the world will keep intensifying during this decade. This is true not only for Russia, but for the vast majority of countries, including most of Europe, USA, the Middle East and Asia, as well as – perhaps, to a lesser degree – Latin America, Africa and Australia.

Due to allegations of fraud and ballot stuffing during 2011 Duma (Russian Parliament) elections, over 30,000 Russians have signed up to be anti-fraud monitors during Presidential elections on March 4, 2012.

This year, 5 candidates are eligible to run for the Russian presidency. The remaining contenders were unable to collect the number of signatures required to run.

The winning candidate must receive over 50% of the popular vote or face second round run-off against 2nd place candidate.


Vladimir Putin (Center: Ruling United Russia Party).

Russian President, 2000-2008. Current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Still, by far the most popular politician in Russia. United Russia had suffered a substantial “defeat” during 2011 Duma elections. Well, if you consider a defeat getting 49.5% of the votes. But it was a step down from their usual 60-70% approval rate. Besides, they needed 50% in order to maintain a constitutional majority in the Duma. In that sense, the result was quite disappointing.

Putin may have lost some of his support among the more affluent population of Moscow, who ironically benefited most from his and United Russia policies in the past 12 years. But he gained support in the Russian regions. He’s widely projected to win, even by his opponents and detractors. Putin is very feared by the U.S. and some other Western governments, yet supported by most world governments, as well as the international investment community. International investors, as well as the Russian majority, seek stability. And they know, Putin is the only one who can deliver that.

For Putin, it is not as much the issue of winning. It is more how he wins. He needs clean, beyond reproach elections; and a win in the first round to avoid compromising his substantial clout in Russia and abroad.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Right/Nationalist: Liberal Democrats).

Speaker of the lower house of the Duma. An old timer in the Russian politics who’s been around since Yeltsin; may have lost some of his original base, but is still popular amongst the young males, especially in the Russian regions. Famous for his loud and often scandalous speeches and behavior, Zhirinovsky enjoys a staunch support base because he often says what others don’t dare due to political correctness.

Gennady Zyuganov (Far left: Communist Party).

The Communists have enjoyed a substantial increase in support in the past year. Nostalgia for the good, old Soviet Union days and low pensions for retirees have aided in Zyuganov’s popularity. Communist party is a very hands-on grassroots organization, members of which go door to door and help each other, as well as the needy, according to the old Soviet tradition. Which also explains the rise in popularity.

Party’s weakness: the Communists have never been good at accounting. To this day, it’s unclear where the money for all the social reforms they are proposing (essentially, the rollback to the Soviet Union) will come from.

Sergey Mironov (Center Left: Fair Russia Party, aka, A Just Russia Party).

Chairman of the Russian Federation Council 2001 – 2011, the Upper House of the Duma. Fair Russia Party has appeal among those voters who are not quite communists, but who would like more social security and government controls. Also, among those who are not quite center.

Mironov has repeatedly proposed an amendment to the Russian constitution that would allow the President to be elected for 3 consecutive 5 or 7 year terms. In 2007, Boris Gryzlov, leader of the rival United Russia party, said that changing the constitution would be unacceptable. Mironov is considered to be more socialism oriented, as he wants to set up special agricultural exchanges for state purchases of agricultural goods and introduce government intervention in regulating prices of basic food stuffs.

Mikhail Prokhorov (Independent).

Russian oligarch, billionaire, Forbes 400, owner of the NY Mets. The only candidate not backed by a party. He commands quite a presence and towers over everyone in the room at close to 7′ of height. Prokhorov has a pro-business platform and enjoys some support among the rich, the business people and the affluent. Most likely, a negligible factor in these elections.

Based on the current dynamic situation, I will be upgrading my Year 2012 Predictions for the Russian elections. Read an update tomorrow – right here, on Lada Ray Blog.

Read the original Lada Ray Year 2012 Predicions!

Watch interesting debate – CrossTalk: Russia Votes

Copyright 2012, Lada Ray

Prediction: Vladimir Putin and Russian Presidential Elections 2012

Reblogged from source: LadaRayBlog

On 1/11/12, I predicted that Vladimir Putin and United Russia would win Russian Presidential Elections. This is a follow up base don the dynamic situation surrounding these elections. As a reminder to my readers, I do not belong to any political party and consider myself a political atheist. My analysis is based on observation, logic, intuition and the Ancient Chinese System of Long Cycles (CSLC).

Here is the original prediction as it pertains to Russia:

RUSSIA, Presidential Elections, March 4, 2012Vladimir Putin will win easily enough, although, due to the crowded field and according to the Russian electoral rules, he may only get clear majority in the second round. Protests on part of the Communists and assorted opposition will continue, and electoral fraud will be alleged again, whether it took place or not.

However, between now and March, Putin and the ruling United Russia Party will make all the right moves, and Putin will end up securing anywhere between 55 – 68% of the votes. 55% may be way too low. Low to mid 60s is probably the right percentage.

While Russians could afford to play around with the results of the Duma elections in 2011, they’ll treat Presidential Elections much more seriously. Putin means stability, and everyone will remember that. Russian social, economic, political, financial, police and army reforms will continue in a controlled fashion during Putin’s Presidency. I will try to discuss Russia’s future in detail in my BOOK OF PREDICTIONS.

There is one more, esoteric, reason for Putin’s win: He is a DRAGON, according to his Chinese Zodiac sign. 2012 will be much better for Putin, than 2011, as the power of the Dragon is fully behind him this year! ;)

Read the entire original Year 2012 Predictions

Due to the dynamic situation surrounding the Russian elections, as well as elections in other countries, I decided to post an update. Also, I’ve added CIA/U.S. State Department code names, to illustrate the point and… well, because you’ve got to admit, they are kinda funny. ;)

Russian Elections, March 4, 2012 – Vladimir Putin.

CIA code name: Alpha Dog. U.S. State Department code name for Putin/Medvedev tandem: Batman and Robin. But they might’ve changed that since Wikileaks leaked it. ;)

As predicted, Putin and United Russia made all the right moves in the run up to the elections. Putin published a series of articles outlining his vision for Russia’s future; new finance and economic reforms have been announced; more social benefits have been promised; he held his very popular annual televised live Q&A, which lasted a record 5 and a half hours; the rules for protests have been loosened up to accommodate the larger than usual number of people on the streets. Essentially, all protests have been automatically sanctioned – a big departure from old rules – as long as they were peaceful.

As a result, I am upgrading my prediction: Putin will win in the first round. There will be NO run-off. He will get anywhere between low 60% to mid 60% of the popular vote. Could be as high as 67-68%.

Also, read my new post: Russia Votes: Crash Course in Russian Politics

French elections, April 22 – May 6, 2012 – Nicolas Sarkozy.

U.S. State Department code name: Emperor Without Clothes.

At this time, no change in my prediction. He’ll still lose the election – more emphatically so!

U.S. Elections, November 6, 2012 – Barack Obama.

I guess we’ll never know Obama’s CIA/State Department code names, will we? But I can tell you that Russians call him: the Black Gorbachev ;)

No change in my prediction – Obama will narrowly win 2012 elections.

Copyright 2012, Lada Ray