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Feeding off Prana, Existing in Third Dimension and Human Evolution


In response to Lada Ray article, Truth about meat and dairy farms. Are organic dairy products ‘humane’? Lada’s tips on going vegan,

Noeline says 

I first became aware of the plight of animals when the train I travelled to school passed an abattoirs when I was a teenager. The humans controlling the animals prodded them with electric stickers which must have caused much pain. Everything is energy whether animal or vegetable in the holographic view of reality. I have seen plants reacting to violence too. Perhaps we should evolve and live on prana… would save a lot of hassle and allow us time to focus on many other things.


Noeline, your sensitivity to energy is admirable. I do understand how you feel. The physical existence for which we, as humans, chose to incarnate can often get both hard and tiring for those who see more than others.

Charging up our batteries directly through the universal energy would be ideal, and there are those among humans who dream of it. This is understandable longing for something purer and better. However, it is also naive.

In order to stop eating the way humans do as a rule, humanity should be at a completely different level of development. Beings in other, higher dimensions do exist this way. In the fully incarnated physical form we cannot.

Yes, it is true that humanity is slowly progressing towards a higher consciousness. As it does, a deeper understanding of how to eat better, healthier and so not to cause harm to others, emerges.

But it’s also true that in this Third Dimension (3D) experience we unavoidably become a part of the physical life-death-rebirth cycle.

This is not to denigrate 3D in any shape or form. 3D on Planet Earth is a grand experiment in the expansion of consciousness and full physical incarnation, which is highly valued in the Universe as a whole. Why is that? This is a separate discussion, which I want to have some other time.

The truth is that even at this level of human consciousness, we all also live of the energy of water we drink. We absorb (feed on) the sun energy, the moon energy, and the energy of rivers, seas, forests, wind, etc. In addition to liquid and solid foods, this is part of our charging and nutrition. It is a complete cosmic ecological system designed to sustain life in the Earthly realm of 3D.

But it’s also naive to think anything is free. In order to get anything, one way or another you have to contribute back (pay back) something valuable through your service and your very existence. The higher-dimensional beings, who charge (feed) through a direct energy exchange, do not get this ‘free’ energy for free either. They pay back through their participation in the creation, maintenance, cleaning, fixing, expansion, contraction, etc., of the Universe. Some higher-dimensional beings choose to incarnate on Earth to contribute through teaching, wayshowing, leading, and support of others.

Generally, no other being in the Universe questions the fact that they have to give back. Strangely (there is a reason for that), only humans question why and whether they must share and contribute. And only humans dream of getting something for nothing.

Therefore, the issue I have raised in: Truth about meat and dairy farms. Are organic dairy products ‘humane’? Lada’s tips on going vegan, is not meant to call on humans to starve to death, or to become something that for the majority of us, who lead active and productive lives among other humans, isn’t feasible, or even logical.

Sure, there are 5 or 6 yogi in the Himalayas who are able to sustain themselves on sun and air, while meditating. For the rest of the 7 billion on the planet this isn’t an option because our activity goes beyond meditation.

The issue I have raised is only in part about our personal physical health, well-being, as well as emotional and ethical balance.

Even more so, it is a spiritual issue. It is the issue of practical human evolution.

A physician would give an oath to ‘first do no harm.’ For some incomprehensible reason humans assume that they own everything on Planet Earth, including animals, plants, natural resources, air and sun. They assume that they can do as they please with all the resources on our planet. This includes killing or causing pain to other humans and to innocent animals.

Great spiritual teachers always talked about treading softly on our planet, causing as little disruption through our existence as possible. I call it leaving a light footprint. I have always tried to live my life this way. This includes ‘first doing no harm’ to anyone or anything.

Unfortunately, most humans do just the opposite. Being as loud and as disruptive as possible seems to be the goal of many. It’s especially visible in the US: loud snow blowers, loud leaf blowers, gas guzzlers, unnecessary machines of all kinds. Loud noises they call ‘music,’ loud (illegal) 4th of July fireworks…Whatever happened to the good old physical exercise and working with your hands? Whatever happened to respecting other human beings around you?

It’s not just the US: many Asian countries try to outdo the US in every way possible. At the core of the problem is human fear, greed and pride – a desire to keep up with the proverbial Joneses.

What I am proposing is teaching ourselves how to live our daily lives leaving a light footprint. Living the kind of life that is good for our souls. It’s the opposite to what the majority is doing: living a life that may temporarily feel good physically and emotionally, but that camouflages an enormous void inside.

Part of the evolution of a human soul should be living consciously, taking only what you need and no more, and trying not to cause harm to anyone, including innocent animals who cannot protect themselves.

P.S. Anticipating a possible question… Incidentally, humans also feed of the energy of each other. This process occurs a lot more frequently than many think. This can be productive and empowering to each party involved, or at least neutral to the source. But it can also be predatory, or vampirical, when one wants to take, but give nothing back. This is yet another separate and very interesting discussion, for another time.

There is another process, when adverse human energy has to be cleansed, collected and/or absorbed by someone so the world can continue spinning. Empaths and Incarnated Angels are often tasked with taking on humans’ adverse energy. Not an easy feat and also a subject of a separate discussion. Stay tuned!

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