How easy is it to read Merkel? Flip-flop on terrorists smuggled into Europe amid refugee flow

German Chancellor Angela Merkel flip-flops to finally admit: terrorists are smuggled into Europe amid refugee flow.

I had warned about it since 2014-15, and so did others who understood the situation properly. But Merkel stubbornly refused to acknowledge the well-known fact: uncontrolled flow of migrants and refugees to Europe encourages the infiltration and growth of terrorist sleeper cells. She has begun singing a different tune now.

Below is an RT report, summarizing well Merkel’s attitude and its consequences. I disagree with one point: Peter Oliver’s conclusion that Merkel is always hard to read and no one knows what she’ll do next.


On the contrary, Merkel is very easy to read. She was toeing the neoliberal/neocon globalist agenda for as long as she could, which included the unabated flow of migrants into Europe. She did that until German people started seriously rebelling and her rating dropped precipitously. Presently in Germany there are revolts and rallies demanding her impeachment, which was unthinkable a year ago.

This is why Merkel has to flip-flop to appease her electorate and to try to forestall a mutiny in her country and her political class, which is already brewing. She is hanging by a thread and all she can do is to try and calm down the Germans in order to buy time, while attempting to maneuver out of the worst case scenario for her departure. For that she has enough smarts and cunning. Can she fool her people long enough to allow herself a more or less dignified departure? She is so slippery, and Germans have become so subdued that it’s possible. In fact her policies, especially as it concerns the Middle East and Turkey have been utter disaster. Before that, she supported the Kiev Maidan and regime change. When it became clear that ukro-nazis and civil war in Donbass were an embarrassment to the EU, generating mutiny in her own party and on the street, only then she began to take steps to support the peace process and reigning in on Poroshenko. These are just two examples of her latest fiascos.

‘No one knows what she might do next’? That’s because she has no backbone and no convictions of her own. As they say, she just sways in whatever direction the wind blows, or wherever necessary for her own survival and benefit.

I predicted this since 2014. Recall how many times I said that Merkel was the convenient and familiar ‘Frau next door,’ suitable for Germany during quiet and fat times. She is, however, completely unsuitable for Germany or EU amid today’s challenges and turmoil. She is also completely unsuitable as one of the world leaders and the leader of the EU. Let’s just say: she is not the EARTH SHIFT material and should be out.

This is my solid recommendation for Germany: just about anyone would be better than Merkel.

Can she be unseated and is it possible for Germans to elect someone who will steer the country well? That is a big question and I foresee a problem there.

Let’s face it, Merkel isn’t alone. None of the ‘leaders’ presently in power in the EU and the West in general are good enough, or suitable enough. This is why a major change of the guard and a change of power is necessary; it is coming to all Western countries soon. 

Incidentally, I discuss what Merkel really is in: 

Special Predictions Video ESR 12
(BREXIT, TTIP/TPP & EU Revolts) 

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Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on July 12, 2016, in Geopolitical Trends, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. One question who is or are these puppets controller. This mess dates back to at least the crusades that military disaster that led to the Turks into Europe and the German Elites were in bed with the Islamic terrorist since the late nineteenth century. Then that funny stuff the Crimean War the idiocy never ends.


  2. I’m astonished about her latest move, too. But this news was totally blacked out in German mainstream media according to Google News. So nobody besides a handful happy few was acquainted with her clumsy backflip. Oh, what a coincidence. Corrupt media dancing with corrupt politicians as always. Nobody of the few arrested perps of the New Year’s Eve sex mobbing in German cities were convicted – due to lack of evidence … Happy migrants were leaving the court grinning all over their face like three year old rascals. Corrupt or intimitated or brainwashed judges are adjudicating. The majority of the Europeans are feeling now a great uncertainty towards their authorities and are foaming with rage against their politicians. George Soros couldn’t be more satisfied.

    Shortly after that Merkel flip-flopped. The immigrants’ sex mobbing and raping is also blacked out in German media. Regarding to a new fact book dealing with the so called “refugee” crisis there was a secret backdoor deal of German politicians in 2014. Police and media are to be instructed not to tell anything about the nationality of foreign criminals. Only the local region is allowed to be told in reports.

    Undereducated Muslims are treating European women literally as meat. Their disdain and their wrecking of the social welfare states is the main purpose of the Soros sponsored mass invasion from Arab countries. This is war, a very insidious one, and it goes very deep and intense into the subconsciousness of the Europeans. Rape and race is a very explosive mixture. So the cabal is fomenting and lusting for civil war in Europe. How long will this going on?

    Liked by 2 people

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